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Chapter 217

Equitania is a small nation located at the southernmost tip of the Southern Six Nations. Aside from the abundance of resources due to many rivers and plains, and the fact that the frontlines suffered minimal losses during the Great War, it can be regarded as an ordinary country.

However, there is one more thing that is not ordinary about this relatively livable, uncivilized feudal state. It is a name that even Ivan, who generally had little interest in foreign affairs, recognized.

The Black Serpent, the cunning Vittorio. The King of Equitania, Vittorio II Roselli della Torre.

Ivan gazed at the man before him, reminiscing. Among the Southern Six Nations responsible for rear support during the Great War, very few managed to deliver proper assistance to the frontlines, but Vittorio was among the most severe of them.

He is a man who always had the perfect justification and excuses, providing only a fraction of the supplies agreed upon.

However, one more point makes this man notorious. To the citizens of Equitania, this man is nicknamed the ‘Saint King.’

Most of the support that should have gone to the frontlines was consumed for national development. Being positioned at the furthest rear among the Southern Six Nations meant limited trade routes, so Equitania, which had always lagged in development, was able to swiftly bridge that gap.

Current King Vittorio. A man who received extremely contrasting evaluations domestically and abroad, and as Ivan remembered, ‘a man whose true intentions were always inscrutable’ stood before him.

Exactly ten years older than in his memory, yet smiling as happily as he did back then.

“Isn’t that our Saint?”

Vittorio spread his arms wide toward the Saint who was bowing in the Audience Chamber. The Saint smiled in response to the friendly face of Vittorio approaching briskly.

“Not anymore. You must not have heard the rumors.”

“Oh, so many love letters have arrived. I didn’t have time to read each one individually; to summarize, it was like this.”

– Sender: Papal Enclave, and the secular royal family of the Southern Six Nations, ‘Crusader Army.’
– Recipient: King Vittorio II Seraphini della Torre of Equitania.
– Greetings,
– I will plunder your territory and execute you.
– That’s all.

“So I’ve decided to leave the Church as well. Hahaha!”

“Wow, that’s heresy! Brother Cyril, that person is truly a heretic!”

“What? The idiot who readies his sword to kill while sticking out his neck asking for death is not a fool?”

Except for my people. If a king declares a death sentence and then wields a pitchfork, that’s a treachery that needs to annihilate three generations.

Vittorio laughed heartily.

“So, our heretical witch… You know each other well, then who are the ones that came with you?”

Vittorio’s gaze swept over Ivan and his group. Feeling a chilling sensation as their party shrank back, Ivan stepped forward and spoke.

“Ivan Petrovich Yermov.”

“Your words are brief! Are you perhaps a religious figure? Hahaha! Just a joke, just a joke! You’re from Krasilov? From the looks of it, you don’t seem to understand the jokes.”

Hmm, nice name, Vittorio nodded as he shifted his gaze, and Ivan continued speaking.

“I am part of the current Hero Party.”

“Aha, then do not kneel. You have that right.”

Isabelle had difficulty following the flow of this conversation. When she tilted her head in confusion, Vittorio burst into laughter and said.

“Did you not know? Heroes and their party have the right not to kneel before secular lords. This is a privilege established by your predecessors.”

“That… Your Majesty, have you ever heard of it…? Why do you trust us so readily…?”

“Hmm? Are you perhaps the heir of King Einar?”

Is this an insult? What will Ecdysis think if I get angry? While Isabelle was flustered, Ivan quietly held his breath.

He’s a man to not let his guard down. To catch untrained agents off-guard with just a word.

As Isabelle, who had poked Ivan with her sheath, desperately lifted her head, Vittorio, who had been guffawing at the sight, resumed speaking.

“The one who is with the Saint claims to be part of the Hero Party, but if the Saint does not object, that means it’s true. And don’t we have something more important than that?”

“Something important…?”

“If a hero does not appear, then this country has no future.”

The cheerful expression on Vittorio’s face vanished, replaced by a cold mask—like a master of metamorphosis changing his guise, the atmosphere shifted in an instant.

The previously amicable Audience Chamber turned chilly. Vittorio strode forward, sat down on his throne, crossed his legs, and looked down at them.

“When I ascended to the throne, this country was nothing more than a vast impoverished village and a community of shifting cultivators. Patricia, do you remember?”

“I was too young to remember that… Yes, it was poor.”

“Even when the whole world condemned me, I hoarded money like a miser, and while I collapsed the nation’s prestige and reputation, I managed to endure it. As a result, among the people of this country, there are those who may die by bandits and wild beasts, but none starve anymore.”

Vittorio’s words continued coldly.

“That was my duty. It was the responsibility of the king of this land. Even if I am coated in filth, even if I am called a traitor to humanity and subjected to all sorts of insults and persecution. Still, I do not regret that day.”

“Your Majesty.”

“Oh, your virtue is great. Among my subjects, a Saint has emerged, so who would dare throw stones at me? As your stature rises, the wealth of this country has thickened as well. I am grateful, sincerely.”

Vittorio took a deep breath and concluded.

“Thus, there has never been such prosperity in the history of this country. However, the end of this prosperity has been changed to a decline in just one generation, so what more can I say? I can only wish for a hero to appear.”

“Your Majesty, the Pope has allied with the Seven Dragon Lords.”


Vittorio’s body, which had been growing gloomy, suddenly froze. He looked at the Saint beneath his half-closed eyes, trying to comprehend the meaning for a moment.

After several seconds passed, Vittorio quietly spoke.

“Speak more.”

“After the Lord’s grace vanished from this land, the Pope reached out to the Seven Dragon Lords and gained their power. He announced it as the Lord’s strength and attempted to assassinate me.”

“And did that fail, resulting in the decree of excommunication?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“The other royal families that have submitted to the Seven Dragon Lords?”

“I do not know the details, but even if he is the Pope, he would not be able to command other secular lords in the United Kingdom to ally with the Seven Dragon Lords.”

The fact that the source of power was the Seven Dragon Lords is a serious political risk. If the secular royal families knew this, they would have utilized it rather than submit to them.

Naturally. Only four years had passed since the war ended. At this point, when the Church’s authority is at its lowest, secular lords will not give up the opportunity to strangle the Pope and finally seize exclusive authority.

Basically, all lords are like snakes. No one can be fully trusted, and there are no eternal allies or enemies.

“The Pope, or at least only his close aides know about this?”

“Yes, no one except the Pope used holy powers at the council, and no one left traces of the Seven Dragon Lords… it’s certain.”


Vittorio stroked his chin and fell into thought. It was as if he were trying to turn back time. The vitality that had seemed to fade from Vittorio returned.

“There’s no need to fight all the Southern Six Nations at once.”

As Ivan spoke, Vittorio nodded with closed eyes, receiving the words.

“Yes. The countries sharing the border are only Albina and Elthros.”

“And Lorensia, Leonor, Bellacria… the ‘Upper Three Nations’ of the Southern Six Nations are…”

“They don’t have a bad relationship with the ‘Lower Three Nations.'”

Vittorio interrupted Ivan.

“Having blocked the border, they slapped high tariffs on trade routes. Originally, those middlemen are the most annoying, aren’t they? But simply stating ‘the relationships are not good’ will not solve this situation.”

“Leonor, Lorensia, and Bellacria were involved in border disputes with each other.”


“Even if they sincerely believed in the Crusader Army, Albina and Elthros would not willingly allow foreign troops to pass through their territories.”

Basically, armies are systematic raiders. By merely moving, they suck the wealth and food indiscriminately. If they become stretched out to the point of ‘overseas deployments,’ they would devastate the national treasury to an awful extent.

Even the United States in the 21st century had to sound alarm bells for a nationwide economic stagnation after just one overseas deployment. If it’s a feudal state that exhibits total war, even its administrative capabilities would be at rock bottom.

Thus, all armies naturally take the route that costs them ‘less money.’ The shorter the route, and the more ‘villages or cities’ along that route, the cheaper it becomes.

The most efficient military budget cut is ‘eating off others’ plates.’

To prevent such disasters, when a foreign army passes through a country, a similar-sized army must be stationed. Even if it can’t completely stop plundering, at least it can mitigate it to a minimum extent.

That’s why he did not seek military support from them during the Great War. Since they would necessarily pass through their own countries to head toward the frontlines, the Northern Powers did not ask the Southern Six Nations for any assistance other than supplies.

At this point, where the direction of the frontlines has turned 180 degrees, the job of Albina and Elthros became simple.

“Rather than allowing troops to pass through, they will only receive supplies?”

“No. The other nations’ kings are not fools; they will certainly deploy armies. Now that it’s a Crusader Army, just participating will bring territories and riches pouring in.”

Equitania, having become the wealthiest nation among the Southern Six Nations. They can’t settle for mere material support. The Crusade is a golden opportunity to reap rewards in proportion to the blood spilled.

So, the conclusion becomes simple.

The nations bordering Equitania cannot sit idly by and allow foreign armies to march through their lands.

Distant nations want to ‘eat as much as they can get, including food (and ideally salaries) and participate directly.’

As a result, even if the five nations of the Southern Six form an alliance to take down one nation, it would mean that entangling and moving together would not be easy either.

“You are from Krasilov.”


“Then do you know why Krasilov, Drovian, and Tylesse each commanded different fronts?”

No matter how burdensome it may be, those three powers did not request military cooperation from other nations. It was not because they were at ease; it was a fundamentally more principled reason.

A snake with one head fights better than a dragon with many heads.

“Chain of command.”

“Exactly. You were a soldier… and an officer.”

Vittorio opened his closed eyes and looked at Ivan.

“You are also quite competent… Were you from the first legion in Krasilov? Or perhaps from the Royal Guards?”

“I’ve been through both.”

“Excellent. Then I’ll ask one last question. No, it’s a question for our Saint too.”

A new smile began to appear on Vittorio’s lips.

“Do you know the quickest method for a deposed king and a saint to be reinstated?”


“Hahaha! As expected, coming from Equitania, your humor level is high!”

Vittorio laughed for a long time, wiping away tears before saying.

“The heretical saint’s newly established church should become ‘the universal church for all.’”

“You mean we should create a sect.”

“Were you not planning to? If so, I’d be quite disappointed.”

“I always thought it was great how well our king communicated.”

“Oh my, I have no interest in any woman other than my wife.”

“Equitanian people.”

The saint and Vittorio laughed heartily while looking at each other and then stood up, brushing off their hands.

“Now, let’s proceed with this: minimal losses, active avoidance of confrontation, and….”

“Stirring discord within the enemy coalition.”

“Lastly, we must publicly declare the Pope’s true nature before all. That is essential.”

“The operation plan is complete then. Heroes.”

At Vittorio’s words, Isabelle’s heart skipped a beat, and she lifted her head. Vittorio smiled down at them and said.

“From now on, be sure to call the Southern Six Nations ‘Equitania and Its Affiliates!’”

As he waved his hand, the soldiers holding spears in the corners of the Audience Chamber, as well as those aiming rifles from the gun rails, all stepped back.

Soon, the doors of the Audience Chamber swung open, and carts filled with a grand feast came rushing in. The savory smell of food quickly filled the Audience Chamber.

“For that, I will do everything in my power to assist you in this country.”

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