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Chapter 217

Christmas is at the end of December, and New Year’s events naturally follow afterward, but it seemed the Central Church was already busy. It’s considered quite a significant event among church activities, and in previous years it was held grandly enough, but this year, isn’t it happening with the Goddess and the Saintess involved? Unless people become completely accustomed to my existence over the years and lose interest, I could easily foresee being pestered like this every year-end.

“Well then, Goddess, where would you prefer to be located during the joint prayer? Wouldn’t standing on the stage be better, right?”

The staff member sent from the Central Church asked me with an incredibly enthusiastic expression.

Looking at him, he didn’t particularly look like a priest, and in reality, he wasn’t one. It’s understandable; it wouldn’t be feasible for those dedicating their lives to researching scriptures and divine power to manage everything in the church.

For a building to be constructed, there must be architects with specialized knowledge, and obviously, maintenance requires those with relevant qualifications or licenses. Calculating various budgets would also be more efficient with experts rather than relying on church staff, so it seems there is a mix of clergy and outsiders among the employees.

Of course, whether someone is a congregation member or not is primarily considered in the selection process.

Like someone chosen from the church, this man seemed to have immense faith. From the moment he laid eyes on me, his face radiated so much it seemed he could emit light without another’s belief.

“… If I’m on the stage, do I stand facing the congregation to receive their prayers?”

I had never thought about standing like that. Still, I could make that guess because the stage he had roughly sketched in his notebook depicted a woman standing with her arms outstretched towards a crowd.

What is this, an idol? It looks more like a performance than a church event from just the drawing.

…Well, I guess being a deity makes me fit the idol image?

“Of course. The Goddess is the one who receives prayers. It would be better for you to face the congregation, don’t you think?”


Looking at the continually bright face of the enthusiastic planner, I pinched the bridge of my nose with my finger.

Linea and Aurora said nothing. It was just me depicted on the stage. If both of them had been included, at least one might have offered an opinion.

Maybe I should suggest including both, no, perhaps even Rina, so we could just go as a girl group instead of a solo performance?

… Let’s drop that idea.

It’s better to keep the Saintesses on neutral ground. Recently, whenever I expressed an opinion, it seemed like the other three saintesses would challenge me. I don’t know if Rina’s rebuttal rubbed off on them or if their psychological barriers crumbled over time, but whenever I make a suggestion, the two would likely say that a saintess should not be treated as equal to the goddess.

And if that happens, it gets decided that I’ll be the only one going up there. That’s something I truly want to avoid.

“There are three gods that the people of this nation worship. So, it might be a bit inappropriate for me to be the only one on stage receiving prayers.”

When I politely asked this, a realization swept over the planner’s face.

“Ah, I see. You’re right, Goddess. Please forgive me for not understanding the heart of the believers.”

“No, it’s fine. It’s natural for anyone to focus on the existence right in front of them.”

As I answered, I inwardly sighed deeply. Phew, with this, I can stall this issue for a little while—

“Well then, how about we install a huge wall behind you?”

“… Huh?”

With an aura of inspiration, the planner sketched furiously in his notebook. Out of the empty space behind me, that was created as if it were a gigantic curved monitor, two human-shaped silhouettes suddenly appeared. Though it was a rough sketch unclear on whether they were male or female, I could tell who these two silhouettes were supposed to represent.

“We will draw the forms of the Demon and the Goddess in this empty space. Even if the Goddess stands in the middle, it will prevent forgetting about their appearances, won’t it?”

So, he suggested creating a mural for the event.

“… A detailed mural is unlikely to be completed in less than a month.”

I remember it took Michelangelo four years to paint the ‘Creation of Adam.’ Of course, it would be a much smaller scale painting, and if done digitally, it should be faster. But would the church, which sticks to a conservative working method of sending all documents printed on paper, allow digital work to portray the faces of a god and goddess?

“Indeed, that is true but…”

The planner’s face fell deep in thought.

He rubbed his chin with his hand, then suddenly had a look of realization, as if something popped into his mind. No, that’s not to say he had his eyes closed before; he just suddenly looked even more wide-eyed than before. Honestly, it was a tad scary.

“I understand your precious opinion, Goddess.”

Seeing him prepared to say something big made me a bit nervous, but the planner started to gather his notebook and pen.

“I do have a big idea that just popped into my head, but it’s not something I can decide alone. It will need the Central Church’s approval… I will discuss it directly and once the details are settled, I’ll let you know.”


If it’s such a big idea, I’d prefer if he’d just left it.

“Thanks to your words, Goddess, I’ve had a deep insight. I will create a more concrete plan by discussing it with the Central Church, and come back to you. Thank you.”

“Ah, um… yes…”

I tried to say something but opening my mouth to say unnecessary things felt risky. So, I just replied that way to conclude the conversation.

The planner bowed deeply once more before quietly leaving the reception room.

“… What is he thinking?”

As I murmured while looking at his departing figure, Aurora and Linea shook their heads lightly.

…Going by past experiences, it didn’t seem likely to lead to a good conclusion.

Well, as long as it’s not as embarrassing as standing alone on stage receiving prayers, it shouldn’t be too bad, right? It can’t be worse than that, can it?


It’s been just a few hours since the person in charge went off to the 1st District, so I decided to set aside the event-related thoughts momentarily the following morning.
I arrived at the classroom first as usual…but just as I thought that, I made eye contact with someone who was already inside.

It was Roni.

Now that I think about it, we haven’t really talked much lately, even though we’re in the same class. She often disappears during breaks, and we rarely contact each other personally.

…No, thinking back again, I haven’t even seen her face much lately. Especially since she hasn’t even been coming to the Academy for a while.

Carrying her Gnome-like petite stature, she looked younger than us. However, even with our small age difference, when she saw us, her entire face lit up as she rushed towards us.

Actually, it seemed more like she came over to me rather than ‘us.’

Did she come up with another giant explosive idea?


“… Just call me Clara.”

I can tolerate being called a Saintess, but I don’t want to hear ‘Goddess’ from my classmates. Plus, we’ve been through quite a lot together with Roni. I really do not want to be worshiped by someone I’ve shared experiences with.

“Then, Clara!”

Fortunately, Roni, a paragon of innocence, took my words literally.

… We’re nearly the same age, right?

“Hello, Saintesses!”

“Hi, hello!”

After Roni casually greeted Aurora and Linea standing beside me, I asked the question that immediately popped into my mind.

“I’ve noticed you haven’t been coming to the Academy much lately. Did something happen?”

When I asked that, Roni beamed and answered.

“Yes, Goddess… I mean, I’ve been researching your holy power, Clara.”

Ah, I see.

They already discovered that the meeting of Ariel’s and the Demon’s holy powers results in massive explosions. They were even pretty proud of that finding.

So, it wasn’t strange that they’d take an interest in my power.

“So, have you discovered anything during your research? Like another massive explosion?”

When I asked, Roni shook her head.

“No, not at all. Clara’s holy power can’t cause explosions, no matter how it’s used. At least, based on what we’ve found so far.”

“Is that so…?”

Well, since it hasn’t even been a month since we learned about the existence of this power, it wouldn’t make sense to be too confident… But coming from experts in explosions, that’s something. They’ve found that when the holy powers collide, it causes an intense reaction, and they immediately tested it by turning it into a warhead and launching it. If they’ve diligently researched and concluded otherwise, I’d say it’s likely to remain so for the future.

“Yes, Clara’s holy power is incredibly stable, so even when mixed with other holy powers, it doesn’t cause intense reactions. Instead, it slowly blends with other powers, ultimately leaving no trace behind.”

Oh, so that means it’s not particularly useful?

“Shall we sit down and talk?”

As I said this and headed to my seat, Roni quickly followed behind me.

“Of course Clara’s holy power is wonderful! It’s just that, by itself, its efficiency isn’t that high.”

While I didn’t know how to manipulate my holy power, even if I did, I planned to let its inefficiency go for a while. That way, I could prevent the accumulation of powers within my body as a goddess.

However, if that was all, Roni wouldn’t come rushing to find me during school hours. She must have something to share later on.

As I remained silent, Roni continued explaining.

“However, we have discovered something for sure. When Clara’s holy power mixes with that of the other gods, it fundamentally leaves no traces… but…”

Roni took a bottle out of her bag. It was a transparent plastic bottle filled about halfway with a shimmering golden liquid, about 500ml in size.

“This is holy water blessed with Ariel’s holy power, mixed in small amounts with holy water blessed with Clara’s holy power. Can you tell which is which?”

I took the bottle and examined it, but I couldn’t really tell any difference. Maybe the golden liquid shines a little brighter…?

Shaking my head slightly, as I returned the bottle, Roni took it, held it up to the sunlight coming through the window, and said, “This holy water has healing properties far superior to regular holy water. Regular holy water can heal cuts on the skin in an instant, but this particular holy water has overwhelming disinfectant qualities. Even for the same size cuts or injuries, it can heal using much less quantity. It’s a discovery that could change the era!”

“Is that so?”

Seeing her overly excited, I felt a bit overwhelmed.

“It absolutely is! Most importantly,”

Roni placed the holy water blessed with Ariel’s holy power on the desk, then took out another bottle from her bag.

…It was a bottle containing something black and white that looked like it should never be consumed.

“This is holy water blessed with the Demon Lord’s holy power! It also has a small amount of holy water blessed with Clara’s holy power mixed in!”

“… Is that safe?”

I asked with a bit of apprehension, and Roni nodded enthusiastically.

“Yes, unless subjected to a very strong impact, it won’t explode!”

That’s dangerous!

It looks just like a bomb! If not, at least it’s highly combustible!

…But thinking about it, Baral’s holy power isn’t solely used for explosions. It was even symbolically used in scripture. However, still, the prevailing image remains that of explosive power and gunpowder substitutes.

“…Could that also…?”

“Yes, indeed!”

Before I could stop her, Roni opened the cap on the bottle.

“Wait, just a second!”

I jumped up, but Roni, unfazed, flipped open the cap of the other bottle she originally had out.

“Um, Roni…?”

“Just stay calm. Let’s set that bottle down and talk.”

Both Linea and Aurora stood up from their seats simultaneously.

Roni held a bottle in each hand. One was spilling golden light, while the other was flowing with white and black light. Both bottles were filled halfway with holy water.

So that’s why they were only half-filled!

“Ah, Roni, wait a moment!”

Before I could do anything to stop her, she poured the golden holy water into the bottle that was filled with mixed black and white holy water.

And the gigantic explosion—

Surely it wouldn’t happen…?


In the silence that followed, Roni seamlessly poured one holy water into the other bottle. It’s surprising how she managed to do so cleanly without spilling any, considering how narrow the opening of a typical plastic bottle is.

Once the two holy waters met, they briefly shone brightly and then lost their light completely. Nothing as violent as an explosion.

Due to the narrow mouth of the plastic bottle, the holy waters continued to interact consistently as they flowed together.

Finally, when Roni had transferred all from one bottle to the other, the fluid inside gleamed with pure white light.

“What is this…?”

“Yes, Clara’s holy power seems to act as a neutralizer when mixed with other powers.”


Honestly, that’s something I never expected.


Aurora placed her hand on her chest and sighed. By now, Aurora had run to my side to stand protectively alongside me. Linea was the same.

“So, does that mean my holy power can fully assimilate with other powers while also nullifying them?”

I recalled when I had used my power explosively. The holy power stored inside the cathedral had all been overlaid with my holy power. I later heard that the power of the holy water created with Ariel’s holy power did not exist at all.

“Yes, that’s what we’ve currently discovered.”

Roni shook the bottle in her hands lightly. The white light intertwined beautifully with the sunlight streaming through the window. Even though it wasn’t completely dawn yet, the light emanating from the holy water was bright enough to shine through.

“And when mixed in small amounts, it seems to enhance their functions. But conversely, if a larger amount is mixed than the target holy water, it erases the existing power, leaving only Clara’s holy power behind.”

“…What does that mean?”

“The opinions from the researchers in our lab are divided on that.”

Right, they even have a lab. That’s not surprising; experiments require a lab instead of a classroom.

“The first theory that came up is that Clara’s desire to help others is reflected in her holy power. Thus, it essentially doesn’t harm people and enhances the synergy when mixed with other holy powers.”

Honestly, that feels a bit exaggerative. Sure, I help when needed, but I’m not one to go to extremes for others.

“What about other opinions?”

Since she said “the first,” there would be a second opinion.

“Other opinions…”

Roni took a brief pause before continuing, “Based on the information we’ve acquired through the church, the Goddess and the Demon Lord supposedly believe in Clara…”


I pressed my finger against the bridge of my nose.

How far has this spread? But then, it would be strange if it didn’t. A deity believing in another deity – especially when said goddess is even present on the ground! It would be a story that would make any believer go ecstatic.

“… Please continue.”

Roni nodded.

“If Clara’s holy power serves as the ‘foundation’ for the other two gods’ holy powers, it might explain why the other powers have specific specialties and why mixing them creates enhancements, but adding too much causes them to be absorbed instead.”

“…Which is the primary opinion?”

“For most, including myself who can view the situation neutrally, they’d lean towards the latter.”

That means, unless someone is a fanatically devoted follower of a specific deity, they’re likely to grasp that explanation more easily.

And conversely, those who particularly worship me would be more inclined to support the notion.



The fact that Linea and Aurora, looking back at me, expressed surprise rather than reverence is a relief.

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