Switch Mode

Chapter 43

“Since you helped me this far, can I just leave now?”

As soon as Lina stepped out of the store, she said that.

“Do you have something to do?”

“I have my own schedule, you know? Do you think I can just come out whenever I’m called?”

Seeing Selena a bit surprised by her response, Lina frowned and replied.

Does she really have a schedule?

Originally, she might have had plans like reporting back or training, but after the Witch of Jealousy fell, there was no longer a reason for that. Lina wouldn’t be pleased with a human guardian, and the church or government probably knows her identity, so there’s no way they would have assigned her human parents.

Well, maybe on paper they exist.

By the way, where is she staying now?

Lina heard that her old, run-down apartment was scheduled for demolition. Since the magic points disappeared, there wasn’t even a hint of them returning, but the area was still under strict access control.

Not just the place related to the suspicious witch, but also the villa where the Witch of Jealousy was nesting. Well, it’s obvious since it hasn’t been a few days since the Witch of Jealousy was dealt with.

By this point, the higher-ups must have realized that “in neglected areas far from people’s views, exotic beings can easily intrude.”

While fierce battles unfold daily on the frontlines and casualties arise incessantly, for those who haven’t seen it firsthand, it’s just a distant tale. Those high and mighty wouldn’t know unless they personally inspected it.

Moreover, human society has a very strong local government. It’s somewhat similar to the U.S., where laws differ across regions as long as they don’t violate the constitution, so the important people in this area have no reason to venture all the way to the distant frontline. Ultimately, the citizens who cast votes for them are only those in this area.

There are two reasons this situation arose.

First, human society wasn’t precisely located above a single nation; it formed through various nations over the past 500 years.

Now, hundreds of years later, the perception that “we’re all from the same country” has spread widely, but back then, the mindsets and lifestyles of the countries that made up that region were often vastly different, with many people thinking, “I don’t want to lose my home,” which ultimately led to this political structure.

Second, it was due to the existence of species that crossed over from another world.

Even among the same humans, there was fragmentation; it would be hard to believe that beings from an entirely different world would blend in without any friction.

There were even instances of war between the proud elves and the native peoples. As a result, the already dwindling numbers of elves from that side decreased even further. Even now, they haven’t managed to recover their initial numbers.

Thankfully, beastmen and gnomes were more submissive compared to elves, so there were no cases that escalated into war. Still, they were much more different in appearance than elves and ended up as subjects of discrimination. Even now, remnants of that discrimination persist even after 500 years. Not only elves but beastmen with animal ears or gnomes, who are much shorter than humans, often face discrimination.

In the end, to minimize such friction, each species settled separately. The elves didn’t want to mix with humans, while some beastmen and gnomes couldn’t find their place in human society and were pushed back into regions destroyed and un developed by the demon invasion.

For 500 years, they struggled to develop and restore those areas, differing vastly from human society in atmosphere.

Currently, those different species have been integrated into human society, so one can easily imagine how high their pride must be.

Anyway, for those two reasons, human society in this world is not so much a single nation but rather something resembling a past, or the present European Union of my world. Even if they wanted to, realistically, independence is impossible.

The regions vigorously defending against the demon invasion on the frontlines would instantly fall without support from other areas. Even regions further in would find themselves becoming the next “frontline” if the outer areas couldn’t hold. No one would be pleased with that situation.

Well… at least the fact that one can cross regional boundaries relatively freely gives a sense of being part of one nation.

So, the 21st District where we are located has been slow to respond to the beasts.

Every day is spent facing beasts in those regions, unlike here.

Well, I guess there were probably various discussions going on behind the scenes. “Why couldn’t you stop them?”, “Is it our fault?”, “It’s all due to lack of support,” and so on. But that’s all just my inference.

And since a witch has been openly discovered within the region, even if they don’t inform the general public yet, they definitely need to take decisive action at their level.

Maybe they’ll redevelop the neglected areas?

I digress, but naturally, Lina wouldn’t be living in the place she originally resided.

She usually stays late at school, getting swordsmanship lessons from Jian and coming out with us to cafes, so it’s hard to believe she suddenly has a schedule now.

She probably knows that all she’d get from staying is more trouble.

“Oh, really? I’m sorry about that. Shall we wrap it up for today, then?”

But Selena didn’t mention anywhere to go afterward and simply accepted Lina’s suggestion.

She seemed a bit suspicious too…

But by the way she kept glancing at Erica, it was clear that her earlier suggestion of “let’s talk” was not an empty remark.

“Okay, then. Thanks, everyone, for today.”

In this situation, I couldn’t be the only one to linger awkwardly. Even if I looked like this, I had spent time in the military and had a brief social life after graduating college. I have this much social awareness.

“Is today really over?”

In the end, Erica, who didn’t gain anything from us, asked that. Her eyes were shaking, clearly bewildered.


As Selena was hesitating with her eyes rolling, I quickly spoke up.

“Well, I had fun today. I hope we can gather like this again next time.”

Even if I said “next time,” we could very well gather the next day in the same way, and regarding ‘this,’ I really didn’t want to visit the lingerie shop again. Unless perhaps I outgrew my clothes after some growth spurt.

“Then I’m off.”

Before Erica could say anything, Lina waved once and coolly turned to walk away.

“Well then, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Linea greeted the two, and—

“See you tomorrow~”

Aurora waved her hand with a cheerful smile.

“Uh, yeah, alright. See you tomorrow…?”

Amidst the sudden disbandment, Erica was flustered, and also a bit hesitant was Selena, while we simply turned our bodies around.


“Um, hey, Erica?”

Right after the sudden disbandment, Selena approached the dazed Erica.

“Do you have time? Could we talk just the two of us?”

“Huh? Oh, uh, sure.”

Selena’s sudden proposal was a little surprising, but there was no reason to refuse it. Among the people gathered today, nobody seemed bad. In fact, it was even a bit more comfortable than having classmate Ramihi around. The purebred elf Ramihi always exuded confidence, which made Erica feel a bit intimidated just being nearby.

That doesn’t mean Ramihi is a bad person. If I had to pick someone who helps Erica the most in class, I’d point to Ramihi. She always helped Erica when she was bullied by her classmates with overflowing sense of justice.

However, having someone in a protective role alongside someone being protected inevitably creates a subtle hierarchy. Even if Ramihi didn’t consciously exploit it, Erica couldn’t help but pay attention to that dynamic.

It had always been that way since childhood.

Therefore, being around classmates from a different group, who hadn’t formed any relationship yet, made her feel more at ease.

To put it bluntly, there was no debt of gratitude since she hadn’t received help before, so she felt relaxed.

Selena led Erica to a nearby café.

“What do you want to drink? It’s on me.”

Erica shook her head, insisting she was fine, but it seemed Selena really wanted to treat her.

“So, um, I actually have something I want to ask you. You can think of it as a bribe.”

Seeing Selena blush slightly while scratching her cheek with her finger made Erica feel it would be rude to refuse any longer, so she finally agreed.

“Then, I’d like an espresso.”


Selena looked a bit astonished by Erica’s choice of drink.

“You don’t have to think about the price, you know.”

“No, I really like espresso.”

“Is that so…?”

Although Selena appeared uncertain, she accepted Erica’s order.

A moment later, Selena returned carrying a tray with two drinks.

“I’ll enjoy this well.”


Selena, who was staring blankly at Erica as she gulped down her plain espresso, then exclaimed in admiration.

“Your taste is very mature.”


Erica widened her eyes in surprise at the unexpected comment.

“Your, um, lingerie preferences seem quite mature too.”

Selena added playfully, causing Erica’s face to flush red.

“Is it…?”

“Yeah, I heard you asked Clara how to get popular, but it’s not like you already know better than her, right?”


With a bright smile, Selena lifted her cup and sipped through her straw. Selena’s drink was one Erica didn’t even recognize.

Somehow, the image of Selena elegantly sipping through a straw evoked the vibe of a lead actress in a teenage drama—very cute, like a character illustrated in a manga. She wasn’t a real idol, though.

With a lively hairstyle, confident speech, and a trendy drink, it wouldn’t be strange if there were several boys around who liked her.

It was an entirely different charm than Clara, who had sophistication paired with innocence.

In comparison—

Erica looked down at the drink in front of her. Dark and colorless, literal coffee. It was espresso that picky Ramihi couldn’t stomach.

She wasn’t forcing herself to drink it. In fact, she enjoyed it. Of course, Ramihi was so averse to bitter tastes that she couldn’t even drink Americano, but among her peers, there were very few girls who’d willingly order an espresso like Erica did.

Sighing small but audible, Selena asked Erica.

“Are you troubled about something?”


“What’s bothering you?”

“Do I look older than other girls my age…?”

“Well, huh?”

Selena gasped in surprise. For a moment, she sat silently, lost for words, before bursting into laughter.


Not understanding why, Erica stared at Selena, who finally managed to calm down and said,

“I don’t think you need to worry about that. I doubt anyone looking at you thinks you look older than your real age.”

“Is that so…?”

Erica replied doubtfully, and Selena, with a grin, responded.

“Yeah. If someone thinks you look older, it’s probably either a serious problem with their perspective or they’re just jealous.”


“Yup. You don’t need to worry about that at all. In a few years, you’ll probably be worrying about looking younger instead.”

…Is that so? Erica pondered.

“Now it’s my turn to ask.”

As Selena put down her drink, she inquired.

“Is the reason you suddenly asked about how to become popular because you have a crush on someone?”

This time, it was Erica’s turn to gawk.

“So that’s what it is.”

Selena offered a small, bitter smile.

“I can’t tell you, though… not yet.”


Erica nodded. Looking at Erica with a complicated expression, Selena cautiously opened her mouth.

“Then… could you share why you like him?”


There definitely were reasons. Not just because he was cool or had a nice voice or a good personality, but a substantial, long-cultivated reason.

Although those earlier reasons did play a part.

Jian was a childhood friend she grew up with.

If she were to say this now, no one would believe her, but Erica was taller than Jian when they were younger. While mischievous Jian often got into trouble, Erica was often told she seemed mature and grew up helping Jian wake up whenever he overslept or studying with him.

They had a relationship closer to siblings rather than friends. Though it wasn’t precisely the same as a blood relation. Honestly, Erica didn’t really like that comparison. Because feelings had already begun to blossom back then.

That dynamic persisted for some time. Although they were the same age, Jian constantly followed Erica around.

Until the moment an unfortunate accident happened.

One day, Erica’s parents didn’t return home late as usual.

They didn’t just come back late; they didn’t come back until the next morning.

The news reached Erica the next day from Jian’s parents that her parents were no longer in this world.

It was an accident.

The sudden tragedy hit Erica, leaving her reeling, but Jian and his parents supported her.

They visited daily to comfort her and offered to host her as long as she needed. Rather than just helping, they legally took on the role of her guardians, which is how Erica avoided ending up in the convent.

Even when Erica awakened her powers and various people started targeting her due to her rare ability, they helped willingly.

The ability to heal someone is rare. While it’s a favorable ability for a Hero, it makes sense if people want to keep her close, almost like using her as a healing machine.

In contrast to Erica, who gradually became more passive while being exposed to the malice of adults from a young age, Jian grew to be more mature.

At some point, the dynamics of their relationship flipped.

Erica felt a debt to the relationship. Having received far more help than what she provided by waking him up when they were little, she felt an enormous burden to repay it after experiencing such help. Jian and his parents said it was unnecessary.

The reason she had applied for the dormitory in middle school was because she wanted to break away from this current relationship and regain her confidence to reconnect on equal terms.

The fact that she ended up enrolling in the academy with Jian stemmed from that motive.

But no matter how close they were in childhood, once a few years pass without seeing each other, that bond can very easily break.

She wanted to attend the same school as Jian after joining the academy.


Unbeknownst to her, someone had suddenly appeared beside Jian, going to school together with him.

A girl with bright red hair tied in pigtails, far prettier and more cheerful than Erica.

As Erica gazed at Selena, who sparkled with curiosity in her crimson eyes, she silently wondered if this girl liked Jian too, just like she did.


Obviously, I didn’t head straight back to the convent.

To be precise, Linea and Aurora hadn’t returned to the convent either.

There was something I wanted to find out.

“Are you following Hicks?”

To my suggestion of following Lina, Aurora reacted like that.

“Yes, I’m very curious if she’s doing well. Since her home has vanished…”

I intentionally furrowed my brows while saying that, and Aurora paused, pondering for a moment, then nodded.

“Since you’ve put it that way, I’ll help.”

It seemed like a certain percentage of Aurora’s curiosity played a role in her response. While she answered, her eyes sparkled. I didn’t know what methods Aurora would use to track her down, but judging by the way she quickly began leading me, it seemed those methods were still effective.

Since we had followed the path a little after Lina had left, we didn’t need to worry about being discovered.

Eventually, we reached a small cathedral.


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