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Chapter 191

I used to think it was shameful to arrive at school wearing this outfit.

But I never expected to feel a level of humiliation even higher than that.

Walking down the narrow path secured by the Knights, I, of course, was dressed in Saint’s Robe. Not the one that covers almost the entire body and even hides my hair under a veil, but rather the one that turned the Nun’s outfit white and made it cling tightly to my body. Still, what I wore today was less flamboyant than my first outfit, having missing patterns, but it didn’t exactly hide my figure either.

Normally just walking down the street was a bit embarrassing, but now I could feel the gazes on me explicitly without even needing to look around.

Fortunately, the procession didn’t last all the way to the Academy, but I still couldn’t help but be noticed because of the Knights openly guarding me. If the situation were different, they would have done it discreetly, and I would have said there was no need for such protection, but I couldn’t utter such words in this situation.


In the end, after somehow making it to the classroom, I was completely in a daze.

As I slumped over the desk, Aurora patted my back. However, both Aurora and Linea couldn’t find the words to console me. They likely sympathized with my current feelings to some extent too.

Regardless of being treated like a Goddess, these two were also Saintesses who could use miracles. They hadn’t been canonized yet, but soon they would probably be wearing the same outfit as I did.

At least Aurora had formed a bit of an adaptation because her outfit as the Saint’s aide was somewhat similar to mine, but Linea was different.

I imagined Linea wearing a Saint’s Robe.

She wasn’t as, um, well-endowed as Aurora and me, but technically speaking, both Aurora and I were above average in that regard. It wouldn’t be accurate to say Linea had a bad figure. After all, some might actually prefer a well-toned healthy body.

Seeing me lift my head with a somewhat lukewarm expression, Linea asked.

“……Is something wrong?”

“No, not really. I was just wondering when you two’s canonization ceremony would be. I doubt anyone imagined that two Saintesses would emerge at once.”

“……I see.”

Hearing my words, Linea sat down with an unusually frustrated expression.

“Certainly, thinking back on the miracles you’ve shown, you must be canonized for sure. It’s not something you can avoid.”

While I twisted my body, rejecting the idea of being further elevated, Linea surprisingly remained calm upon hearing that.

“……Well, what I mean is, is it okay to wear this kind of outfit as a Saintess? Are you fine with it?”

I tugged at the outfit sticking to my chest with my finger.

“Hmm? I’m not worried about that. I think the attention will be focused on the two of you walking right beside me.”



At Linea’s words, both Aurora and I stared wide-eyed.

“Linea, were you thinking like that?”

At Aurora’s question, Linea tilted her head.

“Isn’t it obvious? Even if I don’t wear the Saint’s Robe, you two would already be walking around in such outfits. Right now, I’m the only one here in a plain Nun’s outfit, right?”

“No, no, no. That’s not it.”

Now it was my turn to jump in.

“Think about it. The outfits we’re wearing are originally white and clingy. Usually, people get used to something provocative if they see it too often. If Linea, who generally dresses modestly, suddenly appeared in such an outfit, people would have no choice but to pay attention.”


Aurora exclaimed while showing us something on her smartphone screen.

“Linea has plenty of hidden fans too! There are people showing interest even for you just wearing a Nun’s outfit, and the response was explosive when you wore armor at official events!”



……Did that really happen?

Since I rarely kept up with the news, I wasn’t aware of such public opinion. I heard from others that my approval ratings and popularity had increased. I did keep up with the world’s news via the Church newspaper, but printed newspapers didn’t come with people’s comments.

But the page Aurora was showing me—


I felt my mind become hazy upon seeing the article classification.

“Not religion……?”

“If it were in the religion section, such photos wouldn’t have been posted,” Linea calmly corrected my mutterings, although she also seemed a bit flustered, as evidenced by a drop of sweat on her forehead. So, she was at least more composed than I was.

Fortunately, even if it was an entertainment article, they couldn’t post too outlandish rumors about the highest-ranking authority in the church, especially regarding a minor; the content was only at the level of ‘The Saintess is passing by.’

Honestly, while the photo wasn’t taken in a weird angle or showing me making a strange expression,—

You know the ones. Photos of celebrities captured in their daily lives by paparazzi. The ones showing them from head to toe.

The photo of me was just like that. Except, the outfit I was wearing clung to my body, taking the form of a miniskirt dress. It even resembled a religious uniform that could immensely stimulate people with specific fetishes through its design.

……Ah, well, I do look quite celebrity-like in that regard. If I had to say, maybe like a celebrity heading to a Halloween party.

It’s a bit awkward to judge my own face like this, though.

And the reason Linea was genuinely flustered was that if I scrolled down, there would be photos of both Linea and Aurora captured in the same way. At least Linea wore a plain Nun’s outfit, so her figure wasn’t as prominently displayed compared to ours, but that made it stand out even more.

When there’s a modest outfit amidst overtly provocative clothing, it’s bound to draw attention.

The problem was that Linea didn’t exactly lack in beauty either. Like most people in this world, she had a beautiful face. When you dress her in a Japanese anime-styled Nun’s outfit, she looks extremely attractive.

So, Linea’s appearance stood out even more.

“……So, are you saying fans appeared because of this kind of look? And that’s why this article is in entertainment?”


Aurora nodded vigorously, beaming with joy.


Well, sure, I guess.

It would be stranger if such an article didn’t come out. I don’t really feel it, but anyway, according to people’s gaze, I’m saving the world, my outfit is impressive in various ways, and my looks and figure could qualify as ‘good,’ so it’s somewhat understandable to have fans. Though I had no intention of holding a fan meeting or anything.

Also, Aurora had already shown me such articles a few times. Indeed, in the regional daily, they had been treating me like a celebrity.

But that was a daily, and more importantly, those people just worship roots!

Ah, right, they mentioned competing to get my picture. I could overlook that for now. But still, to blatantly put it in the entertainment section is too much, don’t you think!? If I’m a celebrity, then the church is the management agency, and the gods are the CEOs!

“Even so, wouldn’t it mean I wouldn’t stand out? If we’re all wearing the same outfit—”

Just as I was about to voice that thought, Linea suddenly shut her mouth.

“……Did you just notice?”

When Aurora said that to her, Linea began to sweat profusely on her forehead, a sight I had never seen before since I met her.

“Notice? What do you mean?”

I asked, and Aurora just shrugged her shoulders and replied.

“Clara, you don’t need to worry. In fact, regarding such photos, you should rather feel relieved.”


As I still couldn’t grasp the situation, Aurora smiled slightly and continued.

“Who would dare take a picture of the Goddess and publish it, trying to critique it? Individuals might do so, but as long as faith in Clara remains among the people, the media will have to tread carefully.”


Finally, I nodded my head.

Certainly, that makes sense. If a real deity descended in a world where the existence of gods is proven, then profiting off that deity would be off the table. You can’t say nothing would happen, but—

……It doesn’t exactly thrill me. I usually don’t pay much attention to articles. I’d rather be treated as a deity than as a celebrity.

If it were a few months ago, I would’ve rolled on the floor protesting against it. But anyway.

At this point, Linea seemed to have pieced together the situation but left her mouth shut.

“……Are you okay, Aurora?”

I asked just in case.

“Yes! There aren’t many bad remarks either!”

Aurora replied with a bright smile.

I wonder if she always dreamed of being a celebrity since she was young or something.

And just as we were having what I’d consider a significant conversation, having forgotten even the cleaning, the classroom door swung open.

“Hello~ You’re three times as divine today!”

Seeing Selena come over with a huge smile, I could only let out a deep sigh.


I am so mad.

No matter how I think about it, I’m angry.

Ah, but this anger doesn’t stem from being treated like a Goddess. In fact, the accompanying emotions lie somewhere between rejection and resignation. It’s not something I can brush off, no matter what I say. More importantly, the Pope already collapsed after hearing my true identity. If I roll around in front of the Pope saying I don’t want to be a Goddess, his heart might just stop.

……Thinking about it, it’s pretty horrifying. After finally meeting a Goddess, I throw a tantrum about not wanting to be one. From a deity’s perspective, it would be sheer cosmic horror.

In that sense, I think I’ve passed the phase of being mad about the situation. Rather than being angry, I need to figure out how to escape before this emotion turns to ‘resignation’—or do something akin to escaping.

So where is this heat I’m feeling coming from?

Well, it’s pretty obvious by now.

It’s because of Rina, who’s sweetly smiling and munching on food near me.

You know what? Rina never usually wears that expression. She mostly has a sullen expression or an angry face, a bored look, or a combination of frustration and anger, or frustration and boredom. Even when she smiles, it’s mostly a smirk that curls only one side of her lip.

So, by her nature, there’s no way she would be wearing such a pure or innocent expression.

That has to be a highly calculated political expression.

To deliberately provoke my temper.

“……What’s going on? Are you happy about something?”

This morning, Rina entered the classroom and smiled at me without saying a word, then just sat down at her place. While we often get tangled during class breaks, the distance between Rina and me in class is quite far physically. So unless one of us moves, there’s no path for conversation.

Normally, Rina would come over, but today she hadn’t come even once near me until lunch hour.

Then, the moment lunch started, she sat herself next to me as if she’d been waiting for this moment, nibbling on bread.

“What’s going on?”

In response to my question, Rina feigned ignorance. I suppressed a sigh from wanting to come out and calmly collected my thoughts. Of course, the more I talk with Rina, the more my temper would flare, but I knew she’d continue like this until the end of the school day. If I didn’t clash with her just once, it wouldn’t end.

“You’ve been looking at me with a grin since this morning. Do you have something you want to say?”

When I finally managed to ask without trembling, Rina smiled as if she was happy I asked.

“Oh, that? I was just happy that my friend became this amazing. Wow, how impressive! Not just a Saintess, not even a Pope, but a Goddess! Wait, no. It’s not that you became great, but that people are finally recognizing your greatness, right?”


I raised a hand to pinch my nostrils. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I opened my mouth slowly.

“Hey, Rina. If you think of me as a Goddess, isn’t that attitude excessively rude?”

“Hmm? You said it yourself, right? I said if I use formal language, it’ll be scary. So I’m speaking informally now. Do you want me to speak formally instead?”


Right, I did say that to Linea.

“And it’s not something to be happy about by yourself.”

“Hmm? What do you mean by that? I don’t understand at all.”

Can I hit her?

For just a moment, my brain whispered that thought, but I shook my head. Given how much she was provoking me, Rina must be expecting me to attack. If I did, she would probably dodge it. That would only fuel my anger more.

“If I’m a Goddess and in an important position in the church, wouldn’t it make sense for you to take a place there too?”

“Oh, that might be difficult,” Rina replied with a smile.

“It looks like there are two Saintesses appearing openly now. Look, the two of them have the same wounds on their hands as you do. But,”

Rina raised her hand. It was flawless, without a single scar.

“I’m this smooth. Honestly, I don’t think I could demonstrate the power of miracles. Even if I somehow did in the future, isn’t it obvious that right now we have three Saintesses? If there’s a higher position, then one of them should take it—especially when it’s a Goddess and her servants!”


I looked at Rina with a dumbfounded expression.

“Hmm? Why? Isn’t that not the case?”

“Maybe…… it would have been so. Back when I knew nothing about Baal, and my identity had not been revealed, so Linea and Aurora couldn’t awaken their powers. In those conditions, there was no reason for any schisms in the sect, and having a Pope and the Saintess assisting would suffice.”

“But that’s not the situation here at all, is it?”

“Rina, I think you’re misunderstanding something. My identity doesn’t alter your situation significantly. Rather, it’s because my identity is known that Linea and Aurora will stay under me.”

“What?” Rina exclaimed after finally letting it register.

Honestly, this shouldn’t be something to be surprised about.

“It’s natural that you’re the representative of the sect under the direct blessing of the Demon God Baal. Even if I’m a Goddess, my authority can’t overshadow Baal’s. I’m not some supreme deity.”

There’s no setting that supports that notion in the first place. Baal and Ariel are equal. Thus, no matter how highly I’m regarded, it can only be on the same level as Baal.

“So, would the believers actually ignore that fact and try to change the leader of the sect?”


Rina’s expression stiffened.

“And secondly, Linea and Aurora will naturally still be beside me, won’t they? If they leave to deal with something else, who will help me? Are you going to help?”

After hearing this, Rina’s face went pale.

It wasn’t just a personal opinion of not wanting to serve under me; objectively speaking, I was in a very important position within the church.

I’m just using my status as a student and Nun to flee about, but once I become an adult, that excuse would disappear.

And then to be under me?

Probably the worst scenario for someone who doesn’t want to work.

……Ah, I seriously dislike the thought of that day coming. Even now, just thinking about it makes me feel drained.

……How can I escape from this?

But that’s not what matters right now.

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to effectively scare Rina. Making a defeated expression won’t make you look less imposing.

With a cheerful smile on my face, I said,

“So, now that you’ve come here, there’s no escape hole at all, is there? Given that you’re one of the closest believers of the Demon God Baal, you must have the ability to use miracles if you set your mind to it. It’s just that it hasn’t happened until now. It means that becoming canonized as a Saintess is not so difficult after all.”

Then I took a pause before adding,

“And let me once again emphasize, I can’t retreat anymore, okay? If this keeps getting to me, there’s a chance we might explode together—uh, I mean ascend together.”

That is, after working for the church for several decades.


With a thud, Rina’s bread fell onto her lap. Yet, since it was wrapped in plastic, it didn’t spill crumbs too much.


Rina looked around, her eyes darting, before saying,


“Do you know something?”

I said with a smile directed at Rina.

“Thinking about it, I’ve already gotten angry. So it’s too late. Let’s just die together, shall we?”

“No way!”

Rina screamed.

“No! Please, huh? I’ll stop acting up, okay? I said I’m sorry! Can you please forgive me?”

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

Ignoring Rina, who was gripping my shoulder and shaking me, I continued to laugh mechanically.

“……So, is this what a conversation between a Goddess and a believer looks like?”

“From just the content of this conversation, one could say it’s the end of days.”

……Nearby, I could hear Satsuki and Selena talking while watching us, but I pretended I didn’t hear them.

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