Switch Mode

Chapter 115

Chapter: 115

116. Breach of Contract; In the End, I Close My Eyes… (4)

As soon as she heard my words, her agitation was evident.

Seizing the moment, I dashed toward her without hesitation.



The sound of metal ringing out.

Our swords collided.

The character who was once my companion had fallen into slavery under the Empire, so there had to be some backstory there.

That’s what I thought, using her irritation as a chance to strike. But she wouldn’t even allow me that little opening.

In an instant, her sword appeared.

It was blocking my holy sword.

Her body was already beyond human limits.

On top of the power of the World Tree and mana infused within her, I should have been stronger in sheer muscle.

But still, my blade never touched her.

She skillfully redirected my power away.

With just enough force, she parried my strikes and retaliated fiercely.

She even used feints to keep me on my toes.

However, I wasn’t going to take it lying down.

A perfect ruse.

Every move of her muscles and flow of mana was meticulously calculated, but…

[Lower left, then right. And… an attack will come near your heart!]

Such warnings carried no weight for me.

This so-called Weapon Master.

To match her skills when she has mastered every kind of weapon was utterly foolish.

So I chose to ignore what my eyes saw.

Since I couldn’t distinguish between her feints and real motions, I just followed the commands that rang in my ears.

No matter how tricky she made it, I only had to read the answers.

“You’re… not that person.”

With great effort, she spoke those words.

What was just supposed to distract me turned into a genuine line, as if her memories tormented her even in this controlled state.

If she could utter such words, she should muster the strength to resist her control, but I figured if she could do that, she’d have already tried.

After all, the Empire was the one to obliterate all memories related to the Hero. A power that could manipulate people’s recollections on a global scale.

Most likely, she was heavily influenced by that bastard too. In the end, there was no way she could use any loopholes.

“But why….”

I decided to resign myself to just messing with her mental state. With that thought, I charged again.

Swinging my sword wildly.

A strike devoid of any style or finesse.

Yet, with my power, such reckless swings could still pack a punch.

I figured it had to connect at least a little.

But no—

She continued to parry my blade.

She even took control of the situation, pushing me back instead.

Such monstrous skill.

“Do you know my name? Why are you wielding that sword?”

She spoke in a broken tone.

Then suddenly, she clutched her head as if in pain and screamed.

‘But it’s me who should be asking that!’

What could have happened?

Why had she ended up like that? How did she become a slave to the Empire? What happened to the Hero?

There were so many things I needed to know, yet she was the only one throwing questions my way.

In the midst of questioning me, her tears flowed, begging for my death, and it didn’t seem likely she’d answer my queries.

In the end, there was only one thing for me to do.

“…Alright. If that’s what you wish for, I’ll grant your wish.”

She was someone I fondly remembered.

Though she didn’t know me, I knew her.

I knew her personality, her likes and dislikes, and the life she lived.

She was a puppet of corpses.

Not only had they deprived her of the peace she deserved, but they also turned her into a tool.

There’s a limit to my disgust.

“Don’t worry, I’ll put you at ease in no time.”

I said that, gritting my teeth.

I channeled my mana and the energy of the World Tree into my sword.

Typically, if one poured such reckless energy into an ordinary sword without any knowledge, it would shatter instead of forming a blade.

But this was a holy sword.

As long as my will remained unbroken, it wouldn’t shatter. That’s why I was able to manifest power in such a foolish manner.

Of course…

That alone wasn’t enough to duel her.

But that didn’t matter.

I drew back my sword with all my might.

At the same time, hundreds and thousands of sword energies surged forth.

However, those energies were not aimed at Aria.

In other words—

“What a cowardly move…”

I launched the sword energy toward the First Prince.

Biting his lip, the First Prince muttered that I was being cowardly.

Attacking a defenseless person on purpose?

I’d have to agree that he was right, but what could I do?

This was all the knowledge that Balzac had imparted to me.

If you’ve got a problem, fight fair from the beginning.

“Guard me! Now!!”

The Prince shouted in a panic.

As she had been reduced to a puppet obeying the Prince’s orders, she dashed toward him, leaving me vulnerable after my earlier strike.

Simultaneously, hundreds and thousands of shields began to form.

A truly magnificent sight to behold.

However, it was a gap. This time, an actual opening.

This position was fixed.

I couldn’t just let the Prince die right now.

Thus, once again, there was but one thing I could do.

The holy sword resonated with my will and quivered.

I reaffirmed my previous resolution.

A resolution to not lose anything.

A foolish pledge to reach the conclusion without relinquishing anything.

Although the holy sword had grown muddied, my heart remained steadfast.

I knew I was someone capable of sacrificing another to save those I cherished.

And I recognized that I wasn’t a kind enough person to spare someone who betrayed me and begged for forgiveness.


Even so, I still hoped.

I hoped to lose nothing.

I hoped that none of my loved ones would be harmed.

That regardless of the sacrifice, I could protect those dear to me.


“Holy Sword…

Shine bright.

With all my resolve in tow.

Help me keep the oath I once made.


With all my might, I swung the sword.

In that instant, I saw her figure.

The arm she raised to counter my attack froze unnaturally, as if it had malfunctioned.

“…I’m sorry.”

Those were her last words as the light consumed everything.

A blinding radiance.

The holy sword stained the world in its color.



Why had it come to this?

The First Prince’s face contorted in ugly fury as he gritted his teeth. There was no other option.

It was clear who would emerge victorious.

A Swordmaster, an Archmage, then the former Hero’s companions, including that monstrous woman.

The strongest among their ranks gathered in the Empire.

And on the opposing side?

A rookie Hero lacking experience, an unknown companion, and a barely functioning Elf army.

So they had to win.

That was the logical outcome.


The Hero, whose mana hardly seemed remarkable, had grown at an absurd rate over these four days.

An unknown companion had become strong enough to stand against a Swordmaster when they worked together.

And even the elves were brimming with energy, like they were right next to the World Tree.

Such madness had its limits.

You would hardly believe it if I told my past self about the insane happenings unfolding now.

Yet the undeniable reality was right before my eyes.

The puppet, having removed its limiter and risking breaking down, was now utterly ruined to the point it could no longer fight.

Even with the defenses it had created, the puppet took the blows for me.

But even yet, it was in such a shabby state it wouldn’t be surprising to drop dead right then.

The life force absorbed from countless geniuses was his only lifeline.

Had that not been there, he would’ve turned to dust long ago.

The Hero, who struck moments ago, seemed sapped of energy, resting against his sword for support.

He couldn’t rely on Carl either.

The girl with white hair, the knight with blue hair, those elves sticking around.

His father’s bestowed power.

Using that pendant to turn the tables was his only hope.

But Carl wasn’t giving him a moment’s peace to utter any prayer, almost as if he could read the future.

It was a dire situation.

If it continued like this, the victor would be evident soon enough.

So then, in simpler terms—

It was defeat.

He had lost.

Be it through the opponent’s abnormal tactics, cowardly maneuvers, or the impossible acts they managed to achieve.

None of that mattered.

What was crucial was only the outcome.

On the battlefield, nothing mattered beyond victory or defeat.

Now, the end he would meet was painfully clear.

The malice pouring from that man.

No matter how he tried to negotiate or the words he uttered, the result wouldn’t change.

Revenge would be exacted.

A terrible demise awaited him.


If that were the case…


The First Prince gazed keenly at his pendant.

His body was already broken. Even if he connected to the Emperor… to the Demon God’s power, he would only end up ruined before having his revenge.

Yet, there was still a way.

This pendant was linked to his father.

If he pooled all his mana and vitality, even momentarily, connecting his consciousness might allow him to summon his father.

At the cost of his own life, no less.

In this situation where the other side had severely depleted their energies, if his father was to appear, the massacre of his enemies would surely follow.

Since he was going to die anyway, it seemed only fitting to return the favor.

Though he hesitated for a long time to make such a choice for the value of his own life, knowing it was the best option now—

The First Prince gritted his teeth and formed the incantation.

No, he was attempting to construct it.


A sudden shimmer crossed the First Prince’s face.

Had the divine spared him? At this point of wishing death upon himself, fortune had smiled upon him.

“I believed in you. Indeed, you came at the perfect moment to save me!”

Cardinal Dominic.

And his brothers had arrived.

Their expressions were lethal, armed with maces and all manner of holy relics.

The First Prince smiled at the sight of them.

…It was the time to signal a counterattack!

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not work with dark mode