Switch Mode

Chapter 12

As I recalled the memories and sensations of the previous day, I felt my mind, which had been sharpened through training, darkening once more.


Desire dominated my body, and I yearned to feel that sensation again.

However, unfortunately,

“It is said to be ‘Ambrosia.’ A legendary elixir that heals all curses and diseases that existed in ancient times. The recipe has recently been restored, and the royal family has manufactured it directly. The ingredients used for its creation are ones that can scarcely be acquired unless you’re of royal blood. Only the royal pharmacist can produce the finished product, and the biggest investor and director of this restoration project is none other than you. And if you follow my words well, when the finished product of Ambrosia is made, it shall be given to you first. A gift from sister to brother. You may not decline, ho ho.”

The witch wouldn’t easily hand over the potion.

‘That wicked lady, truly a vicious one.’

Ambrosia. It was the name of the liquid I had consumed the day before, a mere incomplete product with only 1% of the efficacy of the finished version.

Yet even that 1% effectiveness allowed me to witness a “miracle.”

A miracle where a permanent disability I had long since given up on was restored…!


It was only natural that such a rekindling of hope would stir up worries within me.

Lee Han had to spend a moment, closing his eyes in meditation to calm his heart.

If I didn’t quell the boiling rage of my past, it felt like I might explode at any moment.

‘Damn those bastards…!’


Suppressing that fury wasn’t an easy task.

* * *

During the time I was raised as an assassin, I ingested various poisons.

This was to build up my poison tolerance, and back then, I was merely a fifteen-year-old kid without any memories of my past life, diligently listening to the words of adults.

One day, while consuming various poisons, an unfortunate incident occurred when one person mistakenly ingested the wrong one.

“[What’s wrong with that guy!?]
[That poison must be one of those used in making potency enhancers, I reckon?]
[That lunatic.]”

One trainee attempted to assault a female officer and ended up dead.

After that, the assassins realized that the trainees’ “sexual desire” could pose a problem.

Sleepiness, hunger, and sexual desire.

These so-called three basic desires had always been significant challenges within the organization, just as in my former life.

If the organization had been like any ordinary guild or union, they might have flexibly handled such issues.

However, the organization I belonged to was an assassination group, and it was considered natural to strictly repress desires.


“[Let’s castrate them all.]
[Shall we cut?]
[No, cutting might cause death. Use curse poison.]”

Curse poison.

A mystical poison born from spells that doesn’t cause great harm to the body but could leave permanent disabilities.

It was precious and rarely used, and if quickly shown to a priest, it wouldn’t have much effect, leading to its undervaluation. Yet the assassination group had this precious curse poison and maintained strict control to prevent the members from moving freely.

As for what followed, one could likely guess.

I consumed that curse poison, endured days of suffering, and most of the trainees known as Numbers had their sexual desires ‘removed.’

No, the desire itself still existed, but it was almost impossible to make use of.

…Because it simply wouldn’t rise.

Yet back then, there weren’t any who deemed this a problem.


They were kids who hadn’t received any sort of education at all. Furthermore, they had no awareness that this needed to be treated.

So naturally, it remained as a permanent disability.

Lee Han was no exception.

Who would have thought that years later, the organization would crumble and by mere coincidence, he would recover the memories of his past life?

And the moment he regained those memories and learned about his disabled body…!


Just recalling that time still stirred up a surge of anger within him.

Thirty years in the previous life, thirty years in the current one.

That made him a full-fledged, lone bachelor for a total of sixty years.

However, as time passed and he devoted himself to getting stronger, he became less concerned about this disability.

Sometimes, when members boasted about their lovers or wives, he’d feel a slight pang in his chest, but he’d take it out on them—no, he would refresh his mood through proper sparring instead.

But now, Lee Han had come to a realization.

He hadn’t overcome the arduous pain; he had merely given up.

And now, the opportunity he had wished for was making his heart race.


“If I’d known, it would have been easier to keep my mind at peace; what’s the purpose of this newfound knowledge?”

One of the things he just couldn’t understand was how she knew his shameful secret.

Where did this information leak from?

He had never breathed a word to anyone!

“Seriously, what a terrifying lady.”



“…Could you stop falling over? Just stay still.”

“Hehe, I can’t do that! The princess sent me here to assist the knight! I’ll work hard!”

“…You really don’t need to.”

“Just leave it to me!”


Another question arose.

…What could possibly be the intention of sending that brainy pretty girl my way?

‘…Could it be that she’s tasked with spying on me?’


“Oh no, I’m sorry! The dish…!”


…That doesn’t seem likely.

Lee Han slowly stood up.

He still had many questions, but if he kept pondering,

‘That woman is going to ruin my entire life.’

In order to protect his humble abode, Lee Han dashed forward.

* * *

The White Lion Palace.

This is a palace where only the king’s heirs among the Pandragon royal family can reside.

It was merely a stopover before entering the king’s palace at the White Dragon Palace.

And at that time, the current owner of the White Lion Palace, Isis Irene de Pandragon, was directly taking care of her child.


“You’ve got strong fingers. It’s good to see you’re healthier than your undead of a father.”


Although she spoke words that couldn’t be uttered in front of a child, thankfully, the baby didn’t understand her words.

It was fortunate that he was only five months old.

However, Isis wasn’t the only one around.

“Hoohoo, Your Highness, why would you speak ill of the father in front of the child? Albert is greatly concerned that the prince might pick up your bad habits.”

“Shut up, old man. Don’t interfere with how I educate my child.”

“Hoohoo, would you call that education?”

“Of course, because when a great woman does it, it’s the best kind of education.”

“…Well, at least you’ve got confidence.”


Only a butler with an aura-user title could return such cheeky remarks.
It could be seen as a special treatment that he was allowed to call her a princess instead of Your Highness.

Is that why Albert was allowed to ask personal questions?

“By the way, Your Highness, how did you come to know that Lee Han requires Ambrosia?”

Albert was genuinely curious.

Lee Han, the young man, had never once shown his weaknesses or shortcomings to anyone around him.

Even the royal intelligence agency knew who he was born to, how he was sold as a slave, and what organization he ended up in, but they had no idea about his ailment.

Only the princess was privy to that information.

“Hmph, what’s your intention in asking such questions? Did you perhaps share a bed with your foster sister?”

“Y-Your Highness…”

That was an incredibly embarrassing topic.

Albert shot her a look as if to say, “How could you even say that?” while Isis simply sipped her tea, displaying the poise of a noblewoman.

Then she slowly added,

“As for your foster brother, he has never had a crush on me…”


“Not even once has he felt excitement towards me. A beauty like this.”


Albert thought he must be mishearing things.

Given that his acute hearing as an aura user shouldn’t fail him, he began to suspect his senses were deteriorating.

It was an utterly vulgar statement that he couldn’t believe had just come out of her lovely mouth.

Yet she was completely unfazed.

“My beauty is the best in the kingdom. It won’t change even as I grow older. No man has ever failed to fall for me, acting like a raving beast. But your foster brother has never done that, not even once. Seeing his lack of reaction at such a young age, I thought of two possibilities.”

Either he had a preference for the same sex, or he had lost his masculine functions.

“However, your foster brother doesn’t like men. So naturally, I concluded that there is a problem with his functions.”

“Y-You deduced all of that just from that?”

“Of course! It’s because my beauty is unmatched.”

“……You have an impressive level of self-love.”

“That’s simply a fact!”


Albert was astounded.

No, so she figured out a secret that even the kingdom’s intelligence agency couldn’t uncover for such reasons?

He began to feel sympathy for Lee Han.

How on earth did that young man get caught up with such a woman?

‘…Well, at least he’ll gain the medicine, I suppose that will be beneficial for him.’

Mutual support.

If they could both get what they desired, then it would be advantageous for all.


Albert chuckled lightly and nodded along with her absurd statement.

“But why did you send Leira to Lee Han?”

“Ah, the maid, you mean?”

Out of the blue, she had just assigned a maid to Lee Han instead of at the palace.

What was her intention in sending her his way?

Perhaps she was attempting to abandon Leira…?

“To motivate him.”

“……Excuse me?”

“He’s still hesitating to grant my ‘request.’ However, living with a young woman will surely stir something in him, and he will come to realize that accepting my request is beneficial.”


“He may be a bit dull, but she’s not a bad-looking girl. Huhuh. She will surely provide him with some mental anguish.”

“You’re truly cruel, aren’t you?”

Thinking back, he felt a pang of sympathy for Lee Han.

How did he get caught up with such a woman…?

The old butler shook his head at the meticulousness and wickedness of his lord.

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not work with dark mode