Switch Mode

Chapter 171

“Did, did you really arrive before 10 AM…?”


I wanted to say something in response to Lily’s mumbling, but I bit my tongue.

Leo, being the honest and diligent protagonist, is known for keeping promises very well. It’s not just about arriving at the meeting place on time. Even in situations where lives were on the line or when facing real difficulties in the game, he would leap in just to uphold his promises.

Finishing work on time is a given.

Of course, the person who gets caught up in this can’t just laugh it off.

In the game, there wasn’t a separate stamina system for walking, running, or fighting, so there were hardly any expressions of the characters being tired after finishing work. But right now, everyone around me looked just as tired.

Even Lily, who had just gasped.

Especially Mia Crowfield, who looked like she was on the brink of death.

She woke up early in the morning, went out in the chilly air, and returned at the height of the sweltering sun after all that hard work. It’s only natural that she would be exhausted.

“Do you all move this early every day?”

“‘Every day’ isn’t accurate.”

Alice answered firmly, looking at Lily who was staring at us with disbelief.

“Only these two move like this every day.”

Charlotte pointed at Leo and Claire, and the two of them looked bewildered.

I can understand Leo, but how did Claire end up with this personality from the original?

I know that my presence in this world caused such a deviation from the original work, but no matter how much I think about it, it’s pretty ironic.

“Oh, but are you okay? You said you had plans with your friends.”

Leo asked Lily.

When the handsome noble boy spoke to her, Lily momentarily looked dazed, but quickly realized reality and turned sullen.

It’s because she had just spent all morning working, and now she had to go work with her friends with hardly any break in between. And unlike the human-like companions of my party, ordinary people mostly had to handle their work without relying on magic or weapons.

Naturally, it would take longer, and surely the work wouldn’t end quickly. No matter what, she’d probably have to work until at least 5 PM. If they planned to take a break during the hottest part of the day, it could get even later.


If there are bad rumors going around about our class from the peasants’ side, I guess we’ll just have to endure it.

But Lily’s frown didn’t last long.

Suddenly, she had an expression like she forgot something, then it seemed she remembered why she had come here. She glanced at me once and then at Roti.

And following her gaze, everyone else’s eyes slowly turned towards me, then back to Roti.


And as if she had understood something by herself, Lily looked at me again, and soon others followed her gaze.

Well, she was pretty smart in the original as well. Even though the top spot was usually occupied by Alice, and the place right below by Charlotte and other noble classmates, I remembered that Lily’s name was mentioned somewhere in the rankings too.

Considering that she was a commoner, it’s remarkable that she was even able to keep up with the nobles, given her foundational knowledge was likely lacking.

“Got it.”

Lily murmured as if she understood something.

I can’t fully follow her line of thinking. Her thought process is different from mine. But at least, she probably understood that we don’t look down on Roti just because she’s a commoner.

“Thank you all. This was a great experience.”

Then, she bowed to us in gratitude.

“Huh? We just happened to have some free time and went to solve a request together. Don’t think too much about it.”

When Leo said that, Lily gave a bitter smile.

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes, much more than I initially thought.”

Lily beamed at my question.

“Then let’s meet again next time. If we cross paths in the hallway, don’t ignore me like you don’t know me.”

“How many commoners do you think will ignore nobles while attending the academy…?”

Lily responded to Claire with a smile.

Well, that’s that.

I’ve left a good impression on Lily, one of the main characters from the original, and I managed to lay the groundwork for the story to unfold in a direction I was thinking of.

You could say it was killing two birds with one stone.


After heading upstairs to wash up lightly, I came down and finished lunch. I was sitting at a lounge table, zoning out when Jake plopped himself down in front of me.


His voice calling my name sounded brighter than usual.

No, perhaps it could be said that the ‘type’ of brightness was different. Normally, it’s exaggerated, like he’s acting; now, it felt like he was casually greeting a friend.

At least, there was no longer a reason to maintain his act in front of me.

Whether it’s trust building or today’s events that uplifted my image in his head, I couldn’t tell.

“Have you thought of why I’m sitting alone here?”

“What’s the reason?”

I replied indifferently, and Jake responded with a sly smile. Honestly, it’s hard to believe someone with such a face could act like a love-struck fool. From what I saw, he looked more like a rogue hitting on a heroine who already had someone she liked.

Maybe that’s why rom-com tropes keep repeating.

Well, it’s not entirely Jake’s fault that his character turned out that way in the original; the developers who designed him are to blame as well.

“Most of the people around me understand that when I claim a seat and sit alone, it means I’m ‘organizing my thoughts.’ So Alice or Claire, and even Rena, rarely disturb me during these times.”

“Those are all the kids you call by name.”

“…I call almost everyone around me by name.”

“Mia doesn’t count.”

Mia doesn’t count because we’re not close.

I don’t particularly want to get close, but it’s difficult due to our past. If I suddenly rush in and pretend to be friendly… it would look a bit psychopathic, wouldn’t it?

“Your expression and voice may be somewhat concealed, but if I quietly watch you act, I can tell who you distinguish as friends and those who aren’t. Oh, of course, I’m not saying you’re bad; it’s just you’re being considerate of others.”

“On which basis are you making such assumptions?”

“You went and stirred up trouble today and still say that?”


“You, who normally never waste a single shot, suddenly mixed up bullets? I saw you checking your gun before heading into battle. You’re not someone who would suddenly start confusing how Marmaros stones look.”

I should have let him hear what I said while being crushed under that lion’s paw.

Of course, that would have sent things back to square one.

“So, let’s just lay it all out.”

Jake leaned back comfortably in his chair and said.

“You’re planning to elevate Roti, right?”


Well, he isn’t wrong.

“But still, I can’t wrap my head around your reason for doing so. Are you seriously hoping Roti and I get married or something? I just don’t get why you’d suddenly show us such kindness. Is there some hidden intent behind it?”

Not really.

I genuinely want to see you two get married.

Why? Because—

Honestly, watching Roti be cool yet tsundere gets irritating when there’s an obstacle just dragging it down. It feels like trying to eat a sweet potato without water.


But I can’t just say that out loud.

I stared silently at Jake before speaking.

“Are you saying I plan to use her?”

“Hmm, well, honestly, I can’t pinpoint where Roti fits into your thoughts since I can’t organize what you’re thinking right now.”

Jake shrugged.

“I’d think it’s better for her to be utilized by someone than treated as mere decoration.”

But Jake’s words didn’t end there.

“Still, if Roti’s life were to be in danger, I wouldn’t just sit back and watch.”

Naturally, that would never happen.

Both Roti and you are among those I want to protect.

At least until this grand story comes to an end.

“I’ll take that to heart.”

That thought allowed a fair amount of sincerity to seep into my reply.

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not work with dark mode