Switch Mode

Chapter 173

The interior decoration of this era was incredibly lavish no matter where you looked.

Even the newly built houses were the same. This was probably due to the faithful reflection of the original setting. When you think of the Belle Epoch era, the unique Victorian-style decor immediately comes to mind, so it makes sense. In fact, in the game, even if it was decorated like that, it didn’t look that grand because the graphics weren’t enough to showcase it all perfectly.

Experiencing these actual logged-in things while wandering around this world… was refreshing.

Well, it made sense; most of the Victorian-era artifacts I saw in the world I lived in were ‘old.’ No matter how ornate and antique they may be, once things age, the feeling of newness diminishes significantly. I felt the same even in the historically rich Imperial Palace of the Capital.

But here was different. Although a long time had passed since this place became a colony, new houses and farms were being built here and there, and the mansion on this farm didn’t seem that old either.

Seeing interior decorations that sparkled a bit too much no matter where I looked felt oddly fascinating. Yet, I didn’t get the vibe of ‘nouveau riche,’ so I could guess how capable the era’s interior decorating experts must be.

“Your Highness, the Crown Princess.”

Considering the age gap between us, the Duke bowed his head a bit too much.

“I’ve heard you have something to say.”


I wondered where he had heard about my personality. Or maybe he figured it out from the last banquet. The Duke didn’t seem to mind my straightforwardness that cut right to the chase.

The Duke gently opened his palm to indicate a chair, and I sat down. With a small table between us, a maid swiftly poured a cup of black tea for both of us. Then she quickly set the teapot on the table and hurriedly left.

That maid was also a white person.

“What do you wish to talk about?”

“I’ve heard that Your Highness, the Crown Princess, cares for Roti.”


It wouldn’t be wrong to say I ‘care’ for her. In fact, though we aren’t close like soulmates, Roti is one of the people I wish to save.

In reality, there’s almost no chance of Roti dying. Depending on the choices, it’s just Jake saving Roti and dying instead.

Even though Jake isn’t the heroine, I don’t want to see the pure couple’s relationship shattered by death.

“I received great help from her.”

“Then, is it really possible to grant that knighthood?”

The Duke asked again directly. Well, better straightforward than beating around the bush.

But even being direct, there had to be another meaning behind those words. Inside was the question, ‘Is it possible for colonial subjects to receive titles?’

“It wouldn’t be impossible.”

I stated firmly.

“First of all, the Emperor Arthur III trusts me. He’s not the type of person to give nothing to someone who has helped me.”

Hearing my words, the Duke nodded earnestly.

“Also, my older brother, Prince Jayden Fanggriffon, is the commander of the Royal Order of Knights. He values me greatly, so he wouldn’t be so harsh as to refuse my request.”

After hearing this, I watched the Duke’s expression.

If the Duke were simply a character who oppressed the colonials, he would have shown an unpleasant expression.

But if he were more of an opportunist, he might bite the bait.

In fact, the ‘parent generation’ of the protagonist doesn’t play a central role in the game. They’re sometimes portrayed as representatives of the regime, sometimes as love blockers, and sometimes as reliable supporters. Their faces and names might appear, but the narrative center is always the protagonist’s party.

I’ve read and remembered the text that exists in the setting.
The Duke is a racist and an imperialist. But at the same time—

“Is that so.”

The Duke smiled.

—Yeah, the Duke is also a power-hungry opportunist.

The Duke got up from his chair and walked over slowly. Then he stood in front of the large window and quietly gazed outside.

The farm was now dim. There were sporadic lights visible, but it was hard to tell whether they were guarding against intruders or if they were lights left on because someone was still working.

“Your Highness, do you know how long this regime will last?”

“It can’t last forever.”


I opened my eyes a bit wider at his unexpected words, but thankfully, it seemed I hadn’t been caught by the Duke, who was looking out the window.

“Some say that because there are many people in the colonies, we can buy raw materials cheaply and sell them at high prices, there will always be buyers. But that’s not true. There’s a limit to the wealth any group can possess. If we keep draining it, eventually what seemed an endless gold mine will run dry.”

The Duke turned back.

“And I’ve been feeling that lately.”

“Are you implying a rebellion might happen?”

“Not exactly.”

The Duke responded to my question with a bitter smile.

“Do you know? It seems that people from the mainland think of the colonial residents as something akin to slaves, but legally, that’s not the case.”

I remained silent.

“First of all, slavery was abolished long ago in the Empire. There were times when those slaves had the same skin color as us and times when they did not, but legally, there are no more slaves.”

“Are you saying the colonial residents are considered free people?”

“Not that either. Legally, they are lawful subjects of the Empire, but that’s all. They can’t move around freely, and there’s no right to vote. What I’m trying to say is that we’ve already missed the timing to enslave them.”

The Duke looked out the window again.

“Before we came over here, they were divided among various nations. They had different classes, and thus could not have a single identity. Even now, that atmosphere hasn’t entirely disappeared. But it’s not like there’s no sense of community at all.”

The oppressors and the oppressed.

Those with different skin colors.

“There was once a massive empire on this land. It split hundreds of years ago, but at least once, there was a great empire that ruled over the entire continent, a blooming cultural empire. And now, they are gradually starting to recollect that history again. It’s only a small part, but the awareness of ‘the same race in the same cultural sphere’ is starting to take root.”

This world was just at the point where the concept of ‘nation’ was being born.

“Legally free people can choose not to work if needed, and if they start forming a group with some sense of community, within the jurisdiction…”


“I’m trying my best to manage things. If I pay them just enough to get by, they won’t have the luxury to think differently. After all, they need to survive, right? If I instill the awareness that if they strike, they will starve, I could delay it a bit.”

“They will eventually rise up.”

At my words, the Duke nodded.

“Thus, Your Highness’s actions are quite significant. ‘Even if you are from the colonies, if you contribute, you can rise up,’ right?”



No, I hadn’t thought that far!

“If your calculations are correct, Roti would indeed become a groundbreaking figure. Perhaps one day her name might appear in textbooks.”

Well, would that happen?

I was just trying to create at least the minimum conditions to marry the Duke’s son.

“Do you wish for my son to marry Roti, Your Highness?”

Well… I guess?

As I nodded, the Duke seemed to know something and smiled.

“I have a rough idea of what Your Highness is thinking.”

What do I even think?

No, I was just hoping the sweet potato couple would get together quickly and enjoy their romance!

“But honestly speaking, there’s a slight discomfort in my mind when my son marries someone of a different skin color…”

The Duke said to me with a kind smile on his lips.

“It’s true that my son values Roti, so as long as certain conditions are met, as a father who loves his son, I cannot refuse.”

“By certain conditions, do you mean something above a title?”

“Though quite a bit of time has passed since we moved over here, it doesn’t mean that there is no affection for the mainland. It’s just that, as a vassal, I can’t demand too much from Your Highness.”

The Duke slightly bowed his waist as he spoke.

“We wish for a ‘genuine’ friendship with the royal family. I hope that Roti can be the witness to that.”

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not work with dark mode