Switch Mode

Chapter 117

Chapter: 117

Naklad was walking in the aura of Armadi, feeling blissful.

If trials exist in the world, what awaits on the other side is surely a reward.

As I work under the guidance of Taliki, what I’ve longed for naturally comes into my hands.

Oh, Apostle of Armadi. You little brat who messed up my plans and prevented Taliki’s will from unfolding.

Were you there?

Naklad found the figure of the brat, crossing her arms with an annoying expression, hidden in the darkness.

What are you waiting for there?

Are you perhaps curious about the rumors that the other kids made?

If so, I’ll make your wish come true.

I’ll answer what you desire, but you’ll have to show me your cries in return.

Crawl on the ground and scream your tears.

Give me that beautiful voice that cannot be covered by even the darkest night.

As Naklad pondered how to torment Armadi’s Apostle, he saw her turn her face.

Even on a moonlit night, her strong gaze caught Naklad’s face and formed a crescent smile.

What is it?

Why are you smiling?

If you were looking at me, you should have noticed your crisis!


Are you out of your mind?

Have you resigned yourself to the threat of death looming before you?


That girl looked far too confident to be considered a show-off.

This means…

Just when a thought was creeping up his spine, Armadi’s Apostle moved her lips.

Having learned the poison craft, Naklad understood immediately what those lips held.

‘Destroy him.’

At the same time, a presence that had been hidden until just now began to stir behind him.

Barely avoiding the sneak attack by rolling on the filthy ground, Naklad gathered his magic and glanced at the one who had appeared behind him.

Damn it.

A knight.

A knight of considerable skill.

Just from the motion of wielding a sword, he could sense it.

That guy is not an opponent I can handle right now.

The prey didn’t come to me by itself.

Armadi’s Apostle had used herself as bait to draw me out.

I am just a foolish fish lured by the word ‘revenge’.

Realizing that he had been outsmarted, Naklad exhaled harshly, but he had no idea what to do next.

There was no way to handle the Apostle of Armadi while facing a knight.

For now, I will flee.

After all, that guy is a knight.

If I try to hide in the darkness and escape, there’s no effective way for him to catch up.

Consider this a cornerstone and keep it deeply in my heart.

While pondering an escape plan, Naklad instinctively created a barrier of darkness.

However, an arrow that flew in from afar pierced through the barrier with magic and struck Naklad’s ankle.

As the arrow lodged itself deep, he grimaced.

“Lady Alrn. Is this arrow expensive?”

“Information broker. Are you in a position to say that?”

“I just want you to acknowledge the amount I invested.”

Tch. It wasn’t just one arrow.

I was wondering how that assertive-looking knight had disappeared, but it turns out he was with a thief.

Frowning, Naklad melded his ankle into the darkness.

As a result, the arrow that had struck him fell to the ground as it passed through the shadow.

“Oh, you’re using some interesting technique.”

As Naklad stepped back onto the ground, he straightened his lips at the sight of the thief drawing back his bow.

If it had just been that one guy, it wouldn’t have been difficult to deal with, but the problem was that the knight was also with him.

What a pain.

Naklad thought so as he sprinkled magic around himself.

As the Apostle of the God of Darkness commanded the shadows, one by one, his minions emerged from beneath the darkness.

The fact that it was night was somewhat fortunate.

I have many cards to play.

They surely won’t be accustomed to the divine powers I could use, so if I take advantage of that…

“Information broker. Shoot the darkness with arrows. That’ll do the trick. Useless one, don’t worry about the darkness and just harass that show-off pole. Can you do that?”

“Of course, my Lady!”

“Understood. Let’s do our best.”

Armadi’s Apostle gave orders to the two of them and then looked at Naklad.

Seeing the bewilderment reflected in Naklad’s face, she burst into laughter and spoke with a mocking tone.

“What’s wrong?♡ Show-off pole♡ Just looking at your face makes me nauseous!♡ So could you lower your eyes?♡ It’s disgusting!♡”

…That damned girl!


I could clearly see that my provocation had made him fume, but even so, Naklad didn’t have the ability to break through the attacks of Karl and Alsetin, and watching him squirm was quite refreshing.

Wow. This is life.

Is this why Lucy used to provoke people back in the day?

Seeing someone you hate suffering is rather enjoyable.

Though I don’t fully understand, I get that feeling to some degree.

“What’s the plan, show-off pole?♡ What are you going to do if I glare at you?♡ You useless one, does it scare you that I’m just too cute?♡ Pervert!♡ Creepy!♡”

“Shut it! You damned trash!”

“Puhuhut♡ Are you angry?♡ You’re so scary!♡”

As I watched Naklad glare at Karl while suffering from his sword, a laugh escaped me.

[Hey, girl.]


[Are you really getting too carried away? It seems like your hatred for her is growing deeper and deeper.]

‘What does it matter? As long as I’m Armadi’s Apostle, she’ll always want to kill me anyway.’

Hating her more doesn’t change anything, does it?

Moreover, she’s not someone like Cecil or Arthur who would get into trouble if they are hated.

Honestly, is there even something to be mad about considering how she’s dealt with?

She’s just a useless brat messing around far from the academy, afraid of being hunted down.

Maybe later, when the Evil God regains some strength, it could be a different story, but for now, there’s nothing to be scared of.

‘And I’m not provoking her mindlessly, either.’

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not work with dark mode