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Chapter 103

Chapter: 103

The Chaser hits 10 million.

And Dream Future achieves a viewership rating of 20 percent.

With these two major milestones occurring almost simultaneously, interest in Seoyeon, who starred in both projects, was steadily growing.

Considering that she only played supporting roles in both, it was impressive enough.

If she had actually been in a lead role, she’d be basking in double the attention right now.

“No, rather, this is an oddly strange level of interest.”

Lee Joon-bin, head of the management department at XN Entertainment (one of the top three management agencies), stated this with an air of exasperation.

XN Entertainment handled both idols and actors under its management umbrella.

“Distinctly different images—an assassin and a fresh-faced idol from the countryside.”

Joon-bin looked around the conference room at the other executives.

“I heard they’ve already reached out from RY Entertainment.”

“Considering they’re still with Nova, it doesn’t seem to be going well for them.”

Joon-bin had also heard that news.

He must have been one of the first to hear about it.

“If they reached out initially, then it’s clear they didn’t see her true value.”

“Hmm… However, on a cautious note, she might be overly hyped at this point.”

“No matter how you slice it, marketability is a given. That’s a huge merit.”

Truth be told, when she returned to entertainment after her time away, it didn’t spark much thought in Joon-bin.

He’d noticed her gaining buzz when she created a stir in theater, and thought she was a decent actor in Survival Without People.

“Young… or rather, very young. Above all, her looks are exceptional.”

“Definitely. She truly shines in commercials.”

“Éclat Étoile’s sales surged by over 10 percent compared to the previous quarter. This was a minor dip followed by a remarkable comeback.”

Among those flocking to theaters to watch The Chaser, there certainly were viewers solely coming to see Joo Seoyeon.

Naturally, not a lot, but the mere existence was noteworthy.

‘An actor that makes audiences seek her out in her very first film.’

This spoke volumes about her acting prowess, independent of any other factors.

No matter how skilled an actor is or how many films they’ve been in, there are plenty who lack ticket power.

Yet Seoyeon, with just one film, managed to create that audience interest, and that was significant.

That was arguably the greatest strength an actor could possess.

Ticket power.

What if she started landing more dramas and films?

“Nova’s contract hasn’t been too long, right?”

“Yes, I think.”

“Is there any way to void that contract and bring her here…”

“It wouldn’t be impossible if we push it, but there are plenty of eyes watching.”


The executives sighed, expressing their disappointment in various ways.

XN was indeed the largest agency among the top three.

Naturally, the government was keeping an eye, and any misstep could result in severe repercussions.

“Still, can we casually explore some underground options?”


“Oh, I’ve heard Assistant Park is acquainted with actor Hwang Min-hwa.”

“Didn’t Hwang Min-hwa move to Horizon Company?”

“Still, having been with Nova for so long, isn’t there a chance to reach out?”

“Hmm… That doesn’t sound too bad.”

But would it actually work that easily?

Joon-bin had his doubts, but after all, it was Hwang Min-hwa.

A 10-million actor.

Not just anyone—he actually earned that title by starring in a lead role that broke the 10 million mark.

‘If they’re both Nova alumni and he’s a senior actor, he might be able to talk to her in a way that makes sense.’

The management team at XN Entertainment concluded their meeting on that note.

“Is there anyone who knows Joo Seoyeon?”

“I heard Nova has a packed schedule…”

“Packed schedule, my foot! They’re just feeling it out!!”

While other management companies and various advertising industries were keeping a sharp lookout, Seoyeon was feeling a bit busy herself.

“Hello, this is Kang Tae-jin, director of the cultural division at GH Group.”

GH Group.

A meeting was scheduled with a corporation ranking 12th in the business world.

The first contact Seoyeon received was the day after hearing that The Chaser had crossed the 10 million mark.

Out of the blue, she received a call from Director Bae Jin-hwan about interest from GH Group.

Curious about what it could be, she answered the call.

“I’ve been told the director at GH Group wants to meet with Seoyeon.”


“He didn’t explain precisely why, but it’s probably not for anything bad.”

That was the gist of what Director Bae Jin-hwan conveyed.

The Chaser had been funded by GH Group from the get-go.

However, it seemed that GH Group was initially rather skeptical about the film’s success.

They entrusted Director Bae with full authority, supporting him in many ways, but The Chaser ended up performing better than they anticipated.

“They originally forecasted it would max out at around 6 million.”

6 million.

That was a significant number.

In a year, there aren’t many films that can exceed 6 million viewers.

To hit that mark, a film must be well-known around at least some circles.

“Yet it hit the 10 million mark. As you know, 10 million is exceptionally remarkable in the film industry.”

In South Korea’s history, there have been very few films that have achieved 10 million viewers.

It was akin to being placed in a hall of fame, with The Chaser now taking its seat there.

Considering the film’s quality, it could even be expected to perform decently overseas.

“Particularly, it seems GH Group believes Seoyeon played a significant role in The Chaser’s success.”

Bae Jin-hwan was a well-known director.

The two leading actors portraying the detectives were popular and renowned as well.

Furthermore, Jung Si-hyeon, who played Han Ye-hwa, was also recognized as a talented actress.

Considering their ticket power and the film’s marketability, the predicted figure was 6 million.

Yet The Chaser soared to 10 million.

Looking at the remaining screening period, it could easily double.

“So, if given the chance, I’ll arrange a meeting with GH Group.”

Director Bae Jin-hwan handed Seoyeon the authority to decide on GH Group’s proposal.

Truthfully, this was a massive undertaking for young Seoyeon.

When she mentioned it to her mom, Sua, for advice, she said,

“If Seoyeon wants to go, then she should. But if it’s too much, it might be better to decline.”

Seoyeon nodded in agreement.

Indeed, it wouldn’t be good to overreach.

And when she asked her dad, Youngbin, he responded,

“Dad’s in the middle of a game.”

Right in front of him, Seoyeon tore up a stick of near-invisibility.

“Honestly, what you think matters most, Seoyeon. If you’re interested, it could be a good experience to at least give it a shot.”

Hearing that advice, Seoyeon contemplated throughout the night.

Lastly, she spoke with Ji-yeon.

“GH Group?”


“Looks like you’ve got a big opportunity coming your way?”

Ji-yeon seemed to grasp Seoyeon’s dilemma fairly quickly.

GH Group—a typical powerhouse in the industry.

Even the cable drama Ji-yeon starred in had GH Group’s influence behind it.

“…If you meet with them, it’ll be hard to decline any offer, no matter what it is.”

“I think so too.”

“But still, I believe you should go for it.”

Seoyeon had no idea what the offer would entail.

But she felt a gut certainty that it wouldn’t be anything bad.

“And I think it probably won’t be as huge as you imagine.”


“Since you’re asking, it’s likely I’m just checking to see if something’s on the table, right?”

Seoyeon lightly nodded in response.

The proposal from GH Group might not be a big deal after all.

Just by having the meeting, it could become a situation that would be hard to reject.

Both ridiculously-sized roles and too small ones presented their problems.

Even if something doesn’t seem much on the surface, it could be difficult to turn down.

‘Sure, I can be labeled as a 10-million actor.’

Everyone was calling Seoyeon a 10-million actor.

She had also done well in Dream Future.

However, from the perspective of a large company, a single drawback existed.

Ultimately, in both, she wasn’t the leading role.

She held substantial sway.

It had an impact, but she wasn’t the lead.

The Chaser featured a villain role with a notable influence, but she still played the villain.

Companies tended to judge everything based on figures and weighed leads versus supporting roles heavily.

Even if a character garners a lot of community buzz, it doesn’t automatically translate to numbers.

Statistically, the impact of leading roles surpasses supporting ones; thus, even if a lot of discussions are happening about Seoyeon, they’d remain skeptical.

If anything, focusing on Éclat Étoile’s quarterly performance would seem more impactful.

“Heh, must be nice. I want to meet with GH Group too.”

Ji-yeon remarked, jabbing Seoyeon in the side with her elbow.

Considering Ji-yeon had her fair share of desires, she was indeed quite envious of such an offer.

‘Well, knowing her, I can see why she’d feel that way.’

Seoyeon felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Hoping for the best in her broadcasting ventures, she had done a bit of advertising herself.

‘Guess I need to step up my game as well.’

After all, Ji-yeon was a huge presence in Seoyeon’s life.

In turn, Ji-yeon meant a lot to Seoyeon, too.

They had been together since childhood.

“By the way, Lee Ji-yeon.”


Seoyeon hesitated before speaking.

“Can you organize a time for Jo Seo-hee to meet? Of course, with me present.”

“She’s your friend, right?”

“Not really.”

Despite that, Jo Seo-hee had always shown a lot of friendliness toward Seoyeon.

Truthfully, Ji-yeon had mixed feelings about her.

‘Back in the day, they called her a parachute.’

While Seoyeon tactfully ignored it, Ji-yeon never forgot those nagging sentiments.

Seoyeon had gushed on about the incident from their kindergarten audition and then some.

Lee Ji-yeon had an annoying personality, being persistent and insistent, and she never forgot something once it was done to her.

Yet still.


Having a proper conversation at least once wouldn’t hurt.

After all, she was the top actress among her peers.

“First off, congratulations on The Chaser reaching 10 million.”

Kang Tae-jin, the director of the cultural division, spoke with a smile at Seoyeon.

His mouth smiled, yet his eyes didn’t reflect that sentiment.

‘Awkwardness central.’

People like him were always somewhat challenging to deal with.

She had run into such individuals multiple times in her past life too.

‘Their eyes are always searching for products.’

Oddly enough, at that time, Seoyeon hadn’t felt much emotionally, so it hadn’t bothered her much.

As a result, it was actually easier to deal with, as she was able to read their expectations quite clearly.

“I also really enjoyed The Chaser. Honestly, the emotions of your character, Chae Seo-ah, were palpable. It felt quite different from the initial description I heard from Director Bae Jin-hwan. It seemed like your personal interpretation came through quite strongly. Plus, the action scenes were fantastic too. I was told you trained at Cheonghong Action School? When I spoke to Professor Kim Hong-baek, he mentioned that you exhibit immense talent in action acting and that you even handled all the stunts.”


“And regarding Dream Future, I’ve been following it closely as well. Initially, I wasn’t particularly drawn to it, considering how it seemed rather lackluster at first glance. I remember the buzz around the poor reviews back then, but Jo Ha-rin’s performance in episode 1 garnered significant acclaim. I can’t help but think, had I seen it live, the impact would have moved me profoundly. I also heard there were minor conflicts between the writer and the production team. Such things happen, I guess. But I’d advise you to not think too hard about it. After episode 7, her role has significantly increased, and the ratings have surpassed 20 percent. It’s quite the drama. I’ve been enjoying it lately. To be frank, Jo Ha-rin’s…”


At that moment, a seemingly assistant-like figure by his side drew a slight attention, prompting Kang Tae-jin to nod.

“I enjoyed it as well.”

“Th-thank you.”

Seoyeon grappled with Kang Tae-jin’s presence, observing his smile, yet the absence of mirth in his eyes left her puzzled.

‘What’s going on?’

Was he merely rehearsing compliments or acting genuine?

It was utterly confusing.

“Director Kang has conveyed that he thoroughly enjoyed the films and dramas featuring Seoyeon.”

The secretary beside him emphasized this once more.

He seemed to actually mean it.

So hearing that made Seoyeon genuinely curious.

‘Perhaps he struggles with expressing emotions?’

Just like her past self.

It was a daunting thought, but the potential perception of Kang Tae-jin remained powerful.

“Now, to get to the point: I have several proposals I’d like to discuss.”


Even several?

Seoyeon’s mind skewed toward the excessive end of the spectrum.

“Action film.”

An action film.

“Before that, we’re organizing a large audition. It’s a variety show.”

As he said that, he flashed a sly smile again.

His eyes glittered like a snake.

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