Switch Mode

Chapter 118

At the moment the woman in the hood claimed to be a witch,

just like the Lazy Witch who summoned demonic beasts using black orbs in the old gym.

The black orb in the woman’s hand sparkled, and dozens of demonic beasts emerged from the air.

Bat-like, bird-like.

Each demonic beast, with formidable wings, filled the sky.

In an instant, the shadows created by these massive beasts seemed to cast darkness over the land.


The enormous demonic beasts let out a deafening roar that echoed through the atmosphere.

Several students clutched their ears and staggered.

All of this happened in a moment that could only be described as a heartbeat.

However, the heroes, sensing the crisis, had already begun running just before that.

Towards the place where the students were gathered.

To protect those weaker than themselves.

Martina, who had rushed ahead of the others, shouted loudly towards the students.

“Everyone! Behind me!”

Although it was an unexpected ambush, they believed they could definitely fend it off as long as they could fight while protecting the students.

That was likely the fastest and most accurate judgment the heroes could make.

If only the witch hadn’t been closer to the students than they were.

“Sorry, but I can’t let that happen.”

With the woman’s voice, a black barrier appeared, separating the students from the heroes.

As Martina was blocked by the barrier that had rapidly appeared, someone among the students shouted.

“It’s a barrier! We have to get in from our side!”

The barrier—

A skill possessed by the demonic beast of greed learned at the Academy.

It creates a space where anyone from outside can enter but cannot exit until they defeat the beast behind the power.

Realizing that they couldn’t join the heroes like this, the students hurled themselves towards the black barrier,

only to be bounced back with a dull sound upon hitting the barrier.

The students who had been bounced back turned their gazes upwards.

Several demonic beasts were looking down at them mockingly, flapping their wings.

All of them were mid-level or higher demonic beasts.

It meant that they could not leave unless they defeated them all.

It was a desperate situation, but the students did not give up.

They desperately attacked the sky to intercept the demonic beasts.

However, their attacks were swallowed up by a strange hole that had appeared in the air and vanished uselessly.

For a brief moment, the students stared blankly at the sky.

There was only one existence among them capable of such a massive feat.

As the children turned their heads, they saw the witch grinning at them.


Someone sighed, dumbstruck.

They realized that a presence far more threatening than any demonic beast was beside them.

They understood that unless she allowed it, no one could escape from there.


“Ahaha, don’t be so scared. If you don’t attack first, I have no intention of laying a finger on you. I’m not here to fight today.”

The woman, who had introduced herself as a witch, said so—it was clear that she was indeed a witch.

But there was no way they could relax.

How could they believe someone who had unleashed such a number of demonic beasts while claiming not to have come to fight?

And besides, could anyone trust a witch so easily?

As they quickly distanced themselves from her with a wary gaze, the witch smiled slyly and spoke.

“I really mean it. Are you concerned about the demonic beasts? I set them loose to keep the intruders away. Humans at that level outside are a threat to me too. I’m not really good at fighting for a witch. I don’t particularly enjoy it.”

As if truly having no intention of harming them, the witch stepped back, showing her palms.

Watching her, they swallowed hard.

It felt similar to the faint feeling of having to seek out the hidden Lazy Witch, yet somehow different.

That strange sense, hard to express, was telling them that this witch was not the same as the Lazy Witch Beatrice they had encountered before.

They never expected there to be two other witches who hadn’t appeared in the original work…

Feeling a sense of despair over an unexpected reality, they resolved to somehow survive this situation.

They had to avoid battle as much as possible.

No matter how weak she claimed to be, a witch was still a witch.

The witch had mentioned that humans outside posed a threat to her.

That meant they, who were inside, were not a threat to her.

Even if they all attacked together, their chances of winning were slim.

Fortunately, they felt no hostility from the witch, who was right before their eyes.

However, seeing her casually nullify the attacks aimed at the demonic beasts made it clear she had no intention of easily letting them out of the barrier.

Buying time for the heroes outside to defeat all the demonic beasts and come to rescue them was the best they could do right now.

Seeing that some of the kids seemed to be thinking the same thing as they subtly averted their gazes.

I took a step forward to signify I would do it.

With the determination to buy time, swallowing nervously, I opened my mouth toward the witch, who was inexplicably smiling at me.

“…If you’re not here to fight, then what’s your purpose?”

“Hmm, purpose… If I had to say, it would be for sightseeing. I can’t help but be curious if I have something on my mind. I wanted to see it for myself.”

“…So even witches are curious about how people live?”

“Ahaha, places where people live? Hehe, sure, let’s go with that. Ah, I’m really glad I came to see in person. I didn’t expect something this interesting to be here. It’s truly fun.”

The witch burst into laughter, responding to my words.

For some reason, it seemed like I had succeeded in intriguing her.

If I could keep talking like this to buy time…

Just as I thought to start speaking again, the witch gave a meaningful smile and said.

“Hm, it looks like you’re trying to buy time until the humans outside arrive by talking like this…”

I was caught.

I could feel the kids behind me tensing and gripping their weapons.

My hands were trembling.

Was there a chance of winning in a fight?

While I pondered that, the witch continued with a smile.

“Well, fine. I’ll let it slide. Once the kids outside are all defeated, shall we just talk until then?”

Was it a whim, or was she genuinely not fond of fighting, as she claimed?

Relieved that she was letting it go, the witch smiled slyly.

Cold sweat dripped down my back.

In the worst-case scenario, I thought I would have no choice but to fight…

Just as I relaxed and let out a sigh, the witch opened her mouth with a smile.

“By the way, I wonder if you received the gift I sent?”


The witch raised an eyebrow, continuing.

“The demonic beasts I sent into the city. I was a bit disappointed it didn’t go as planned, but it was still fun, right? Watching the ones you trusted turn on you.”

She muttered provocatively.

I realized with that phrase that this witch was related to the incident that caused significant damage to the city.

From somewhere, I heard a sharp intake of breath.

At that moment, an uneasy feeling made me turn my head back.

Jessie, her eyes filled with rage, was trembling as she glared at the witch.

No, Jessie.

If you act rashly now, you’ll die.

So please, I implored with my eyes, but in Jessie’s eyes, strained with fury and blood, there was only one thing reflected.

“Ah… Ahhh… Aahhhhh!!!!!!!”

With a scream that seemed to erupt from her depths, Jessie dashed forward.

As Jessie swung her staff, a shockwave generated from her telekinesis sliced through the air and shot forward.

But as the witch waved her hand, that attack was swallowed into the hole that had appeared in the air and vanished uselessly.

The witch’s gaze slowly shifted toward Jessie.

“Today, I planned to have a peaceful conversation, but it seems someone doesn’t want that.”

The witch smiled sweetly.

Just after seeing that smile, I hurled myself toward where Jessie was.

As I rolled on the ground to cover Jessie, I felt something graze past in a close call with her whereabouts.

If I had let it be, she would have surely died…

“Hmm? I didn’t expect you to interfere there…”

I heard the witch mumble.

When I glanced, the witch shook her head as if she had no intention of attacking again and crossed her arms.

As I released a sigh of relief, Jessie, pinned beneath me, flailed her limbs while tears streamed down her face.

“Scarlet, please step aside…! Get away…! Move…! I… I have to get revenge…!”

“Jessie… please hold on… You will seriously die… If you rush in now, you won’t get your revenge and will only meet a cruel end.”

“How can you… tell me to endure…! The one who killed my brother is right there…! Every day… he begs me to avenge him against the witch…! I don’t care if I die… I have to get my revenge on the witch… So please, get out of the way… Please!!!”

It was evident that if she moved aside, she would rush to attack the witch right away, so I desperately pressed down on her to stop her.

Even using telekinesis to keep her down, the witch’s voice rang out.

“Sigh, this is no way to have a conversation. I’ll have to do something about it.”

The witch walked closer to me and Jessie.

As she approached, Jessie struggled harder, wanting to break free.

While I pushed down with all my strength, I observed the approaching witch’s movements.

If she tried to lay a hand on Jessie, I would fight, no matter the consequence.

It seemed the kids on the other side shared the same mindset, clutching their weapons and inching closer.

Then, the witch leaned over Jessie, muttering.

“You say you don’t care if you die and want revenge? You’re willing to do anything for revenge?”

“Ahhhhh!!! I’ll kill you!!! I’ll definitely kill you!!!”

The witch let go of her crossed arms and slowly raised her hand.

I tensed my body.

If she intended to harm Jessie in any way, I would immediately prepare to attack her…

And then, the witch pointed her finger at me.

“If you try to attack me, I’ll kill this girl instead of you.”


Jessie, who had been struggling, froze in shock at those words.

“Ah…? Kill? Scarlet…?”

“Yeah, if you really want revenge so bad that you don’t care about death, then another life doesn’t mean anything to you, right? Go ahead and attack as much as you want. But this girl here will definitely die. If she dies, then the next will be another child, and then another. And I’ll keep killing them until the last one remains alive. How does that sound? Isn’t that a pretty good deal?”

Jessie’s eyes widened with shock.

Her gaze flickered between me and the witch, and then she clenched her eyes shut.

I could feel her strength draining from her tensed body.

Tears streamed down Jessie’s face as she muttered with trembling voice.

“No… I’m sorry… I did wrong… Please don’t kill… my friends… Please spare them…”

“Then get up and behave.”

“Understood… I will…”

I observed the witch’s expression but didn’t see any signs of deception.

She didn’t seem intent on causing us harm either.

For now, it seemed best to comply with her wishes.

I quietly rose to my feet.

When I reached out my hand to help Jessie up, she blankly gazed at me and the witch before trudging back to her place.

As the witch watched Jessie, she tilted her head slightly and spoke.

“It’s fascinating to see things like this. Rather than achieving what you want, you could manipulate others as you wish. I can’t understand it at all. Is it because I’m a witch that I fail to comprehend human emotions?”

For a moment, the witch’s gaze turned towards me.

She stared at me for a while and then suddenly smiled brightly.

“Aha! I suddenly became curious.”

At that moment, chills ran down my spine.

A pressure so heavy it made me feel nauseous.

The overwhelming aura radiating from the witch felt like it was pressing down on me.

It was a sensation similar to being a prey in front of a predator, comparable to what I had felt from Leon Lionel.

This was likely the true strength the witch had been concealing.

It was terrifying enough to make me think I would definitely die.

I could see the children’s faces going pale as they remained frozen in fear.

Gritting my teeth, I asked the suddenly transformed witch,

“What are you suddenly doing…?”

“Oh? You seem fine. No, I became curious. Can you really not understand human emotions? So I’m going to play a game. I’ll give you a choice.”

As the witch waved her hand, a huge hole appeared in the air.

“This is a passageway connected to the miasma-filled outside. If you’re human, you’d probably die the moment you entered.”

The witch pointed at the children.

“If you enter here, all those kids will live.”

She pointed at me.

“If you don’t enter, all those kids will die.”

The witch smiled.

“So, which one will you choose?”

I could see the demonic beasts targeting the children from above.

Overpowered by the witch’s presence, the children couldn’t even breathe, let alone resist.

Even if they could move, there was no way they could oppose a witch showing such overwhelming authority.

Moreover, I had a feeling the witch was serious.

She truly seemed intent on killing all the children, which was why I felt this overwhelming aura.

As I bit into my lip, I felt the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.

I asked the witch,

“…Even if I enter, how can I trust you won’t harm the kids?”

“Hmm? If you don’t believe me, I can make a contract. I’ll promise to let everyone go safely if you enter.”

“…So how am I supposed to believe that?”

“Ahaha, you really don’t know anything, do you? A contract with a witch is a sacred thing. It’s absolutely unbreakable. If you break it, you’ll lose all your strength and abilities. You’ll understand if you try it.”

As the witch smiled sweetly, I felt something connect between us.

I vaguely sensed that it was something that had to be kept.

Then it couldn’t be helped.

Steeling myself, I looked to where the kids were.

Mei, Jessie, and Sylvia.

They were looking at me with pleading eyes, unable to move or speak.

Blood was dripping from Sylvia’s lips, and I faintly heard her strained voice.

“…Don’t, Scarlet… please…”

At those words, I forced a bitter smile and hardened my resolve.

Once, in an ethics class, I heard of an experiment that went like this.

There were five people tied to one track and one person tied to another.

When you had to make a train pass on one track, which direction would you take?

I chose the track with one person to save the five.

Then the teacher asked,

“Now, think about it. What if that one person on the track is your most precious person?”

I, being a selfish person, chose to let the five die to save that one.

Again, the teacher asked,

“What if this time, on the five-person track, your five most precious people are tied up? And on the last track, you’re tied up.”

“Which track would you want the train to pass through?”

I was an incredibly selfish person.

Knowing how the remaining ones would feel,

I made the same choice as before.

“…I’m sorry, Sylvia.”

Tears streamed from Sylvia’s eyes.

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not work with dark mode