Switch Mode

Chapter 122

Alice and Sylvia returned to the Imperial Palace the next evening.

It had only been a short three days, but to Alice, Sylvia’s face looked more relaxed than ever. It was as if she had completely let go of all her worries.

However, that relaxed expression completely vanished when she changed back into her school uniform before returning to the palace.

Alice then thought about how the palace, which she considered home, might not feel that way to Sylvia at all.

That thought felt… somewhat alien to Alice. It was something she had never once considered or doubted before.

This palace had been a place Alice had assumed was home ever since she was born, and because of that, she had thought Sylvia would naturally think the same.

But that wasn’t the case.

Sylvia seemed to find Grace’s Estate more comfortable.

And, Alice even felt like she could understand why Sylvia thought that way.

“Did you enjoy the academy?”

Sure enough, while entering to meet the Emperor, both Sylvia and Alice had been there, but now it was just Alice and the Emperor having a conversation.

Was it because Alice was of the Emperor’s blood?

Maybe that was it.

Alice knew that Sylvia had exceptional abilities, which is why the Emperor considered her one of the potential successors to the throne. If the Emperor thought of Alice as the next heir, it wouldn’t be because Alice was better than Sylvia, but because Sylvia had no intentions of taking the throne.

It must have been due to Alice’s demeanor before going to the academy. If there was a direct reason, that would be it.

But even so, the way the Emperor acted in front of Alice and Sylvia was different.

He said they were “same princesses,” and he acted as if that was the case, but if one were to pick whom he treated as his real daughter, it would surely be Alice.

“Yes, it was enjoyable.”

As she answered that, Alice recalled Grace’s Estate. The Baroness treated Leo and Claire equally. Perhaps it was because Claire was a girl, that she wouldn’t inherit the title of Baron. They adopted her for her abilities, but in the end, she was still a girl.

Even if she inherited the name of the Baron, Clara’s best bet for a future would still be to marry into a good family. Even considering Claire and Leo as siblings, Grace’s Estate wouldn’t take a hit.

But even considering such reasons, ultimately, the Baroness acted as though Claire was her biological daughter. Unless she was talking about the orphans who spent time with Claire, she didn’t clearly reveal Claire was adopted.

…At a young age, assigned to an assassination mission, nearly sent to the front lines before entering the academy—

If she truly thought of Sylvia as her ‘child,’ would the Emperor have put her in such a situation? Was it simply because he trusted her that he did so?

Did Sylvia know about that fact…? Did she feel it?

“It seems you had quite a good time with your sisters.”

It truly was enjoyable. All the more, there was no need to remember the obsession for the throne she had in her childhood.

“What do you think of Sylvia? Does she seem to be enjoying the academy?”

“…I think so.”

“I see.”

The Emperor said that while gazing thoughtfully at Alice.

“Since Sylvia dressed up like that for your plan, she’s probably enjoying her academy life in her own way.”

Alice silently looked up at the Emperor.

For some reason, she had a feeling she knew what he would say next.

“That person we saw back then.”

The Emperor spoke slowly, like building suspense. Rather than hesitating, it seemed more like he was emphasizing his words.

“Did Sylvia say anything about the person in the grove?”


If Sylvia had talked about that person’s identity… no matter who Alice expected, she would have panicked. It’s one thing to ponder alone, and another entirely to confirm that those thoughts were real.

“After that, do you think Sylvia used her special skills?”

“…I don’t know.”

Even if she did use them.

Sylvia remained silent. Alice didn’t pry either.

The Emperor always wore a relaxed smile. To hide her own expression, Alice simply gazed up at the Emperor. She probably wasn’t very successful. If Alice could read Sylvia’s expressions, then the Emperor could undoubtedly read Alice’s even better. And Alice didn’t think she could conceal her emotions better than Sylvia.


The Emperor quietly scrutinized Alice.

“At that moment.”

The Emperor continued speaking slowly.

“The one presumed to have the Jiboh, disappeared in an instant. It didn’t seem like they activated any magic or used any other devices. Afterward, we searched high and low, but didn’t find any other escape routes.”

As the Emperor leaned slightly toward Alice, it appeared as though he was looking down at her from a high position.

He spoke with a bit of pressure in that posture.

“At that moment, Sylvia collapsed. No, it would be accurate to say she ‘was already collapsed.’ We didn’t see the process of Sylvia falling. However, from the bruises and torn seams on her clothing, we can infer that ‘something happened in between.'”

The Emperor deliberately shared facts that everyone present that day already knew, laying them out piece by piece before Alice.

“Sylvia told you nothing about that day?”


She hadn’t even bothered to ask.



Alice remembered.

For some reason, she was recalling a battle that everyone else there had forgotten. The process leading to encountering that person was clearly vivid to her. Even the fact that a battle occurred afterward.

However, the scenes of battle were fragmented. When she thought she had cut that person with her sword, she realized she hadn’t. If he had been shot, she sensed that also hadn’t happened. It was as if the future and the past overlapped, as if it was predetermined that he wouldn’t die.

But Alice was sure she remembered something that absolutely shouldn’t have happened in reality.

Right up to the moment when that person grabbed Sylvia’s collar.

As the space broke and warped, right up to the moment when he was shedding blood—

And that memory was suddenly interrupted and turned into the moment when the Emperor was speaking.

So what had happened?

No idea. That person ultimately vanished, and after he was supposed to be there, he was gone.

Why was Alice the only one who remembered him?

She didn’t know that either.

“Sylvia still hasn’t said anything.”

And neither had Alice.


Over the horizon, Alice felt the Emperor quietly observing her. But Alice remained silent, simply waiting.

“I see.”

Finally, the Emperor opened his mouth. The pressure he had been exerting on Alice suddenly lightened.

“But there’s one thing I know for sure.”

A smile danced on the Emperor’s lips, as if it amused him.

“At the very least, Sylvia cannot return to that moment in time. If it were possible, she would have simply erased that very situation. Whoever that person in the grove was, it’s certain they brought us some benefit.”

“Even if that person took the Jiboh?”

“So, what can they do with that Jiboh?”


At the very least, possessing a few broken pieces of Jiboh wouldn’t mean much. While speculations and legends about it remained globally, that was all. No one had ever collected all the Jiboh pieces.

“But if that person were to appear again and attempt to seize the Jiboh—”

“They won’t appear so easily.”

The Emperor said with a smile.

“If they could show up easily, they would have collected all the Jiboh ages ago. If their gathering of the Jiboh was already determined in the future, well…”

The Emperor shrugged.

“Then we would just have to accept that as our fate.”

But Alice, the Emperor’s daughter, knew well that he wouldn’t simply do that.

“Anyway, thank you for your hard work.”

After such a conversation, the Emperor spoke as if their recent discussion was nothing but ordinary chatter.

“I want to chat with your sisters, but it seems this father has taken up too much time. I hope it’s okay for me to leave now.”


Alice lightly bowed her head to the Emperor and turned to exit the audience chamber.

All while unable to quell the anxiety deep within her heart.

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