Switch Mode

Chapter 170

With my strong insistence, the request shifted from elephant hunting to lion hunting.

It was supposed to be a hunt for an old lion wandering near the village, which at least posed a real problem. It was certainly different from the elephants leisurely grazing in the vast open fields.

The massive lion was indeed colossal enough to be regarded as a real monster, with teeth as solid as frozen ice, but it had taken to raiding villages and preying on livestock.

Moreover, it was said it had attacked people a few times. Those folks managed to hide inside their cars, and the lion fled upon seeing the hunters approach before it could break the windows.

“According to the description, it’s supposed to be a very tricky target.”

Since they could tell I was holding a rifle, I couldn’t bring along heavy weaponry. The first mission was supposed to be for elephant hunting because I had chosen that gigantic elephant gun under the pretense of testing firepower.

And evidently, it seemed that it could recognize both men and women. Although it hadn’t eaten anyone yet, that day, the husband was out working while the mother and her two kids were returning from the market. There was a man present, but he was just an old driver who stood no chance against the lion.

He had been hiding until the lion pounced, and luckily managed to get back into the car.

“…So, you’re going to do this alone?”

“That’s right.”

I replied calmly.

“At least have someone else—”

“The other people here can’t conceal their presence perfectly, so that won’t work.”

I cut off their words with that brief statement.

There was some truth to what I said. I had no talent in this area, so I couldn’t radiate a killing aura, but those skilled in swordsmanship here could all overpower their opponents with their energy. If they faced someone stronger than themselves, however, they’d be no better than fodder.

When dealing with people, it’s a useful ability; hiding from a ‘human’ is indeed easier, but it’s a different story with beasts.

Especially, an experienced old lion wouldn’t charge at someone like Leo.

That said, I couldn’t send out Roti or Lily Baker.

Not because I didn’t trust their skills, but because of what I wanted to accomplish.


Alice nodded.

“But if it seems even a bit dangerous, we’ll immediately abort the mission and all run away.”


Well, I didn’t plan on dying either.

I meant to make it all seem like nothing was ever happening if it became truly dangerous.


…It’s really huge.

The lion that let out a growl was incredibly massive. Even while it stood on all fours, its eye level seemed nearly equal to mine.

Did I look like a delicious prey in that lion’s eyes?

I thought so. Just swinging its claws would leave me in two pieces. To the lion, I must look like a soft pudding.

Of course, I wasn’t going to let myself be sliced that easily.

As I saw the lion approaching me within three strides, I drew the pistol I had been hiding behind my back.

The lion seemed to know what a pistol was.

It looked at me, tensed up for a moment—then charged straight at me.

Did it think it could withstand a pistol? Or did it think attacking first and eating me would be more advantageous?

But then what?

The pistol in my hand was a bit larger caliber than the usual automatic pistols, a revolver I used originally.

With .455 Marmaros rounds loaded in it.

Flame rounds are particularly effective against beasts like that which exude a cold aura.

And no matter how fast that lion was.

I had already matched shots against Lucas, who was fast as a near-human.


One round.

That single shot was enough.

At the moment the round hit the charging lion’s face, it exploded, creating a massive flare that sent the charging lion crashing to the ground.

I watched as it slid across the ground, flailing its legs, so I fired a few more shots.

Bang, bang, bang,

To be honest, it was a loss. Even if the lion’s hide was sold and Marmaros was refined from within, the cost of the rounds I used would be pricier.

Well, still better than dying.

The lion, now on the ground, slid toward me and happened to stop right in front of my feet.

Great. This much is enough.

Now I knew I wouldn’t be dying alone.



This time, it was the same.

But the premise was different.


For an ordinary human, it would be strange to get hit and roll over, but the shot didn’t affect the lion.

There was no reason to panic. After all, I had loaded a standard round this time.

Only the first two shots.

Strictly speaking, the cylinder had bullets loaded in the same order as before.

Three flame-type Marmaros rounds and two standard rounds.

I simply rotated the cylinder to change the order.

But the results were completely different.

The lion jerked its head. A bit of blood splattered. However, unlike before, it didn’t just drop to the ground.


I fired one more standard round.

The lion still seemed intent on making me its meal.

I pretended to panic, taking two steps to the right, then fell to the ground. Hmm, from a distance, it might still look like I tripped over with my legs crossed?


A loud gunshot rang out.

But it wasn’t my gun; it came from off to my right.

In the vast open grassland stood a single tree.

As I turned my gaze, I saw a glint there.

Roti’s rifle scope was reflecting light.

I had positioned Roti and Lily at a distance where they wouldn’t be able to feel any energy. However, Lily’s position was somewhat unfavorable. If she wasn’t careful, she might accidentally shoot me while trying to hit the lion. Specifically, from the building above which I moved to the right, it would be easy to overlap.

Since Rena had brought her pistol and submachine gun today, she wasn’t close enough to take aim.

Watching the falling lion while I smirked with satisfaction, I hoped Roti couldn’t see me—

“Uh, wait—”

But the next moment, seeing the angle at which the lion was falling sent me into a panic. Well, there was no doubt I had guided it to fall at that angle—

The lion’s front paw crashing down upon me was much larger than I anticipated.


…I was grateful the onlookers were far enough to not hear me making that sound.



Shortly after, I heard Alice’s almost-scream voice.

Seeing my companions rush toward me, I quickly pushed aside the lion’s paw that was draped over me like a blanket.

I hadn’t sustained any serious injury. It hadn’t struck hard; it had merely fallen on me.

Still, I might have a bruise or two, right?

I could say I was lucky its claws hadn’t grazed my body.

“I-I’m so sorry!”

Lily quickly rushed over and bowed deeply.

“Due to the angle of the Crown Princess and the lion overlapping—”

She stopped herself, realizing it might imply it was my fault.

“Don’t worry about it. Falling to the ground was my fault.”

Just as I was saying this, I felt a coolness in my side; looking over, Mia Crowfield was pointing her staff at me. Had she cast a healing spell?

When I nodded in her direction, she averted her eyes shyly.

Amidst Claire and Alice’s persistent concern—wondering if I was really alright, if I was hiding an injury, or if I had sprained my leg—Roti quietly approached.


I addressed Roti, who had come close enough to stand with her hands respectfully clasped.

“Thanks to you, I managed to avoid serious injury… No, technically, I could say you are my lifesaver. I really appreciate it.”

“…No, it’s nothing. I just did what I had to.”

As I spoke, I noticed Jake, who had been silently watching us, narrowing his eyes a little.

“No, no,” I firmly replied to Roti.

“Even though I may look like this, I am the Empire’s Crown Princess. I cannot simply brush aside the fact that you saved my life.”

Roti’s expression remained unreadable, but she seemed somewhat flustered at the same time. Her gaze, which had been cast down, lifted to meet mine.

And the expression of Alice, who had been worried about me, subtly changed.

A flicker of understanding crossed her face, followed by a hand raised to her forehead.

Well, it is what it is.

If there were a way for a commoner to rise in status, earning merit would be the best way. The higher the status of that individual in the country, the better.

Seeing Jake’s narrowed gaze shift to one of amusement, I shrugged.

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not work with dark mode