Switch Mode

Chapter 106

Chapter: 106

As I faced off against the various spirits charging at me, I couldn’t help but feel just how strong I’ve become.

The curses they tried to grab my ankles with were meaningless, and even if they had a tiny effect, they vanished before the power of the sacred.

When they tried to attack me directly, nobody could lay a scratch on me.

The movements of these untrained spirits were just too pathetic.

Why should I fear attacks that couldn’t even dent a shield made by dwarves?

After dealing with yet another room full of spirits, I took a light deep breath and instinctively shook my mace.

What swelled in my heart after the fight was an unusual sense of exhilaration.

It was something indescribable, different from the buff from my mesugaki skills.

The reason I’ve worked hard to become stronger all this time was simply to survive.

I thought that if I didn’t pass the academy’s entrance exams, I’d lose my life.

After passing the tests, I thought I had to stay strong, or I might become a victim to Agra’s schemes at any moment, so I practiced desperately.

However, there wasn’t much time to feel a sense of accomplishment for how strong I was compared to how much effort I’d put in.

Most of my opponents have always been far stronger than me.

Just when I would get a little confidence, it felt like someone was pressing my head down into the ground like I was a whack-a-mole.

I mean, I’m not some little whack-a-mole!

As soon as I start to think maybe I’ve gotten a bit stronger, someone knocks my skull back into place.

If we’re talking sheer specs, I know I’m in the strong tier right now!

But after being smashed, broken, and utterly destroyed, I can’t help but feel weak.

Yet here I am in this dungeon, smashing spirits’ heads with my mace, and it’s finally feeling like I’m somewhat strong.

Even in this advantageous situation, this dungeon appears only after becoming a second-year in the academy.

In contrast, I’m just a first-year student taking my midterms.

If I had moved in a regular way, I would’ve been smashed by those knights the moment I walked in here.

But those knights weren’t able to inflict a single scratch on me.

And it wasn’t just the knights.

No one inside this mansion could properly damage me.

I was more than strong enough.

It’s just that the world has an unreasonable bias against me.

Oh. So, does that mean it’s utterly meaningless?

Lost in thought, as I stepped out of the room, the scenery of the mansion revealed much had changed.

The transformations that started in the mansion’s hallway were gradually spreading through the rooms I was conquering.

Decorations were broken, shattered, or ripped apart;

Blood that looked human was splattered on the floors and walls.

The wind blew in through the shattered windows, shaking the chandeliers.

Leaving behind the eerie sounds echoing through the mansion, I opened yet another intact room.

At this rate, I feel like I’m becoming the demolition service tasked with wrecking this mansion.

I didn’t even touch any items!

I continued my ascent.

I smashed the dining hall where families would’ve enjoyed harmonious meals.

I crushed the head of the lady staying in a room filled with various clothes and jewels.

I took down the butler who blocked the way to the top floor.

I returned what was once the family head back to ashes.

As a result, the mansion’s state grew more and more tragic.

The once hospitable mansion, prepared for guests, was now tainted by me, the intruder.

[It feels like the scenery of the mansion we saw outside is starting to resemble this.]

The place I arrived at was the last room on the top floor.

All that remained in the mansion, which had become partially destroyed, was that one place still intact.

Adri’s bedroom.

When I burst open the door, I found Adri, who had welcomed me when I first entered the mansion, sitting at the bed with her legs crossed in greeting.

“What are you?”

The first words that tumbled out of her chin-resting mouth was a question filled with confusion.

“Why is the mansion crumbling down wherever you go? How can you interfere in a mansion meant to be under my control?”

“I’m a descendant of the great pathetic god♡.”

I shot back with a magical line to Adri, who spoke with a cold, deadpan voice.

Is there something wrong with a god’s apostle performing miracles?

If you have complaints, can you pray to the pathetic god?

I’m not sure if the lazy bum who doesn’t even respond to me will actually reply, though.

As Adri frowned, she spoke again.

“What do you even know?”

“Well, I probably know better than a lonely ghost hiding in a corner?♡ Obviously♡.”

How many times do you think I’ve conquered this mansion?

Adri, you might not realize it, but I’ve taken you down more than a hundred times.

I even dealt with you bare-handed, without any gear!

There’s no way I wouldn’t know about this mansion.

I smiled and answered sincerely, but sadly my response wasn’t what Adri wanted to hear.

She furrowed her brow, slowly rising from her seat.

“I see. If you won’t answer me, then there’s no choice but to force that mouth open.”

As those words escaped her lips, Adri raised her hand, and my body was lifted into the air, then tossed outside the room.

There wasn’t even time to regain my balance.

The moment I hit the floor, the hallway tilted, sending me rolling down like a ball, and I reached back to the front door again.

With the impact of the fall, I frowned and got back up, looking up to see Adri at the top of the stairs.

“I’m going to punish the audacious little thief trying to take over this mansion.”

As she spoke, all the doors in the mansion swung open, and countless items flew out.

Brooms. Trays. Cute little dusters, and more, including spellbooks firing curses, swords dripping with ominous energy, and wands to summon spirits.

Watching this poltergeist phenomenon, I couldn’t help but laugh.

This is phase one against the great Adri.

I need to weave through all those countless items and reach the top floor to deal some damage to Adri.

At first, encountering this pattern was terrifying.

The moment I dropped my guard, any object could hit me and cause stiffness.

And then, I would get caught in a combo of hits and be blown to ashes.

Eh. That’s all in the past now. From my standpoint now, this is hardly a warm-up.

Adri’s summoned items have a pattern to their attacks.

For example, if a broom hits me on the head and stuns me, a knife digs into my leg, and a book shoots a curse right there.

This is all programmed to crush the player, but if I memorize all these patterns, that changes the game entirely.

Whatever attack comes flying at me, there’s always an escape route.

“What the.”

[Oh. Sounds like a good response.]

Ducking the first attack, I bolted forward, and admiration leaked from both sides.

They wouldn’t know. I wasn’t reacting just because I saw it.

I naturally dodged because I knew what attacks would come and how I needed to move.

“Shit! Why aren’t you getting hit?!”

Seeing me dodge all her attacks seemed to infuriate Adri, but what could she do?

She’s up against me!

“Is this attack meant to hit me?♡ Seriously?♡ You’re not just messing around?♡”

“Shut up!”

“Try shutting me up!♡ Ah♡ What a pathetic lonely ghost who can’t even do that!♡”

I climbed the stairs to the second floor.

I pushed through to the third floor railings.

Reaching Adri without a scratch.

Adri, seeing me appear, frantically tried to pull the items around her closer, but this was also a pattern that I’d seen plenty of times in the game.

It was clear I knew exactly how to avoid her.

Dodging countless attacks, I charged at her and slammed my mace right into the face of the white ghost.


That’s gotta hurt.

All those levels I racked up of mace mastery with the intent to smash Naklad’s head wouldn’t feel light now, would it?

Adri cried out in pain while desperately trying to shake me off, but it was impossible.

No matter how much of a dungeon boss she was, she was still a mage.

There was no way her physical abilities could exceed that of a holy knight who had focused on strengthening their body.

So, I hit her,

And I hit her again.

If she weren’t a ghost, her facial bones would’ve shattered a long time ago, and after my pounding, a shockwave exploded from around Adri.

I had anticipated this, so I tried to brace my feet against the ground, but it was futile.

Was there some sort of restraint? My feet just naturally lifted off the ground.

So, from the fourth floor, I fell to the first floor, rolling as I landed, then looking up again.

“You little bitch!”

After being hit, Adri, wobbling as she stood, shouted with a furious voice while waving her hands.

As she did, countless spirits took on the same appearance as Adri appeared in the mansion, and all the previously scattered items floated back into the air.

“I’ll kill you.”

A chorus of voices echoed from countless Adris.

Even in games, I thought such a thing was gross, but seeing it for real? It’s next level.

It reminded me of old nightmares.

Back when I didn’t know how to distinguish real from fake and just attacked everything, getting killed by the items.

How many times did I try to break just one of them?

I remember it took at least several hours.

Of course, I know how to distinguish between the real and the fake now.

As I casually parried a sword aimed to slice me, I took a look around.

Lucky me.

Starting from the first floor after all.

Adri seemed taken aback at my determined charge, but it was already too late.

Did she think she could drop me?

She should know by now.

Just give up, Adri.

As my mace came crashing down on Adri’s head, the spirits filling the mansion vanished.

And soon enough, more Adris appeared again.

“Will you find me this time?”

“Do you think I can’t?♡ Really?♡”

“Don’t act tough.”

“Second floor reception room, behind the painting. Right?♡ Huh?♡ Go on, tell me I’m wrong!♡”

Sorry, but the moment I figured out your first position, your fate was sealed.

I know exactly where you respawn.

As long as you’re one of the boss monsters of the Soul Academy,

And unless you’re strong enough to pin me down with sheer strength,

No matter how much you fight back, you won’t escape my palm.

So, could you kindly just collapse without putting up a fuss?

At this rate, I might end up taking the exam without even blinking an eye.

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not work with dark mode