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Chapter 24

The duel ended with a clean score of 2:0, marking Nina’s victory!

The suspension punishment was passed to Professor Carter, and Kitty Garfield faced additional charges, leading to her first expulsion ticket of the year.

It was the first time Chancellor Lunia had acted so decisively, even for a problem child known for giving special classes a final chance.

Anyway, after being expelled rather than just demoted, Kitty received a breakup notice from the crown prince.

Kitty broke down, overwhelmed by the pain from Nina’s hit and the shock of the breakup.

The Garfield Marquis House began to decline as a prime example of failed child-rearing.

Carter Garfield, the eldest son, would never see any future, so there was no hope for him.

“Did that really happen?”

“Are you a devil?”

“Shouldn’t you have asked if I’m a righteous enforcer instead?”

“I’ve never seen a proper person among those who talk about justice. Especially someone who removes others’ reproductive organs or makes them infertile can’t be called just.”

“At least you didn’t feel any pain, right?”

“Quickly turn my body back to the way it was…!”

“If you want to go back to being a guy, hurry up and find out who commissioned you!”

The weekend arrived after the duel event wrapped up.

I visited Celestia’s hut in the Witch’s Forest, as usual.

Celestia and Pol were hard at work developing a new potion like fish in water.

I had been consistently visiting to check on the progress and to gather information from Skarl, who had been forced into gender swapping.

“There’s still no progress. I’m desperately searching for traces, but nothing’s turning up.”

“Our assassin seems rather incompetent compared to the fame.”

“I’m not incompetent. The client is unusually meticulous.”

“With no information on the client, it’s surprising you accepted such a shady job.”

“I was offered an amount I could live lavishly on for a lifetime, along with a hefty advance that I couldn’t refuse.”

Materialistic ideologies exist in every world.

In a world where money rules, mercenaries are no exception.

“So you ended up losing your precious things; it’s a case of self-inflicted wounds.”


“Before you lose your gender identity, find out who it is. If you can identify them, I’ll return your body and your freedom.”

“…Got it.”

If the situation worsens, Skarl could simply live as a woman, but why was he so desperate to go back to being a man?

The reason was his only son.

After losing his wife as a result of failing his mission, Skarl had nothing left but his son.

To protect his only bloodline, Skarl toiled as a mercenary assassin, earning money and living desperately.

The son, who couldn’t bear living without tears due to his father’s sacrifices, yearned to see him.

As his precious family, he had to meet him at least once; however, Skarl couldn’t do that in his current situation.

The much-anticipated reunion with his father.

But what if his father had turned into a woman? It was a horrifying thought.

If I were in the son’s shoes, my world might come crashing down.

Knowing this, Skarl was desperately trying to revert to his male form.

It was safe to say he wouldn’t be lazy about the investigation.

“I haven’t been able to find out anything about the client, but there was another job similar to the crown prince assassination request.”

“During a time when they’re cleansing all those involved in the crown prince’s assassination, someone requested the assassination of a royal family member?”

“This case is a bit special. It involves a princess the imperial family has discarded, and it seems like assassination requests for her come out just after people forget her.”

“…Tell me more.”

Even half of royal blood is noble.

It’s rare for the nobility to abandon someone with royal blood, even if they are a bast*rds.

However, sadly, there was exactly one royal figure I knew who fit this description.

“This request came from a marquis family. The content was as usual: to kill a princess.”

“Is it Princess Yuer Isipin Arungard?”

“Looks like you know her.”

“She’s famous for being a princess who, after numerous assassination attempts, has developed a distrust of humans.”

It was hard to find someone who didn’t know about Yuer; she was a well-known figure.

Despite this, the imperial family wasn’t actively protecting her, leading everyone to talk about how she had been abandoned.

Perhaps that’s why people’s gazes towards her were filled with ridicule or sympathy.

“So who accepted the request?”

“Even though she’s a princess with less risk, everyone was hesitant. After the crown prince incident, many mercenaries were involved and died, so they were careful.”

“Somehow it sounds like you’re saying there was at least one person.”

“The Undertaker was the only one who accepted the request.”

“The infamous necromancer known for collecting corpses?”

“Yeah, he was thrilled since it’s not every day you can get a royal corpse.”

A rather annoying villain had taken the request.

The expected client was Kitty Garfield.

She had requested to kill Nina after losing the duel, so it was certain.

It seemed her target of hatred had shifted, and the quality of the hunt had risen significantly due to the status of a princess.

“When’s the planned activity?”


“Oh no…!”

I covered my eyes with my palm and pressed my temples hard.

My head started to throb.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m supposed to get paid for vacation days, overtime, and a special performance bonus…”

“You’re thinking of saving the princess too?”

“Of course.”

I couldn’t just let the villainess, playing a crucial role in the story, die quietly.

Moreover, to cut the lifeline of the Garfield family, it was a necessary task.

I was a bit disappointed that my target had shifted from Nina to Princess Yuer.

“Looks like the undertaker will meet a devil. I should express my condolences to him in advance.”

“Have you ever seen a devil saving people?”

“Even if you pretend to be righteous, the fact that you’re a devil to me doesn’t change.”


I couldn’t help how others viewed me as a devil.

Having shown my true colors, pretending to be good now would only draw reactions of fakeness.

It was bittersweet, but I stood up to prepare for my overtime shift before it got too late.

“Wait a minute.”

“What is it? Do you have more to say?”

“Take this with you.”

Skarl threw something my way.

A small bottle that fit in one hand.

Inside was a liquid that swayed softly, its pale green color oddly familiar.

“I bought this from the witch with my own money, so I hope you’ll find it useful.”

“You devil.”

“I’m not sure who’s calling who a devil here.”

We were tearing each other down, yet we couldn’t help but laugh.

Tonight, I was set to make a new friend.


I felt a chill.

Even though I always carried death around and lingered near it, this still occurred.

The mana used in necromancy was thick with negative energy.

It’s why a graveyard is chilly even in midsummer; it’s not good for living beings.

However, some individuals primarily harnessed this necromantic mana, known as necromancers.

The Undertaker—his real name Tarus, was one of the well-known necromancers.

He constantly collected various corpses to replenish his necromantic mana, so it was rare for him to feel chills.

‘For some reason, this feels ominous…’

Did I regret taking the request?

Such thoughts crossed my mind briefly, but it was too late to turn back now that I was already at the meeting place.

Most importantly, as a collector, a royal corpse was something I desperately wanted.

‘Oh wow! There are quite a few people I’d love to have in my collection!’

The Garfield Marquis House.

Due to the issues surrounding the crown prince’s breakup, the atmosphere in the Garfield family was gloomy.

With energy drained and negative feelings overflowing, countless stifled emotions brewed.

For a necromancer, it was an excellent spot.

“This is the place.”

“Oh, is there someone who requested me here?”

“Yes. One thing to mention is that the young lady is currently in a weakened state, so please avoid provoking her.”

“I’ll try my best.”

I couldn’t guarantee it.

Interpreted that way, the housekeeper sighed and opened the door.

The reception room was decorated in passionate crimson with flashy designs.

Tarus wasn’t fond of this style, but the thickly layered negative energy inside delighted him.

‘Hatred, envy, sorrow, fear, and malice? Perfect!’

Necromancers could read other people’s negative emotions through this energy.

That’s why boasting had no effect, and the thicker the negativity, the stronger they became; they preferred combat styles that provoked their opponent’s fear.

“Excuse me!”

“…Are you the one who accepted the request?”

“Yes, that’s me!”

With disheveled hair, venomous eyes, dark circles under his eyes, lips chewed to the point of bleeding, and blood on his fingertips, Kitty Garfield stood there.

Having fallen apart after getting expelled and then receiving a breakup notice, she looked like the banshee from folklore.

She was utterly broken, a reflection of her despair.

“I won’t bother with words. Just kill me, tear me apart, please! Don’t spare me even if I beg for my life; make me writhing in excruciating pain! And in the end, if I die in utter despair… Ah!”

As Kitty bared her endless hatred, she wrapped her arms around herself in ecstasy.

With her eyes wide open, spilling her desires was eerily chilling.

She was no different than a madwoman, but Tarus found her delightful.

Those who carry such burdens rarely live long.

However, when they are reborn as undead through necromancy, they emerge as stronger undead than in their previous lives.

The negative energy they held onto for so long served to elevate their undead status.

Tarus confirmed that Kitty’s negative energy was among the best he had seen.

If she were reborn as an undead, there was no doubt that she would be a remarkable entity.

‘Looks like there’s a collection here that rivals the princess?’

Tarus thought, feeling quite fortunate today.

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  1. Anon says:

    Thanks for chap
    Ngl it sounds even more unhinged due to the bad TLing making her say she wants to be killed herself.

    Wow the assassin gave another gender potion😂 , misfortune loves company.

    Too bad he has a son, I was expecting some romcom with a gender bent assassin

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