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Chapter 12

Chapter 12: How Dare the Commoners Covet the Imperial Mausoleum

Zhu Yuanzhang finished his noodles, feeling extremely refreshed. Eating a bowl of cold noodles in the middle of summer greatly improved his mood. Drinking the cold beverage offered by the owner, all his previous anger dissipated. Everyone is just trying to survive; everyone is living their lives with effort.

After paying, the three of them left the noodle stall. Zhu Yuanzhang said to Empress Ma: “Let’s go to the imperial mausoleum. I want to pay respects to my father and mother!” Empress Ma nodded vigorously. This visit to Fengyang was partly for Li Fan and partly to pay respects at the mausoleum.

“Let’s take a carriage there; it’s not far anyway!” At this moment, Zhu Shoucheng was trembling, struggling to keep up with the emperor’s pace. Following the emperor during this period had taken a toll on him. If he stayed with the emperor any longer, he feared his life would soon end!

Just as he was about to tell the emperor he needed to rest at home, he heard the emperor planning to visit the mausoleum. He shuddered, cold sweat streaming down his back. Hastily wiping the sweat from his forehead, he thought that the emperor might already hold a grudge against him because of the palace incident. If the emperor discovered the secret of the mausoleum, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Swallowing hard, he quickly said: “Your Majesty, this commoner is guilty!”

Zhu Yuanzhang had already noticed Zhu Shoucheng’s behavior. From the moment he heard the word ‘mausoleum’, Zhu Shoucheng started trembling and sweating, an obviously abnormal reaction. Now that he was confessing guilt, there must be some unspeakable secret.

Gently helping Zhu Shoucheng up, Zhu Yuanzhang asked with a cold smile: “Uncle, what do you mean?” Seeing Zhu Yuanzhang’s expression, Zhu Shoucheng shivered uncontrollably. Serving the emperor was like serving a tiger! He now deeply understood what that meant and could only hope the emperor would show some mercy and give him a dignified death.

Trembling, Zhu Shoucheng said: “Your Majesty, this commoner planned to buy several family graves in the mausoleum, so we could be buried there after death!” He collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down his face. Zhu Yuanzhang stood there, stunned, his anger rising rapidly.

The imperial mausoleum was different from the palace. Fengyang would no longer serve as the capital, and building the palace was just a dream. They couldn’t afford to build more, and it was better to sell it for enough money and provisions. But the mausoleum was different. It was meant for his grandparents, parents, and elder brother and sister-in-law to be buried in. Every season, a prince would come to pay respects. He had even planned to be buried there after his death.

But who would have thought that Zhu Shoucheng, just a neighbor, wanted to be buried in the imperial mausoleum as well?

I still needed him, so I called him ‘uncle’, as if he were someone important. Now even the likes of him dare to enter the imperial mausoleum. Zhu Yuanzhang kicked him and shouted loudly, “You wretch, you think you deserve to enter the imperial mausoleum!”

Zhu Shoucheng cried out in pain and fell to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. The emperor was indeed angry, and this time his anger was more intense than before. He wondered if he could survive this.

Seeing Zhu Shoucheng crying, Zhu Yuanzhang’s anger flared up even more. He prepared to kick him a few more times. Empress Ma quickly held back the furious Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Shoucheng was over sixty and couldn’t withstand Zhu Yuanzhang’s kicks. The first kick alone might have broken several ribs. If he were kicked a few more times, he wouldn’t live much longer. She hurriedly tried to calm him down, “Chongba, listen to what he has to say. I feel there’s something more to this!”

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted coldly. What more could there be? Zhu Shoucheng already said he bought several family graves. Given that it happened in Fengyang, it must be Li Fan. There was nothing this man wouldn’t dare to do.

He said with dissatisfaction, “It must be Li Fan’s doing. This guy is really outrageous. First, he sold the palace. I could overlook that since it wasn’t built, and I didn’t plan to live there. But the mausoleum is different; it’s where my parents are buried, and where I will be buried after my death. How can others be allowed in? No amount of money is worth it. The mausoleum is extremely important to the dynasty. The Fengyang mausoleum was personally chosen by Liu Bowen. How can others be allowed to meddle with it!”

Zhu Yuanzhang became almost hysterical as he spoke. No one could understand his feelings. After his father Zhu Wusi died, he was wrapped in a tattered straw mat. Zhu Yuanzhang begged the local landlord for a piece of land to bury his father, but was turned away, fearing it would contaminate the land. If not for the kind-hearted Mr. Liu, his father would have been thrown into a mass grave and eaten by wild dogs. From that moment, he swore to find a good burial place for his father. Now that he was the emperor, he naturally had to find the best spot for his father’s grave. But now, Li Fan dared to sell the mausoleum land, an unforgivable insult!

He continued to Empress Ma, “Today he dares to sell the palace and the mausoleum. Tomorrow, he might rebel! If we don’t nip this in the bud, it will lead to endless troubles. With his courage and wit, the court is no match for him. Besides, Li Fan has a good relationship with Tiande, which worries me.”

Empress Ma, seeing Zhu Yuanzhang’s worried expression, quickly reassured him, “Tiande has been close to you since childhood. We’ve been through thick and thin together. He is the most trustworthy person!”

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head gravely. “People’s hearts are unpredictable. Who can guarantee that Xu Da won’t rebel? An emperor should always be suspicious and not easily trust anyone. Let’s go to the mausoleum and see the situation before making a decision.”

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