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Chapter 65

Chapter: 65

Was it because of the memories from her past life?

Seoyeon had never cared much about her weight, even back then.

It was quite common for guys to be indifferent about their weight, after all.

And the reincarnated Seoyeon had maintained that habit; unless something special came up, she rarely weighed herself.

To begin with.

“Look at how slim I am.”

Whenever she looked in the mirror, she would smile proudly at her slender waistline.

Thanks to consistent exercise since childhood, her body had no excess fat.

However, when she started going to the gym and eventually got her body composition checked…


She realized something was quite off in various ways.

Among those, what stood out to Seoyeon was her weight.

“Hmm. With this much muscle mass, it’s pretty light.”


The trainer said that, but there was something hard to believe.

No, rather, TS’s physique was just too strong.

Wasn’t something wrong with the chart?


Though such doubts crossed her mind, she thought it didn’t matter much at the moment.

Compared to being reborn, it was only natural to be a bit stronger.

Deciding to forget about the weight altogether seemed wise.

After all, who would even weigh her?

But then.


Hearing Professor Kim Hong-baek’s repeated question, Seoyeon felt a deep conflict.

She had come here through Director Bae Jin-hwan’s introduction and showing any rudeness would reflect poorly on him too.

“Ah, I haven’t weighed myself recently.”

Just managing to say that…

“Then let’s check it out. The scale is over there.”

Why on earth is there a scale at an action school?

That thought crossed her mind, but since it was an action school, it made some sense.

Professor Kim Hong-baek, while puzzled by Seoyeon’s stiff demeanor, decided not to press further.

He merely thought, “Ah, she must be sensitive about her weight because she’s an actress.”

However, this needed to be recorded accurately.

It was important to adjust the action intensity reasonably.


Seoyeon stared at the scale in front of her.

At least it was fortunate that the other actors were keeping their distance.

She could feel Professor Kim’s gaze on her.

Realizing she couldn’t avoid it, Seoyeon stepped onto the scale.

It wasn’t a digital scale, but rather an analog one.

As the needle moved, Professor Kim, pen in hand, watched closely.

‘Let’s see, 30, 40, 50, 60…’

The rate at which the needle tilted was unusual.


As the needle continued to tilt, Professor Kim’s eyes widened.

Seoyeon quickly hopped off the scale.

Her face was beet red.

By the way, her eyes had also turned a shade of red as she glared at the scale.


At that moment, Professor Kim, observing Seoyeon in silence, frowned.

“It seems the scale might be broken.”


“No worries, just let me know your weight next time you check.”

Recalling the number indicated on the scale, Professor Kim shook his head.

“This old model easily breaks down.”

“Height is 165 cm… right?”


Her height was fairly average.

Not too tall, not too short.

‘Something seems off with the weight, definitely.’

Professor Kim concluded.

After all, looking at Seoyeon’s physique, an impossible weight had been displayed.


Though there was a small mishap, it didn’t affect the class at all.

For today was just the first day.

Other aspiring actors seemed to be quite curious about Seoyeon’s presence.

After all, at first glance, her appearance didn’t exactly scream action star.

To them, it felt like an immature actress trying to put on a show.

Doing action without a proper physique could lead to serious injuries.

‘Director Bae Jin-hwan knows this, right?’

But for him to recommend her meant he saw something in her.

“There are a lot of running scenes in The Chaser, right?”

“Ah, yes.”

“Then how about we run a bit? I’ve heard your footspeed is impressive.”

Professor Kim led Seoyeon outside to the schoolyard.

A line approximately 50 meters long appeared.

Of course, he wasn’t here to specifically check how fast she could run.

What mattered was her form.

After all, the camera and direction could easily cover the speed.

But running posture was crucial.

“Acting in running.”

He knew they had already received the okay sign for the filming, but Professor Kim wanted to check once more.

After all, Director Bae recommended her based on how she ran.

Naturally, some aspiring actors hovered around, eager to see her performance, casually strolling nearby.

After all, it was a break, and they wanted to see how well she could do.

“Okay then.”

Professor Kim raised his hand and swiftly moved it down.

The signal to run.

Ready on the line, Seoyeon took off.

As her bouncy body leaned forward, she took off in a flash.


As Professor Kim silently observed, two thoughts popped up in his mind.

“Ah, I should have checked the time.”

And secondly, “Why is she acting?”

It didn’t escape his notice that no other actor could keep up with her speed.

He understood why Director Bae recommended the action school after witnessing her run.

“She looks like she’s flying.”

Why was someone capable of competing at the national sports meet here?

“Well, everything looked great, but…”

Regardless, her speed was simply remarkable; she still had a few issues.

“I think you should adjust your form.”


Seeing Seoyeon without a bead of sweat, Professor Kim was once again impressed.

Initially, he thought she lacked enthusiasm, but now he was convinced otherwise.

With such skills, it was simply captivating.

If an actress possessed this level of physical ability…

‘If trained properly, she could become exceptional.’

Professor Kim had nurtured many action stars renowned across the country.

To his eyes, Seoyeon was a raw gem.

A gem that promised success.

“What would happen if we refined you a little bit?”

Then she would be one of the stars that elevate the name of Cheonghong Action School.

“When I say to adjust your form…”

“You’re running too much like an athlete right now.”

And indeed, she was incredibly fast.

But if Cha Seo-ah ran like that, it would definitely feel out of place.

Seoyeon understood Professor Kim’s critique immediately.

“Action acting is, at the end of the day, acting. The action must change based on who the character is.”

Even her running motion was affected by this.

Cha Seo-ah was a murderer but not an athlete.

Just a broken human, not a superhuman.

“At least the posture can be practiced, and we’ll tackle other actions one step at a time.”

“Ah, yes.”

Suddenly, with a burst of enthusiasm from Professor Kim, Seoyeon found herself a bit taken aback, nodding her head.

The change in his demeanor felt entirely different.

And what about the aspiring actors watching from the sidelines?

“Does this even make any sense?”

They were simply dumbfounded.


Afterwards, Seoyeon’s day was quite fulfilling.

After school, she headed straight to the filming location.

If there weren’t any filming days, she would go to action school.

That said, it wasn’t overwhelmingly busy, so she could afford to take breaks in between her work.

Of course, that was based on Seoyeon’s perspective.

A typical teenage actor would have likely collapsed by now.

But Seoyeon was still holding on, game controller in hand.

In the personal room set up for her by the agency.

Since she felt awkward playing at home, she had set up all her game consoles here.

Of course, nobody was specifically giving her a hard time about gaming at home.

Her mother, Min Sua, didn’t mind since Seoyeon managed her own affairs well.

And her father, Youngbin, would occasionally come by, quietly watch, and then pass a comment about how bad she was at the game.

However, despite her father’s jabs, it still weighed on Seoyeon’s mind to game at home.

For obvious reasons, considering her dismal report card.

“Still, practice is necessary.”

She recalled the humiliation she felt during When You Turn On the King.

Even now, her name was prominently listed in communities as “The Celebrity Who Can’t Game.”

It was truly embarrassing and made her shake with shame.

After all, no guy could stand being told, “You’re terrible at gaming.”

Although she was now a girl, those sentiments didn’t fade, and she couldn’t overlook being accused of being a bad gamer.

“I’ll get on a variety show or something next time and redeem myself.”

She was determined to make her father and Youngbin say “Not bad!”

With those thoughts firmly in mind, she dived into her practice.


At that moment, as she was engrossed in her game, Park Eun-ha opened the door to her waiting room.

Seeing Seoyeon continuously gaming, her eyes went wide.

‘This kid really has next-level stamina.’

Normally, after a grueling day, anyone would be wiped out, but Seoyeon hadn’t taken a single break.

To Park Eun-ha, gaming felt like work.

“Is something up?”

Seoyeon paused her game and asked, and Eun-ha nodded.

“Oh, yes. It’s really good news.”

“Good news?”

“You got an ad! An advertisement!”


It goes without saying, but getting an ad meant you were gaining popularity as a celebrity.

Just receiving an offer for an ad indicated you had some recognition.

But this was Seoyeon’s second ad!

Although one was regrettably turned down, getting a second offer was still noteworthy.

‘I’ve only really appeared in When You Turn On the King and that’s it.’

Yet here she was, getting an ad again.

The success of her play didn’t particularly attract advertisers.

It was simply Seoyeon’s buzz.

Her charm showcased in Past, Looking Back and When You Turn On the King had clearly made an impact.

“…Is it another gaming controller ad?”

She asked skeptically about the ad she had once turned down.

Eun-ha shook her head.

“Don’t worry, it’s not that. This one, you’ll actually like.”


What kind of ad could it be?

So far, Seoyeon had done ads during her child actor days.

One was for a soy drink.

The other was for a children’s nutritional supplement.

Especially, the children’s supplement ad drew a lot of attention since Seoyeon had just made her comeback.

Naturally, the nutritional supplement sold like hotcakes… and the company asked if she could film again.

And now, this would be her third ad.

What type of ad could it be? The moment she felt some anticipation.

“It’s a cosmetics ad!”


In fact, a cosmetics ad was a testament to beauty and popularity for female celebrities.

Only truly popular idols or actresses earned cosmetics endorsements.

And getting a cosmetics ad was a rare occurrence for Seoyeon.

Most likely, they were betting on her potential rather than her current popularity.



For Seoyeon, it felt like a rather surprising offer.

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not work with dark mode