Switch Mode

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Urgent footsteps echoed through the space.

There was a woman running without a care for the gazes of those around her, her breath coming in quick gasps.

With her blue-silver hair, she was Sigrid Ephania, the third princess of the Ephania royal family, renowned for their lineage of white dragons.

She was holding back tears that were welling up in her eyes.

The reason was simple.

She was finally going to meet the love she had been waiting for.

“Arthur, Arthur!”

Sigrid called out the name she had kept inside while running.

On the day she inherited her memories and opened her eyes, it was not just Mary who was waiting forlornly at their promised location for Arthur.

Sigrid loved Arthur more than anyone else.

But Arthur never showed up.

No matter how hard she searched the empire, she couldn’t find him.

At that time, she sensed that there was something she didn’t know at play.

In her memory, Arthur was always the man charging ahead.

Her role was to support him as his wife.

So, Sigrid endured and urged Mary to rise again.

Certainly, Arthur must have had a plan in mind.

So, she waited, hoping for the day they would meet while continuing to do what needed to be done.

And today.

Arthur finally appeared.

“It’s really Arthur!”

He had shown up because he was doing his best at what he needed to accomplish.

As she passed through the empty arena corridor with her heart racing, she spotted someone standing there.


She stopped in her tracks.

The hair color was undeniably blonde.

However, beneath that robe, the face wasn’t Arthur’s.

This person, who looked like a woman due to her features despite sharing the same body shape as Arthur, was very different, save for their hair color.

Sigrid’s face froze.

At the same time, a surge of anger began to rise within her.

She wanted to cut the throat of this imposter who dared to use Arthur’s name.

“You, who are you…?”

“Sigrid Ephania.”

In that moment, the figure called her name.

The voice was strangely androgynous, making it hard to define whether it belonged to a man or a woman.

“This is a message from Arthur.”

“A message from Arthur?”

Sigrid finally realized something was off.

Something must have happened.

With her composure slowly returning, she bit her lip.

“There are others moving besides you three who have inherited memories.”

At that moment, Sigrid’s eyes widened slowly.

This wasn’t a mere test.

Only the three of them and Arthur knew that fact.

“Wait, what do you mean there are others?”

“Arthur is also uncertain. There are too many variables this time, and he said he can’t make any hasty judgments.”

Sigrid fell deep into thought.

Because she had also been pondering recently.

‘Just like with Ebelask, and Charlotte…’

Even if it was a butterfly effect, it felt excessive.

“So, Arthur is currently looking for that person. Pay close attention to anyone who reacts to me in place of Arthur. That’s Arthur’s message.”

Only then did Sigrid grasp Arthur’s intention.

“…Let me ask just one thing. Arthur once said something to me when it was just the two of us. Do you know what it was?”

Sigrid asked, wanting to confirm one last time.

Upon hearing her question, the fake Arthur slightly opened his eyes and replied.

“He said there’s no such thing.”

“Huh, haha.”

Sigrid burst into laughter all of a sudden.

“That makes sense. Arthur wouldn’t share something he discussed privately with me with anyone else.”

Sigrid felt assured of Arthur’s existence.

“I understand what you mean.”

If it was someone Arthur was looking for, then she just had to find them.

“Still, is there anyone Arthur is particularly focused on?”

As Sigrid asked, the first person that came to her mind was none other than Kraush.

She had just witnessed Kraush break an Aurora Stone.

Seeing that, Sigrid felt perplexed.

The energy she sensed from him was clearly at the threshold of mastery.

However, even with that level, he shouldn’t have been able to break an Aurora Stone.

What she had sensed at that time was the power of a curse.

After feeling that, she deduced that Kraush had perhaps absorbed some form of curse and used it for some trick.

Upon realizing this, Sigrid became confused.

‘No matter how much of a butterfly effect it might be, it’s too early.’

Kraush, even though adept at handling curses, had only used them defensively.

There was no way he could reach such a level.

Thus, initially, Sigrid briefly wondered if Kraush had also inherited memories like them.

But even if that were true, it simply wouldn’t make sense for him to have reached the mastery threshold in just a few years.

The only memories he had were undoubtedly related to curses or wars.

He was far removed from actual combat.

‘I know his true level better than anyone.’

He was born with a foolish nature.

No matter how hard he tried, his talent was insufficient to break free from that innate limitation.

“Charlotte Valheim.”

Sigrid’s eyes widened in realization.

“Did Arthur really say that?”


The unprecedented genius of Valheim, Charlotte Valheim.

The moment Sigrid heard that name, the puzzle pieces in her mind clicked into place.

Charlotte was the one who didn’t receive a single skill until the very end.

She was a living legend.

She stood at the pinnacle wielding only a sword.

But what if she had received a skill just before she died after defeating the Sword Lord?

The moment when the gods reach out to humanity is often at the brink of a human’s life.

Arthur also gained his ability to regress through such a process.

‘Then Charlotte also has a chance.’

Being immensely talented, the gods would have been desperate to contract with someone like Charlotte.

It was only natural that they would propose astonishing offers.

In that case, the reason for Kraush’s growth also aligns perfectly.

Charlotte, despite her incredible power, ultimately couldn’t prevent the ruin and died after battling the Sword Lord.

In her death, she must have realized that even someone who proclaimed to be the greatest in heaven and earth couldn’t achieve everything alone.

‘The one she chose was that man.’

Charlotte had unwittingly cared for Kraush, who shared her bloodline.

Moreover, Charlotte would have been well aware of the usefulness of Kraush’s skills.

To confront destruction, curses were essential.

So just as Arthur chose the three of them, Charlotte likely chose her brother.

That was probably the only limit that the willful sister would accept as a comrade.

‘Yes, there have been many suspicious occurrences ever since she suddenly came to the academy.’

If Charlotte’s actions were in pursuit of making Kraush stronger, then everything fell into place.

‘Besides, there was also that thing Charlotte said just before she died.’

Sigrid’s eyes widened.

Before fighting the Sword Lord, she had an accidental conversation with Charlotte.

It wasn’t particularly meaningful.

Sigrid and Charlotte weren’t exactly on good terms.

However, there was one thing Charlotte casually let slip.

“I’ve finally found something. So, tell my brother I’m going to get him. I won’t let him live like this anymore.”

Sigrid didn’t understand what that meant.

Charlotte defeated the Sword Lord and promptly exhausted all her strength.

Charlotte aimed to pass something on to Kraush.

‘It might have been some kind of potent elixir that could lead to extreme growth.’

This elixir could completely flip Kraush’s foolish life around.

At that time, Charlotte probably knew nothing about such things at all.

If she had taken such an elixir and combined it with Charlotte’s knowledge and teachings, Kraush’s current level of growth would undoubtedly have become feasible.

‘And the proof she gave him was the sword called Thunder Blade.’

The sword at Kraush’s waist was surely Thunder Blade.

That sword was none other than the one Charlotte used right until her death in her previous life.

When news of the Valheim direct lineage reaching the Demon Castle surfaced, Sigrid had thought it was referring to Charlotte.

But then hearing Kraush’s name left her puzzled.

It was obvious that Charlotte had sent him directly.

Only Charlotte would know how to bestow Thunder Blade.

‘Thinking about it, Charlotte doesn’t know about Arthur or our regressions.’

So perhaps, that’s why she could afford to act without hesitation.

To those who had experienced regression, her behavior would have clearly appeared suspicious.

Sigrid folded her arms, emphasizing her chest, showing a discontented reaction.

‘How can she act like she’s meeting me for the first time?’

Sigrid had no idea Charlotte could be so sly.

Having lived recklessly only to die, it seemed she finally grasped something.

A sinister glint flashed in Sigrid’s eyes.

Then a thought suddenly struck her.

“…Then it’s settled. Kraush, we should draw him into our formation.”

The fake Arthur turned to look at Sigrid.

When their eyes met, Sigrid squinted them into crescent shapes.

“Arthur is paying attention to that man, right? That cursed man is certainly going to be needed later. Charlotte must feel the same way.”

She envisioned snatching Kraush away from Charlotte.

As the third princess, this was the only way to stomp on her pride.

Sigrid felt a deep envy even toward Charlotte, someone who had inherited memories.

Imagining Charlotte’s face when she realizes she lost her prized brother sent a thrill through Sigrid.

With sadistic excitement bubbling inside, Sigrid licked her lips.

“I know that man the best. Whether he likes it or not, he’s the one who hung around until the very end.”

Although they might have been enemies in the past, they now hadn’t even seen each other’s faces.

If she used her title as a princess to approach him, it wouldn’t be difficult.

“Also, I know the two women who were entangled with him.”

The woman who had been the Elven Emperor’s attendant.

And Astraea Stigma Freeman, the saint of the Holy Kingdom of Freeman.

If those women reconnected with Kraush, that would only be a bonus.

If she captured those women in her formation, Kraush would naturally follow.

“What do you think? It doesn’t sound like a bad idea, does it?”

“I’m just passing along Arthur’s message.”

The response that showed no personal opinions left Sigrid with a cold expression.

“Then please tell me where Arthur is. I want to see him and ask.”

“He will reveal himself soon.”


Sigrid furrowed her brow.

She felt like kicking the fake Arthur right then and there but she held back.

Arthur must have had his reasons.

Wouldn’t she be ruining his grand plan if she acted impulsively?

“Since Arthur hasn’t said anything, that must mean he’s leaving things to my judgment. Alright, I’ll handle this.”


In that instant, Sigrid heard footsteps.

When she turned her head in that direction, a woman with black hair was rushing towards her.

In her hand was a spear, and her face wore the deep shadows of despair that were unlike before.

Yet, her alluring figure remained unchanged.

It was Mary Diana.


She called out Sigrid’s name after a long time, her eyes trembling as she shifted her gaze.


Just as Mary was about to call out to Arthur with tear-stained eyes, she belatedly checked the face beneath the robe and froze.

Then, a look of confusion crossed her face.

“A-Arthur is…”

“He’s not here.”

The fake Arthur responded, causing Mary to collapse in despair.

“N-No way.”

Tears poured down her eyes.

The stubborn figure of Mary, once called the Phoenix, was nowhere to be found.

Over the past year, locked away in a dark cell where nothing could be seen, she had been waiting for Arthur.

Mary had once devoted her entire being to Arthur.

Her mental fortitude had weakened.

For her, the past year in prison had been a hellish experience of losing everything due to a single mistake.

Thus, her mental strength was nearly at its breaking point.

Had it not been for her fixation on seeing Arthur, she would have crumbled long ago.

Sigrid looked at her with disdain.

The once-celebrated Mary Diana, who had stood by her side, was gone.

The only one left here was the royal dog, possessing nothing but the title of royalty.

Sigrid had no interest in sleeping with a dog.

Of course, she could feed it and give it some affection.

After all, it needed to perform its role as a hunting dog.

‘But it’s annoying that the leash is currently in Cicely’s hands.’

Mary was still, after all, a servant to her.

“Don’t worry. Mary, you’ve worked hard while I was away. Arthur will be here soon.”

So, Sigrid flashed a kind smile to Mary as usual.

“Y-Yes, Sigrid!”

“We’ve made it this far. So we must do our best for what Arthur entrusted us with.”

At her words, Mary finally began to pull herself together.

“Right! I, Mary Diana, will be the spear of Sigrid and Arthur! I will do my utmost in my duties!”

“Yes, that’s the Mary I know.”

Seeing Mary’s tear-streaked face break into a bright smile, Sigrid felt a sense of satisfaction.

“As Princess Sigrid Ephania, I command you.”

“You will face Kraush Balheim in the second test.”

Sigrid had discerning eyes.

Kraush, nurtured by Charlotte, had grown significantly beyond expectations.

Surely, he would end up facing Mary in the second test.

Unfortunately, she had failed to create the image of a kind princess who accepted a prince’s assassin.

That attention was entirely on Kraush.

If Mary had focused on regaining her former power without a prison sentence, she could have smashed an Aurora Stone effortlessly.

But that was all in the past.

“Win. No, make it a point to demonstrate a clear gap between you two. Enough to make him feel jealous of your prowess.”

However, the opponent was none other than the Phoenix, Mary Diana.

While her aura output may be lacking, her spear skills remained intact.

There was no way Mary would lose to some upstart who obtained a bit of luck.

“I shall heed the command of Princess Sigrid Ephania.”

As Mary regained her composure, her transformation back into her knightly self made Sigrid smile charmingly.

Holding onto the hope of seeing Charlotte’s face when she found out that Kraush had been taken away from her.


Outside the arena, unbeknownst to them, a raven flew away quietly, shrieking to itself, having concealed its presence.

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not work with dark mode