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Chapter 264

“…Do you really believe that?”

The Emperor shrugged at Lucas’s words.

“I don’t completely believe it.”

The Emperor was not entirely unaware of the existence called Sylvia. She had been quite famous in society for some time. It’s unclear if she was fully aware of this fact herself, but at least she seemed skilled enough to extract information from those who showed affection towards her.

He had heard that she was adopted. Through Lucas, he learned that “she was the girl from back then,” and so he had already been somewhat cautious. Grace’s Estate was definitely not a family that would just abandon anyone.

He also knew that the Emperor’s two daughters had made acquaintances with the Grace young lady during a banquet.

However, the story that Sylvia Grace, the black lily of Grace’s Estate, was the Emperor’s daughter—

“Perhaps she wants to use me for something.”

“Then shouldn’t we eliminate her beforehand?”

“That would be problematic. As far as I know, the orphan was raised with great care at Grace’s Estate. Everyone knows that the child came from outside, but even so, no one thinks that she ‘isn’t from Grace’s Estate.’ That family thinks of any child who bears their name, regardless of blood, as their own.”

In other words, if the Emperor harmed Sylvia Grace, the Baron of Grace would turn his back on him.

Still, he was just a baron managing a small territory within the Imperial Capital. If the Emperor really wanted to push him away, he could do it physically.

But doing so would cost the Emperor his political standing.

If a family had pledged their loyalty to the Emperor thoroughly, then dismissing them due to mere suspicion—especially for reasons that couldn’t be told to others—would only make him appear as someone who eliminated a loyal family without justification in the eyes of other loyal factions.

The Emperor’s power was solid. And most families that pledged loyalty to him had bowed their heads to that authority.

If he touched one of the few families that genuinely served him, it was clear that the rats, believing themselves cornered, would go wild. No matter how foolish a rat might be, it knows to bite a cat when it feels trapped.

And it was a problem that there was not just one rat.

“Above all, didn’t you say that the child definitely knows something?”

The Emperor slightly raised one corner of his lips and spoke.

“…Is it really true that there’s a child born outside?”


Lucas’s words made the Emperor pause for a moment.

Right, that was the issue.

He had separated those children from their mother during their early childhood so they wouldn’t realize they were “the Emperor’s children,” yet this “Sylvia” remembered.

After hearing her call him “father” that day, he had conducted an investigation, but he couldn’t find her mother.

Was she truly dead, or did she lack the talent to shine enough that even the Emperor wouldn’t keep her in mind?

Many women whispered false love and promised status. Of course, for most of them, such benefits never came. Even if they did, they themselves wouldn’t be able to become nobility or royalty.

If the child lacked any noticeable ability, he wouldn’t bother with her. There had been several children who had died working before Lucas and Bella, so the Emperor didn’t pay much attention to the overall number of children.

Even if some nobles found such orphaned daughters of ex-royalty and managed to find children carrying the Emperor’s blood, it wouldn’t matter. The Emperor could simply deny it; who could contest him? After all, “evidence” would amount to nothing unless the Emperor acknowledged it himself.

Thus, the existence of Sylvia was incredibly fresh to the Emperor.

If he had thought of her as just another child with no ability, he was finally seeing her potential.

A child who retained memories from such an early age that an ordinary person would be unable to recall.

How did she know about the existence of the heir? No, she might not have known about the heir’s existence. Perhaps she was simply observing the Emperor’s movements while scouting locations.

If she had such an extraordinary brain, it was possible she could guess someone’s intentions by observing their actions.

“Just because I’m a man doesn’t mean I can ignore this.”

The Emperor decided to give an evasive response to Lucas.

It was essential that “the children” did not realize their true bloodline.

“Then is it truly that Sylvia girl—”

“We’ll have to wait and see.”

As the Emperor answered, Lucas let out a small whistle.


The Emperor looked at the small piece of heirloom he held in his hand.

Even with this bit alone, he could not understand what it was “for.”

Yet, perhaps, if that Sylvia had known of the heirloom’s existence all along…

Then that child might not simply be “the Emperor’s child.”

Thinking about the plans the Emperor was currently establishing, it wouldn’t be surprising if the Goddess were also moving.

“Let’s watch a bit longer.”

Whether Sylvia would side with her “father” until the end, or whether she’d try to betray him at the last moment.

After all, there was only one way to confirm it.

Completing the heirloom.


“Indeed, I can’t shake the feeling that the face of that Sylvia girl is familiar.”

The Emperor casually remarked.

Was it because she resembled the woman he had lain with, or was it merely the memory of having met her at the ball? Or was it an instinct from blood relations?

The Emperor was very curious about this.


“To Crowfield Territory?”

Claire tilted her head and asked, while Alice looked somewhat troubled.

In my previous life, I had been invited to Grace’s Estate during the holidays, but now I was already the daughter of Grace’s Estate.

Moreover, I had a very good relationship with the orphans. After coming to Grace’s Estate, I had taken great care of them for a considerable time. Perhaps that was why I had been able to become the daughter of Grace’s Estate.

In any case, there was no need to do so now.

Claire had already spent her childhood with the kids coiling around each other in her previous life. And these kids had been with me for a long enough time that they wouldn’t miss me too much. Even now, when it’s just the two of us or only with the children, we spoke to each other informally.

Well, I still used formal language with the kids, but that was due to the nature of having become a “noble young lady.”

Besides, Alice had originally had nothing to do with the other kids. Naturally, there was no need to go visit them.

So, rather than losing my mind and wasting the entire holiday, it would be better to resolve unresolved issues quickly.

…In this world, Count Crowfield, who is not dead.

And Mia, whose life had turned upside down because of that count.

That bespectacled thug might still be in Crowfield Territory. But at the very least, I could greatly disrupt the business the Count was running.

I didn’t know whether the Emperor truly believed my words.

However, if I stick to this kind of justification for dirtying my hands to help the Emperor, it might help me score some points.

In this world, there are no hidden maidens. If one wants to scrutinize me, it would be best to have someone like that in place, but perhaps they are just wary because of the being that has “usurped” the Goddess’s power.

If you want to triumph over something for sure, it’s common sense to block as many variables as possible.

Conversely, if you want to completely ruin someone’s plans, it’s best for me to become a variable.

“I want to help Mia.”

When I said that, Alice nodded seriously. Since she had been with me at that time, she must understand how important that moment was.

“Above all, that man who tried to crush me in the carriage is probably there.”

“…Got it. I’ll go.”

As I explained, sparks flew from Claire’s eyes.

Mia might be pitiful, but it seemed that the man who had almost tried to kill me was even more despicable.

To be honest, I was awash with emotions back then.

I had made him bloody.

…The head of the orphanage is dead.

But at least, in this world, the children who were in the orphanage wouldn’t disappear without names.

Because the orphanage didn’t burn down, even though the head was dead.

And if I diligently memorized that list, it would ensure that the existence of those children wouldn’t be forgotten even when I return to my original world.

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