Switch Mode

Chapter 142

I will exact my revenge.
I will definitely take revenge.

That was the only thought swirling in Rina Hicks’s mind these days.

Honestly, I can’t say I don’t understand. Regardless of how things turned out, Clara genuinely wanted to help Rina. It might look like there was some hidden agenda behind it, but at least based on the visible results, it was becoming increasingly impossible for anyone in society to meddle with Rina.

Even if Rina’s identity as a demon were to be publicly exposed to the world, the church would probably actively protect her, and even if skeptics appeared within the church, Clara would use her status as a saint to shield her.

Well, if we’re going to nitpick, it’s definitely something to be grateful for.

Clara completely turned Rina’s fate upside down, who was born as a lowly demon and was supposed to be discarded like a pawn. If one were to say she ‘saved’ her, it wouldn’t be entirely wrong. Rina felt a sense of gratitude in her own way. Over time, she thought she was also feeling something akin to friendship. Of course, the story that Selena had brought up was something that had to be buried as a lifelong embarrassment, but anyway, Rina was enjoying her current life in her own way.

That’s right. Thank you.
It’s a really grateful thing.
While immensely grateful,
but, isn’t this a bit too much?

These were the thoughts that recently came to Rina’s mind.

Of course, despite being a demon, she knew well what it meant to live as someone adapting to human society. Asking someone who helped her to also carry her burdens was clearly shameless. But when had Rina ever asked for those burdens?

Undoubtedly, not once.
In fact, she often puzzled over why Clara kept pulling things out and presenting them to her. Moreover, the burdens she brought forth were quite literally ‘burdens’.

Just to emphasize, Rina was a pawn used by the demon army. She had no freedom as an individual and was merely intended to be used in a way that would erode human society from within at the cost of her life. After finally being liberated from all that, she had been caught alive by something from the other side.

Do you know? In front of demons or witches, figures like them are just a speck of dust. She knew that well because she had faced that demon directly. If her encounter with that being had simply been a dream she had while sleeping, it wouldn’t have remained so vividly in her mind.

So, when Clara said she would kidnap a witch, purify her, use her for interpreting ancient elf language, and even make her testify in court, it sounded absurd at first. But the more she thought about it, the more plausible it seemed. If it’s possible, then do it. Hm, for Clara, who is not only receiving the attention of both gods and demons, such a level of threat might be nothing.

So what could she do?
There was no way for Rina to refuse the burdens presented to her. Even if she verbally refused, those burdens would inevitably cling to her hands and back like a miracle and wouldn’t come off.

So, returning to the main topic,
that’s right. Revenge.
What Rina could do now was only revenge.

Others might find this utterly ridiculous, but she didn’t care. She had never been one to care much about how others viewed her. She just didn’t want to wear tight, white clothes like Clara.

And, well, it probably wouldn’t look like revenge to anyone else. Jian or Selena might catch on, but she wouldn’t care much. As long as she made it so they couldn’t say anything about it even if they did catch on, that was enough.

…The detailed plan had already been laid out. All that remained was execution.


In the late evening, when everyone had fallen into slumber,
Rina checked that all the still awkward rooming roommates were asleep. Slowly, she moved out. She had attended all classes in the academy and had been training her body every day. She was confident she could awaken the average human sleeping around her.

Although she hadn’t been able to sleep well for several nights due to tossing and turning from hearing about various doctrines and sects, today’s condition was peak. After committing herself to a single purpose, her mind cleared up and her vision sharpened.

Rina came out of the convent’s dorm quietly, closing the door carefully so that her roommates would not wake up.
And she walked quickly, mindful not to make a noise, heading to the Mother Superior’s office.

Most nuns were likely asleep, but it could be argued that teenage nuns and those who stayed at the church afterward were different entities altogether. While they were all labeled as nuns, the ones under 20 were more like orphans protected by the church, and the nuns who remained afterward were the ones who could truly be called clergy walking the path of true monasticism.

The Mother Superior was one who had lived as a nun for quite some time. That meant she was more devout and religious.

At first, she thought about visiting a priest, but the priest’s office was farther away than the Mother Superior’s. No matter how small the cathedral might be, sneaking out as a nun in the middle of the night to a place too far could land her in hot water. Judging from the situation, it was better if the incident occurred within the convent, Rina decided.

As expected, a faint light shone beneath the door of the Mother Superior’s office. Rina approached and stood before the door.
Taking a deep breath,
she lifted her hand and knocked on the door.
Knock, knock, the distinct sound of knocking on wood echoed.

Due to the quietness of the hallway in the middle of the night, the knock seemed particularly loud.
“…Come in.”
A faint voice came from beyond the door.
Grabbing the doorknob, she slowly turned it and opened the door to reveal an elderly nun with a face lined with wrinkles. She looked even older than the Mother Superior at the cathedral where Clara stayed.

She had apparently been quite famous in her younger days. If she was so famous, one might wonder why she had ended up in such a small place rather than representing the 21st District’s cathedral.

“What brings you here?”
But the voice of the Mother Superior remained firm and clear as she asked Rina. There was no trace of suspicion in her voice; it seemed she was simply curious about why Rina had come to visit her at this hour.

So, what will you do now?
Rina asked herself inwardly.
For a dramatic presentation, she might have to do something a bit pride-shattering. It might one day be said in a book that this was how she appeared today.
Is it really okay with you? Do you have the confidence that you won’t regret it even hundreds of years from now when you’re seen knelt down in awe?

Rina knelt down. The Mother Superior looked startled and stood up from her chair.
Of course, it’s not okay.
But wouldn’t there be a purpose to it? The true goal that necessitates enduring today’s humiliation.

After all, she wouldn’t be here hundreds of years from now. What mattered far more was her current self.
“I have a confession to make.”
Rina clasped her hands together as if praying. Normally, she would only shut her eyes and stare into space, but this moment was different. It couldn’t just be ‘appearing that way’. It needed to be made into a more undeniable moment.

Well, at least she hadn’t learned nothing from Clara.
As Rina gathered her Holy Power around her hands, she thought so.

I spoke while gripping my throbbing head.
“Yesterday, what did you say to that nun in your convent?”
“I confessed that I was saved by you. I said it was thanks to your guidance that I was able to meet God. It’s true, isn’t it?”

Ah… well, if it’s true, then it is true.
Even without that cringey word ‘salvation’, the fundamental reason Rina gained her Holy Power somehow had to do with me.
“But you already said that before, didn’t you? Back during your testimony.”
But was there a reason to go back and say it again?

“That was to the Inquisition, not to the Mother Superior of the convent where I live.”
“…So she didn’t know until now?”
“Well, I don’t know about that. Still, she cried buckets listening to my story.”
Seeing Rina coolly gulping down energy drinks, I pinched my forehead.
“……What exactly do you want?”
I have to admit that I was being a bit excessive. But there wasn’t really any other way. No, since the moment I first met the demon, it was natural that humans, who had never once forgiven demons or beasts, would need at least this kind of justification if they were to accept one.

“Nothing much.”
Rina said and wiped the beverage that had dribbled from the corner of her lips with her sleeve.
“Of course, I just hope my dear saint, who has helped me so much, will rise to the position of Pope and make our world a better place.”
And with that, she clasped her hands together, directing them toward me. Bowing her head slightly in prayer was an added bonus.
From Rina’s clasped hands, the Holy Power of the demon, a blend of white and black, arose.
Oh ho.
Sure enough. She was going there.

Rina knew very well that I didn’t want to become Pope. She had seen how I writhed and struggled each time my status rose, right beside me. The issue was that Rina knew too well about it.
So, what? It meant that as much as I had raised Rina, she planned to push me higher from behind.

…Alright, thanks.
I was seriously pondering whether to give up on the idea of becoming Pope, and Rina reignited the flame of enthusiasm that was starting to fade.
I will never become Pope. Even if I lived my life as a priest or monk, even if I rose to the position of Cardinal, I will firmly reject the position of Pope!
Rather, I will raise this odious being sitting next to me into a Pope!

“You flatter me. I thought the new Pope’s position should be taken by the leader of the new sect. While the roles in the church will be completely divided, still, a newly formed sect shouldn’t emerge with overly powerful strength. The new Pope should be someone who can bolster their weak new sect according to that new purpose.”
Even after I said all that, Rina’s expression showed little change. No, rather, it seemed to say she had expected me to say that, as the corners of her lips lifted slightly, showing a mocking grin.
…This feels ominous. Somehow, I feel like Rina would have thought ahead and prepared measures before I even had a chance to say such things.

“Ah, dear saint. For that reason, isn’t it more appropriate for someone chosen by both deities to lead the church? When a new sect is formed, there will be many corners to tidy up, and various trial and error will certainly follow. There will be so much for the head of the sect to do, I’m already worried. Therefore, rather than that, shouldn’t someone loved by all, who established a new sect and sought out forgotten deities, become Pope?”
“Uh, wait a moment…”
“What’s more, if the sect splits into two, then on the other side of the original sect, someone needs to be there to lead it. Therefore, besides the saint, who else can be considered for the head of that sect? No, that isn’t the case. There won’t be anyone within the church thinking of placing another person other than you, who have shown overflowing Holy Power and miracles.”
Ah, that’s right, indeed.
The splitting of the sect meant that there would also be a leader for the existing power.
…And while Rina might be firmly in charge of the new sect as the first demon to serve the new sect in the church, the head of the existing power was…
I hesitate to voice it, but anyone considering someone other than me for that position would likely have a pretty peculiar mindset.
And I suspect that such a person might suggest something not just for that position but for much higher, perhaps even above Pope.

Even as I comprehended that, shivering in fear, Rina’s words did not seem to end.
“And, dear saint. The position of Pope isn’t something someone appoints. It’s determined through the fair voting of the Cardinals.”
That’s right. Usually, the voting for a pope has gone like that. And probably, by the time they vote for the next pope—

—No, wait a moment.
I think I heard something about papal elections shortly after I became a saint.
Before the papal election, the Cardinals hold a brief meeting before they form the electoral body. The meeting is simple. They discuss who would be appropriate for the next pope; if they all shout the same name at the same time, the Cardinal with that name would become pope without any further election, as if the gods designated them.
And if a canonized saint exists, that candidate can also become pope without any separate election.
In this world, saints and holy maidens are deemed chosen by the gods, and thus their will is closest to God’s will.
And I’m a holy maiden.
“That’s right. There was a papal election.”
Receiving those words, Rina tilted her head with a baffled expression at my suddenly relaxed demeanor. Well, that’s understandable. Just moments ago, I had looked like I was about to turn pale.
“But do you know? Being a holy maiden, which signifies one chosen by the gods, grants me the right to recommend a candidate for the pope. That proposed candidate can become pope without an additional election.”
At my words, Rina jumped up with a shout. Oh dear, if she had been wearing a nun’s outfit or a holy maiden’s robe instead of school uniform, her skirt would have flailed up. Fortunately, since she was in a loose school uniform, that didn’t happen.
“That isn’t in any law; that sounds just wildly unfair!”
“But that’s exactly what it says in church law.”
Ah, what else can I say if it’s really written down.
Everyone’s gaze in the auditorium had turned towards us, but since all present were just fellow club members, they didn’t pay much attention.

“…I have something that was asked of me by the Demon.”
“Was that me being told to become Pope?”
Seeing Rina grit her teeth and tremble, I saw that at least in this area, I held the upper hand. I can lie in the name of the gods, but she cannot.
“…But still, you can’t just make me Pope right now, can you?”
“…Well, that’s true.”
There are minimum requirements to become a Pope. That is, to become a Cardinal.
…Well, with my authority, I could skip that process or drastically shorten it, but for now, I didn’t have such an intention. It’s incredibly unlikely that I would walk to the position of Cardinal myself.
“But it also seems unreasonable that the head of a sect wouldn’t have the title of Cardinal.”
As I said that, Rina raised one corner of her lips slightly as she smiled smugly.
“Well, it would be the same even if it wasn’t me, right? Isn’t that so?”
Well, that’s true. Leaving aside the title of saint, if the ranks were to become equal within the church, their powers should also be equal. The head of the new sect would be a Cardinal, while the head of the opposing sect would just be a nun; it would create a power imbalance. While right now I had the title of saint, I wouldn’t get particularly pushed around now, but for things to run smoothly in dozens or hundreds of years without a saint, the precedent should never be set.

“So, it seems the way we fight has been determined.”
Finally calm, Rina asked. I sighed softly and replied.
“Even if we do fight like that, the favorable side will be mine.”
“Do you really think so? Does being favorable in this fight truly bring about only good?”
I wasn’t sure what ‘favorable’ meant in this fight. Should I say it depends on the situation of becoming a pope or the opposite situation being seen as favorable?
Above all, the most important point is to first not become a Cardinal, it’s not just about ‘not getting power’. To elevate another, you need a minimum level of prestige and authority. If you have neither, your words will only ring hollow.
This is totally a kingmaker battle. The problem is the side that loses becomes the king. Or should I say bishop? Anyway.
“Well, I’m looking forward to it. I’ll definitely repay your kindness.”
“You cannot take away the opportunity from someone who has made themselves a child of the gods. I will do my best as well.”
With that, the two of us declared a religious war against each other for our own reasons while grinning savagely—
“…So, are they really fighting to make each other pope?”
A voice sounded from Satsuki, who had been watching us closely.
“Should we say they get along well or badly?”
Came Selina’s sigh-filled response, but we both made an effort to ignore their conversation.

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