Switch Mode

Chapter 136

Silence fell after that.

When I asked everyone to state their demands, nobody opened their mouths, and at first, I thought they were just ignoring me. But looking closer, I could see beads of sweat trickling down their faces.

Well, I guess that makes sense. The only request they could possibly make of me would be to side with them, but given how I had just dragged their image through the mud, they probably realized I wouldn’t entertain that request.

“If you have no demands, then I will speak.”

Well, if they have nothing to say, it’s my turn now.

“Please treat the Church the same way you are treating me right now. Any documents sent by the Pope or me should definitely reach the President. It’s a law made for the peace of the two power institutions of this nation. We don’t intend to undermine the authority of the government. Unless the government allies with demons or witches, we are just comrades with a common enemy. Isn’t that right?”

I paused for a moment and glanced around. I still couldn’t hear any answers.

“Rules are put in place to minimize the significant disadvantages that arise if they are not followed. I hope you will not interpret them unilaterally or infringe upon them recklessly. I am undeniably a saintess canonized by the Church and hold authority within the Church equivalent to that of the Pope. Even if I’m young, the authority guaranteed legally is on par with that of the President.”

The President’s eyebrows twitched at my words, but what of it? If you’re annoyed, take it up with God, not me. If you want, I can let you hear directly from Him.

One cannot recklessly disregard the authority of a representative of human will. After all, I’m one of those people, and my will is naturally included in theirs.

However, no matter how it is, the will of God should also not be ignored. Especially when that God isn’t some evil deity bent on destroying the world, but rather one who is trying to save humanity that was on the brink of ruin. It would be even more troublesome to ignore the will of God. While I might not follow it one hundred percent, disregarding it would be problematic. There’s a clear distinction between mercy and being a pushover.

The existence of this nation has always relied on the fair coexistence of human will and divine will without leaning too heavily in one direction. Excessive infringement on human will is problematic, but the same goes for the opposite scenario. In fact, until I showed up, there hadn’t been a saint for fifty years. If that state had continued, humanity would have gradually been devoured by the army of demons and driven towards its end.

“Please act according to the law. If the central government intends to infringe upon that law, the Church will respond in its own way. Do not see me as a tool to place under you. I am the representative of the Gods, not a magic wand you can wield as you wish.”

Well, I think that’s reasonable and fair. It’s likely a demand they can’t refuse without repercussions. At the very least, considering my authority, they would have to comply with this request to avoid me publicly denying or checking the current regime using my power.

“…Understood. To adhere to the laws of the nation, we will ensure that the authority of the Church is not compromised through mutual consultation with each department.”

In the end, the President said that. There was a moment of murmurs around, but he seemed to ignore it.

“Good. Now that you’ve answered, I feel relieved. I won’t stop the government from promoting my accomplishments as if they were the government’s achievements. Let’s cooperate while smiling like this.”

Having finished my words, I glanced around once more. The murmurs ceased, and there were only those staring at me, as if I were some strange sight. Well, I suppose they didn’t expect me to go this far.

No matter how common the existence of gods is in this world, those who have never witnessed their powers won’t grasp them. Even if both the central government and the central church are present in the 1st District, the divine powers they’ve seen have only healed human wounds or burnt demons, not a type that involves conversing with gods or using divine power to achieve something.

No matter how much I brag about my abilities, they would still be impossible to grasp unless witnessed firsthand.

“It’s getting late. There’s still a lot on the agenda for today. Shouldn’t we get moving?”

As I got up, Aurora and Linea, who had been seated beside me, stood as well. Though they looked like young girls still far from adulthood, the expressions in their eyes as they looked at us were filled with an incomprehensible fear, as if they were seeing something terrifying.

“…I’m really sorry to ask,”

The President spoke in a somewhat restrained voice.

“Would you mind continuing your tour of the parliament for a while? There’s a guide waiting outside. He won’t inconvenience you or your party in any way.”

As I stared at the President, he rose from his seat.

“I need to record your demands and discuss opinions for a bit. Of course, we will hold a proper meeting after this discussion is over. But for now, could you give us a little time?”

With that, he bowed his head towards me.


I silently looked up at the ceiling. It wasn’t as extravagant as the Temple of Gods, but it had a restrained elegance that felt nice. This place surely has a different charm than the central church building.

In comparison to the world I lived in, it may very well be a structure that hasn’t even been built yet, or one that will never be built. But for this world, this place has likely been a historical site for hundreds of years.

“Alright. While it’s a bit delayed, continuing on schedule isn’t a bad idea. We can wait while touring. Please come out after taking your time to chat.”

Having made up my mind, I gave a slight smile and mirrored the gesture he had made toward me.


“Saintess, you’re amazing!”

As we finished speaking and exited the hearing room, Aurora suddenly shouted that, startling me. Gasp, she must have heard it inside; when I turned around, the door to the hearing room had already closed.

…Well, I guess it doesn’t matter much.

“I would appreciate it if you could just call me by my name.”

I said, a bit disinterestedly, causing Aurora to go oops and touch her lips with her hand.

“I didn’t mean to, you looked so majestic that I just called you that. I’m sorry.”

Yet her expression was so bright that it didn’t feel sincere. Well… I thought I spoke well enough to feel proud, so this isn’t too big of a deal.

“It’s tough to say everything that needs to be said in front of the ultimate authority. You did wonderfully.”

Linea chimed in, making me a bit flustered. Well, if they say so, then so be it.

“By the way, was that comment truly sincere?”

“What do you mean?”

As Aurora grabbed my hand and leaned her face close to mine, I gently pulled back. Aurora was an incredibly pretty girl, and with her holding my hand and leaning in that way, it could have made my heart race. But with that religious fervor in her eyes as she acted, it felt more akin to a cult preacher saying my face was blessed, which left me a little freaked out.

“Twenty years from now—”

“Ah, wait, wait!”

I suddenly heard a clattering sound from behind, so I swiftly covered Aurora’s mouth with my hand.

“That’s a sensitive topic; I don’t think it’s something we should discuss here.”

I cast a glance back over my shoulder, gesturing for her to quiet down, and Aurora’s expression turned slightly gloomy.

“Oh, I’m sorry…”

I let out a small sigh, looked at Linea and Aurora once, then lowered my voice to speak as quickly as I could.

“And that matter isn’t something that can happen so easily.”

Seeing Aurora and Linea tilt their heads in confusion, I hurriedly explained.

“Now that I’ve brought it up, those people will probably try their best to prevent that from happening over the next twenty years. They might change laws or set restrictions. They wouldn’t want me becoming President, right?”


Dreaming of defecting from the Church while mentioning such ambitions was part of my calculation. If I said I could do it, then they would work hard to make sure I couldn’t. Of course, they can’t do anything to me, but adding various conditions is always within their reach.

They could establish a rule that a former Pope can’t run for President, or place restrictions on high-ranking clergy. Plenty of options exist. Of course, if they add such provisions, the Church could also include declarations like how the President can’t become the Pope, but that’s not my concern.


Upon hearing my words, Aurora and Linea wore somewhat displeased expressions but reluctantly nodded.

“Please don’t mention that I said anything like this. If such talk goes around and leads to various rumors, it would make things uncomfortable for me.”

As I whispered this to Aurora and Linea, they nodded, seeming to understand. I nodded back at them, and then—


A soft female voice came from behind.

It was the guide waiting outside.

“I’ve received word. May I continue to guide you through the parliament?”

“Oh, yes, of course!”

With that, I had overcome a significant hurdle.

I sighed in relief and smiled brightly at the guide.



After the saintess and her aides left, the hearing room became shrouded in silence.

Everyone had their thoughts racing in their heads, but they couldn’t voice them easily. There were various reasons for it, but picking the biggest among them is that the holy scripture, blessed by the gods and created at the saintess’s request, was still glowing in the saintess’s place.

The thick leather-bound scripture radiated light softly, making it look sacred just by existing. It could probably be handed over directly to the central museum. …And certainly, everything the saintess wore and nearly all the tools she used would be the same.

When the saintess who had been glowing behind them left, it felt as though the light in the hearing room had diminished significantly. Of course, with the ceiling lights present, it wasn’t truly dark; however, it was a different kind of light that made for such a comparison.

Yet even during the saintess’s absence, the scripture remained, glowing steadily.

Those remaining in the hearing room took it as a warning. A reminder that the gods were watching over them, even in their absence.

In reality, it was simply forgotten and left behind, but unless someone said it, who would know?

“……Shouldn’t we take action?”

The first to speak up was the one who asked the information minister if they knew what a joke it was to try to berate the saintess. Not being one to read the room, they were brave enough to speak up despite knowing the glowing scripture was there… even if they were somewhat hesitant about it.

“What action?”

The President, clasping his hands with his thumbs pressed tightly against his eyelids, replied.

“Isn’t she declaring war on us right now! She’s proclaiming that she will be the head of both pillars, disregarding the sacred laws of this nation!”

“You mean her statement about running for President in twenty years?”

“That’s right.”

Hearing that, the President sighed deeply, closing his eyes as he let his hands drop.

“You just mentioned the term sacred, but who better embodies that ‘sacred’ than the gods themselves? And the spokesperson of those gods has spoken directly. If so, which is truly more sacred—the church, which has gracefully stepped back from overwhelming political power in favor of human free will, or those who attempted to capture power while dismissing the existence of the gods?”


With no response, the President let out another deep sigh.

“Before today, I thought of her merely as one of the heads of the Church. The reason the authority of the Pope always appears to fall below that of the President is that the Pope is not a being born from the support of the entire populace. Instead, he comes from a gathering of a few high clerics, who gather to vote for the cardinal. That interpretation has taken hold.”

None could deny the President’s words. It was the truth.

“In fact, saints and saintesses are those born after being canonized by the Pope. No matter how much the Church claims their authority is equal to the Pope’s, to those outside, they appear simply appointed by the Pope. Although their divinity is genuine, and their achievements on the battlefield support the authority of the Church, to those who know nothing, they are just figures similar to heroes.”


“But what was today’s experience with the saintess like?”

The President again stole a glance at the glowing spot where the saintess had been.

“Perhaps it’s us who were blind. The lack of a saint or saintess for fifty years and never meeting one properly could have caused us to react like ‘those who know nothing.’ No, perhaps I should say we definitely reacted that way, considering what we experienced today.”

“However, isn’t there a need for checks even so? Even if the current saintess is a grand and righteous being, if she unites the two pillars, we will have no means to stop an evil autocrat in the future.”

“……The Pope’s term can last a lifetime, but the President’s, no matter how long, is only eight years.”

“Don’t you have any assurance that a being with absolute power won’t change the laws?”


The President momentarily hesitated at that question.

“Then how about this thought?”

Someone who had kept silent until then slowly began to speak up.

“This administration has already gained some notoriety that they’ve gone through an incident involving the saintess. Even without any conjecture about such events, it’s clear that the saintess looks unkindly at the current administration. That image is already out there in broadcasts, especially since it was live. The problem arises when, with that perception, we suddenly try to put forth a bill that could hinder the saintess or the Church. That would surely be a nail in our own coffin, wouldn’t it?”

Until now, they had been turning the saintess’s deeds into governmental achievements without much fanfare. The government forces assisted when the saintess killed the first witch, and civil servants were also involved during the hunt for the Witch of Hate.

While they had skillfully glossed over the cases of demons emerging from within government institutions, another clear truth was that they had been converting some of the merit the saintess had built into their approval ratings, presenting themselves as ‘cooperative with the saintess’.

However, if they came off with a perception that they were at odds with the saintess and swiftly passed laws disadvantageous to the Church, all those plans would amount to nothing.

“And the opposition might not just sit back.”

It was the individual who hadn’t uttered a word when the saintess was present who spoke.

“If they cite the overwhelmingly favorable public opinion of the saintess, it would be much easier to oppose the bill. Rather, it might create backlash for us in the next presidential election.”


Once such points came up for discussion, the individual who had first brought up the need for action had no choice but to remain silent.

“…I hope that it would turn out that the opposition believes they can win the saintess’s favor, if they come out like that.”

As someone voiced that, faint murmurs of agreement spread around.

“Anyhow, we cannot create such a law right now. The best course of action we have is to somehow appease the saintess. There is still time left, and perhaps we could restore some of that relationship in the meantime. It could even turn out to be beneficial that we have bumped heads like this. After all, the opposition hasn’t spoken a word to the saintess.”

As the President spoke, more voices chiming in with agreement started to sound slightly louder, with more people joining in.

“Then let’s leave it here for now and head out. If we take too long, we might further upset the saintess.”

As the President said that and rose from his seat, everyone followed suit.

“Oh, Mr. President, what about this?”


As the President turned to leave, he glanced back at the person who had spoken.

There, the glowing scripture remained, still shining.

“…If the saintess doesn’t return for it, we should just donate it to the parliament. There’s symbolic significance in that.”

And so, in the subsequent hearings, a new tradition was born that had never existed before.

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