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Chapter 229

Still, with three Saintesses and one Goddess participating, the work was completed swiftly. The documents that made their way up to this point had mostly undergone proper review, and considering that those signing them were still young Saintesses, it was requested with a certain filtration.

The Central Church’s opinion was that the really important documents could be entrusted to the Pope once he recovered.

“…Then was there really a need for us to do this?”

At Aurora’s innocent question, the official subtly shifted his gaze.

…Have they already started the next Pope classes? Maybe when Rina previously rolled on the floor and was refused, it just didn’t work out. Since those working for the church must have prepared countermeasures. They might even have a guide on how to respond if another Saintess rolls around on the floor.

Well, the truth is, as long as I hold the role of a Saintess, it’s an unavoidable task.

The Church’s law has always been to select the most respected Cardinal as the Pope, but who knows how the Church may change its laws moving forward? Exceptions might be made for Saintesses and Saints… To prevent that, the only way is for one of us to rise to the position that can change the Church’s law.

Ah, of course, I have no intention of becoming the Pope.

If they insist, I’d use my status as a Goddess unapologetically and remain a respected figure within the Church. Since retirement is off the table anyway, I need to avoid work somehow.

…Whenever I thought I would “evade work,” it seems more work popped up. But right now, that doesn’t matter.

In any case, I’ve done all I needed to in this world. Until the thanksgiving prayer, I just want to droop around mindlessly.


…Of course, the Church wouldn’t let me be idle like that.

Despite how it may seem, I was the one who did the most during the extermination of the Demons.

Moreover, I was originally the one meant to receive the thanksgiving prayer. Although the number of people has increased to two more now, the fact that I’m still at the center hasn’t changed.

If I had been awake for about a week, maybe I could have taken a break after countless rehearsals, but since I only woke up the day before the thanksgiving prayer, I was extremely pressed for time. To memorize the order of events for the thanksgiving prayer was already overwhelming, let alone practice or rehearsal.

I should have listened to the official who said, being a Goddess means I don’t need to work! Why did I do that?! Why did I step up to help my friends?!

Ah, it’s not a bad thing to step up to help my friends. It’s not. However, I feel like it was a bit too much to do that when I had my own tasks pending.

Anyway, no matter how tight the schedule was, I couldn’t skip out on practicing.

There was the largest battle in 500 years, and of course, many heroes emerged from it, along with many injured.

And many casualties.

The number of deaths was certainly low compared to the scale of troops deployed. I opened the heavens to allow for support, and the miraculous power I unleashed also greatly helped the knights. The knights who made the initial charge were the most elite selected from within the Church. However, even then, it was impossible for there to be zero deaths in such a large-scale battle.

In the process of breaking the Demons’ encirclement initially, thirty-two died. In the process of breaking through and maintaining that, seventy-one died. A total of one hundred deaths occurred. Fortunately, no deaths occurred within the Wall.

“If it weren’t for the Goddess, many more would have perished. The fact that the casualties ended here in such a battlefield is nothing less than a miracle.”

Paul said that.

He was a person who had experienced countless battles before becoming the commander of the Saint Knights. Surely, he had seen much more horrific battles many times.

…I know. I was someone in the middle of that battlefield. Facing countless Demons, the fact that we ended up with such damage is a miracle in itself. However, that doesn’t mean that all those deaths aren’t pitiful.

“There must be families for these people too.”

I said as I glanced down at the list. Paul nodded.

“Some have spent their entire childhoods in convents or monasteries, but many came from outside as well.”

“Then I must meet all of those families.”


“They are people who risked their lives for something I proposed. They willingly did so. It is only natural for me to comfort those families directly.”

If we’re talking about dozens or hundreds of thousands, it might be a different story. But one hundred isn’t that many. That’s a number I can meet personally.

“Of course, not all of these people resided in the 1st District. I know that I can’t meet them all immediately. But please ensure that I can meet them all eventually.”

“…Understood, Goddess.”

Paul bowed his head slightly and turned away from me.

After the portion dedicated to praying for the sacrifices made in this battle, there was a section to award the heroes who had fought valiantly during the battle.

“I didn’t really do much though.”

During the informal gathering for practice, Jian said with an awkward expression.

“If it weren’t for Jian, I wouldn’t even have made it that far.”

Although I was caught at the end by a Demon in the shape of a Demon God, the one who contributed the most to reaching that point was indeed Jian. Thanks to Jian, who broke through the thick Demon’s encirclement directly, we were able to dash forward to confront the Demons.

Central Church was planning to award Jian with a medal. And I was to be the one to present that award.

“To Lee Jian, who took the lead in the final battle and performed exceptionally well, the Central Church expresses its infinite gratitude. Without you, this operation could not have been executed. Thank you for your contribution to the peace of Human Society. We bless you in the names of the two Goddesses and the Demon God.”

As I said this while pinning the medal on Jian’s chest, Jian looked quite apologetic.

“If I hadn’t been deceived at the end—”

“You have nothing to worry about. I realized midway.”

Even if Jian realized it was an illusion, there’s no way he could have faced both with his abilities. That had surely been the Demons’ intention from the start.

I smiled at Jian and took a step to the side.

Standing there, looking extremely tense, was Selena.

“If you’re that nervous already, what will you do during the actual prayer?”

“Still… I’ve never stood before so many people. If it’s not part of my job like you, I think everyone would be nervous, right?”

I’m not the one who’s not nervous…

…Hmm, but thinking back, I have grown remarkably since the first time I received divine power. Well, as Selena said, I’ve had to stand in front of people a lot. If I consider that a form of immunity, then it makes sense.

“Thank you for helping those who stood in the most dangerous places without holding back their talents during the hardest times. The Church will never forget the names of Selena Lowell and the forty-seven others. In the names of the two Goddesses and the Demon God, we bless you.”

With those words, I presented a plaque of appreciation to Selena, who had come up as a representative of the volunteers. Although Selena was not in front of people, she received the plaque with slightly trembling fingertips.

For reference, Selena reportedly did a great job even in the rear battles. Apparently, she awakened Ariel’s power and shot down Demons as they appeared, earning her high praise from the patients in the infirmary.

They said the Church was trying to persuade Selena to become a clergy member, but she was vehemently opposing it. Hmm, a wise choice. If she entered now, she’d be right on the path to becoming Ariel’s Saintess.

Erika, standing a little distance away from us, clapped lightly with a smile. Selena’s face turned bright red, as if she wanted to find a mouse hole to hide in.

There were many others I needed to express gratitude toward. In fact, this portion accounts for the majority of the thanksgiving prayer. Acknowledgment of those who played key roles in leading the battle that decided the fate of humanity. It was essential from both the Church’s and the government’s perspectives.

Andrea and Paul received medals and plaques on behalf of their respective teams. The other knight orders from the Church that participated, and the cooperating Government Forces would also receive gratitude from the Church. The three Saintesses who followed me—Aurora, Linea, and Rina—would be similar.



Well, this was something I hadn’t anticipated.

Of course, thinking about it, it’s not strange that I hadn’t anticipated it. I was the one who had made the most significant contribution in this battle, after all.

…Originally, if I had insisted on not receiving it, there would have been no one to give it to. My position wasn’t that of a Saintess but a Goddess, and therefore, if I said ‘I won’t accept it,’ there was no one who could refuse that.

However, if the opponent isn’t a person, then it’s a different story.

“Thank you for your dedication to the world.”

The one saying this was none other than Ariel, a Goddess like me.


Well, if my opponent is also a Goddess, then I don’t have grounds to refuse.

In the end, it was decided that I would be the last recipient of the thanksgiving.


After concluding a brief practice within the Church, night had truly fallen.

In just a few hours, it would be Christmas, and people would begin their thanksgiving prayers. After the prayer, both Ariel and Baal would return to the Temple of Gods.

“Well, you shouldn’t worry too much. We may come again next year.”


Lost in thought while walking down the corridor, I looked up at Baal after hearing such absurdity.

“Why are you so surprised? It was because all humans united in prayer that we could come. So isn’t it possible for the same thing again next year?”

“Of course, the order will be different.”


So… it seems right. The timing with which I summoned these two was right after I had squeezed all my power out to send to the heavens. At that moment, there were countless people praying for me, and it was through that instantaneous power that I was able to summon them.

That means that if many people pray together during the thanksgiving prayer, it implies that these two could come back again.


Imagining a scene of two Gods coming down every year made my head spin.

No, well, even so, people will gradually return to their daily lives over the years and decades, and as they rebuild the world, they will inevitably become busy, so it’s hard to believe that both of them will be coming down once a year for the next few decades.

But if I were to be asked, ‘Are you a hundred percent sure?’ I wouldn’t be able to answer confidently. It’s a low probability, but it’s not impossible.

…I mean, the human society we have today was the result of the majority being wiped out by the invasion 500 years ago, leaving survivors to rebuild for hundreds of years. If we were to reclaim the world and people began to spread and live widely, with the population increasing and thus more believers, then…

It wouldn’t be so difficult to invoke such miracles, would it?

As I gaped, Baal grinned broadly.

“For that reason, I hope for your continued support next year as well.”

“I will too. I’ll be waiting!”


In the end, I could do nothing but hold my head in my hands.


Fortunately, just a few hours before the thanksgiving prayer, the Pope was able to awaken.

It might be overwhelming for him to participate in the event right away, but he insisted on joining the thanksgiving prayer because he couldn’t make the three Gods wait.

Looking down from a prepared platform a bit higher up, the scenery below was truly spectacular.

Hundreds of thousands, no, maybe millions of people filled the square and spilled over onto the distant roads. All of them had gathered, yearning to see the Goddess in person.

With their hands clasped, they were filled with anticipation at facing a world that had finally been liberated.

People buoyed with hopes of living in a world free of Demons and Witches.

Of course, good things don’t last forever. The world is vast. Now that another world has been added to our hands, maybe humanity could divide differently than before. Originally, the world was split into many nations, competing and fighting, with people beheading each other due to differing ideologies or differing beliefs in Gods.

Perhaps the demi-humans, part of human society, would face discrimination again. They might be forced to relinquish the homes they built over the last 500 years.

The Holy Bomb could potentially serve as a means of coercion against humanity, or someone might leap towards the ever-increasing and growing power.

…I cannot prevent it all.

I may not be able to prevent it all, but I must do what I can.

I still have doubts about whether I created this world. I can’t believe that by merely writing a few characters in a notebook, a world could be created. Then, could all the stories, comics, and games replicate the process of creating another world?

So, I cannot believe it.

But regardless, whether I created this world or not is no longer that important.

Because, everything I did after coming to this world changed it significantly.

Capturing Witches, getting entangled in inter-species conflicts, and capturing Demons—my social impact throughout these developments cannot be denied.

And with all of that, whatever I got involved in comes with my ‘responsibility.’

Therefore, even if I can’t solve all of evil and injustice in this world—

Well, shouldn’t I do at least as much as what is expected of someone called a ‘Goddess’?

Now it’s reached a point where I cannot deny it any longer.

“Then, I would like to invite the Goddess Clara Anderson, who stood at the center of this battle, to speak.”

The priest holding the microphone said that. With those words, I stood from my seat.

Then, I slowly walked to the center of the platform.

I felt the gazes of the crowd shifting towards me.

Not only the people below the platform. The important figures present on the platform—Linea, Aurora, Rina, Selena, Jian, Ariel, Baal… all the most significant individuals at this gathering focused on me.

In the past, I would have been so dazed that I wouldn’t have even remembered what happened today.

But not anymore.

I walked to the center of the platform. The priest made way for me. I stood behind the wooden pulpit, decorated in a Church style.

“This victory is not my victory.”

I slowly opened my mouth, as prepared.

“While I faced the Demons, it was the countless knights and soldiers who guided me there. I could fight the Demons, yet that power was not my own but Ariel’s. And ultimately, it was the two Gods who descended upon this land who pushed the Demons back.”

My voice did not tremble. The words I prepared were what I truly wanted to say.

“And the power that allowed me to summon those two Gods was the collective strength of all of you who prayed for me. So, this victory is not mine. It is our victory. It is the victory of all of you who wished to fight against the evil that sought to annihilate the very existence of humanity and trusted me as I battled against it. It was the victory of united humanity.”

The Demons slaughtered others in a bid to survive, claiming to unite themselves and become one. Thus, they eventually could consolidate power.

However, the Demons overlooked one thing.

Becoming one isn’t just about plundering others’ possessions and declaring them as yours. It’s also about persuading others to lend their strength, getting them to understand, helping each other out, and sharing love—that too is a form of unity.

Moreover, just looking at the laws of this world shows the same thing.

The Gods and Goddesses rise, and people lend them their belief and strength.

Yes, when I opened the heavens and called Ariel and Baal, for just a fleeting moment, the people were united. It was precisely because of this unity that we could defeat the Demons.

“Let us remember this victory. We must remember what we can achieve when humanity becomes united. In the distant future, even if we come to face conflicts and competitions amongst ourselves, if we can remember and value this victory, we’ll be able to unite and overcome any crisis.”

I don’t know who was the first to shout, but a cheer erupted from somewhere I couldn’t see, spreading to everyone in front of me.

It was an overwhelming cheer that practically hurt my ears, yet I didn’t find it noisy.

I looked back. The one who summoned me to this world before I came here was there.

Looking at me with a bright smile was the Goddess.

“Thank you.”

That was the first time I said it.

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