Switch Mode

Chapter 97

Chapter: 97

Sometimes, people think life changes every time they wake up in the morning.

And I was feeling that, albeit indirectly, in a rather unusual way these days.

“Uh, welcome—ah!!”

As I stepped into the convenience store I frequented on Wednesdays, the part-timer gasped.

Sure, they breathe in all the time, but today it felt oddly different.

When I stared at them, the part-timer quickly glanced at the industrial cutter sitting on the counter as they tore open a box.

“Ah, uh. The weather… is nice, right?”

They slowly and cautiously moved the cutter away.


As I squinted slightly, the part-timer seemed a bit embarrassed. Or perhaps fear was etched on their face as they cleared their throat.

“I, um, watched The Chaser yesterday…”


“Uh, you played… Chae Seo-ah, right?”

The hesitation in their voice made me nod. They wore a face that was hard to describe—a mix of wanting to engage yet feeling oddly intimidated.

“Well, um, your acting was amazing. I didn’t know there was a term like ’emotional expression dysfunction.’ It felt so real!”


“Y-yeah, totally real…”

As I calmly gazed at them, they paused for a moment.

“…It was acting, right?”

At that, I smiled wide.

Of course, I had to dab at my eyes as I replied, “Definitely.”


In the mirror next to us, I briefly caught a glimpse of my own red eyes. Upon seeing that, the part-timer seemed to retreat further back, almost erasing themselves from existence.

Seeing their reaction made me chuckle.

“Just kidding!”

“Ah, o-oh, really?”

“Of course!”

As I said that, I grabbed my vitamin drink after paying.

“Good luck! And don’t just let anyone into the storeroom.”

As I left the convenience store, I could feel their eyes on me from behind.

Eyes filled with confusion. Or maybe the kind that scrutinizes the lines between genuine and fake.

Ever since the movie premiered, I often received such glances.

At first, it felt a bit overwhelming.

“Now, it’s kind of fun.”

I thought to myself, excited about visiting another convenience store tomorrow.


Newcomer actor Jeong Hyun-woo.

He was one of those exemplary actors who led a regular life.

In the mornings, he worked out at the gym and searched for acting gigs in the afternoons.
…These days, it was tough finding work, but he was trying hard.

“Should I consider theater?”

After landing a supporting role in a cable drama, he hadn’t found any suitable projects since.
It didn’t help that another cable drama airing at the same time had absolutely wrecked its competition.

Originally, they were on similar levels, but as the show progressed, it spiraled into chaos, leading to a total defeat to other dramas.


Letting out a sigh, he was about to deadlift when he noticed a girl coming into the gym.

An unavoidable face at this stage.

He had heard a buzz about someone who gained attention from a play called Past, Looking Back featuring Close Your Eyes.
Then she starred in Survival Without People and Dream Future, making waves all over again.

Joo Su-yeon.

At this point, it didn’t take a genius to recognize her.

“I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere…”

The girl who used to be known as Princess Yeonhwa.
But that image had faded quite a bit now.
Now, a much stronger aura overshadowed that girl.

“Why are you staring like that?”


When Su-yeon spoke to him, Hyun-woo stumbled back a little.

It was abnormal since it was the first time she had started a conversation with him.
Her face looked like she wanted to hear something specific.
Could it be?

“Uh, I really enjoyed the movie… Your acting as Chae Seo-ah was truly amazing.”

“Oh, thank you!”

At her words, a smile broke across Su-yeon’s face, finally relaxing.

Seems she was waiting to hear that.

Every time she visited the gym recently, she’d been asking the older men something. So that’s what she was on about.

“A ten million star.”

It’s only natural to want to brag about it.
In fact, today or tomorrow, The Chaser was bound to break ten million admissions.

That would make Su-yeon a ten million star right from her first film appearance.

“Not even an ounce of jealousy.”

For some reason, healthy jealousy comes with a certain sense of reality.
If it’s so unattainable, it’s just admiration and awe.


“Wow, our Su-yeon looks really fit these days!”

“Yeah, I’ve been having a lot of good things lately.”

“Right? I even watched the movie! I was trembling when I saw you as Chae Seo-ah!”

Hearing the gym trainer’s words made Hyun-woo swallow hard.

How could he feel jealous when he was up against a woman who was lifting weights he couldn’t even dream of?
He felt relieved he wasn’t folding in half.

“But hey, are you worried your image might take a hit because of Chae Seo-ah?”

During a brief break, he asked Su-yeon that question.

Clearly, her role as Chae Seo-ah left a huge impact in its wake.
That could inevitably influence an actor’s image.

Especially for a female lead.

“A little, but…”

Recalling what she had been through, Su-yeon nodded.

She indeed had her worries, but for now, it was fine.

More importantly,

“I’m just glad the ad contract hasn’t been canceled.”

I saved my 4 billion won.

Thinking of that, Su-yeon couldn’t help but smile.

That had been her primary goal, so getting over that was genuinely a cause for celebration.
There was also the influence of Dream Future at play.

Given that Jo Ha-rin left a strong impression on viewers in the first episode, it managed to offset some of Chae Seo-ah’s performance.

And, believe it or not, Chae Seo-ah garnered sympathy from audiences contrary to expectations.

“It’s fine. If I do different roles, the perception will change quickly.”

“Is that so?”

Hyun-woo was a bit surprised by Su-yeon’s response.
Clearly, a good actor has a different mindset.

“The image of Chae Seo-ah seems strong.”

Of course, Su-yeon had a different viewpoint.

As long as she didn’t lose her 4 billion, she didn’t particularly hate Chae Seo-ah’s image.

“I should try action roles next time.”

In truth, her confrontation scene with Seo Gwang-il and Detective Im Seung-cheol received immense praise.

The natural action flows were largely thanks to not using a stunt double.
…Of course, after filming the action scenes, the two actors had to recover in the hospital for a while.

Anyway, because of that stellar performance, The Chaser had turned out to be a box office hit.

“You’re an actor, right? I heard about you.”

“Yeah? Oh, thank you. Though, I’ve only starred in a cable drama so far.”

“I know! My friend is in another cable drama airing at the same time. I wanted to chat to lend support.”

Su-yeon tilted her head with that.

Her long, black hair fell to the side, revealing her sweaty white neck.

“If you ever need help, just let me know.”


“Of course! I can help with workouts anytime.”


“Seems like you’re not quite lifting weights properly yet.”

Typically, didn’t people offer acting lessons here?

Were they literally talking about physical workout help?

With that question in mind, Hyun-woo nodded.

And a little later, he would regret that nod.


And then, just as The Chaser surpassed 5 million admissions.

Right when Dream Future had aired its sixth episode.

“Who wrote this article?”

Im Jin-ha trembled with rage.

First, he checked the name of the internet newspaper that published it.

‘Seonyang Media, writer’s name is Han Sun-ah.’

He knew that name.
The reporter had been churning out good articles about Joo Su-yeon lately.

That part was fine.

But how on earth—

[Dream Future Abuse Allegations?]

A succinct yet punchy headline.
The article contained claims from a staff member.

Claiming the writer of the drama had reduced a specific actress’s role because they didn’t like her.
‘How did they find this out?’

It had to have been a careful subtlety, so how did they catch a scent and start investigating?

“Do you know her? How ridiculous.”

Im Jin-ha said that, but his hands shook.

Things had not been favoring Joo Su-yeon either, given how Producer Baek lately seemed to have sided with her.

It sounded like there was some talk at the top.

But rewriting the script now?

A drop in her role had already left a stain on her reputation.
But the higher-ups wanted to increase her screen time, not just restore it.

“Director, you know who the hottest actress is right now, right?”

And the next day, Im Jin-ha was summoned to the broadcasting station by Producer Baek.

“The director has seen the film.”


“He said it’s okay to increase her role. You understand? They’re saying to boost her presence.”

Producer Baek said that while pressing Im Jin-ha.

“Do you want to make this your last project?”

“But, I…”

“Oh, I know about your hit work. I get it. You’re a promising writer. But the situation has changed now.”

Producing The Chaser had opened everyone’s eyes.
What thoughts crossed their minds upon watching it?

‘This needs a push.’

Any director or broadcaster would think that.

Chae Seo-ah’s image?
That could easily be masked by Jo Ha-rin’s role.

Other actors might not have that pull, but Su-yeon certainly possessed it.

A teenager becoming a ten million star.
How many actors can boast such a career track?

Park Jung-woo and Jo Seo-hee?

“It feels like you’re misunderstanding something, Im Jin-ha. You’re a newbie writer.”


“If it weren’t for me, you’d have been out ages ago.”

Hearing that from Producer Baek made Im Jin-ha’s hands tremble.

He never imagined Baek would speak to him that way.

“Look here.”

Producer Baek showcased his smartphone with the screen on, showing Im Jin-ha.

“They’re already questioning the drop in screen time. See those articles popping up?”

“I-I didn’t reduce it that much…”

“That’s irrelevant now. Yes, you did cut it. Particularly, Jo Ha-rin’s part has only been minimal since episode one.”

“True, but…”

Who ignited this fire?
Could it have been that reporter, Han Sun-ah?

Maybe, but ultimately, someone must have taken notice of this.

With The Chaser succeeding, naturally, interest in Jo Su-yeon’s drama would be piqued.

“This isn’t just about restoring her original role. It feels like it worsened it. She was supposed to fade away by episode eight anyway.”


“That’s what stirred this mess. I’m just telling you my last piece of advice…”

Producer Baek placed a hand on Im Jin-ha’s shoulder.

“Better watch your conduct. I’ll have a word with Director Kim Pil-seok.”


With his head hung low, Im Jin-ha felt utterly defeated.

He couldn’t believe the impact a single actress could have.

But those familiar with this industry understand.

The fate of an actor is nuanced.
A single breakout can lead to substantial influence.
The amount of money one individual can draw towards corporations.

‘Joo Su-yeon is standing at that crossroads right now.’

That’s why anyone would want a piece of her.

She’s an obvious rising star.

At the most lucrative phase of her career.

When is that?

The moment she breaks through ten million.

[The Chaser crosses ten million! A stunning rapid advance!]

That moment.

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not work with dark mode