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Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Always Opposing the Emperor

Zhu Yuanzhang stood dumbfounded, unable to calm his mind for a long time.

He didn’t know what to say at that moment.

The long spears and iron halberds of the Ming soldiers plowed the land needed by the Ming people.

A trace of excitement rose in his heart.

Expanding territories is every emperor’s dream.

But he had established fifteen countries that should not be attacked.

If he started a campaign now, he feared he would lose the trust of the world, and said with some difficulty:

“We established fifteen countries not to be attacked at that time. If we attack now, we might lose the trust of the world. Moreover, those places are barren lands. What’s the use of having them?”

Empress Ma sighed; the emperor had dug a big pit back then.

He even intended to establish places that would not be contended for.

It was initially just to consolidate the sphere of influence, and also to prevent future generations from waging war recklessly.

But now, after Li Fan’s introduction, it was discovered that the entire situation was completely different.

If they continued with the old script, the Ming dynasty wouldn’t have many good years.

She then spoke directly:

“Your Majesty, you must not be soft-hearted. Our Ming only has this much land. If we do not expand outward, we won’t be able to withstand land annexation. And those southern places are not barbarian lands. Li Fan said that in Champa, rice is harvested three times a year. Now the rice planted in Suzhou is Champa rice, but it can only be harvested three times in two years. Li Fan said the lands of Champa and Siam can feed all the people of Ming.”


Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback.

How is this different from what he understood?

Especially Champa and Siam.

Aren’t those places supposed to be extremely barren, with people barely having enough to eat?

He curiously asked:

“How is what Li Fan said completely different from what I thought?”

Xu Da suddenly felt it was his turn to speak.

Especially on matters of foreign conquest.

If he did not speak up, the emperor might still be kept in the dark.

He cleared his throat and directly said:

“Your Majesty, you might not know, the lands of Champa, Annam, and Siam are very fertile. It’s summer all year round, so the grain is harvested three times a year. The land is fertile and does not need special irrigation. There is no drought, just pay attention to waterlogging.”

Zhu Yuanzhang looked curiously at Xu Da, and asked in confusion:

“How does Tiande know so much in detail?”

Xu Da, seeing the emperor’s confusion, hurriedly explained:

“I have a household slave from Lingnan. They buy a lot of rice from Champa every year. It’s very cheap; a copper coin can buy several catties. It’s just that the court strictly controls it, so we can’t buy it in large quantities.”

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned. Why, after coming to Fengyang and meeting Li Fan, did it seem as if the whole world had changed?

Everything had become different.

Especially the Ming dynasty, it had become unrecognizable to him.

What kind of magic does Li Fan have that he could change the whole world?

Or is the whole world like this?

It’s just because of Li Fan’s appearance that the veil covering Ming was lifted, letting him see the underlying reality.

He suddenly thought of what Zhang Zongbao had told him.

If the feng shui of Ming is truly disrupted, natural disasters will occur frequently!

Then Ming would indeed become uninhabitable.

After pondering for a moment, he said to Mao Xiang:

“Immediately send people to Champa, Annam, and Siam to investigate the situation. Make sure to get back the information as soon as possible.”

Mao Xiang hurriedly took the order to investigate the situation, and prepared to send a large number of spies to these places.

It seemed the court was preparing to send troops to these places.

“I will obey!”

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed in relief and said to Empress Ma:

“Since the South is a prosperous place, is the North also very prosperous?”

Empress Ma shook her head directly. The northern countries are not good places.

Then she explained:

“Li Fan said, Northern Yuan, Liaodong, Korea, Japan, and Ryukyu are all bitterly cold places, with barren land. Conquering them is useless, but we can plunder their population. Some of the Ming people need to go to Annam, Champa, and Siam to enslave the local people. The people who stay in Ming need to watch over those from the North. Let them farm and work well, so the people of Ming can live good lives.”


Zhu Yuanzhang’s mind went blank.

He was now at a loss due to Li Fan’s bold ideas.

This operation is really too crazy.

It’s a very large-scale population migration.

It might be impossible to accomplish in a short time.

He said worriedly:

“Li Fan’s method is really too terrifying. How can such a heartless thing happen? Such a large-scale migration would be hard to control. If any issues arise, the consequences would be unimaginable. If exploited by malicious people, wouldn’t it lead to rebellion?”

Xu Da understood the emperor’s concerns, especially his fear of rebellion.

He quickly explained:

“Your Majesty can rest assured, according to Li Fan’s plan, the entire plan is estimated to be completed within fifty years. It will be carried out gradually and slowly, and we can’t hastily send troops to Champa. We must slowly infiltrate and gradually control the court, so that your national policies do not lose credibility.”

Zhu Yuanzhang originally thought Li Fan was just an ordinary county magistrate, just a knowledgeable top scholar!

Only after decades of nurturing could he become an important minister of the state.

But now, hearing Li Fan’s plan, he realized the other party was an exceptional talent.

Such a young age and already possessing such capability.

However, he felt uncomfortable.

Everything Li Fan did was challenging his policies.

His policies were to emphasize agriculture and suppress commerce.

Yet Li Fan insisted on vigorously developing commerce.

He set the policy of confining people within designated areas.

Yet Li Fan started large-scale population migrations.

He gave officials and gentry privileges, exempting them from all taxes.

Yet Li Fan demanded that officials and gentry pay taxes like everyone else.

With a gloomy face, he said:

“I find that Li Fan is just opposing me in everything, overturning all my policies. Why not let him be the emperor instead!”

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