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Chapter 111

Chapter: 111

The Last of Jo Ha-rin in Dream Future

Originally, this wouldn’t have been a highlight worthy of such attention.


“Isn’t today the day Jo Ha-rin is leaving?”
“Huh? Really?”
“So what’s going on with Park Min-yul?”

The public was already buzzing about Dream Future, which was turning into a phenomenon.

What’s funny is that this buzz started from a movie.

“Oh, we’re broadcasting again today? Of course we are!”

The 1.4 million subscriber YouTuber, Han Bong-sik, nodded vigorously at the camera.

How could he possibly skip covering Dream Future?

“I really hit the jackpot with this coin.”

Han Bong-sik chuckled, looking at his soaring subscriber count. After being stuck for a long time at 1 million, he finally surged to 1.4 million.

This all happened after The Chaser was released.

With viewers searching for reviews of the movie or a character that appeared in both, the numbers surged due to the algorithm.

Once among the top three movie reviewers, Bong-sik was now rightfully in second place.

If he could just outdo one more person, he’d snag first.

So it was thanks to the actor who made this possible.

“I truly love you, Joo Seoyeon.”

His inner feelings towards Seoyeon reached a peak. Thus, anticipation for today’s episode 14 of Dream Future was through the roof.

“I actually wished she’d appeared more.”

But since the script changed, there was nothing he could do. He just hoped she would leave in style, even if she was departing.

And then…


Jo Seo-hee narrowed her eyes, waiting for the live broadcast of Dream Future episode 14 to start.
“But this isn’t going to be a one-off, right?”

Whoever planned this drama clearly reflected the latest trends. It felt almost like waiting for a real audition show—live and paired with real-time internet reactions.

“I wonder…”

Seo-hee personally looked forward to Dream Future episode 14.

This was because of the Gyeongseong Lady shoot that might happen with her soon.

Naturally, there would be elements of a romantic storyline, so she had her sights set on observing Seoyeon’s style of romantic acting from this episode.

“I heard from Jung-woo sunbae that it would be simpler going forward.”

That was the script. But had Seoyeon really been okay with that?

Each time they met, she seemed strangely cool, yet wasn’t she deeply sincere when acting too?


But why, oh why, was she really only cool towards me?

She signs sweetly around everyone else.

“This is why one must be careful with their words.”
Surely, it had to do with her parachute remark from their younger days. Yes, that had to be it.

Seo-hee convinced herself of this alone.

Truthfully, Seoyeon hadn’t put much thought into that parachute comment.

To be candid, she had practically forgotten it.

Her awkward demeanor towards Seo-hee was purely due to her sharp looks as if she resembled a villainous lady.

It was no wonder that Seoyeon, who wasn’t used to engaging with people, might feel somewhat burdened by this.


Seo-hee focused her gaze as the music flowed, initiating Dream Future.

The protagonist, Song So-ha, faced a climactic duel against another girl.

“I… actually felt a bit jealous of you.”

With a bittersweet smile, Jo Ha-rin spoke.

The bright and cheerful Jo Ha-rin revealed her hidden feelings towards Song So-ha.

The audience was aware, but for So-ha, it was the first she heard of Jo Ha-rin’s true thoughts.

“Your singing is simply dazzling…”

Idols are ultimately singers.

Singing takes precedence over dancing every time.

Jo Ha-rin was definitely a better dancer than Song So-ha, but her singing skills fell considerably short.

Although the gap had somewhat narrowed over time, So-ha still excelled.

“How ironic.”

Seo-hee pondered as she observed the two’s exchange.

So-ha and Jo Ha-rin.

In the script, Jo Ha-rin was cast as the jealous one, but the reality was quite the opposite.

Park Jung-woo once remarked on this.

“Na-hee is overly aware of that girl.”
“It’s obvious. She’s worried that if Seoyeon’s role grows, she might be overshadowed.”

Na-hee had only reclaimed her spotlight as the lead when Seoyeon was inactive.

From episodes 1 to 3, most of the reactions were directed at Seoyeon.

So, after the script was revised, Na-hee had been working vigorously not to fall behind.

“As expected, Seoyeon’s acting surfaced.”
“And Na-hee’s acting controversies are resurfacing.”

Seo-hee was well aware of this.
Honestly, it wasn’t as severe as the controversies surrounding Ma Yeon-woo.
It was merely at the level of “that was disappointing.”

But for a role meant to be her first leading lady, Na-hee must have felt her heart being hammered.

“I know she’s desperate, but…”
“Hmm, I don’t think it even needs worry.”
“It’s different for her.”
“Hah, Jung-woo sunbae was also overshadowed by Seoyeon.”

Jung-woo understood he didn’t exactly have much screen time, and his character was pretty bland. He meant to say so but opted not to, as that sounded too feeble.

“…I’ll be watching your next movie. Was it Gyeongseong Lady?”

Anyway, just like his conversation with Park Jung-woo.

This 14th episode needed to cuddle both the showdown between Song So-ha and Jo Ha-rin while simultaneously allowing So-ha to deliver her impactful performance as the lead.

“Otherwise, the ending will feel like a letdown.”

But this issue belonged to Seoyeon.

Seo-hee recalled Shut Your Eyes.

Back then, Seoyeon played Hong Jeong-hee.

Her role was to elevate the lead actress.

Seoyeon executed her character superbly back then.

However, unlike theater, drama was inherently rife with ambition.

Moreover, since everyone thought Jo Ha-rin was half the lead, if she stepped back tentatively, it would lead to controversy.

“The conflict between the two characters in this drama.”

This episode emphasized the story between Song So-ha and Jo Ha-rin more than any conflict between genders.

That was only logical.

Jo Ha-rin, revealing her inferiority complex.

Accepting Ha-rin, Song So-ha.

At the same time, So-ha secretly envied Ha-rin’s spunky charm and her dance moves.

So, upon hearing Ha-rin’s words about envy, she was shocked.

“I cannot lose.”

So-ha declared.
“But that’s also true for you.”

The once weak Song So-ha displayed a strong will.

And the semifinals commenced.

“You’ll compete twice in the semifinals.”

The host announced.

In the semifinals, the two would engage in a sing-off.

First, they sing one collective song, syncing together.
Then in the next round, they would each perform their personal songs to decide the winner.

“Are you confident?”

It seemed directed toward Song So-ha.

But Seo-hee felt it seemed more like a question directed at Na-hee.

From now on, do you have the courage to face the forthcoming act?


So-ha’s succinct reply.

As music flowed, their duet began.

“As expected, being an idol, her skills are extraordinary.”

Just like with Ma Yeon-woo.

Yet the difference was that Yeon-woo crafted the character around himself.

How would Na-hee embody the character “Song So-ha” on stage?

And then.

Wow, Na-hee is better than expected?
Clearly, their performance made her feel like a lead.

Such internet reactions began to materialize.

This stage was their first time standing together aside from the initial segment.

When compared like this, So-ha still seemed to surpass in skills.

“This feels oddly off.”
Han Bong-sik pondered while thinking, “This hasn’t even begun.”

Meanwhile, Jo Seo-hee stared cautiously at the screen.

If this was indeed an audition, she couldn’t sense the necessary desperate emotions.

Others shared her feelings.
“Why did they air it just like this?”

Kim Il-su, the director watching episode 14, frowned.
For someone with expertise in direction, he couldn’t help but notice these elements.


Yes, the acting was too apparent.
It didn’t feel like an audition program.

The audience’s reaction was quite decent, though…

But at that moment.

Jo Ha-rin stepped forward, just ahead of Song So-ha.


Initially, it was just a simple question.
But as she started singing in turn, confusion spread across So-ha’s eyes.

“This isn’t acting.”

It was genuine.

Currently, So-ha was genuinely flustered.
From the start, Na-hee lacked the skills to express such emotions through acting.

Thus, Ha-rin brought out something truly authentic.

Is Ha-rin outshining Song So-ha in skills?
Isn’t the actress playing So-ha an idol? What happens if she’s outperformed?

“Was this all on purpose?”

Il-su stared dazedly at the scene.
This was likely Seoyeon’s independent decision.

Just by observing So-ha’s response, one could tell.
Explosively pouring out Seoyeon’s emotions filled the screen.
As if drowning out So-ha’s presence.

“She knows.”
Director Kim Il-su discovered the method to invoke So-ha’s potential.
Teasing the emotions of the actor.
“Na-hee is an idol, and her pride as a performer likely outweighs everything else.”

But what if Seoyeon showcases a stage that overpowers her?
She could be severely wounded in pride and potentially crumble.

“Method acting.”

If intensive immersion into one’s role is called method acting, then what do we label this?

Getting an ordinary actor to passionately engage with their role.
She was eliciting emotions, making the other person delve into their character.

Stripping down the idol’s pride.
As the microphone tightened in Song So-ha’s grasp.

Na-hee was an idol, having stood upon countless stages.
She knew.
How she’d appear when captured on camera.

“It feels like Yeon-woo, yet different.”

Yeon-woo acted that way on his own.
But this was framed as an insistent direction.

A desperate stage, edging toward the finale.
In that moment, the emotions shared between So-ha and Na-hee aligned.

It seemed like a method, even though it wasn’t.

Seoyeon’s eyes reddened.

She smiled amid the cascading emotions, towards So-ha, and then to the audience.

That smile likely felt different to everyone.
As onlookers and Director Kim clenched their fists.

The grip tightened around the microphone in So-ha’s hand.

And then,
Explosive emotions burst forth.

“How long has it been?”

A PD from the KMB Drama Department sighed.
“It’s astonishing how one single actor’s presence can sway a drama’s ratings.”

The specifics of how much influence were unclear.
But there was undeniably a significant impact.

“I had some glimmers of hope for Dream Future.”

Episode 14 of Dream Future was a showdown between Song So-ha and Jo Ha-rin.

The viewership ratings were…
“23 percent.”

The drama department buzzed with excitement.
It was understandable, as it marked the highest figure to surface in roughly a year.

“Ten years prior, we might dismiss that as decent.”
But now, that rating was not easily attainable.

It was quite close to being recorded as a peak for youth dramas.
Reaching over 20 percent for youth dramas hadn’t happened even a decade ago.

“Episode 14 yesterday… Honestly, there were some risky moments.”
“Was that the intent of actress Joo Seoyeon?”
“No idea.”

Originally, Seoyeon had said nothing about that performance.
Only the viewers vaguely pondered her intentions.

“If it was intentional…”
“It’s bordering on playing with emotions.”

Is it possible due to an abundance of feelings?
Or perhaps an exceptional grasp of other peoples’ sentiments?

How long had she been observing human emotions to do something like this?

Seoyeon had always excelled in emotional acting.
Those familiar with the game knew this.

It was true during her time with The Sun Hidden by the Moon.
And she had definitively showcased this trait in The Chaser recently.

While her prowess was somewhat subdued in Dream Future, episode 14 struck with a different yet significant impact.

“The new drama… Sky Garden, right?”
“Yes, it was initially planned to air on a different channel.”
“By writer Min Se-hee?”

The gathering today was for a meeting related to Sky Garden.

“Will this be her first leading role?”
“No auditions?”

As they conversed, the meeting room door swung open.
A pleasant middle-aged man entered slowly and took his seat.

“There will be auditions.”
“But it’s not exactly…”

Director Ha Tae-oh smiled at them.
“Do you really think that actress would fail the auditions?”
“Auditions are also to reduce noise, and young actors are sensitive about such matters.”

For instance, they might think of it as a “parachute.”
“They already have name recognition.”
“But it could still serve as a leverage.”

The strength suitable for a lead is something of a consideration from Ha Tae-oh.
Not for Joo Seoyeon, but rather for the other actors involved.

“Oh, and how about casting Joo Seoyeon for the OST of Sky Garden?”

No one present could dismiss the suggestion posed by Director Ha Tae-oh.

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