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Chapter 74

Chapter: 74

When it comes to participating in variety shows for movie promotion, the opinions of the movie promotional team take precedence over personal choices. The genre of the film and the type of variety show that would effectively bolster publicity are what truly matters.

Personal preferences are merely for reference.

Seoyeon understood this much.

‘The easiest choice would be Running Man.’

The basic premise of Running Man involves “chasing and peeling off name tags attached to opponents.” A variety of concepts can be utilized based on that, making it the most suitable variety show for The Chaser.

‘What variety show did The Chaser promote in its past life…?’

That thought popped into her head suddenly.

She didn’t recall ever seeing it on a variety show.

But it did appear on the 9 o’clock news.


Before the movie shooting was completed, they hadn’t really promoted it.

They likely planned to promote once filming was fully wrapped up.

‘Of all times, Pyo Ji-woo released the Sword Master ending just before…’

And before they could properly promote it, it hit the 9 o’clock news.

Of course, that garnered much greater promotional effect than any variety show.

Aside from the minor issue of the release being delayed, that is.


To be honest, variety shows were somewhat of a mixed bag for Seoyeon.

‘I need to protect my image, though.’

Once the film released, Chae Seo-ah‘s image would definitely have an impact on her.

To safeguard that influence, her existing image needed to be even stronger.

The Princess Yeonhwa persona wouldn’t last long against that.

‘So, for now, I want to avoid variety shows that require physical activity.’

Seoyeon definitely had confidence in her physical abilities.

Too much confidence, in fact.

In that light, Running Man felt a bit off.

‘I’ll definitely want to participate later, but…’

It was a popular variety show, and as Seoyeon crossed her arms, she found herself lost in thought.

‘But dwelling on this won’t change anything.’

As Seoyeon pondered deeply, she sighed.

Just then, she noticed some students nearby flinch.


Was it just her imagination?

It felt like more students reacted strongly to her words ever since the school festival ended.

It had only been a week since it wrapped up, yet the class president had at least started talking to Seoyeon.

‘Why is that?’

Even though they had cheered together, she sensed an odd distance growing.

For instance, the girl who flinched just now had played the ghost alongside Seoyeon on the second floor.

Of course, that girl didn’t particularly want to avoid Seoyeon.

She had simply grasped something during the school festival.

Something that looked very much like Seoyeon crawling after the boys on all fours.

‘That definitely looked like Seoyeon.’

Yet, there was no way a human could chase a running boy on all fours.

But with those thoughts lingering, it was troubling that they had run away from where Seoyeon had been.

Moreover, the acting Seoyeon displayed during practice was truly impressive, making her strongly feel like a “star actress.”

Coupled with the fact that Seoyeon had been absent from school due to filming after the festival’s conclusion, it only added to the oddity of the situation.

‘This is strange…’

At least she was in the class group chat, so that was progress.

But it felt like she had mysteriously taken a step back, leaving her troubled.

Just as Seoyeon was deeply embroiled in such thoughts…

“Isn’t Running Man the best option?”

The production team for The Chaser was actively searching for promotional variety shows.

“Keeping the movie concept intact and engaging in a chase would be ideal. I hear Joo Seoyeon is good at sports?”

“Hmm, that’s true.”

It was a somewhat valid point.

Usually, they divided into two teams for shows like Running Man, but there were occasions when the plot changed.

If they put Seoyeon in a role like Chae Seo-ah

“No, that won’t do!”

At that moment, Chae Dong-jin the producer suddenly spoke.

That was unexpectedly against the grain.

“Why? It seems like it fits the movie’s style perfectly!”

“It sure does.”

Chae Dong-bin agreed, but…

“Unless we’re in a position where we’re hiding who Chae Seo-ah really is.”


Now that she thought about it, they currently portrayed Joo Seoyeon publicly as just a supporting character, “a convenience store part-timer.”

They hadn’t explored any depth beyond that, so the identity of the killer remained a topic of debate.

In a thriller, the villain needs to have an equal presence as the lead.

Naturally, promoting the villain’s actor was essential.

“That can wait until after the premiere. We can do it mid-promotion.”

They wouldn’t just film one promotional variety show.

At the very least, two appearances were expected.

If she went on too frequently, the public might tire of her, and managing the schedule would be challenging.

“Then do we have any suitable candidates? It seems a bit ambiguous to promote as a convenience store worker.”

“It would be fine for four people to go together and promote as if it were natural.”

Once revealed later, it could turn out to be a twist.

Since Joo Seoyeon was already a hot actress, it wouldn’t be strange for her to join in.


Avoiding physical shows.

While invoking some buzz-worthy variety instead.

“Nowadays, a raw feel seems good. Actors showing they don’t mind their image can create buzz.”


“How about this?”

Chae Dong-bin suggested a specific variety show.

Upon seeing this, the production staff was taken aback.

Actors like Kim Dae-heon, playing Detective Im Seung-cheol, and Park Gwang-il, playing Detective Park Hee-jun, were both men so they might handle it well.

But there was concern over whether Jeong Si-hyeon in the role of Han Ye-hwa or Seoyeon could manage it.

“Not everyone has to go, right? How about the filming…?”

“The current filming is mainly for Park Hee-jun and Joo Seoyeon, so we plan to start with these two first.”


However, they also pondered whether it would be alright if it were just Seoyeon.

After all, Director Bae Jin-hwan had praised her to the skies.

Even Kim Hong-baek, the martial arts instructor at Cheonghong Action School, had mentioned,

“If Seoyeon genuinely pursues action acting, she will truly succeed.”

That was from someone who had collaborated with many action stars, both local and international.

For him to say so, Seoyeon’s athletic ability likely surpassed mere excellence.

Kim Hong-baek was well-known in the industry for being strict and having high standards.

So for him to shower Seoyeon with such compliments left a deep impression on the production team, prompting them to consider various aspects.

That’s why Running Man came to mind first.

“I think it sounds good. Park Hee-jun is a Special Forces veteran, so even if Joo Seoyeon struggles a bit, he can help.”

Chae Dong-bin nodded in agreement.

It felt like a decision was nearly made.

“Then, we’ll have you appear on Survival Without People.”

Survival Without People.

A variety show that revolves around living on a deserted island or in a jungle for four nights and five days.

Naturally, Seoyeon hadn’t anticipated such a type of show at all.


“Whaaaat?! Survival Without People?!”

The voice of astonishment wasn’t Seoyeon’s but belonged to her manager, Park Eun-ha.

She was flabbergasted that Seoyeon would promote the movie on Survival Without People.

“Isn’t it too much for a female actor to do Survival Without People? Her skin will get damaged and then the filming…”

“They said Seoyeon has finished her portions already, though?”

“That’s true….”

Park Eun-ha sighed at her superior’s words.

She would love to confront the representative about this, but time simply wouldn’t permit it.

Most importantly, unless Seoyeon actively refused, arguing would be pointless.

‘She shows no reaction at all.’

That was something Eun-ha thought from time to time, which was both a strength and a weakness of Seoyeon.

Typically, her emotional changes were subtle, making it hard to gauge her feelings.

Even upon hearing about Survival Without People, her eyes only widened slightly, but she showed no signs of disliking it.

Of course, Survival Without People was often used for movie promotions.

It allowed actors to showcase their true selves, and many actors created buzz by displaying surprising sides of themselves.


‘Not for a female actor.’

First of all, if the shooting site was relentless, it was bound to be terrible.

Worst case, it was a blazing sunny deserted island.

Of course, that was lethal for female actors who had to maintain their skin.

Moreover, female actors often ended up unable to sleep well, just being a nuisance.

But, in turn, if they managed to show a proactive side, they could easily win over public favor…

Seoyeon might do well, but…’

She thought Seoyeon could handle it since even Kim Hong-baek praised her.

But physical activity and survival were two wholly different beasts.


Despite Eun-ha’s worries, Seoyeon was unconcerned about Survival Without People.


‘This could be fun!’

She felt a bit flustered, sure, but the heat and such didn’t bother her at all.

Seoyeon had skin that wasn’t only resilient against UV rays; it was immune to blemishes and freckles.

‘Plus, there will be breaks in between so I can share stories about the movie.’

She had expected it to be Running Man, so it was surprising.

Perhaps Running Man would consider her for a later appearance.

Seoyeon… Just to be clear, you must not overdo it, okay?”


Eun-ha felt a strange anxiety as Seoyeon nodded calmly.

Thus, the decision for Survival Without People was made.

‘Filming starts next week.’

What a twist of fate.

It so happened that the last day of shooting coincided with a very important date for Seoyeon.

That was the date of Ramiel‘s first live broadcast.

And also, her birthday.


“Wow! Hello, PD Shin! It’s been a while.”

“Wow! Our Park Jung-woo! You’ve grown so much! Really been ages!”

Shin Young-woo, the PD, greeted brightly, causing Park Jung-woo to chuckle awkwardly.

Naturally, he had frequently appeared on Shin Young-woo’s variety shows since he was young.

Because of that, Shin Young-woo tended to treat him as if he were his own nephew.

Especially since he also knew Jung-woo’s father well.

“You’ve always been working hard.”

“Oh, don’t mention it. Ever since moving to Survival Without People, it’s been a real struggle. Especially with the heat. Ugh…”

Survival Without People was a show where even the staff and PD found it taxing to create.

In fact, they had already changed PDs several times.

The only consistent presence was Jeong Dae-hyun, the main MC for Survival Without People.

Jung-woo, you should definitely come on our variety show sometime! I’ll reserve a spot for you.”

“Ah, of course. I’ll think about it.”

Naturally, he had no intention of agreeing.

Park Jung-woo had no interest in shows that relied on physical labor.

Especially, Survival Without People was a show that was both physically and mentally exhausting.

Filming on a deserted island was bound to leave his skin as burnt as a boiled lobster.

“By the way, the upcoming filming has two actors coming in for movie promotion.”

“…Promoting a movie on Survival Without People?”

That was quite a bold move.

But he couldn’t help but think that it would be undesirable from an actor’s standpoint.

“Coincidentally, it’s someone related to Park Jung-woo. She’s still young, but I’m already worried. If she starts complaining during filming, that would be awkward.”

In truth, there were many actresses or idols who often laid down or gave up mid-shoot, finding it tougher than they expected.

“…Could I ask who it is?”

When he heard Shin Young-woo’s comment, Jung-woo felt a strange concern arise.

An actress related to him.

Especially a young one.

There was only one person who fit that description.

Joo Seoyeon. She’s coming to our show this time.”

At that, Park Jung-woo closed his eyes tight.

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