Switch Mode

Chapter 177



Krah and I sat facing each other in silence.

The Arlil burned without touching anything else, but that didn’t mean there was no damage. Since it was a magical fire that ignited, the flames didn’t spread elsewhere, but those who were in direct contact with the fire all suffered burns.

And Krah was one of those people.

The Elves who had deeply served Arlil as a divine tree suffered the most severe burns. In that sense, those who held high positions among the Elves had a degree of responsibility.

Well, even if the burn was severe, there was no one who lost their hands or feet, so I could heal them. There were victims, but it wasn’t that there were ‘none’ at all. Even with that, it was impossible to heal those who really lost parts of their bodies.

No one was going to give me a hard time either, especially since I had already used the power of miracles and fainted. Most of the seriously injured Elves were elders or those close to the elder ranks. Most could only blankly stare at the enormous charcoal that was once Arlil, scattering white ashes into the sky, unable to think of questioning me.

At least Krah survived, having sustained severe burns, but I was able to heal him completely with my holy power.

“So, you’re saying you cannot hand over that demon?”

“Ah, yes, well….”

If I handed it over, I’d be signing my own death warrant.

Of course, even if it were in my hands, it was still a death sentence. After all, this was the demon itself, not a mere collaborator. This was the one who had razed this world and tormented humanity for hundreds of years after. It wouldn’t just die peacefully. I guess they thought there would be some way to bargain if they stuck to me, but no matter how I looked at it, I couldn’t stop the entire humanity’s thirst for revenge.

Moreover, that revenge was quite justified.

According to him, not all demons agreed with the plan to invade this world, yet it made no sense that such demons had survived until now. He said ‘not everyone agreed,’ but never claimed that he himself disagreed.

“To steer the battles favorably from now on, we need even the slightest bit of information.”


At my words, Krah didn’t react much. He probably understood. Even if the Elves wanted that crow’s life, the humans wouldn’t easily give it up.

Only I, Linea, and Aurora had come to meet Krah. I had initially planned to go alone, but I accepted their suggestion to accompany me just in case. By the way, outside the door, the leader and deputy leader of the Saint Knights were standing guard personally.

Krah silently gazed out of the window at what was now Arlil.

No, I could hardly call it Arlil anymore.

The ‘Great Tree’ could no longer exude its great holy power.

No, before that, the name ‘Great Tree’ itself was practically a lie. The Elves had been deceived by demons.

In fact, the only evidence came from a demon’s testimony, but it appeared the Elves were too stunned to doubt it.


After gazing at that tree in silence for a while, Krah finally spoke.


“Set up a cathedral there. I will cooperate in any way I can.”


At Krah’s words, I was surprised enough to repeat what I’d just said.

“Regardless of what the truth of Arlil is, it no longer exists. I’m not sure what the Saintess thinks, but for the Elves, true holy power… no,”

Krah coughed as if choking and stopped speaking. For a moment, I wondered if the burns were still affecting him, but that didn’t seem to be the case as he slowly continued.

“……we need ‘holy power.’ The witch is gone, but the demons are still here. The Elves require a corresponding holy power to withstand their immense magical strength.”

“……So, you’re asking for help from the Central Church?”

At my words, Krah turned to look at me. His expression was one of profound emptiness, as if he had witnessed the end of the world, but deep within his eyes, something sparkled. Perhaps I was mistaken by the hint of moistness in his eyes.

“We left our homeland and came all the way here to survive. Right now, our sole focus is on that. You must know—no, you do know— that in such a harsh world, the Elves chose that tree for survival! No matter how much we try to dress it up, it was ultimately the struggles of beings trying to survive!”


I gazed down at Krah, who was shouting vehemently. He soon sprang up from the bed and jumped down to the floor.

“I make this request. Please, please help us. We truly have nothing left…”

Occasionally, Elves stepping outside their region become objects of human admiration. Those who live close by know how quirky and exhausting Elves can be, but from a distance, they still seem capable, beautiful, and handsome.

But now, that image was gone.

As the trial was broadcast worldwide, the Elves’ true visage was revealed. No matter how much Elves tried to maintain their secluded region, they could not conceal that Arlil had vanished nor that it was merely a lure created by demons.

Once information leaks outside, tales of how the Elves are just self-centered beings deprived of proper education would spread.

Most importantly, the Arlil, which the Elves believed was protecting them, was proven to be meaningless. To defend this region, cooperation with humans was essential. Even if demons are dismissing it as unimportant now, there’s no guarantee they wouldn’t invade forever.

“Not just the Church, many educational institutions in human territories will also come in. It may not be immediate, but external businesses might come in. To those people, the Elven District would look like a cradle of untouched capital.”

Since it was recognized as a self-governing region, there must have been subsidies for the Elven District. I’m not sure where or how it was spent, but given the atmosphere within the Elven District, it wouldn’t be strange if it were just piling up in their accounts.

“Accepting the church means accepting everything of human society and standing on equal ground with them. If the Elves are discriminated against by other races, I will protect those being discriminated against in my name. But conversely, Elves must not discriminate against other races.”

I looked down at Krah, who had knelt, slightly bending at the waist.

“Should that time come, I will protect those who are discriminated against in my name.”

“I understand. I shall do so.”

“……Elder Lechmir received injuries that cannot be healed with holy power.”

When I woke up from my faint, my left arm had been completely burned off. It wasn’t just my arm; it looked as though my whole body had been consumed by the fire. While Aurora, Linea, and the Saint Knights’ clergy took measures, they couldn’t reopen the completely glazed-over eyes.

“If such people were to rebel, how fierce would that rebellion be?”

When I asked, Krah quietly pondered before slowly opening his mouth.

“……Even if the rebellion is fierce, ultimately, they will have to accept it. Regardless of the truth, Arlil can no longer provide holy power. Until the church is built and the clergy offer their direct assistance—”

“Not just anyone can help as a clergy member.”

Though the healing center associated with the church functions similarly to a health center or national hospital, they are still clergy. If the church were to heal Elven patients, they would, but not much more than that. Creating holy water for the community and assisting the poor is more of a volunteer concept than an obligation.

Unless a peculiar priest pours their life into service and missionary work in the Beastman Region, it’s unlikely that anyone would come all the way to the Elven District for volunteer work.

At least the Beastman Region makes an effort to adapt to human society, so there are people trying; the Elven District is notoriously known even within the church.

Krah seemed to understand what I was talking about.

“……Yes, we will discuss that. We will make efforts to receive baptism first.”

“Good to hear.”

Of course, that doesn’t mean those people could become high-ranking officials in the church.

Becoming clergy is no easy task. Proving holy power would make it easy to become a monk or nun, but the Elves can’t do that. To prove faith, they would have to pass through many rigorous and annoying interviews and tests to qualify as clergy.

In that sense, perhaps the orphans raised in the church of the Elven District might one day hold great power. Orphans don’t necessarily need a confession of faith to be taken in as monks or nuns. Later on, it would also be quite easy for them to become priests.

As for who to appoint to the church… well, it seems there’s only one suitable person.

“Now, shall we take another look at the documents we signed? It might take longer, so it’s best to look at them right away. We have plenty of additional talks to add.”


At my words, Krah’s eyes widened, and he shot up.

To be honest, his enthusiasm was a little scary.


Build a cathedral, but leave the position of Cardinal vacant. There hasn’t been a clergy stationed in the Elven District for a long time, and very few Elven clergy have reached high positions within the church. Therefore, the Cardinal from the adjacent region will temporarily manage the cathedral in the Elven District.

The Elves are not required to be baptized, but the leadership of the Elven District, including the Elder Council, must absolutely receive baptism.

“Why must we…?”

Of course, a few dared to voice this question.

Lechmir, his burn marks almost healed and his body nearly unscathed, was one of them. However, one of his eyes was forever white from an injury that couldn’t be healed.

“This is our home!”

“Because it is our home, we must use any means necessary to protect it, right?”

Though Krah admonished Lechmir, he still seemed quite furious.

“How can you remove Arlil! What if the roots buried in the ground are still alive?!”

“The fire engulfing Arlil only burned Arlil. Given that the fire has extinguished, there’s no way the roots below could still be alive.”

At my words, Lechmir whipped around to face me. His sleeve, with no arm, fluttered. His eye, which was nothing but a white globe with no pupil, was surely unsettling.

“Unseen truths are unknown—”

“Then all the more, we must strike the surface and eliminate it. If Arlil is to ever regain life, we must prune the burnt parts! If a part is still alive beneath the ground, I will gladly give it to you. Whatever you do with it in a pot or for a potion, it doesn’t matter to me.”

“……If it’s alive, growing it back with holy power might be—”

“No. I will not do that. Regardless if the tree is false, it tried to devour me. I still believe that tree is a parasitic plant. If you wish to revive it, find someone else. Otherwise, do it yourself. I have no obligation to save that tree.”


Honestly, considering the cracked land and the rising smoke, it’s probably better to assume there are no living parts left.

More importantly, even if I were to yield the roots to Lechmir, nobody would help it grow back into Arlil. Even if I didn’t actively oppose it, there wouldn’t be any clergy willing to help after I rejected it. Even if they were, it would take more than just one or two clergy to provide enough holy power for Arlil to blossom.

If the crow’s words were true, they would definitely restrict any praise of Arlil within the church.

Well, perhaps human scientists might want to study it. But unlike other races, humans have no qualms about using something created to defeat their opponent.

“Lechmir. If we are to adopt this place as our home and find a way to live, this is all we have right now. Otherwise, we must defend the walls out there all by ourselves.”

The Gnomes were already doing so. In contrast, the Beastmen had allowed the government forces to enter and benefit from their support.


Lechmir remained silent and let his hands droop. After a long while of bowing his head, when he finally lifted his face, it was filled with a deep-seated resentment.

“……If the Saintess had not been here, Arlil would not have burned—”


That statement could have caused enormous misunderstandings, but Krah quickly shouted to cut him off.

“If you say anything that brings harm to our region, I will not forgive you. Choose here. Will you receive baptism and gain holy power, or will you migrate to another region? Those are our only options now. Or do you wish to go outside the walls?”

An Elf without strong holy power would only die outside the walls. To even be a witch requires that level of ability and holy power.


“If you want to remain an elder, you must undergo baptism here and follow the new rules.”

With that, Krah straightened his back and proclaimed.

However, nobody could understand that. Krah was addressing the gathering Elves, and his words were in their language.

It felt like watching a tenor in an opera. It looked dignified as though he were singing a grand tune—

“Before us stands two choices: one is to submit to demons and face extinction, while the other is to genuinely integrate into human society and survive.”

Satsuki, standing next to me, was interpreting his words.

When I realized my surprise at the situation, Satsuki chuckled.

“Well, it’s not that I can’t speak Elven. I don’t know everything, but I understand enough to manage everyday life. I learned from my dad.”

I lifted my gaze to the distance where Satsuki’s father stood. He seemed to wear a bitter smile, yet his expression appeared rather relieved.

“Anyhow, it’s about keeping this place open, that narrative. If we don’t progress, we won’t have a future.”

Having shared that much, Satsuki pouted slightly.

“It feels a bit off to say something profound when we’ve been like this for 500 years already.”

“……Well, as time goes by, other people besides Elves will probably come here and live together. Do you want to go back?”

At my words, Satsuki shrugged.

“I lived here as a child… but it doesn’t really feel like home. I don’t even remember any close friends from back then. I just feel more comfortable in the place where I originally lived. How about you? Do you want to return to the sky?”

No, my case seems a bit different, I think.

Of course, it would be a lie to say I have no lingering attachments to my previous life. However, since I am already deemed dead in that world, well. There must have been a reason Ariel chose a person to bring over at the exact timing of their death.

And now that I’m here, I want to see the end.

That thought made me nod.

“Indeed, that’s true.”

It’s possible to miss an old school after transferring. However, if one only longs for the past, they won’t adapt to the new people around them.

Anxiousness grew on the faces of the Elves looking at Krah. Some Elves eyed me cautiously.

But beyond this, there was nothing more I could offer. From now on, they would have to find their own way. If the Elves, like Rene, look up to others, they should adapt without any issues.

Well, many accidents piled up, but still, with this, it seemed this matter could somehow be wrapped up—


While I was mentally wrapping things up, someone cautiously called my name. It was Grace, the vice-captain of the Saint Knights.

“The Central Church has sent a message…”

This matter— I haven’t wrapped it up at all!

That’s right. Just because events piled up doesn’t mean resolutions come together in the same way.

A great issue regarding my identity still loomed over me.


As I silently cupped my head in my hands, Satsuki gently patted my back.

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