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Chapter 120

Chapter: 120

A large hole appeared in the air at the witch’s gesture.

It was claimed to be a passage linked to the outside, reminiscent of a door that leads anywhere, just like in a comic.

I don’t know where it leads to, but… if I enter, there’s no way I would come back unscathed.

The land permitted to humans in this world is extremely limited.

To step out into the miasma-filled outside means, effectively, death.

If you’re ready, step inside, the witch beckoned with her chin.

If I don’t go in, the kids will die.

If I go in, I will die.

If I must choose between the two, the answer was already decided.

The witch stood before the opened passage and glanced back.

The sight of the children, who had taken such a significant space within me, came into view.

Ah, maybe it’s a blessing that it has come to this.

If you were to die, I wouldn’t have the confidence to endure as I do now.

Therefore, this was an unavoidable choice for me to continue living until the very end as my true self.

As I sincerely hoped for a future filled with hope for them, unlike the original, I stepped into the passage beyond.


It’s too late.

“Ah, ah…!”

Too late.

“Ah, aah…!”

I have missed it.

“Uwaaaaaah! Ahhhhhhh!!”

In the face of an unbearable reality, Yoon Si-woo cried out.

With tears streaming down, Yoon Si-woo ceaselessly questioned himself.

How did this happen?

Am I so weak that I got stuck in a barrier?

Did my hesitation in considering the aftermath lead to this?

No matter what the cause, it remains unchanged that it is too late.

The fact that the girl sacrificed herself to save the others does not change.

I already knew she was that kind of person.

Thus, Yoon Si-woo, who had tirelessly trained until now to prevent such an incident, wailed as if he had lost the very meaning of life, drowning in despair.

And with a cough,

From deep within his soul, a cry far worse than despair emerged from Yoon Si-woo.

Looking blankly at the crimson liquid he had spewed out, Yoon Si-woo.

In an instant, he lost strength and collapsed to the ground with a loud thud.

Yoon Si-woo was moving his body with a steel-like will to liberate the Holy Sword.

However, if the spirit is broken, no matter how robust the physical body, it simply becomes a lump of flesh.

Now that the spirit supporting his body has crumbled, the backlash from having pushed himself beyond his limits finally arrived.

Wounded to the point of being difficult to recover physically or mentally, Yoon Si-woo appeared to be on the verge of collapsing completely.

[…What a foolish man. Is it so precious to you that you can’t even take care of your own body? It can’t be helped. I intended to keep this hidden for fear you would misuse it when I reveal it…]

However, since there was still someone who could not stand to see him break.

[Please, Unyielding. Heal this fool.]

The Unyielding Holy Sword appeared beside Yoon Si-woo’s pillow and began to shine.

Originally, the Unyielding Holy Sword possessed the ability to enhance its owner’s physical capabilities or help resist miasma.

Yet, in this moment of crisis, the Unyielding Holy Sword liberated itself and demonstrated its true power.

As the light emitted by the Unyielding Holy Sword enveloped Yoon Si-woo, it was as if time had turned back.

The pallor of Yoon Si-woo’s face was restored, and the light returned to his dimming eyes.

Feeling the strength returning to his body, Yoon Si-woo slowly rose from the ground.

[…Si-woo, are you coming back to your senses now? You can’t go off and die at your own whim. You still haven’t fulfilled the contract with me to become stronger than anyone else, have you?]

‘…Lucy, what in the world…?’

Yoon Si-woo, confused by the event despite the severe injuries he sustained, questioned Lucy, who answered.

[When I was about to reveal the true abilities of the Holy Swords, there were still two swords whose powers I hadn’t disclosed. One of those, the ability of the Unyielding Holy Sword. Once unleashed, it can heal wounds, mend the mind, and even restore exhausted energy.]

‘…If you had told me this earlier, why didn’t you?! If I had known… maybe I could have saved Scarlet…!’

As Yoon Si-woo silently fumed, Lucy muttered softly.

[If you had known, you would have likely continued to recover from the backlash you received when unleashing the Radiant Holy Sword using this ability. So, I wanted to delay informing you about this sword for as long as possible.

Because I knew you would do anything for that girl.

Si-woo. There’s no miraculous ability that comes without a price… ]

The true power of the Unyielding Holy Sword is to give strength to the broken.

The tremendous ability that restores both mind and body comes with a cost.

[The cost of that ability… is the lifespan of its owner.]

Yoon Si-woo gasped at those words.

Upon realizing that the cost of using this power was his lifespan, he understood why Lucy had been hiding it from him.

As she stated, if he had realized that Scarlet was in danger, he would have recklessly used the ability regardless of his own lifespan.

Lucy must not have wanted to see that happen.

Even though it was a bond formed through a contract, she and he were the only family each other had in this world.

Even he wouldn’t want to see a family member fight while sacrificing their own life.

In silence, Yoon Si-woo took in the situation, and Lucy, observing him, sighed and murmured.

[…Si-woo, there’s a chance that girl, Scarlet, may not be dead yet.]

‘…What? What do you mean…?’

[That girl, when she swallowed the miasma before, she was fine, right? If she’s someone who can resist miasma like you, then she should hold up for a while on the outside. Besides, the witch who took her likely didn’t intend to kill her. If she did, she would have killed her right there and left. The fact that she didn’t means there’s something more planned, doesn’t it? If that’s the case, there’s certainly a probability that she’s still alive.]

Scarlet… alive?

Yoon Si-woo’s mind was suddenly illuminated by Lucy’s words.

In the pitch-black darkness, he felt as if he discovered a ray of light.

Right, what was I doing giving up?

If there’s a possibility that Scarlet is still alive, just like Lucy said…

Yoon Si-woo shouted to the children.

“Anyone there! Is there anyone holding onto any belongings of Scarlet?! Anything will do!”

Having wept as if the sky were falling, collapsed while spitting blood, and then recovering on his own to shout anxiously, Yoon Si-woo.

Sylvia, who had been shedding tears endlessly, realized through his shout that he hadn’t given up yet.

And she sensed what he was trying to do and held on to that last glimmer of hope.

Sylvia, trembling with her hands, quickly searched through her pockets.

Recalling her memories from when they went to rescue Scarlet, who had been kidnapped by Sator.

With yearning, she retrieved a friendship ring always kept close, a matching pair worn on her left hand ring finger, hoping to one day return it to Scarlet.

With heartfelt urgency, Sylvia handed the ring to Yoon Si-woo.

Yoon Si-woo received the ring and concentrated with all his might.

The dried blood had long been wiped away.

But it was a request, so he sincerely hoped he could find her somehow.

And in response to his desperate desire, the Sword of Truth answered.

Yoon Si-woo shed tears.

“…Really, really…?”

“…Yes, she’s still… alive…”

The tears that flowed were filled with relief and joy.

Although the dried blood had been wiped away, rendering his exact actions unclear, he was able to ascertain her location and whether she was alive or dead.

The students stirred at his words that Scarlet was still alive.

Hearing the murmurs, Martina, who had exhausted her magical energy and appeared pale, turned to Yoon Si-woo and asked.

“…So you’re saying a student was kidnapped by the witch, and that student is still alive?”

“…Yes. If we go to rescue her right now, we can save her.”

“…Understood. Then we have to go rescue her. I don’t know what happened, but it appears you’re alright now. Can you pinpoint the exact location of that student?”

“Yes, it’s not too far from here. It’s near the northern forest over there-.”

At the moment Yoon Si-woo pointed towards a part of the forest to the north beyond the barricade…


A tremendous roar erupted from the forest.

Several students involuntarily sank to the ground in shock.

The sound of that roar, felt throughout the whole area, caused their bodies to stiffen, an angry cry far superior to any demonic beast they had encountered.

Yoon Si-woo witnessed a fireball soaring into the sky from the center of the forest.

Though it had been burned to ashes, the trees that had once grown high under the blessing of the World Tree now appeared to be mere finger-sized remnants.

However, that fireball looked so large, it seemed as though another sun had risen in the sky.

And only after the massive fireball opened its wings did Yoon Si-woo realize it was in the form of a winged bird.

The vice-captain, Kanna, recalled the nightmare of 15 years ago and trembled.

“…That one.”

The demonic beast that had burned to death the former captain, vice-captain, and seven members of the 4th squad 15 years ago.

And one of the strongest demonic beasts that had burned down the World Tree alongside the enraged witch 500 years ago.

With a vacant voice, Sylvia uttered the name of that demonic beast, which had put an end to the history of Astra, known for taking care of the World Tree for ages.

“…The Bird of the End, Phinis.”

Yoon Si-woo came to realize that this was the demonic beast that had burned his parents to death.

And he trembled, directing his hand towards the direction in which the beast was flapping its wings.

Since the demonic beast was heading towards the place Yoon Si-woo was pointing.

Yoon Si-woo gazed at Martina with a shocked expression.

“…Plans have changed. The rescue is off.”

Immediately afterward, a thunderous declaration fell from her lips.

“Major Martina!!!”

“…As long as that beast is rampaging, going there would be an act of suicide. Moreover, being in such a frenzy, it won’t be long before lower-grade demonic beasts swarm in. We must prioritize the safety of the city over the slim chance of a rescue… that’s our role.”

Shouting to hold onto the resolute Martina, Yoon Si-woo exclaimed.

“Still, she’s still alive! Scarlet is right there…! I’ll go alone if I have to!”

“…Yoon Si-woo, unauthorized leave during a mission is a grave offense. Prepare for the incoming demonic beasts.”

Martina shrugged off Yoon Si-woo’s grip.

Then Sylvia, who had been listening, dashed forward to grab Martina.

“Then I’ll go! I can use the power of the spirits to endure the miasma—”

“…Miss Astra, I understand your wish to rescue your friend, but exceeding your capabilities is recklessness. Your friend wouldn’t sacrifice her life so you could die so easily.”

“Then… what about Lady Scarlet…! Waaaah, please… please, I beg you… save Lady Scarlet…”

Sylvia kneeled, grasping the hem of Martina’s pants and begging.

Throwing away the pride of being the heiress of Astra, she clung desperately to save her friend.

Watching that scene, Yoon Si-woo also knelt before Martina.

He then earnestly pleaded with her.

“Please, please, I beg you, Major… I don’t want to lose someone dear to me again…”

Martina flinched and turned back upon hearing Yoon Si-woo’s words.

Staring at his beseeching face, she noticed the familiar face of an old comrade who had shared both joys and sorrows, gnawing on her lips.

“Yoon Si-woo… is that you, the child of the ones…?”

How could she have not recognized it until now?

Though his hair and eyes weren’t the same deep black as his parents, he shared the same gentleness in his gaze that was very much like them.

They had always boasted they had the most beautiful child in the world.

After giving birth, they had succumbed shortly after, and the guilt of that weighed heavily on her heart like a nail.

Due to laws intended to prevent comrades from being distracted while on duty, she only received news that their child was living without any hardships in the city.

Martina was particularly unable to treat children of Yoon Si-woo’s age too harshly because of this.

Perhaps it was because she feared one of them might be their child.

And now, their son was kneeling before her, begging that he didn’t want to lose another precious person to the very beast that had killed them.

She wished in her heart, without looking back, to go rescue the child who had been taken by the witch.

Yet she was a captain leading numerous comrades, entrusted with the duty of protecting the citizens.

If she continued to drain her magical energy into the barrier and then faced that flaming beast while barely in good condition, disaster was inevitable.

Rationally, she knew it was best not to go.

But, yet.

As she chewed her lip in deep contemplation, a drop of blood fell from her chin.

The blood was red.

Martina recalled a girl with red hair, just like that drop of blood.

The girl who had sacrificed her own arm to save the people and bore a prosthetic limb.

The girl who had fought to save her friends, sacrificing herself to the witch alone.

And now, discovering herself lost in indecision, Martina let out a heavy sigh and opened her mouth.

“Ugh, damn it. I can’t keep doing this.”

Cursing, Martina pulled out an emergency mana recovery potion from her pocket and downed it.

She could feel her mana gradually replenishing in her depleted body.

Being an emergency potion, its effects were mild, but the side effects would leave her bedridden for days.

But damn, what does that matter?

“Hey, Kanna. Request support from Natalia. She’s on leave today, so she should be home. Tell her if she doesn’t want to come, I’ll grant her any one request later. Knowing her personality, she’ll rush over immediately. We’ll need to send the kids somewhere safe before the horde of beasts arrives.”

Issuing commands to Kanna, the vice-captain, Martina then spoke to Yoon Si-woo.

“And Yoon Si-woo, stop crying, get up, and prepare. Because with that beast rampaging, bringing in more people seems pointless. It’s just going to be you and me.”

Confirming that Yoon Si-woo was rising with renewed vigor, Martina smiled at Sylvia, who looked at her with longing eyes.

“Lady, I swear on my life, I will bring back your friend safely. Have faith in me; I’m among the top five heroes.”

Sylvia nodded blankly.

As she replied with a nod to Sylvia, Martina hardened her expression and began gathering her magic, when suddenly, Kanna, the vice-captain, grasped her hem from behind.

“…Captain, are you really going to go just the two of you?”

“You can see it for yourself. There’s no point in having more people against that creature. Plus, with the horde of beasts approaching, it would be reckless to pull away any members. Don’t worry, I’ll ensure the rookie returns safely.”

“…Who’s worried about that kid?! You know that beast is a fucking monster. You won’t make it out alive if you go in that condition!”

How ridiculous that she had complained for so long and only showed concern now.

Martina glanced at Kanna, tears welling in her eyes, and smiled lightly.

“Kanna, I’ve always dreamed of being a magnificent hero since I was young. But hesitating while calculating isn’t the way I roll. So, either I die or save the child. Plus, I promised Miss Eve that I would get the kids back safely. Once you’re an adult, you must keep your promises.”

Kanna looked at Martina with a sardonic expression.

“…You are seriously insane.”

“Sometimes you gotta be a bit crazy to be cool. In fact, after me, you’re the craziest one in our squad, so if I die, you take over as captain.”

“…Forget it, damn it. If you don’t come back safely, I swear I won’t forgive you.”

“Then I’ll must come back, out of fear… Alright, I’m off. Vice-captain.”

“…Safe travels, Captain.”

And so, beyond the barricade, the two-member rescue team set off.

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