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Chapter 67

Chapter: 67

The Chaser was a film with relatively few characters.

Given that casting actors takes a huge chunk of the budget, they had a significant advantage in that area.

This meant they could redirect the money meant for casting elsewhere.

However, from an actor’s standpoint, having fewer characters could be both a pain and a blessing.

It meant scenes were mostly concentrated on a select few, increasing their filming time.

“Min-ah, great job!”


In The Chaser, Kang Min-ah, who played Detective Seo Gwang-il’s sister, sighed in relief.

Being a newcomer and young, she often found herself quite nervous.

“I must do my best so I don’t burden the company.”

Kang Min-ah was signed under Lauren Company, a third-tier agency that actively supported her in landing this film role.

Though she only secured a supporting role, being the sister of the lead detective meant she would frequently be on screen.

This was a massive leap compared to her three past dramas as an extra.

“When the camera’s on me, I can’t even tell what kind of face I’m making.”

Still, it felt like they wrapped up the shoot without much fuss.

Everyone praised Min-ah, saying for her age, she was doing great.

“There really is such a thing as talent.”

Kang Min-ah stole a glance at the quietly seated girl.

She was two years younger, now seventeen, but dressed up she looked like she was in her twenties.

Sitting there with her eyes closed, she maintained a poised posture.

To anyone else, she’d appear to be a precious young lady.

Her beauty was like a flower, yet after seeing her acting, Min-ah couldn’t bring herself to call Seoyeon a mere “flower.”

The scene shot today featured S#37, where Han Ye-hwa and Chae Seo-ah cross paths in an alley.

That crucial moment where she chases after and knocks out Han Ye-hwa to kidnap her.

Under normal circumstances, Chae Seo-ah would have killed Han Ye-hwa right there, but she opts to drag her back home instead.

Back to the place where she had murdered her parents and was left alone.

How did Min-ah feel after witnessing that scene?

“Isn’t that like Chae Seo-ah herself?”

She shivered at the thought.

Especially her gaze.

It felt like she was looking at something disguised as a human.

Was it really just acting?

Such questions plagued her mind.

A strange sense of discomfort was rising within her.

She could truly feel the power during that scene.

Before, it had only been about “putting on a show.”

The inferiority and jealousy directed at Han Ye-hwa were vividly etched on that unsettling face.

It was an acting level Min-ah couldn’t even dare to emulate.


Noticing Kang Min-ah’s glances toward Seoyeon, Shin Seong-mi, playing the “convenience store lady,” chuckled softly.

“Why not befriend someone your age?”


“You’re going to be seeing each other throughout the shoot, right?”

Of course, Shin Seong-mi said this because of Seoyeon’s potential.

“She’s sure to become big.”

Especially once this film was released, her status would elevate dramatically.

So, from Min-ah’s perspective, it was the only chance to befriend Seoyeon.

It went without saying that building connections with such an actress was wise, but Min-ah refrained from saying it aloud.

From her observations, Min-ah could sense Seoyeon wasn’t one to enjoy such talk.

“U-uh, true.”

Kang Min-ah nodded.

The actress was two years younger than her.

They were definitely around the same age.

Min-ah had plenty she wanted to ask and learn from her.

“What on earth is she thinking?”

Min-ah watched Seoyeon, whose eyes were closed and posture upright, gulping down her breath.

Honestly, there was an aura about Seoyeon that made her hard to approach.

Was she deeply contemplating her performance today?

Or was she so absorbed in Chae Seo-ah’s emotions that she couldn’t shake them off?

“…I don’t think today’s the day.”

Best not to disturb her during such moments.

Min-ah shook her head, feeling the disappointment.

She decided she’d attempt to talk later when the time was right.

And just as Min-ah thought that, Seoyeon was lost in her own significant dilemma.

“What am I going to do about my 4 billion?”

A truly crucial concern.

This Chae Seo-ah role was basically the role of a lifetime for Seoyeon.

She was naturally confident and had a clear vision of how Chae Seo-ah would be perceived by the audience.

“The contract didn’t specify any role limitations, but…”

Sometimes, such clauses existed.

Due to a product’s image, there could be restrictions concerning roles or specific variety shows.

Fortunately, the contract lacked those specifications.

However, if the film’s image were to become too strong, a reputation hit would be inevitable.

Even when there weren’t any actual limitations, actors have been cut from ad campaigns and cried foul.

“If I can improve my image…”

Two ideas instantly came to mind.

Since it was a cosmetics ad, emphasizing femininity would be beneficial.

She had one drama and one movie in mind.

“But the movie will release first, so I can hold off on that.”

There was still time for the movie; even if she auditioned, it would take a while before release.

So that left the drama.

“Of all times…”

Sighing, Seoyeon crossed her arms and bowed her head.

There were two sticking points.

Firstly, the genre was a “youth romance” drama.

Secondly… the lead was Park Jung-woo.

“Dream Future. A drama that gathered teens and young adults for filming.”

It was an extremely rare youth drama.

For a youth drama, the average ratings surpassed 15 percent, while the highest peaked at about 17.6 percent.

It could be considered “quite excellent” for dramas, yet for a youth drama, those ratings were “blockbuster.”

The most crucial aspect was that more than half of the teen actors that participated in this drama shot to stardom within three years. Seoyeon had considered appearing at first, but given the romantic nature, she passed.

Naturally, with young actors dominating the cast, it felt a bit innocent and lacked any risqué scenes.

Regardless, it didn’t sit right with her.

“If I join in…”

But Seoyeon was in a position where she couldn’t simply dismiss her feelings.

Her life was on the line, and the options remaining were few.

“If the role doesn’t have much romance, it should be fine.”

And the male lead was Park Jung-woo.

Certainly, the main heroine was someone else, so there wouldn’t be much problem.

Besides, the role she was aiming for was intended to be a cute mascot character.

A cute mascot distinctly contrasting with “the murderer.”

While the impact wouldn’t be completely erased, it would offset it to some extent.

“That should do.”

Moreover, the actress cast for that role had received critiques for her acting yet had successfully filmed several ads.

Of course, that was more or less the end of it.

“Romance can wait a little longer.”

At least not right now; she simply wasn’t confident.

Who knows what might happen in the future, but for now.


Yeonhwa High School’s festival.

They were willing enough to give out invitations to outsiders, indicating it was a fairly sizable event.

Depending on the outcome, additional rewards were even presented.

Naturally, a lot of students actively participated.

“…I should probably audition. Lucky I’m free today with no filming. If it overlapped, I’d have to say something in advance.”

Of course, this had nothing to do with Seoyeon.

Today, she sat in her assigned corner, lost in thought.

“…Am I really doing the right thing?”

This wasn’t the high school life Seoyeon had envisioned.

Seeing her class awash with energy while preparing for the festival, a feeling hard to articulate washed over her.

“…If I participate more actively in the festival…”

The need for image improvement wasn’t solely based on the Chae Seo-ah role.

Wouldn’t Joo Su-yeon herself need to enhance her image too?

“Um, Seoyeon.”

Just then, someone called out to Seoyeon.

A round-glassed female student.

She was the class president.


“Uh, I thought you might not have heard about our festival booth.”

Class president Gil Da-hyun gulped nervously.

Seoyeon’s gaze on her was overpowering, leaving Da-hyun quite flustered.

The diligent class president, who had only focused on studying, found it pretty challenging to hold up under such scrutiny.

“Now I understand why everyone avoided talking to her.”

Seoyeon was a known actress.

The shock she displayed during Past, Looking Back was immense, with Da-hyun still rewatching those episodes to this day.

In the footage, Seoyeon appeared truly like a flower.

And if Yeonhwa Princess was a flower, Seoyeon looked more like a blade.

Being that stunning must have some effect, huh?

“Um, our class will run a horror booth.”

“A horror booth?”

Seoyeon tilted her head at that.

She had some idea of what it might be.

She had seen similar setups back in her past high school.

They usually darken things with blackout curtains, aiming to make the interior spooky from hallways to classrooms.

Students dressed up would wait inside to scare visitors, and that was pretty much the gist of it.

“Honestly, it wasn’t that scary.”

It was more about the atmosphere and surprise reactions rather than true terror.

Luckily, she was immune to such scares.

Just so you know, the only time she got frightened in games was due to jump scares.


“The principal said we could use the abandoned building in the back, so we decided to do that.”


An abandoned building?

“It’s not well maintained, but we’ll check it out with the teacher so don’t worry too much.”

“Oh, okay.”

Seoyeon nodded.

So they were using the entire abandoned building.


Still, it was a high school horror booth after all.

Even so, an abandoned building could set a pretty decent atmosphere.

Seoyeon had heard about the abandoned building at Yeonhwa High School.

It was an old empty teacher’s office that had been out of use for quite a while.

Nothing particularly tragic had happened there, but as new buildings were constructed and the number of students decreased, it naturally became redundant.

“The atmosphere is surely there.”

Using an unused teacher’s office was a clever idea.

As Seoyeon was nodding at that thought, the class president turned to the students.

“Oh, by the way, we need someone to play the ghost role. Anyone interested?”

“A ghost role? Where?”

Seoyeon pretended not to listen, opening a book while eavesdropping.

“Isn’t anyone brave enough? The person who was supposed to do it suddenly backed out.”

“Well, that’s to be expected.”

“Still, it’s an important part, right? We planned to make it the highlight of the booth and…”

The students trailed off.

Seoyeon pondered for a moment.

It seemed they had one ghost role available.


Seoyeon’s mind raced.

Maybe if she naturally joined in, it could lead to a chance to get closer with the other kids?

“I… I’ll do it.”

As Seoyeon spoke up, everyone immediately turned to her.

Surprise etched on their faces, and Seoyeon flinched momentarily.

Did she say something wrong?

No, she hadn’t even finished her sentence yet.

“…If there are no other volunteers, I can take the ghost role.”


Seoyeon’s sudden declaration led to a flurry of cross-stares.

To have a working actress playing a ghost?

Given Seoyeon’s looks…

“Are you sure? The second floor can be pretty empty, so it might be scary waiting around. Everything will be covered with blackout curtains.”

At the class president’s words, Seoyeon nodded.

It was just a high school horror booth during the daytime, after all.

Honestly, how scary could it be?

Usually, such things relied on the atmosphere to get reactions.

“I’m okay.”

Seoyeon stated confidently.

At her assertion, the class president slowly nodded.

If she was on board, there was no issue.

More importantly, Da-hyun secretly hoped for Seoyeon’s ghostly performance.

What if a working actress performed a ghost?

“This could turn out to be more popular than I thought.”

If they seized success in this festival, commendations would surely land in their school life records.

The class president brimmed with enthusiasm.

Though, that wasn’t Seoyeon’s intention at all.

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