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Chapter 104

Chapter: 104

On the day Marin was forced to attend a matchmaking meeting because of her mother.

Marin Eloise, who had intended to dress casually as she didn’t see it going anywhere anyway, found herself stuck in front of her vanity for hours against her will.

It was all thanks to her childhood friend, Florene Dolos, who was brimming with enthusiasm, fulfilling her mother’s request to make her so stunning that anyone would fall for her.

Despite Marin’s casual request, Florene, who didn’t understand the meaning of “casual dressing,” declared, “I’m going to make you the most beautiful today!” and Marin just let her do it.

Florene, who usually had her head in the clouds and caused all sorts of troubles when Marin wasn’t around, had a surprising knack for styling, probably fueled by her obsession with beauty.

Initially, Marin thought that Florene’s penchant for dressing up was just a childhood hobby, but before she knew it, Florene was dealing in luxury clothing and cosmetics that flew off the shelves.

Just like a daughter of the mighty Dolos family, known for her overwhelming strength, she one time split a piano in half during their childhood piano lessons. It’s incredible that a girl with such strength also has a talent for such delicate work.

Seeing how Marin was being transformed by Florene’s skilled hands, she could only think, “Life really is unpredictable.”

A moment later, Florene’s busy hands came to a halt, and with a satisfied shout, she exclaimed, “Kyaaa, Marin! You’re sooooo beautiful! You look just like a princess! You’re the prettiest I’ve ever made over!”

Marin checked her reflection in the mirror and marveled at herself.

She hadn’t quite understood those parts in novels where the heroine had never styled herself and suddenly looked in the mirror, mumbling, “Is this… me?”

Now, looking at the radiant woman blinking back at her from the mirror, she felt like she was beginning to grasp that feeling.

At this point, she looked like a completely different person.

While lost in thought, Florene started a video call with Marin’s parents, their faces popping up on the screen.

[Well, well, darling, take a look at our daughter. There’s not a man who wouldn’t fall for her, right?]

[Ugh, it’s so sad to have to hand over such a beautiful daughter to someone else… Marin, your father is heartbroken.]

[Honey, shut it. Anyway, my dear, do well. You need to charm him right from the first meeting. If things go south, just make it a done deal. I lied when I first met your father about it being a safe day.]

[…Huh? You really did that?]

To think that these people on the screen were respected heroes by so many…

Seeing them enthusiastic already, as if everything would definitely turn out well, left Marin just dumbfounded.

Nodding resignedly, Marin ended the call and thanked Florene for taking the time to dress her up so beautifully.

“Thanks, Florene, for spending this time with me.”

“Hehe, it was nothing! I was happy to style you! So you’re going to meet that Yoon Si-woo from class A, right? I can’t wait to see how beautiful the baby born between you two will be! Woof, I’m so excited! Don’t worry, I’ll make all the baby clothes!”

“Baby clothes? What are you talking about…”

Seeing Florene already indulging in thoughts of the future made Marin’s head spin.

She couldn’t bring herself to say that she was planning to reject this meeting, so she just let out a quiet sigh.

The place where Marin would meet Yoon Si-woo was a famous restaurant where a reservation was unattainable unless one had a high status.

They had no choice but to pick such a location because if it got out that Yoon Si-woo, recently catapulted to fame, was meeting the daughter of the Eloise family, it would certainly cause a stir.

Thus, to prevent any scandal beforehand, they chose a place where paparazzi or journalists would have no reason to be snooping around.

As Marin walked into the reserved room later in the evening, she caught sight of Yoon Si-woo already seated. She involuntarily held her breath.

“Nice to meet you. Uh, we’ve met before, right?”

“…Yes, nice to meet you too, Yoon Si-woo.”

Was he really like the male protagonist from a novel?

She had thought he was handsome the first time she saw him, but how could someone look that incredible?

Even though she had intended to reject this meeting, the way he wore his black suit contrasting against his pure white hair was so striking that it made Marin’s heart race.

She thought to herself that without Florene’s makeover, she would have likely been too shy to even sit across from him. As she settled into her seat, she quietly met Yoon Si-woo’s gaze.

While she was all jittery and nervous, his eyes remained calm and steady.

Did her effort to dress up even matter?

With a bitter smile, Marin said to Yoon Si-woo.

“I’m sorry if this is an inconvenience for you. My mother can be a bit overbearing. It seems I’ve caused you trouble.”

“Haha… You really don’t need to apologize. Actually, I should be the one apologizing…”

Seeing Yoon Si-woo smiling awkwardly, Marin had a feeling she knew what he was going to say and forced a smile back.

She already knew it, but it still hurt a little.

If he had absolutely no interest, he wouldn’t have come to this meeting in the first place.

She had intended to dress casually, thinking this would end in rejection, but now that she’d gone through so much trouble, she felt a sense of regret.

“If you’re going to say you’re rejecting me, you don’t have to. I already know.”

So, she courageously said it first before he could.

She did not want to hear a rejection from someone she had even a slight interest in.

Yoon Si-woo’s eyes widened at her statement.

To shake off the weight of her regrets, she dropped another remark.

“You do have someone you like, right? Scarlet Evande.”


When she mentioned the name of the girl she’d seen him with at the department store a few days ago, Yoon Si-woo stammered, and his face began to turn red.

So he can also react like that!

Finding it somewhat amusing, she watched him shyly avert his gaze, while Yoon Si-woo asked softly.

“Did… did it show a lot?”

“Were you trying to hide it? I thought you were being obvious to fend off other girls!”

“That wasn’t my intention… Ah, I see…”

Bowing his head, Yoon Si-woo muttered.

She thought he was a smooth talker, but unexpectedly he was quite the clumsy one.

Seeing his surprisingly cute reaction made Marin chuckle lightly, and Yoon Si-woo, embarrassed, lowered his head even more.

“Anyway, I knew this wouldn’t work out from the start. But since we’re here, let’s talk a bit before heading off.”

“…Alright. Talking sounds good…”

He replied and, perhaps feeling thirsty, poured himself a glass of water, his face still aflame.

With a soft smile, Marin asked him.

“So, tell me how you came to like Scarlet Evande.”

“Huh? What?”

“Since you turned me down already, you can at least share that, right? Or is it uncomfortable for you?”

When she teased him with her question, Yoon Si-woo seemed to choke up, coughing a bit.

Well, his bright red face might just be because he’s shy.

“Uh, well, there’s not a particularly special reason…”

“There must be a reason. Like, what was it?”

“…The first time I saw her, I just thought she was interesting… but as I kept seeing her, I began to notice her good points…”

“Good points? Like what?”

“…The way she treats other people kindly, her heroic spirit… And even though she’s usually expressionless, her smile is really beautiful…”

“Is… is that so?”

Seeing him blush and excitedly list Scarlet’s merits made Marin feel strangely flustered herself.

Yet, at the same time, it was fascinating.

It felt much more exhilarating than reading a love story.

Wow, she was completely smitten…

With this thought in mind, Marin asked Yoon Si-woo.

“I’m curious, if you love someone that much, why did you become a hero? Doesn’t being apart from her make you sad?”

At her question, Yoon Si-woo paused for a moment before responding.

“Yeah, it is sad. It really is… but Scarlet asked me to be a hero. She wanted people to forget their sadness, even just a little, when they look at me.”

Marin was slightly surprised to learn that there was such a backstory to Yoon Si-woo’s heroism.

She recalled Scarlet’s reaction when they had talked recently.

Scarlet didn’t even know Yoon Si-woo had feelings for her.

Yoon Si-woo, who had talked with her often, couldn’t have missed that either, yet he became a hero to honor her wish.

That seemed like quite a disadvantageous deal for him…

Thinking about it, Marin asked Yoon Si-woo.

“Are you truly okay with this? What about Scarlet…”

“It’s fine. I’m doing it because I want to.”

As if he could read her thoughts, Yoon Si-woo immediately replied.

He continued with a slight smile.

“I like that she asks for such things, and I want to be strong enough to grant them, so I don’t care at all.”

Looking into Yoon Si-woo’s eyes, Marin couldn’t help but murmur.

“…You really are a fool.”

Marin had seen that kind of gaze before.

One day, when her parents were drinking together, her father asked her mother if there was anything she wished for. Her mother jokingly requested for the moon. Her father had that same kind of look as Yoon Si-woo now as he tried to extend a bridge to the sky to fetch the moon.

Probably, if her mother hadn’t stopped him, her father would have genuinely tried to go get the moon because he was the kind of person who would do anything for her.

At the time, Marin had thought her father was a fool too.

However, despite saying that, every girl dreams of a man who would do anything for her in her heart.

Feeling somewhat irritated, Marin cast a sidelong glance at Yoon Si-woo and remarked.

“How can you say something so embarrassing so easily in front of someone you don’t know?”

“Ah… um…”

“Still, it was pretty cool. Ah, Scarlet is lucky! She has no idea how fortunate she is to have someone like you loving her! I wish I had met you sooner!”


Seeing Yoon Si-woo awkwardly laugh at her candid remarks caused Marin to smile slyly.

All her regret was swept away with that.

With a much lighter heart, Marin said.

“Anyway, I really enjoyed our conversation. It may have deviated from the original purpose, but it was fun, so that’s good enough, right? Shall we get going now?”

“Ah, I have a favor to ask…”

“A favor?”

As they started to wrap things up, Marin tilted her head at Yoon Si-woo’s sudden request, which he hesitated to voice, unsure if he could ask.

“Um… if it’s possible, could you be friends with Scarlet?”

Marin couldn’t hide her disbelief as she responded.

“…Are you really asking the girl you just rejected to befriend the one you have a crush on? This is too ridiculous.”

“Ah… well…”

Recognizing how rude that request was, Yoon Si-woo looked flustered, and observing him made Marin burst into laughter.

“Well, alright. If someone like you likes her, she must be a good person. But I have a request of my own, will you comply?”

Nodding at her response, Yoon Si-woo smiled.

“I’ll befriend Scarlet, but you better become friends with me too. I want to have connections with a promising hero.”

“…Got it. Let’s do that.”

“You’re going to keep speaking formally to a friend?”

As she asked, Yoon Si-woo chuckled.

“Okay. I’ll be counting on you from now on, Marin.”

At that, Marin was able to flash the brightest smile she’d worn all day.

The joy of making a good friend far outweighed the bittersweet feelings of unrequited love.

Meetings among the city’s elite were often held in exclusive restaurants that offered privacy from curious eyes.

Sylvia Astra, the young heir of the significant Astra family, emerged from one of these upscale eateries after a lengthy meeting that dragged on late into the evening.

Finally, I’ll be able to spend time with Scarlet when I get back to the mansion!

As she entertained that thought, Sylvia heard a familiar voice.

“Si-woo, I had a great time today. Let’s meet again.”

“Sure, see you next time.”

Turning her head at the sound of a name she recognized, Sylvia caught sight of Yoon Si-woo, dressed in a suit, smiling as he parted ways with a beautifully dressed woman with blue hair.

Isn’t that Marin from Class B?

Why are they together in a place like this when they hardly interacted at the Academy?

Without thinking, she instinctively hid herself where the two wouldn’t spot her and pondered what was happening.

In the meantime, she noticed a door from another room swing open.

“I had a wonderful time today. You’ll invite me again, right?”

“Absolutely, my lovely. Let’s have more fun next time.”

The people who stepped out were a well-known businessman and a heavily made-up woman.

Seeing the two share a brief kiss before parting, Sylvia tilted her head.

Wait, isn’t that businessman supposed to be married? Why is that woman not his wife?

Lost in her thoughts as she recalled how the family elders warned her never to speak about things seen in this restaurant, often a secret meeting point for the high-ranking officials, Sylvia’s eyes widened in realization.

A secret rendezvous? Could it be…

In an instant, a scenario took shape in Sylvia’s mind.

A beautiful but tragic heroine, Scarlet Evande, who had devoted her body and heart to a handsome flirt, ultimately meeting a lonely demise.

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