Switch Mode

Chapter 221

The place where the Magic Point appeared wasn’t far from the 21st District.

Yeah, it was the first place I went to the battlefield. It wasn’t a crucial defensive stronghold like the area around the 1st District, so the troop presence was smaller and facilities were a bit lacking. That’s why the witch targeted it once.

Of course, that was already a few months ago. Since then, the wall had changed substantially.

‘It was a place that had actually been invaded,’ so that was only natural. Troops were significantly reinforced to block the Beasts and Demons. The Government Forces and Church troops included, of course. Apart from the fact that this was a place where battles were occurring, there was another reason: it was the place where I performed a miracle.

Because I lived there and because it was where I first used my powers as a God, the Cathedral I lived in was already designated a holy site. It wasn’t too surprising that the place where I manifested both Gods as a Saintess was also designated a holy site.

The problem was that the place was beyond the wall.

“There were many debates about whether to extend the wall that far,” Paul explained to me as he described the changed wall.

“Isn’t it a bit of a waste? Even if it’s beyond the wall, it’s not right next to us; it’s a place you have to drive a few minutes to get to.”

By distance alone, you could walk there in a little time. But if you were to wrap that location with the wall, the costs would skyrocket astronomically. A wall doesn’t simply mean building a fence. You need to deploy troops inside to be able to scale the wall and stockpile weapons, ammunition, and bombs inside. Facilities to manage those supplies and places for troops to rest were all necessary too.

Additionally, if the wall advances, all the troops have to be redeployed. Plus, there’s a lush forest right in front, so that needs to be flattened again… in short, it means a tremendous waste of resources.

“Yeah, so that talk just fizzled out.”

“Thank goodness. Otherwise, the situation would be incredibly awkward right now.”

I muttered while looking up at the sky. The sky above us was so clear that it looked almost desiccated. But far in the distance, where I once rushed to extinguish the Magic Point, the sky didn’t look like that.

Filled with clouds black enough to make one think they looked abnormal at first glance.

Rain was pouring down beneath those clouds. It couldn’t just be my imagination that the rain looked black.

Everything touched by that black rain was turning pitch-dark. The forest below as well, and the ground. Perhaps even the animals living in the forest.

“Was the Holy Bomb of no use?”

“It wasn’t ineffective,” Paul sighed lightly.

“But it wasn’t exactly effective either. I could eliminate those clouds, but they quickly spread again. In fact, they aggressively spread toward the area that vanished, resulting in a bigger expansion.”

I had shot numerous rounds, but the results were similar.

Well, looking at it, I thought that would be the case.

The clouds floating in the sky weren’t just occupying a single area; they visibly covered a very wide space, like when rain clouds gather.

“And the Holy Bomb hasn’t been widely distributed yet…”

The production speed of Holy Bombs was incredibly fast. After all, Holy Bombs referred only to the warheads, and they could just be created and attached to the existing missiles. Of course, that process isn’t as easy as it sounds, but it would definitely be much simpler than producing the entire missile body from scratch.

The structure of the warheads was very simple, and the materials were plentiful. I had been using Ariel’s holy power to create Holy Water whenever I had time. Rina seemed to be cooperating in her own way too. So, there shouldn’t be a shortage of missiles.

The issue was that this country was far too vast.

No one knew where the Demons would invade from. Even if key points were established for distribution, it still takes time for missiles to be supplied. For now, supplies would focus around the 1st District and then distribute to other key locations.

Even if this place had become an important target, it would take time for missiles to reach here. Obviously, wasting missiles here wasn’t an option.

“Additionally, there’s another problem. The black rain falling from that Magic Point renders any electronic devices inoperable. We tried to take aerial photos, but when we sent a drone, it crashed within five minutes of entering the clouds. As long as the Magic Point in the sky remains, reconnaissance or attacks accompanied by electronic devices won’t be viable.”

“Is there no way to eliminate it and capture an image momentarily?”

“Well, I’ve considered that method… but, would you take a look at this?”

Paul handed me a photo.

Thunderstorm clouds?

No, it looked much bigger than any thunderstorm clouds commonly seen in photos.

In the middle of the broad, flat expanse of black clouds stood a towering cloud, like a spire. The cloud occupying that wide and high space may look like a typical thunderstorm cloud at first glance, but it actually appeared to reach much higher than regular thunderstorm clouds, resembling a tower stacked in the air.

And from that high cloud tower, something was pouring down at high speed. Because it was a still image, those objects that seemed to be flying quickly looked very unstable, but they resembled the aerial Demons often seen on the battlefield.

“They’re much faster than regular Demons. While they’re quick, they’re not beyond our ability to shoot down. However, if a swarm like that were to strike us all at once, the casualties would be severe.”

Demons and Beasts could be handled without needing the Holy Bombs. However, using the Holy Bombs vastly improved efficiency. Even if those airborne Demons poured down wildly, we could eliminate them all at once by firing just one shot in the air.

…So, for now, we needed to conserve the remaining Holy Bombs. Just in case.

Even if used for reconnaissance, the most crucial target—the Demons—would likely be below that cloud tower. In the worst-case scenario, they could be ‘inside’ it. Using resources for mere possibilities felt too painful.

“…Alright, understood. Since the Demons don’t seem to be moving for now, let’s gather together and discuss our opinions.”

As I spoke, a boom of thunder echoed from within those clouds.

A purple lightning struck, illuminating the inside of the clouds for a moment.

In that brief moment, silhouettes of numerous black orbs floating in the sky could be seen.


“First, at least one person should definitely stay at this wall,” Rina stated.

“If necessary, we need to launch a Holy Bomb immediately. It’d be too wasteful to use it only against a Demon. It’s better to have someone capable of stopping the Demons remain here.”

That was a valid point.

However, even if we conserved missiles, doubting whether they could actually be used remained. Holy Bombs had a significant explosive force. Not only would they eliminate the Demons and Beasts, but they could also obliterate everything within the spherical explosion, meaning that even if aimed at the clouds, it risked annihilating whatever existed below. Unless we could somehow illuminate the sight, we wouldn’t be able to shoot at the Demons.

“Then, can I ask Rina to stay?”

For now, as reducing the number of weapons used would favor us, I decided to go along with Rina’s suggestion.

“Well, it’s not like there’s anyone else who can stay.”

Among us, the only ones capable of efficiently attacking the air were me, Rina, and Jian.

The issue was that we had to face the fused Demons. Only Jian and I were capable of genuinely facing that.

We had to be included in the expedition. So naturally, the only one left was Rina.

As Rina could fire Baal’s holy power like a laser, having her stay would be immensely helpful.

“Next, we need to decide the personnel going to confront the Demons.”

Andrea, who had been listening while crossing her arms, spoke up.

“Personally, I wish ‘everyone’ could come.”

I, Aurora, Linea, and Jian all stared directly at Andrea. No one expressed any objections.

“Thank you.”

Andrea said with a faint smile.

…It seemed unlikely that anyone would opt out, even without asking.

“However, just because the personnel have been decided, we can’t just rush in. If we carelessly rely on vehicles, we’d be stuck in there within ten minutes.”

It was the rain continually pouring down from the Magic Point above that posed the issue.

“There’s no way it’d have any beneficial effects upon contact with the human body, so we need to wear proper protective gear. Fortunately, it seems the Demons don’t plan on coming out just yet.”

“If they did, they’d get obliterated immediately.”

Physical attacks work on Demons. Even without Holy Bombs, if we had enough explosives, we could incapacitate them to some extent. In the worst case, we might even have to use nuclear missiles.

Well, assuming there were Holy Bombs left, there wouldn’t be a reason to pull out other weapons.

“Right, indeed. The problem is that if the Demons remain inside, we’ll eventually have to enter to deal with them.”

It was uncertain how much strength the last remaining Demon, who absorbed the powers of numerous Demons, possessed. Magic Points eventually extinguish. If those numerous Magic Points floating in the sky exist, how long can they endure? Is the strength of the Demons still sufficient? If it is, that Demon might be able to create even more Magic Points.

Retreating and observing was too risky. The people of this world had meticulously recorded how they invaded when they first came. There was sufficient video and photographic evidence.

A dimensional gate opened, warping gravity, causing entire cities to be annihilated, lands to become seas, new lands and islands to emerge from the ocean, mountain ranges formed anew.

Of course, since then, a dimensional gate had never opened again.

Back when I was still grasping on to this story, I had the setting that ‘the Demons cannot reproduce the magic from back then, as they expended that power back then.’ Therefore, it had not occurred again for 500 years until now.

However, if the sole Demon who unified all the Demons further strengthens itself, it could lead to unpredictable outcomes. I had never distinctly established details on that power.

“Thus, we have to be more cautious. Although entering is necessary, if this team takes even a single loss, we won’t be able to wield this level of strength again.

The ‘damage to the team’ Andrea talked about referred to the permanent inability to fully utilize their power due to a team member dying or getting injured. While the narrative could change if capable counterparts were plentiful, those here were irreplaceable beings.


Silence enveloped the room. It was an anxiety I hadn’t felt in a long time.

“Then, I’ll inform you once details are determined. Until then, feel free to rest. However, if you’re going anywhere, it’d be nice to let me know.”

We nodded silently.


Being cooped up in a room felt a bit stifling, so I informed the soldier guarding the corridor and stepped outside for some fresh air.

The cold winter air filled my lungs deeply. It was quite chilly, but that’s precisely why I felt refreshed like I had just poured cold water over myself.

No matter how much of a church it was, they couldn’t just leave the nuns in nun outfits exposed to this cold, so they distributed winter clothes. It was a thick parka with a simple design. Admittedly, it seemed a bit unbalanced to wear over a nun’s outfit, but thinking it again, most of the nuns in this world were children.

They were the subjects the church directly ‘protected,’ and they couldn’t possibly let them die of frostbite in winter. There were winter nun outfits available, but all they did was slightly thicken the fabric used for regular nun outfits, so they had no choice but to purchase and distribute parkas. Otherwise, rumors could arise about the church abusing children.

Wearing a short-skirted Saint’s Robe underneath meant that when I wrapped the parka, I looked as though I was only wearing a parka over bare skin. Honestly, it was a bit embarrassing. But it was too chilly to leave it open, so I decided to endure it.


As I was slowly walking along with Aurora and Linea, someone called my name.

There were only a few people who would call me by name here, right?

Puzzled, I turned my gaze to see Selena waving at me.



As I blankly murmured, Selena quickly approached me. Someone sure was fast, like an Academy student!


“Of course! What is Selene doing here?”

As I widened my eyes in surprise, Selena chuckled.

“Well, I volunteered.”


Upon hearing her response, my jaw dropped, making it so I couldn’t answer, and it was Aurora standing next to me who gasped.

“But you’re a minor, right? Do they accept volunteers?”

It was a bold thing to say, considering I was someone who publicly opposed the Cardinal. In reality, it was exceptionally tricky for minors to go to the battlefield. Only I, Aurora, and Linea were permitted to go; everyone else was hauled onto the battlefield due to the witch’s schemes.

“They didn’t accept me from the Academy.”

“Then you went without permission…?”

“No, that’s not it.”

Selena grinned.

“I asked the church.”


I facepalmed.


No matter how much it was an actual battlefield, there had to be places for the soldiers to unwind. It was known that soldiers fought against monsters and Demons that looked so grotesque they felt like nightmares, experiencing a lot more stress while in combat.

That’s why they were granted leave after actual battles, and salaries would increase. The church often provided additional funds in gratitude.

While sexual desires couldn’t be solved until the vacation, various entertainment and food options were somewhat available even in this wall region.

There were a few convenience stores, and remarkably, a fast-food restaurant as well. Although it was a large franchise that could only enter through a partnership with the military, it was still decent enough.

We arrived at one of those fast-food places.

It was fortunate that there weren’t any soldiers around, given it was still work hours.

“So, what did you say?”

“I went to the Cathedral and told them, ‘I want to be in the same place as my friend Clara,’ and they sent me off with tears streaming down their face.”

Selena casually said, popping a fry into her mouth. Since it felt a bit burdensome to eat a hamburger at this hour, we just ordered fries and cola, and the employees were giving us nervous looks as though they feared we might complain about the fries.

…Well, I couldn’t blame them for being scared.

“…Well, since the church sent you, I guess it’s fine now.”

It seemed like the church was treating the people around me with special consideration. If any family issues arose, would the church come forward to help right away?

I rubbed my temples gently.

“May I ask why you came all the way here?”

“Well, since I even said your name, I should at least answer that.”

Selena gave me a slight smile and then said, “I just… wanted to feel a bit of revenge.”


“Yeah. Revenge for my sister and dad.”



I see now.

If I succeed in annihilating the Demons in this battle, there would be no opportunity to fight Demons or Beasts ever again. If she wanted to fight, this was the last chance. It didn’t matter what her reasons were.

“Don’t worry. Even so, the church wouldn’t deploy a minor like me to the front lines. I plan to help out in the infirmary at the rear.”

“Is that so…?”

If that’s the case, I felt a bit relieved. The infirmary hadn’t been significantly dangerous when I was there either. That said, the patients often had states that were frighteningly severe.

I need to make a lot of Holy Water.

I added ‘create Holy Water’ to my mental to-do list.

“Oh, and one more thing.”

With a confident grin, Selena extended her hand toward me.


Aurora squeaked in surprise.

And that was warranted. A faint golden light was flowing from Selena’s hand.

“Since when could you use holy power?”

“Ever since I directly met the Goddess. I mean, they say holy power comes from firm belief, right?”

Selena said with a smile.

“It’s all thanks to you.”

Hearing that, I wanted to cover my head in despair.

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not work with dark mode