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Chapter 227

Chapter: 227

“Well, as is widely known, Rychlen, who had been sleeping in the quarters of the Underworld, realized the next morning that he was in the woods near his home. That’s the gist of it.”

The Dragon Priestess said nonchalantly.

Despite enduring all kinds of hardships on the way down to the Underworld, his exit was nothing more than a fleeting dream. A story leading to an infinitely futile conclusion.

When I first heard it, I thought, “What kind of ending is this?” But what can you do? It was something Rychlen wrote himself.

Had someone else penned a novel based on Rychlen’s adventures, they would have slammed it for such a ridiculous ending.

“Was there such a conversation in the background of that story?”

“Yes. On Earth, there was a chance other gods would catch wind of it. In the Underworld, information could be transmitted without the other gods knowing, which is why I deliberately guided Rychlen to the Underworld.”

Most humans only know the part about him overcoming numerous trials to meet the gods of the underworld and retrieving his friend’s soul from the afterlife…

“Was there really such a background to that…?”

“It was a secret to everyone except those involved.”

The Dragon Priestess chuckled lightly.

Wait, those involved…?

“Well, I don’t think I need to explain what happened afterward. After Rychlen revived his friend, he recorded his experiences from the Underworld into a book, as he always did. That book later spread to others and became a stepping stone for Rychlen’s fame to soar even higher.”

“Some folks even call him ‘the one who conquered death’ because of that.”

The unnamed first hero didn’t truly conquer death itself, but Rychlen uniquely became the only one to traverse the afterlife and return.

Well, the first hero had the Dragon Priestess by his side. With her help, he could revive the dead, so it was almost as if he didn’t need to conquer death at all.

“After that, Rychlen continued on his heroic path, but he learned that the oracles of the gods were calling him, making him the first living human to enter the Pantheon… Hmm. You probably know about that, right?”

“Of course. The book that recounted Rychlen’s experiences in the Pantheon was the first to describe it. Naturally, people debate the truthfulness of its contents.”

“There’s no way Rychlen, who recorded his adventures while traversing the afterlife, would have lied. It’s easier to assume that nearly all of what he wrote is true. That guy loved documenting everything.”

I nodded slightly at the words of the Dragon Priestess. Rychlen left behind various works, as diverse as his heroic tales.

Most were records of his adventures, but many of the places he frequented are now dangers known as the Seven Forbidden Places, increasing the value of his records as they get passed down.

Moreover, many seemingly trivial notes he recorded ended up being quite helpful. For instance, keeping corpses chilly with ice to avoid decomposition.

After Rychlen returned from the Underworld, the discovery that cold air could prevent decay led to a significant innovation in distribution.

Thanks to that, scrolls infused with cold magic started flying off the shelves, and some records suggest Procyon’s mages made a fortune.

“As for what transpired in the Pantheon… I think it’s probably widely known among humans, so I don’t need to explain.”

“Isn’t there some hidden secret to it?”

“Not really? Hmm… If I had to specify, it’d be the incident where several gods attempted to force Rychlen, who refused to become a god, into godhood using their followers as sacrifices?”

Forcibly creating a god…? What in the world does that mean?

“No, what exactly do you mean by forcibly creating a god?”

“That sort of thing exists. A ritual that sacrifices a large number of lives to ascend to godhood.”

Sacrifice of life… Ascension… Wait, this…

“That’s the Demon King’s….”


The Dragon Priestess gently raised her index finger to hush me.

“Let’s not talk about that. It’s a bit unpleasant.”

“Oh, got it…”

I nodded quickly.

“Anyway… Let’s keep the rest of the story brief. I’m sure you know it well enough, but explaining in detail will only complicate things, right?”

“That’s true, but…”

Clears throat. “Thus, Rychlen, who ascended to the Pantheon, was welcomed by the gods, who attempted to elevate him as the king of the gods.”

The Dragon Priestess began to relay her tale with a calm expression.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Rychlen looked at the myriad gods surrounding him.

Powerful gods, each boasting their own temples and legions of followers.

These gods were chanting his name.

Not humans, but gods. His name.

Who wouldn’t be moved by such a scene?


Rychlen, however, was not.

Due to his deeply ingrained aversion to gods, hearing them call his name was nothing short of displeasing.

Still, Rychlen did not let such feelings show.

He couldn’t afford to get swept up in this atmosphere if he wanted to organize those gods.

If he became a god, his plan to manage those beings would fall apart.


“Welcome, Hero. Or rather, would it be more accurate to call you a candidate for becoming a new god?”

First, he had to figure out what to do with the god shimmering with lightning right in front of him.

The King of Olympus. Zeus.

The god who had blessed him. The one rumored to be his father.

And a manifestation created by Baal, his previous self, having inherited Baal’s authority and power.

With that context, Rychlen bowed his head slightly.

“Thank you for the invitation.”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Your reputation has already spread far and wide. It wouldn’t be surprising if some even call you a demigod with divine blood.”

Demigod, half-human. At that phrase, Rychlen felt the disgust he kept tucked away in his heart bubbling to the surface.

If he were indeed the son of a god, was that to say his father was a fool who raised a child not his own? Did it mean his mother had committed infidelity? They were individuals who had poured their hearts into raising him right, even squandering their fortune for his sake.

Just the mention of being a “son of the gods” deepened Rychlen’s disdain for the gods.

“Well then, come inside. I’ve prepared a banquet in your honor.”

“No, I’m fine.”

Rychlen firmly cut off Zeus’s words.

“The reason I came here was to refuse the offer to ascend as a god.”


Zeus, along with the other gods around him, was left astounded by Rychlen’s claim.

What is a god? Isn’t it a transcendent being? A being that transcends life and wields immense power through the faith of many?

To reject an opportunity to become such a being? Rychlen must have looked completely insane to them.

“I will not become a god.”

“No, why?”

“I simply wish to live as a human and die as one.”

Zeus frowned. He had never imagined Rychlen would turn down godhood.


“Refusing ascension to godhood? I can’t comprehend that.”

“Everyone has their own circumstances. So please, stop trying to make me into a god.”

“That can’t be.”

Zeus shook his head, speaking firmly.

“If you don’t become a god, it will cause significant issues for the deities.”

“Major issues? I doubt a single human’s failure to become a god would spark a crisis.”

“You may not realize it, but this concerns the very existence of the gods. Even if you refuse, I cannot help it.”

After calmly expressing this, Zeus gestured slightly to the surrounding gods.

“I had prepared for this contingency and wished it wouldn’t come to pass… but your stubborn refusal leaves me no choice.”

With that, several gods approached Rychlen and seized him.

“As discussed, we will not forget your sacrifices.”

“It will be the sacrifice of our followers.”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

Then, an ominous energy began to seep into Rychlen from the gods holding him.

Vast faith gained through the sacrifice of lives. The power to elevate another being into godhood by presenting a living sacrifice.

That power started flowing into Rychlen bit by bit.

Even though he didn’t want it, he could feel his soul being reborn into a higher being.

And through the gods holding him, he sensed the numerous lives that were sacrificing themselves.

“Stop! Stop!!”

“It can’t be stopped. Regardless of the cost, this must happen.”

“If the Goddess of Life learns about this, she won’t let it slide!”

“Indeed. She might get furious over the many lives sacrificed. But by that time, you will have already ascended to divinity. After that, she will have to do as promised and avert the destruction of the gods!”

Zeus burst into laughter as he watched Rychlen start his transformation into a god.

Thus, the gods believed they could dodge destruction.

As if he was convinced this would fortify his position.

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