Switch Mode

Chapter 204

“So, you’re saying I haven’t ascended at all?”

I said this while feeling around in the air with my hands. Since I had just been sitting in a chair moments before, it was only natural that if the scene in front of me was layered over reality, my chair would still be there.

And just as Baal said, there was indeed a chair there. After feeling around to gauge its shape, I sat down accordingly. My butt was on the chair, but from the outside, it looked like I was sitting in mid-air.

“That’s right. The only way for you to return to the Temple of Gods is to shed your physical body.”

Everyone around me looked at Baal in shock, and he shrugged before adding,

“Or you can just live until you die. Normally, when a physical body reaches its lifespan, the soul ascends.”

Baal then looked at me, who was comfortably sitting on the chair, with a puzzled expression.

“Seems you aren’t shocked anymore.”

“Is there still anything left that would surprise me?”


At my words, Baal briefly shifted his gaze to the air before looking back at me.

“That’s true.”

“See? It’s just as I said.”

Honestly, I was extremely shocked right now. I was so shocked that not a single shred of disbelief remained in my understanding, leaving me unable to judge what ‘absurdity’ even meant anymore. They say when something is too absurd, you gain the composure to accept it calmly; that’s exactly the state I was currently in.

In short, it felt like I wouldn’t be surprised by anything anymore.

Well, considering that since morning I had been receiving the prayers of worshippers and unleashing divine power against my will, it might actually be fortunate if this all ended with a video call.

The problem was that the video call was so intricately detailed it was hard to distinguish from reality, and the other party consisted of gods living in the Temple of Gods.

“What about Ariel?”

“She should be coming soon.”

Baal replied while pulling out a black chair from thin air. He then sat down and surveyed the surroundings.

“It looks uncomfortable for everyone to just stand like that. How about sitting down and listening? As for the chairs, you’ll have to find them yourself.”

At Baal’s words, all the kids glanced over at me.

“It’s fine, so sit down. Despite appearances, he doesn’t torment people for no reason.”

“What kind of impression am I giving off that makes you say that?”

Every time I talked with Baal, the kids’ heads whipped back and forth like they were watching a ping-pong match.

“Um… excuse me… God?”

Selena carefully raised her hand to call out to Baal.

“You’re speaking casually to the goddess in front of you while addressing me with honorifics?”


Seeing Selena rigid with fear at Baal’s joke, I shot him a glare.

“Don’t do that. You’re really scaring her.”

At my words, Baal relaxed a stern expression he had put on and slightly raised one corner of his lip.

“Yes, as the goddess over there says, it’s just a joke. You have no need to be afraid, so speak comfortably.”

“Ah, uh, well…”

Selena, her eyes darting around, finally managed to continue speaking.

“Um, is that person named Ariel…?”

“Of course, she is the famous goddess you all worship. Has any other notable being shared the name Ariel?”

At those words, Selena’s already shaking eyes shook even more violently.

Now that I thought about it, I recalled Selena was a devout believer from birth. Since Baal had only recently revealed his existence, the goddess Selena must have believed in all this time would naturally have been Ariel.

So that meant Selena was just one step away from meeting the deity she had worshipped.

…Thank goodness I hadn’t unleashed any power in the Central Church. Putting aside the Pope, the elderly clergy at the Central Church would have likely gone into cardiac arrest at the sight, and because of a video call, they would have encountered real gods.

And I might have become the youngest pope or something, effectively becoming a core figure in leading the church.

I am, however, already a core figure now. Still, I would be an even more pivotal figure.

…Just thinking about it is painful enough.

While I was sorting through my thoughts alone, Baal was calling out to the surrounding kids and teasing them one by one.

“So, you over there are elves, huh? Ah, no need to introduce yourselves. You all already know who you are through that goddess.”

Baal turned slightly in his seat and propped his chin on the armrest, gazing silently at the two.

“So, your name was Satsuki, right? Do you have faith?”

Upon hearing Baal’s question, Satsuki’s face went pale.

“I-I… I follow Ariel… my mother…”

“I see. That would be natural. What about your father?”

“Um, my father is… still…”


Baal smiled gently as if to reassure Satsuki.

“You don’t have to worry or feel ashamed. Just recently, that very goddess sitting over there,”

He glanced at me casually, adding,

“…sent an incredible number of elven souls up at once. We don’t persecute those who didn’t believe in us. Is it not unreasonable to punish those who died young without ever knowing what gods are?”

No, but elven saintesses were likely all believers. To use holy power, one must believe in a god in the first place.

Sure, they might still not have known about Baal. It’s unreasonable to face consequences in the afterlife simply for not knowing about one of the gods.

“And, Ramihi Kihmuhir.”

When Ramihi’s name was called, he flinched in surprise, a reaction I had never seen from him before, making it quite refreshing.

“You were a pure elf. Among them, the one with the most important lineage. So, how do you feel? Now that you’ve faced a god directly, are you considering having faith? You shouldn’t think this is just an illusion to deceive others, now that you’ve seen me, a sentient being should feel something upon laying eyes on me.”


Ramihi seemed to take a moment to choose his words.


But he had an expression that showed he didn’t know how to express his feelings.

“Well, no need to answer right away. You don’t have to serve me if you don’t feel like it. Just two things: don’t toy around with demons and don’t commit irredeemably severe sins, then I’ll treat you with all the mercy I can.”

After seeing Baal call himself merciful, I scoffed, and he briefly shot me a glance but didn’t say anything.

“…If you’re going to believe in someone, I recommend believing directly in that goddess over there. With a goddess right next to you, why look for another god?”

Now it was my turn to glare at Baal.

“So, how long is this going to last?”

In response to my question, Baal exaggeratedly displayed a shocked expression.

“Isn’t it your power, not mine? Shouldn’t you naturally think it’s expected that I wouldn’t know?”

“…So, you don’t know?”

As I gritted my teeth while asking, Baal nodded.

“Indeed. In fact, I’ve never seen ‘the power of gods’ used outside the Temple of Gods. Therefore, it’s hard to say how long it can last. Well, I’m sure there’s enough time for conversation, so no need to worry.”

No, I was actually worried there’d be too much time for conversation. Look at Satsuki and Ramihi over there. Their souls are already in the Temple of Gods. Selena has been trembling since earlier.

No matter how displeased I was, Baal was still enjoying himself and did not stop talking to the other kids.

“Now that I’ve come here, it seems appropriate to say a word to my apostles too. Both of you, please come forward.”



At his words, Jian and Rina moved. Jian looked rather stiff and tense, while Rina had a face that seemed half out of her mind, almost as if she was going to her judgment day.

“…It seems like one person isn’t moving, but I guess that’s okay.”

He probably meant me, but just as he expressed, I hadn’t budged an inch, still seated with my legs crossed in my chair.

Ah, being called a goddess makes it strange not to be treated like an apostle.

“You all don’t need to worry too much. Look at that haughty goddess sitting over there. And behold the power she’s gathered in just half a day. No matter how strong the demons are, can they confront that? If she had been at the Temple of Gods, the story would be different, but since the goddess is personally walking the world, your doom has been effectively halted.”


I interjected, and Baal looked at me.

“That’s what it means. Of course, she would be stronger than any beings you’ve encountered until now. Ultimately, it’s an inevitable victory for you, so relax. And do read between the lines. The goddess is, after all, supposed to take the lead and shoulder the burdens first, right?”

I hadn’t wished for that goddess position.

Of course, with power comes the duty to help but…

“If the goddess feels uneasy, the believers will undoubtedly feel anxiety as well. Look at your apostles next to you… Hmm, they don’t seem that uneasy anymore.”

Baal murmured while looking over at Aurora and Linea, who had, by now, come to stand beside me.

Well, they were certainly quite different from ordinary apostles.

Come to think of it, in religion, how does one treat beings recognized as a friend by a god? They’re certainly not equals and, nor can they be treated as lesser beings than a friend. So would they treat me like any other apostle?

“Baal, don’t torment the believers too much.”

As I was pondering what to say, a voice rang out.

It was a wonderfully soothing voice, full of compassion, warm and gentle.

The voice came from behind us.

Turning my head, I saw a woman with dazzling golden hair walking toward us.

The children’s reactions were far more dramatic than when Baal had appeared. They all stood gaping, unable to take their eyes off Ariel.

“You finally arrived.”

Baal leaned back in his chair and said that.

“It’s nice to see you again.”

“Yeah, I didn’t expect to meet like this.”

As I received Ariel’s greeting, all the kids turned their gazes toward me simultaneously.

…For them, it must be an incredibly overwhelming scene. Not only am I casually conversing with a god, but also receiving formal respect from Ariel while holding a familiar conversation.

“Ah, just in case, Ariel speaks to everyone with honorifics.”

I said this while looking back at the kids, but nobody nodded in agreement. Even Selena was just staring blankly at me with her mouth agape.


Ariel smiled playfully and then turned to Aurora and Linea standing beside me.

“Please take care of Clara. Though I’m sure you were going to do that without me saying.”


“I’ll dedicate my life to it!”

Aurora and Linea both shouted while freezing in place. Indeed, the status of the goddess, which had been known for almost 500 years, isn’t something that could be simply equated with another god. It meant a different history of becoming an object of faith for people, rather than saying which is above or below.

Ariel even slightly bowed her head to Aurora and Linea. It goes without saying that they both turned pale in disbelief.

“…Do you think you are causing some distress?”

“Ah, I’m sorry. Now that I see you all in person, I feel like playing tricks. I’ve only ever seen you from a distance.”

Ariel then scanned the kids and slowly walked toward Selena.

Just so you know, Selena was already kneeling. Though she wasn’t a priest, she must be feeling immense emotions as a believer.


Upon calling her name, tears welled in Selena’s eyes. However, she appeared unable to answer.

“…One day, you will undoubtedly reunite with your family.”

Ariel spoke those words and gently placed her hand on Selena’s head. Though it was just an illusion, and her hand never actually touched, it seemed sufficient for Selena.


After watching Selena pray with her hands clasped for a while, Ariel turned her head to look back at Jian and Rina in front of Baal.

“…I owe you a great debt. Thank you for helping Clara. May I count on your support in the future as well?”

“Yes, as a friend, I will do everything in my power to help.”

“I just hope you won’t do anything too dangerous.”

Ariel nodded quietly, then turned her head to Rina.

While pretending not to, Rina was actually tremendously frightened to be meeting deities. Just seeing Baal appear in her dreams had already terrified her; now having two gods standing right in front of her seemed to put her mind halfway out of reality.

“You don’t have to be too afraid. You are doing well.”

Seeing her, Ariel must have thought it would be problematic if she spoke too much, so she smiled wryly and placed her hand on Rina’s head.

“…Thank you.”

That was all Rina could muster for her answer.

“I wish I could speak to each of you individually; however, it seems we are running out of time.”

Ariel said with a bright smile as she looked around at us.

“It seems Clara’s released power is reaching its limit here.”

Saying that, Ariel gazed up at the ceiling. The illusionary space appeared to be gradually returning to its original state from the ceiling.

“Is this the extent of the power?”

Baal also looked up at the ceiling while speaking.

“Next time you use your power, it would be better to think in a more productive direction. If you plan to force yourself up here without a thought, then you’ll have to release your power every day; using the believers’ faith just as a means for a brief chat with us is such a waste.”

Then, he stood up, pushing the chair back into thin air, adding,

“And also, learn to control your power a bit. Don’t you feel guilty while causing a scene for others in class?”

“…If I had known how to control it, I would have! You could have informed me and said all that!”

“Our powers are mostly easily governed within the Temple of Gods. Outside the Temple, you will have to find your own way to learn control.”

“Is it really okay to say something like that so easily…?”

As I sighed deeply and held my head, Ariel smiled at me kindly in consolation.

“Don’t worry. You will surely find it.”

That offered zero comfort. After all, it meant I’d have to live like an average human until I figured it out.

“Oh, and.”

Against the backdrop of the slowly fading Temple of Gods, Ariel added with a smile,

“I checked, and it seems this illusion doesn’t just encompass the ‘auditorium.’ It’s almost as if light has been rebuilt. At the moment the power is used, the surrounding people will feel it, but those who come into this ‘illusion’ afterward won’t experience it. Just like how the chairs you’re currently sitting on aren’t visible.”

“Uh… wait a minute.”

Upon hearing that, I felt a rush of blood drain from my head.

“So, you mean this illusion has spread outside the auditorium?”

“Yes, fortunately, it didn’t fully replicate the Temple of Gods’ scale.”

“…W-what will it look like then?”

“It should look like other structures have burst out from the buildings.”

Ariel calmly added,

“And those who enter this illusion ‘later’ will not be able to see their own bodies. It will feel as if they’ve entered someone’s memory. Though it’s closer to merely showing what’s happening somewhere else.”


So does that mean there are other people in this auditorium besides us?

Three gods were talking, and the onlookers witnessed every little detail as they interacted with each one of us, laying their hands upon our heads…?

“I don’t fully agree with Baal’s statement, but… I think it would be wise to limit the next use of this method to a smaller scope.”

At Ariel’s words, I nodded.

…Otherwise, there would be a catastrophe every time I unleashed this power. This ability could easily lead to a major incident if it was not contained, especially if it seeped into the roads like this building’s stability allowed.

“Now, it seems it’s time to bid farewell.”

Baal looked at me with an easygoing expression… no, a clear smirk.

“Then… until we meet again, enjoy your time, goddess I worship.”

Then, he bowed deeply and formally to me.


“Eh? No, hey, wait a minute.”

Before I could give a coherent response, Ariel immediately followed up.

“Hoho, not wrong, I suppose.”

Then she bent forward toward me,

“I’ll be waiting for our reunion. As one whom we worship.”


Before I could shout out, my illusion shattered.


And for a moment, an eerie silence enveloped the auditorium.

“No way!”

The first to recover from the stupor was me, screaming.

“That’s clearly a joke! I’ve never heard anyone say such things like that!”

I remember Ariel mentioned something about me being a creator, but that didn’t mean she should say it in that tone!

At that moment, along with my outcry, I heard a loud crashing sound.


Looking toward the source of the sound, I saw Seo-A at the front, followed by teachers and students, all tangled together and toppling into the auditorium. Seo-A wasn’t the only one; the principal, the vice principal, and probably others who stayed back at this hour were all mixed up in the mess.



Seo-A made eye contact with me, then swiftly averted her gaze.

“I-I, I just saw something happening and thought there was an incident in the auditorium. I had no intentions of eavesdropping…”


I knelt there, hands on the ground.

What could I even say? I wanted to pray to someone.

…But the two beings who could answer my prayers were right there, aren’t they?

This is so damn annoying.

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