Switch Mode

Chapter 331

Chronicles of Aetherna, wait, all consumers of games released by Millennium are otaku. I was an otaku too, and there were many otaku gathering in the community for that game.

In the subculture world, the term “heroine” usually refers to pretty female characters who are linked to the protagonist, and in that sense, the heroines of Chronicles of Aetherna were all pretty characters, regardless of the world they belonged to.

Of course, Roti was a character a bit removed from the position of heroine. After all, she wasn’t created to be linked to the protagonist.

But that doesn’t mean her design was done carelessly.

Isn’t that right? Even if they aren’t the main couple, a couple is still a couple. If the sub-couple doesn’t have proper design, people generally don’t like it. As someone who writes stories, I want the characters I created to be loved, and I certainly don’t want to get criticized for it.

In the case of Chronicles of Aetherna being released a bit late in the West, it seems like some people claimed that Roti’s character was “tainted by PC culture,” but originally this series often had characters with darker skin tones.

Female characters are just pretty when depicted nicely, regardless of skin tone. Moreover, in the past, such skin colors were accepted as a “moe element.” Well, it seems like people don’t use that word much nowadays. But do they still use it in maid cafes?

Anyway, in that sense, Roti was a pretty character. The fact that she appears in doujinshis sometimes proves her popularity.

And, of course, the Roti in reality was also very pretty.

A beauty with distinct facial features that harmonize well is quite rare. Roti was that kind of beauty.

Normally, she would lower herself a lot, using polite speech, and her outfits were either maid uniforms or school uniforms… Or rather, perhaps that made her stand out even more? Hmm, I think Jake often interrupted the conversation among the boys to change the subject.

Anyway, Roti was looking very beautiful in a wedding dress that must have cost a fortune, with a bridal veil on her head.

Her makeup wasn’t heavy, which actually emphasized her innocence. After all, when it comes to “cute girl characters,” if makeup is too lacking, it tends to result in an odd character depiction.

“Your Highness.”

“You can just call me by my name in front of others.”

But Roti just couldn’t correct that way of speaking until the end. When I suggested calling her by her name, she’d start doing it, but eventually, polite speech would slip back in, and she’d revert to calling me “Your Highness.”

To point it out would lead to her apologizing, and I felt leaving the title as it was would be less awkward for Roti.

Well, since Charlotte, Mia, Sophia, and Rena still spoke politely to me, I guess it’s better to consider it a unique trait at this point.

In that sense, was my politeness also a unique trait? I mean, I just tossed it aside like yesterday’s trash.

“It seems like the nobles who were here were full of curiosity. It’s a wedding in Lindbergh, so it makes sense to have high-status guests. But those high-status folks seem to be chatting more with the bride than with Jake.”


“Sister, Roti has already heard that a few times….”

Oh dear.

That was meant to ease the tension, but I think I missed the mark.

Moreover, hearing that statement a few times implies it sounds like a widely known fact that everyone can see, not just a joke.

Given that Roti isn’t exactly accustomed to being the center of attention, being stared at curiously by high nobles might not be too pleasant.

“But that’s something unavoidable. Lindbergh is a famous name even in the neighboring Velbur. If you count the ‘must-invite families,’ you’d need several fingers to count them all.”

Charlotte, who had been there before, said that.

The saying “Guests shouldn’t outshine the bride or groom” seems to apply in this world as well. Of course, I personally don’t like standing out, so I came dressed simply, but seeing that even royal Charlotte dressed simply implies there’s that common understanding.

Though to be fair, the definition of “simple” here might mean that a simple silver dress that slightly exposes the shoulders could look more extravagant than the bride. But then again, next to a white wedding dress, the wedding dress color would stand out, so perhaps it’s alright.

These nobles have to live thinking about such things, and just imagining that is exhausting.

“Ultimately, it’s something we have to overcome.”

Alice, who wore a dark green dress instead of the empire’s colors of gold and red, likely chose that color for a similar reason. Similarly, Claire wore a navy dress.

Just for reference, I was in a deep blue dress that just barely avoided black. The fabric wasn’t too wide, so it wouldn’t be too glaring. In fact, even if each one stood alone, they were all unique dresses, but as most women at this wedding wore such designs, they tended to blend into the background.

It was colorful, but I guess you could say it was all about blending in. Rather, it’s because of those bright dresses that the pure white wedding dress stands out so much.

They say that someone wearing white clothes to a wedding in this world is basically saying, “let’s fight,” and honestly, it looked like that would be the case. Thinking again, who usually wears something like a wedding dress out and about?

“Uh, it’s okay! Someone like me is also high nobility! Just because I’m high nobility doesn’t mean everything is scary!”

“Mia, that sort of statement isn’t really helpful…”

Charlotte replied with a sigh to Mia’s remark.

“It’s a wedding. No one will say anything if you stand a little taller. After all, today’s the day for you to shine.”

Sophia gently placed her hand on Roti’s shoulder as she spoke.

“Honestly, who here would criticize you? Anyone who did would probably get beaten up from all sides.”

When I said that, Roti looked up at me.

“Really? Won’t they care? I’m just a commoner….”

“But that commoner got close to the Duke’s son, didn’t she? You didn’t ask for them to like you; they fell for you first. Besides, Lindbergh is a far greater noble than expected. Their estate might be on the southern continent, but they also have a sizable territory in the northern continent, and they grow quite a lot of produce there. Being a warmer region, there must also be plenty of fruits.”

Alice said with her arms crossed.

“And now that you’re the Duchess, it would be the Duke of Lindbergh’s utmost effort to protect you. That’s just who he is.”

And while that fact affected matters concerning Roti’s mother negatively, it’s better not to bring that topic up here.

The fact that Roti has Duke blood mixed in is a public secret. However, being treated as a “commoner with no connections” anyway means that Roti’s father is somewhat under the protection of Duke Lindbergh. Of course, he won’t show up at public events for that reason.

“So you don’t need to worry that much.”

“Um… Everyone, I understand you’re trying to be nice, but do we really need to talk about politics on a day like this?”

Having been completely worn out by such topics during her academy days, Sophia frowned.

Thanks to that, we were left with nothing much to say.

It seems we’ve gotten into a habit of bringing up such topics when talking, considering the circumstances.

As that somewhat awkward silence engulfed us—

Knock, knock, knock—the sound of someone knocking on the bride’s room door echoed.

Claire quickly went to the door.


Then as she opened the door, someone dashed in, cheerfully calling out to Roti—


Upon seeing the people inside, they were taken aback.

“Lady Baker.”

As I smiled and greeted her, she stammered, “H-Her Highness.”

Lady Baker seemed a bit stiff as she said that.

It seems she approached this side to escape high nobility but ended up meeting even higher-ranking nobility and froze instead.

I think I told her to drop the formalities every time we met while attending the Academy, but that didn’t happen easily.

It really seems the walls of the class system are high…

…Should I try introducing her to someone of even higher nobility? It seems her father, Mr. Baker, is a bit interested in that avenue.

Of course, she would absolutely refuse.

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