Switch Mode

Chapter 146

After finishing the drawing, Leon seemingly succumbed to sleep as he slumped down on the ground, perhaps a result of using his abilities.

Seeing this, Yoon Si-woo appeared a bit flustered, but he quickly scooped up the sleeping Leon and exited the zoo with him.

As Yoon Si-woo was about to lay Leon down at the orphanage, Leon, half-asleep or just mumbling in his sleep, grabbed my hand and mumbled in a soft voice, “Sister, let’s go to the zoo together again next time.”

I remained silent, unable to make a promise I couldn’t keep, even if just a lie. I turned my back.

“I’m sorry, but I probably won’t have a next time.”

I whispered that to myself.


On the way home, Yoon Si-woo expressed his feelings about the day’s events.

“Today was really fun. Scarlet, thanks to you, I feel like I spent my holiday well.”

Seeing Yoon Si-woo smile, he seemed genuinely happy. I nodded, and feeling a bit shy, he continued.

“Um, if there’s a place you want to go next time, just tell me.”

Yoon Si-woo was saying something, but due to the ringing in my head, I couldn’t quite catch what he said.

So, wishing to avoid conversation at that moment, I subtly averted my gaze.

Then, Yoon Si-woo murmured with a bit of disappointment.

“Ah… it’s not that I want to…”

…It was hard to make out what he was saying. I just wanted to escape the situation right now.

“Sorry, I’m a bit tired. I’ll head to my room first…”

Since we were almost home, I said that to Yoon Si-woo and went into my room, closing the door behind me.

Immediately, I collapsed onto the bed, trying to cover my ears.

Yet even then, the sounds ringing in my head wouldn’t fade away.

The alarm was ringing out loud.

Ding ding ding~ Good morning~ Ding ding ding~

It was an alarm sound that had become all too familiar by now. A reminder of the exhausting moments I had to endure.

I can’t remember when it started, but for as long as I could recall, that alarm had been persistently ringing in my mind.

Honestly, it wasn’t that I was completely unaffected by the harsh reality I faced.

But despite that, I endured it, as I had resolved to do so.

Hearing the alarm as a phantom sound wasn’t really that troubling.

In fact, I wished the alarm would keep ringing.

At least while the alarm was ringing, it meant…

Ding ding ding~ good morning~

That I was still myself.

However, amidst that ringing,

Ding ding ding~ good mor—

Different voices began to creep in,

You’re just a—…

It was like the voices were mocking me as I desperately tried to deny it.

The voice interjected.

Suddenly, I felt a hard hit on my head as I angrily balled my fist.

Normally, that would reduce the noise a little, but even as I turned my head away, nothing changed.

Today, there wasn’t even a hint of relief.

Still, I didn’t want to hear it.

I kept hitting my head, again and again.

While hitting, I thought—

You’ve seen it, too, haven’t you? Your future.

The voice that echoed in my mind distorted my expression.

Yes, I saw it.

I ended up seeing it.

Today, I saw my future.

With trembling hands, I opened the shopping bag that held the doll Yoon Si-woo had given me.

Inside the bag lay a cat doll and the drawing of Leon that I had sneakily stuffed in earlier.

I tightly shut my eyes and pulled out the drawing, slowly opening them to once again confirm the horrendous future it illustrated.

No matter what anyone said, you are that kind of being.

Until now, the reason I had been able to endure was that I believed my existence had a positive impact on this world.

Seeing those who should have died in the original story still alive.

Witnessing Yoon Si-woo grow even stronger than in the original.

If my existence could make even a slight difference for this world’s conclusion, if my efforts could help the precious people and friends I had newly met,

With that singular conviction, I had endured and persisted.

Even if one day, I face a situation I cannot reverse, and Yoon Si-woo loses his life because of me,

I encouraged myself, believing that would be okay.

However, in the drawing that Leon had created of our future,

It depicted a red-haired girl standing with a sword lodged in her chest, surrounded by blazing flames,
and a white-haired boy lying beneath her.

Yoon Si-woo dies.

Because of me.

In the future, I would be the one to end the hope of this world with my own hands.

My head spun.

Nausea began to rise within me.

I thought perhaps I could alter this world’s fated destruction.

Yet, the very essence of my existence seemed to draw that destruction closer instead, a sentiment echoed by the depicted future in the drawing.

I shook my head, as if trying to throw it all out.


No, you’re the one who kills. The person you treasured dies because of you.

But the voice drilled into my thoughts, carving deeper with each repetition.

I wanted to deny that voice, covering my ears and screaming.


Being born as a witch means that.

It means you’ll be betrayed and ostracized by those you trusted, and ultimately, killed.

No, shaking my head, I disagreed.

As the voice continued to resonate, I writhed in agony, banging my head against the wall again and again.

My forehead cracked, blood flowing enough to stain the white dress I wore red.

Yet, despite the cursed girl’s body appearing red, red, red in the mirror, nothing changed.

The wounds adorning the reflection of the girl seemed to mock me, healing, healing, healing even as I suffered.

So before that happens, let’s burn it all away. Your sorrow, your resentment, your rage. This cursed world.


With the scream, the mirror reflecting the cursed girl shattered into pieces.

With a loud crash, shards of the mirror scattered all around me.

The reflection of the red-haired girl in the pieces painted the room a deep crimson, as if it were aflame.

That was the future I would create.

Sobbing as if I were going mad, I muttered, insisting it was not true, that I would never become that.

If it comes to that, I’d rather, preferably…

I picked up a long, sharp piece of the broken mirror from the floor.

Clutching it tightly with both hands, I aimed it at my chest.

Regrets, lingering attachments, promises unkept.

Though many things still remained, I couldn’t bear the future ahead.

The sharp glint descended mercilessly.

But it didn’t pierce my heart.

Looking ahead, I noticed a distorted face gripping my arm—Yoon Si-woo.

In that moment, feeling caught as if I had been discovered, I panicked, but facing Yoon Si-woo, the vision from the drawing raised my breath in panic.

No, that can’t happen, absolutely not…

Mumbling inside, I tried to gather my strength to stab my chest, but the arm held firmly by Yoon Si-woo wouldn’t budge an inch.

While holding my arm, Yoon Si-woo murmured with an expression of misunderstanding.

“…What are you… doing, Scarlet.”

“…Please, don’t try to stop me.”

Don’t say that, of all people, don’t say it.

I’m doing this for you.

Internally shouting that, I tried to keep a pained expression, but Yoon Si-woo’s grip didn’t waver.

Contrary to his unwavering grip, his voice asking me what was happening trembled heavily.

“…Tell me the reason. Why are you doing this?”

After hesitating for a moment at Yoon Si-woo’s question, I replied.

“…On the bed, the drawing.”

Honestly, it would be better to say the truth.

With that thought, I revealed the existence of the drawing to Yoon Si-woo.

He carefully pulled the piece of the mirror from my hand with determination and reached out for the drawing Leon had made.

For a moment, I noticed the tremor in Yoon Si-woo’s eyes as he glanced at the drawing.

He wouldn’t be able to miss that it depicted the two of us.

“…What’s the meaning of this?”

“Leon… Leon drew it…”

Even as I spoke, he seemed to require further explanation, so I quietly confessed.

“…Leon can see the future. This is what he drew after seeing you and me today. Do you understand what that means…?”

The tremor in Yoon Si-woo’s eyes deepened.

I kill Yoon Si-woo.

That future would be just as hard for him to accept.

Therefore, thinking I must prevent that future, I pleaded with Yoon Si-woo, who stubbornly refused to let go of my arm.

“It’s because of me, it’s because you are dying. I can never accept that… so please let go of my hand… maybe dying before that would…”


“…Or would you rather take my life? Do you remember the promise you made back then?”

“Kill me.”

As I uttered that, Yoon Si-woo inhaled sharply.

A whirlwind of confusion, sorrow, anger, and various emotions swirled in his eyes.

I could feel the roughness of his intense breaths.


Then, Yoon Si-woo quietly drew his sword from the air.

The blade that shone with a pure white light, the Holy Sword of Truth.

The glimmering tip of that sword slowly approached me.

In that moment, I thought, Ah, it really is happening.

I slowly closed my eyes.

And shortly after, the sound of slicing came.

“Just a little, I’ll cut it.”

From nearby, Yoon Si-woo’s voice could be heard clearly.

When I opened my eyes to see, Yoon Si-woo held a few strands of crimson hair.

From the sensation I felt moments ago, I realized it was my hair.

“…Remember what you said before? That you believe in me more than anyone else in the world.”

Yoon Si-woo tied the strands of hair around the handle of the Holy Sword and looked at me as he asked.

“Was that a lie?”

“…It’s not a lie.”

“Don’t you trust me?”

“…It’s not like that.”

“Then why?”

His voice sounded slightly angry.

“That drawing, it means you trusted me less than it.”

I was taken aback by those words, but Yoon Si-woo continued without a break, glaring at me with determination.

“I’m strong. Much stronger than you think. And if you’re still anxious, I’ll become even stronger. Strong enough to defeat the witch.”

As if to prove this was true, Yoon Si-woo held my shoulder firmly and growled in a low voice.

“So, I’ll never die because of you. For a lifetime. So don’t stress over a drawing like that. Got it?”



With a look full of rage, but also sadness, he spoke to me.

“…If you don’t want to die, just say you don’t want to die.”

I inwardly sighed at his words.


“Just say you’re struggling if it’s that hard, say it’s worrying and scary, instead of asking for me to kill you.”

I realized I had been found out.

Looking down quietly, Yoon Si-woo spoke while glancing at the strands of hair tied to the sword’s hilt.

“Do you see this? If you find yourself in danger, I’ll know immediately. Wherever I am, I’ll rush to your side.”

Unable to help myself, tears welled up in my eyes.

Then, as if to reassure me not to cry, Yoon Si-woo held me tight with a strong yet gentle grip, whispering in my ear.

“So, Scarlet, don’t think of anything bad. Just think about how you can be happy. If something bad happens, I’ll do anything for you. I’m a person who’ll do what I say. Trust me, okay?”


Toward my silence, Yoon Si-woo whispered.

“Say you’ll believe me.”

As that voice echoed closer than the ringing in my head, I thought, Ah, he would really do anything for me.

With hope and wishes, I responded.

“…Yeah, I’ll trust you.”

At that, Yoon Si-woo, as if pleased, patted my back.

I felt a bit of my anxiety and worry fade away with that touch, and I soon fell into a deep slumber.

Merry Christmas to all the readers out there!

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not work with dark mode