Switch Mode

Chapter 418

To be honest, if I could choose a body, I would’ve picked the body of a “handsome guy.” whoosh!

I often select female characters in games, but it’s not that I wanted to become a girl; I just didn’t want a male character cluttering up my screen. poof!

The reason I would’ve chosen the body of a handsome guy is simple. ding!

I just wanted to be a popular guy. I wanted to experience those “handsome guy KakaoTalk situations” I often saw on the internet. bam!

Of course, the body I have now is not that of a handsome guy but a pretty girl. sparkle!

Neither side is ugly; I’m pretty with great hair and an amazing figure. wow!

This isn’t just me trying to flatter myself; there’s some objective basis behind it. ta-da!

First, the “Zerotu” video I uploaded got a yellow sticker within a day. gasp!

It wasn’t a copyright issue; it was obviously about the suggestiveness. uh-oh!

I was definitely wearing proper clothes. nod!

Well, this site is known for handling AI logging stuff, so it’s basically no fault of my own. I think my dance video is a bit too much for kids, but fine for middle and high school students. whoosh!

Honest to god, my body wasn’t that flexible, after all. If you get down to it, it’s just fat wobbling around. wobble!

I think I would’ve liked it though. tee-hee!

The second piece of evidence is that the “no-no” video is actually pretty popular. yay!

The views of the videos posted before and after it skyrocketed, so that effect is definitely real. zoom!

…Could it be that I have some kind of unconscious appeal to people I don’t know? Even though I was dancing fully clothed, it somehow looks overly seductive? oh my!

I mean, it does look suggestive, even to me. Enough for Charlotte to cover Mia’s eyes. oops!

The vlog we posted last time also gathered a pretty decent amount of views, and though it has those ‘uh-oh remix’ vibes each time I watch it, this one got an explosive reaction. boom!

There were even comments not in Korean showing up. eyebrow raise!

“Sylvia, you’re quite popular.” giggle!

Alice said with a mischievous smile. wink!

“Guess you have to play on an international level.” cheer!

“…Unfortunately, more than half the English comments are sexual harassment.” sigh!

“…That’s a bit unfortunate, but…” shrug!

Alice said, slightly avoiding my eyes. shifty!

We may look like typical Westerners, but the broadcast is in Korean, and we’ve already certified that we’re Korean on air. After getting my driver’s license, I also certified that I got it. check!

In fact, every time we go to places like the community center, the civil servants often look a bit surprised, but most of our streaming audience has started to realize we’re Korean and have adapted well enough. nod yes!

And in reverse, it appears to be ‘mysterious’ to foreigners. mystery sound!

It creates a vibe that we’re beauties broadcasting in a language that they have no clue about. chime!

Plus, due to growth or whatever, and since the age of adulthood is often missed here, the others except me are basically ‘teenagers.’ teenage dream!

Being in their mid-teens means our faces look undeniably youthful to Westerners, especially now that we’ve certified ourselves as adults, and it seems we’re slowly becoming famous. fame!

I guess there are quite a few Koreans active in English on overseas sites lately. yay!

That’s a good thing. thumbs up!

We had to become famous to get back to that other world, so it was something to be happy about, but… hmm…

“Why do I not feel happy at all?” sad trombone!

When I lamented, Alice gave a bitter laugh. sigh!


These days, surprisingly, we’ve been getting a lot of advertisement emails, but we’ve almost been rejecting them. We didn’t really need the money, so there was no reason to take on the stress of accepting ads and planning stuff. no way!

Editing was something we rotated among ourselves, and broadcasting management was doing just fine with the five of us involved. teamwork!

You could say it was like a cottage industry; there’s no labor cost, and we had plenty of surplus money, so I couldn’t really see the reason to do it. cha-ching!

However, I did ponder a little every time the emails from the broadcasting station came. hmm…?

Even though we had declined before, if they weren’t overtly asking to be fixed members or demanding a specific situation, I thought an interview would be okay. maybe?

Honestly, how many people wouldn’t think about wanting to get their faces on TV since childhood? dreams!

“I think it would be fine if it’s a one-off, but if it’s that kind of program, they’re likely going to want to come into our home and film.” yikes!

In this regard, there was some disagreement between us. uh-oh!

For the most part, the four of them besides me didn’t care much about the whole figurine thing. meh!

Alice and Claire treated it like some bust decorations in the hallway. Charlotte and Mia were completely uninterested. blank faces!

Maybe, because it’s a ‘Japanese stereotype of Westerners,’ Charlotte has a mix of 20th-century conservatism and 21st-century Western openness. Although her ideas about sex are somewhat conservative, she doesn’t seem to care at all about individuality. yee-haw!

Mia has been the quickest to adapt to the concept of subculture, so she’s excluded from that. I bet when she goes back to our original world, she’ll hit it off with Rena. besties!

It looks like I’m the only one really concerned about the whole figurine broadcasting thing. nervous!

…If they quote our broadcast, would they also be airing “Sylvia’s Hypnotic Edition”? yikes!

I was honestly worried that there’d be a wild uproar about such an internet broadcast… uh-oh!

“Well, isn’t that okay?” shrug!

Claire quickly dispelled my concerns with a tilt of her head. nod yes!

“We’re not going to be politicians or anything here, so even if such content comes out, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right? As long as our viewers like it, that’s all that matters!” ray of sunshine!

“……” silence!

I had no rebuttal to that logic. uh oh!

Is that how it is? hmm…?

So, I just wouldn’t worry about my surroundings and let it be? let it go!

“Then… should we accept this broadcast?” decision time!

This broadcast is one that shows amazing stories and has a very long history. Weirdos really come on, and people with disabilities come to get help on such broadcasts. ding ding!

Honestly, some cases are obviously scripted, but since what they want is really just us, it shouldn’t be too big of a problem… probably. fingers crossed!

Well, we can just discuss what we’d want, and if it doesn’t work, we can refuse the broadcast. easy peasy!

“I’m okay with it.” yes!

After Alice started to respond, nod!

“Yeah.” sure!

“If a broadcast like this comes out in our world first, it wouldn’t be bad to experience it.” all in!

“I’m okay too.” count me in!

Claire, Charlotte, and Mia responded in that order. team spirit!

I nodded and began to draft a reply to the email. typing sound!


You can’t just let broadcasting staff walk right into your house. nope!

It’s not simply because it’s a house with only girls living in it or there are things that might be a bit showy inside; those aren’t the reasons at all. nuh-uh!

It’s just that I feel a bit reluctant to let other people in. uh oh!

When I arrived at the appointed place, the staff member turned out to be one woman and one man. Both were station writers, and it seemed like the female one was in a higher position. noted!

“There’s nothing to dress up or anything. If you want to look that way, we can help, but honestly, you’re already looking great as you are.” compliment!

The female writer said, as the male writer nodded in agreement. nod yes!

“Can you eat Korean food?” yummy!

At that, we all exchanged glances. eye contact!

Honestly, with the five of us plus the two writers, the setting looked a bit awkward. I could tell the writers had invited us to a café with a round table for a reason. Maybe it’s a place university students frequently visit? hmmm…

“Well, we’re Korean but…” uhhhh…

I was the first to speak up. whistle!

It seemed they were a bit surprised by how fluently I spoke Korean when we first met, suggesting they probably didn’t watch our broadcasts carefully. surprised gasps!

They might not have been regular viewers at all. aha!

“No, actually, were you mixed?” curious!

“…I was Korean from birth, though.” matter-of-fact!

My answer immediately made the atmosphere at the table awkward. awkward silence!

Especially with the two writers. zips lips!

Um. uh oh!

I know I shouldn’t think this, but it was honestly a bit funny. giggle!

Whatever they say, it feels like the conversation will inevitably drift off into some ridiculous nonsense. But really, we weren’t going to lose anything. grin!

After all, I truly was a foreigner in the legal sense. I was practically just a foreigner who had been living here for about three months. shrug!

“Ah, um, then what about your name?” question mark!

“Actually, I grew up without my parents, so I don’t really know why I have this name.” shrug again!

“……” speechless!

Seeing me make a somewhat sad expression made the two writers freeze up once more. oops!

The other four were looking quite confused. Should they play along with my performance or just stay quiet? wacky dilemma!

Well, either way, it shouldn’t matter. They probably wouldn’t even think of it as acting. smirk!

This is true reality. ding!

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not work with dark mode