Switch Mode

Chapter 107

“Well, I think teasing someone who’s mad at me just isn’t very nice. sigh

“Normally, I would have been living comfortably in the convent right now… or at least without any special worries.”

“But considering that I went out of my way to visit the convent where Rina is staying last time, and the priest there was absolutely thrilled to see me, I can guess the priest’s thoughts on sending Rina here.”

“Since they didn’t tell me the exact reason for sending her here, it seems they didn’t know I was here after all.”

“Anyway, I couldn’t just laugh at Rina, who would be suffering for a while because of me. After all, I’m not that bad of a person.”

“So I smiled broadly and said.”

“Rina, come on over! Let’s help those in need together. I’m so glad you came here!”

While saying such cringy lines, I grabbed Rina’s hand.

Of course, Rina had a horrified expression, like she wanted to pull her hand away right away, but the problem was that everyone around was looking at us with an “Ooh…” expression.

Right, regardless of my thoughts or intentions, the looks from the people around me were literally like they were looking at a saintess. To them, I must have appeared to be a good person who volunteered willingly in a place most people would avoid.

My real intention was to avoid tougher work… but they wouldn’t know unless I told them.

“…See you in a bit.”

Seeing Rina grit her teeth and say that in a stifled voice made me a bit amused, honestly easing my mood.


“…Let’s summarize.”

After the day’s work was done.

Usually, nuns couldn’t leave the convent without special permission, but these nuns were technically ‘nuns who had already been given permission to leave.’

Many nuns trembled and refused to come back after trying it once, and since bad reviews spread widely among them, it was a place no one would volunteer for unless they had a strong desire to leave.

If there hadn’t been even a minimal freedom to roam outside after work, I wonder if any nun would come here on purpose. Maybe that’s why they allow a bit of free time. Is it like that in other volunteer areas?

Of course, going too far was a no-no, and you could only go to designated places, and due to public safety, certain stores were allowed. But it meant there was a way to relieve stress accumulated from volunteer work.

I was freer than the average nuns since I was a saintess. Luckily, everyone accepted that without needing an explanation.

After work hours ended, when it was still light out, Rina, Linea, Aurora, and I went to our usual café.

The café, which was more like a tavern modified… or rather, just left as it was, had a unique atmosphere, causing many nuns to visit regularly, even if the taste of the drinks on the menu was questionable. Generally, no one would come back after trying it out, but, well, the volunteers here tended to circulate quickly.

Even if they came regularly, it wasn’t in great numbers. Thanks to that, it was a great place to sit in a corner and have conversations that might be a bit awkward to share with others.

Of course, sitting at the bar meant everything would be overheard by the bartender, Jane, so today we sat at a four-person table in a corner.

“So, you found another ‘job’ to escape from ‘your work,’ and the job you found was one that no one wants to do, and you ended up getting entangled with the government that hadn’t even bothered you before, and seeing the government trying to impress you caused the church to step up their efforts, and that’s how I got dragged into all this?”


As I nodded repeatedly at Rina’s brilliant summary, she sighed and rubbed her face with both hands.

“I really feel like I’ll never understand your thought process…”

“Don’t worry about it. I probably won’t either.”

I cut off Rina’s lamentation and nearly spat out the iced tea I was drinking.

How can a drink that you just brew and stir end up tasting bad? Are they putting in some weird ingredients? Thank goodness they don’t sell dairy products here. I’d definitely end up with a stomachache if I did.

“So, what’s the plan going forward?”

After a while of hiding her face in her hands, Rina brushed her face like she just washed up and asked tiredly.

“I have a plan.”

I said seriously. I did indeed have a plan. It didn’t mean that all the problems in the area would be solved at once, but it would definitely have a more positive impact than before.

At least, it would play a big role in regional security.

“I… feel like I’m going to regret hearing this, but… go ahead.”

Since she thought that even if she refused, she’d somehow be dragged into it anyway, she crossed her arms and said that. A very righteous mindset. Because I genuinely thought of doing it.

“Have you heard of someone protecting the orphans in this area?”

“Today, I don’t recall anything because I was dragged along with you the whole volunteer time.”

“Come on, don’t say that. I’ll treat you to drinks instead.”

“…Not really grateful, you know.”

Rina sighed heavily as if the world was ending.

“Keep talking.”

“I’m planning to find and capture that being.”


Upon hearing my straightforward plan, Rina slowly raised her right hand and rubbed her forehead with her finger.

“…Let’s hear it out. If someone is protecting the orphans, aren’t they doing a good thing?”

“If they’re protecting them with good intentions, then sure. But the orphans in this area wander around pickpocketing and begging. Today, tomorrow, and the next day. If the same kids are out all the time, doesn’t that mean no matter how much they collect money, nothing ends up with them?”

“Are they being robbed by someone?”

“That could be the case. I’m not sure though.”

Perhaps thinking I had a point, Rina didn’t try to stop me. This wasn’t just my whim; it matched the testimony of people who had been volunteering here for years, or even decades. The story was that once the little ones grew up a bit, they suddenly became hard to see in the area.

Where do those grown kids go? They probably crossed over to other regions to seek a better life, but it’s more likely that they didn’t grow up decently but became mid-level bosses controlling local orphans, or even the heads of groups. And I thought the same.

Given that this area borders the Beastman Region and the Human Region, humans are often seen, and since church people frequent this area, it isn’t hard to understand and communicate in the common tongue of humans. However, many orphans are said to be illiterate. Even if they go to another region, escaping a life of poverty would be tough for them.

For them, it’s far more comfortable to settle into the situation they live in.

“And, the ideology of the people in this area is particularly extreme, and the orphans openly reflect that. Normally, they would avoid interacting with us or just refuse to talk, but the kids tend to openly mock and bully the volunteers.”

It was the decisive reason most nuns didn’t want to come here, even if they could enjoy a relatively free time.

The last time, when one of them grabbed the hem of my skirt, they wouldn’t physically injure you, but stealing wallets or chasing and teasing you was quite common.

Most nuns didn’t have any special means of defense. I, Linea, and Aurora were very exceptional cases; usually, they were just ordinary girls like kids their age. Rather, due to fewer opportunities to meet diverse people, many tended to be overly pure and fragile.

Thus, when suddenly exposed to unwarranted malice, it was common for them to tremble in fear or burst into tears, and that was the same for the harassment from the orphans.

And it seemed the orphans thought that was a ‘symbol of weakness’.

While adult nuns learned about combat and provided rear support on the battlefield, that was a story not applicable to most of the young nuns still learning and growing.

So normally, they would mix with knights or their apprentices, but there were always gaps to slip through.

“So, you think someone is teaching them that?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Would such ideologies arise if it were just children?

I don’t entirely rule out the possibility. However, if you’re going to talk about it, I believe it’s more likely someone with a brain is behind it than the children themselves.

Or, perhaps an older orphan who grew up among them.

“Well, fine. Let’s pretend that’s true.”

Eventually, Rina seemed to understand somewhat after hearing my story and said.

“What if I refuse?”

“Are you intending to refuse?”


Rina momentarily shut her mouth and glanced at Linea and Aurora before asking.

“What will you two do?”

“Of course, I’m planning to follow Sister Clara.”

Linea answered immediately, her usual bold expression. …Wasn’t she flustered when we mentioned going to the regional office last time?

“I will also obviously follow.”

…She also seemed to have been dazed alongside Linea last time, but let’s overlook that for now. Honestly, I had a feeling both would naturally follow me.

Well, I should be grateful for that. Assuming someone’s goodwill is a given can be dangerous.

“…I was foolish to ask.”

Rina let out another heavy sigh.

“But, how do you plan to find that leader? Do you have a method?”

They’ve agreed, I thought triumphantly, grin spreading across my face. Well, there honestly isn’t a sharp way out even if she refused.

“Hehe, actually, yesterday, I didn’t capture, but rescued a kid… so let’s start from there!”


In the end, Rina accepted my words with a final, deep sigh.


So, we returned to the camp to ask that rescued child all sorts of questions—

“Stop right there!”

“No way! I’d rather drown than get caught!”

“We just want to give you a wash!?”

…A chase was unfolding within the camp.

“Oh, Saintess! Please close the door!”

“Ah, yes!”

As I hurriedly closed the door and blocked it just as I was entering the building.

“Che! Huh!”

Hearing me block the door made the kid shout—literally shouted. It wasn’t a mere cluck of the tongue—as he dashed nicely between the hands of the chasing priest and nuns behind him.

“Come catch me if you can, you weakling—cough.”

But the chase didn’t last long.

Before the kid could even run away, someone passing by effortlessly grabbed the nape of another nearby kid.

Actually, it wasn’t just someone.

It was none other than Rina.

Against Rina, who specialized in mocking enemies with speedy attacks rather than defense, a mere child around ten years old couldn’t hope to outrun her. I mean, the only nuns who looked like they attempted to flee before were hardly combat material.

“Is this the one?”

“Uh, yes, that’s right…”

Seriously, asking if this was the right one while looking at a person like this feels wrong, doesn’t it? Well, I had indeed mentioned capturing and all that.

With a rather serious, or maybe grim look, Rina glared at the child she had grabbed by the nape. Lifting her hand higher, she stared into the kid’s eyes; it’s clear she was radiating ‘I utterly detest children.’

Well, I’m sure Rina would have every right to dislike them.

“L-Let me go…”

Seeing the real hostility up close must have been the first for this child, as she could only desperately squirm when I held her back before.

“One hand gripping the nape is no big deal, and my arms aren’t trembling at all. This leads me to question the ‘survival of the fittest’ belief.”

“Wow, Sister, good job.”

The priest in charge, who had come a step late, said breathlessly, her hands on her knees and a pitiful expression on her face.

“Phew, now we can finally get her washed.”

“When did you start doing this?”

I asked, and the head priest looked blankly at the ceiling corner for a moment before responding.

“Probably after I introduced the Saintess to the additional members….”

That gaze looked so sorrowful.

I knew kids had tons of energy, but given the amount that kid had, she might actually have talent in running?

Of course, it was impressive that a priest had chased her for hours.

…Among the beings constituting human society, humans should generally have the best stamina, so how is she so energetic?


Meanwhile, Rina, without saying a word, just glared daggers at the kid she had lifted to her eye level.

With her eyes laser-focused, the child seemed to shrink further into herself, avoiding eye contact.

“You said you were about to get her washed, right?”

Rina asked without ever shifting her gaze from the kid.

“Yes, indeed. However, since it’s a girl, I probably can’t wash her personally—”

“That’s great.”

Rina, seemingly observing the child closely, turned her hand that gripped the kid from different angles, akin to a housewife checking the freshness of fruits at the supermarket.

“We’ll take care of washing her. Don’t worry, we’ll hold her down and scrub her clean.”

Then suddenly, she smiled brightly at the priest.

“That’s good news. Thank you very much, Sister.”

With a handkerchief pulled out to wipe her sweat, the priest’s expression brightened.

“…Just to clarify, when you say ‘we,’ do I also fall under that category?”

“Of course, Saintess.”

Rina said with a beaming smile as she turned toward us.

“Saintess and her sister siblings will all willingly help, right?”

Then she approached us and quietly whispered in my ear.

“Considering we’re cooperating, you should cooperate with me too, right?”


As much as I didn’t want to bathe a child, it was hard to refuse given how Rina’s unwavering gaze was on the child.

Perhaps she saw something we three didn’t. Rina wasn’t human but a demon. What I couldn’t see, Rina might be able to.

Aurora also had some demon blood, but it seemed there was a significant difference between being a hybrid and not.

“…Yeah, I’ll do it.”

In the end, I had no choice but to agree.



Even in a spacious bathroom designed for easy washing, I, Rina, Linea, and Aurora remained silent.

Fortunately, no one was undressed. If even one of us had been, the atmosphere would have been super awkward.

In that silent room, nobody among us opened their mouths.

On the tiled bathroom floor, the kid was kneeling, and Rina stood in front of her, arms crossed, looking down.

It seemed Rina firmly established her dominance over the child since there wasn’t much resistance. But then again, there wasn’t any use in resisting now that they were all confined.

“…Uh, Hicks?”

Eventually, Aurora broke the silence first.

Did she interpret Rina’s stance like me? Aurora approached Rina’s ear and quietly asked.

“Is it because of the ‘smell’?”

“I don’t smell anything.”

But, precisely at that sharp moment, the tiny child replied, like she was challenging Rina. That statement was partly true and partly false, as she had a smell less than other orphans.


However, Rina didn’t bother to respond and only inquired, glaring at the small child in front of her.

“Who was taking care of you?”

It was a suddenly sharp tone that didn’t consider the fact she was just a child.

“That, what do you mean! I’ve been all on my own….”


Rina slowly knelt down in front of the child.

Rather than the poised posture nuns would typically take, it resembled a group of punks gathering in a cramped alley.

“Hey, kid.”

The way she called the child didn’t seem derogatory, yet due to her manner, it almost sounded like an insult.

“I’m not feeling particularly pleasant right now. So let’s talk nicely while I’m in a good mood—”

“No way! No good candor is coming from you!”

Is she intending to instill a lifelong trauma!?


Rina glared at me with an exasperated expression before turning back to the child.

“Are you going to keep mum?”

She asked with a smile, tightening the grip she had over the child.


…It appeared far more effective than her previous tough-guy stance.

Seemingly realizing the person in front of her was ruthlessly serious, the kid began to glance toward me, clearly looking for help.

Did she think I had a higher standing because Rina changed her attitude after seeing me?

Kid, if you think that, please don’t show it. At least Rina herself doesn’t think so.

Well, as long as Rina was gently asking, I had no intentions of stopping her.

Leaning against the bathroom wall with my arms crossed, I saw the color drain from the child’s face.

…Well, that’s her karma; nothing I can do about that.

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not work with dark mode