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Chapter 60

Chapter: 60

Hwang Min-hwa, an actress from Nova Entertainment.

The one thing my past self remembers is that she starred in a blockbuster movie.

She wasn’t exactly a controversial figure, and the only thing that stood out about her career was one peculiar fact.

She frequently changed agencies.

After leaving Nova, she ended up at Horizon Company.

That was a so-called second-tier agency.

Then she passed through quite a few agencies, finally landing at RY Entertainment, one of the big three management companies.

Yeah, the very place I turned down.

‘She had a spotless career, though.’

I thought this as I sipped my Americano.

She had been quite solid in dramas but completely soared in movies.

You could say she had a good eye for opportunities.

Hwang Min-hwa was set to star in two films that hit over five million views each within the next five years.

Not to mention, one of those was a blockbuster that exceeded ten million.

Moreover, there was one more reason for the buzz.

‘She appeared in director Jo Bang-woo’s swan song.’

Interestingly enough, Hwang Min-hwa, who had never tasted failure in her career, had one movie that flopped spectacularly.

And that just happened to be Jo Bang-woo’s film, Gold Hunt.

Despite receiving ample investment, the movie failed utterly, as if it was a prank.

It amassed a total of only 1.5 million viewers—laughably low when you consider the investment.

The movie ended with the tragic suicide of director Jo Bang-woo, marking it as his final work.

Was that why?

Hwang Min-hwa excluded Jo Bang-woo’s project from her career highlights.

Of course, it was also because she hadn’t exactly starred as the lead…

“Seoyeon, anything happen at school?”


Having left school a bit early, I dashed to the agency.

Just as I finished my Americano, Park Eun-ha came running in a flurry.

She was holding two cans of coffee, and when she saw my Americano, she sheepishly smiled.

“Oh, you’ve already bought it. Sorry.”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll have it on my way.”


Seeing Park Eun-ha perk up as I accepted the can felt heartwarming.

‘I heard she used to be in charge of Hwang Min-hwa’s affairs.’

I wondered if she knew why Hwang Min-hwa was leaving Nova.

But asking that felt… tricky, as Park Eun-ha often reacted awkwardly when Hwang Min-hwa’s name came up.

Also, she had a strange tendency to apologize for… well, nothing.

“It’s just a few days until the first shoot, so don’t overdo it…”

Park Eun-ha was about to continue when—

That’s when we saw a woman entering the agency.

She looked to be in her late twenties.

With glamorous golden hair, a slender figure, and sharp features, she radiated sophistication.

Even without holding luxury items, her appearance still screamed high-end.

She was like a vision with a golden aura surrounding her.

I halted my feet involuntarily.

“Oh my.”

She seemed to catch sight of me too; she pulled down her oversized black sunglasses and smiled.

“Nice to meet you! You must be Seoyeon. I’ve heard so much about you.”

Hwang Min-hwa.

The ten-million actress and the star of Nova Entertainment.


“Wow, I’ve heard about you, but you are really beautiful. Are you a high school student?”


Her response brought a bright smile to her face.

“That’s nice. Unfortunately, I’m leaving soon, but let’s get close while I’m still here.”

“Yes! Thank you for looking after me.”

As I deep-bowed in greeting, I noticed satisfaction bloom in her eyes.

It was a smile that said she was content.

“I’ll see you next time!”

After that, Hwang Min-hwa strutted away with her clicking heels.

Following behind her was her manager…


The manager’s face brushed past me.

Nothing particularly special about her face, but I sensed something.

A vague emotion that even someone as sensitive as me could catch.


It was a feeling I had recently become familiar with while playing certain games.

Fear is a pretty complex emotion, impossible to pin down to just one aspect.

And that feeling was also there.


Even Park Eun-ha, who had been bustling beside me just moments ago, showed similar signs.

I stared at them for a moment.

Then I picked up my phone to contact someone.


“Park Jung-woo-aahh!!”

“Just look over here, please!!”

Park Jung-woo, newly appointed model for the luxury brand Viole, was making an appearance at a department store in Gangnam, dressed in top-notch attire.

It had been a long time since he’d engaged in official public activities.

Waving to the line of women, he was met with ear-piercing screams.

With just a single wave, women screamed as if enchanted.

Among male actors in their twenties, he was the best.

This overwhelming popularity confirmed that his reputation was well-deserved.

“So handsome──.”

At that moment, Jung-woo heard something strange amidst the crowd of screams.

A voice that sounded forced, like it was being squeezed out.

Even through the raucous cheering, a peculiar sound rang clear.


Turning his head curiously, he spotted a girl with black hair shouting passionately, cupping her hands by her mouth.

Wearing a school uniform, she stood out vibrantly amidst the glamorous crowd.


Jung-woo rubbed his eyes.

Why on earth was she here?

For a moment, he thought he was seeing things.

Maybe he was too tired.

After pressing his thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose, he looked ahead again.


An even more drained cheer erupted.

It wasn’t a hallucination.

“Someone take that girl away in a van.”

He instructed the bodyguard beside him in a hushed tone, discreetly pointing out the girl so that nobody noticed.

Then, after the event wrapped up, Jung-woo finally managed to reach his van.

“…Are you serious?”

That was the first thing he said as he opened the door to the van—only to find Seoyeon drinking a can of coffee.

“Why are you here without telling me?”

“You showed up unexpectedly, too.”


Jung-woo was at a loss for words.

“And I did message you. You just didn’t answer.”

Seoyeon displayed her phone’s screen, proving her point.

Indeed, Jung-woo could see Seoyeon’s name shining bright in the call log.

He realized he had been too busy and had missed her call recently.

“Well, fine. Anyway…”

Crossing his arms and slightly tilting his head, he tousled his hair in frustration.

“You should be careful. What if someone sees?”

“No one knows my face that well yet.”

Well, that made sense, given that she hadn’t appeared in any dramas or movies yet.

Still, only people who’ve been around would recognize her.

Talk about boldness—shouldn’t someone call her a fearless actress?


Jung-woo figured talking was pointless since she wasn’t the type to listen.

“So, what brings you here?”

“Hwang Min-hwa, you know her?”

“I know her.”

Of course! Hwang Min-hwa! Jung-woo had played alongside her in Butterfly, a recent film that topped six million viewers.

Seoyeon knew that was why she sought out Jung-woo.

“What kind of person is she?”

“Why do you ask that? Oh, your agency was Nova, right?”

Hwang Min-hwa.

Jung-woo scratched his chin thoughtfully.

Even so, on-set, she was just average.

Word around the actor’s grapevine was generally positive…

“…Is something wrong?”

“Just a little stuck.”


Seoyeon nodded.

“My manager used to be in charge of her’s.”

“Ah, I see. I get it.”

Jung-woo raised his hand to stop her from saying more.

“Just to be clear, don’t spread this around to other actors, okay? Especially in our business.”

You need to be careful with your words at all times—especially with others in the same industry.

At Jung-woo’s response, Seoyeon furrowed her brow slightly.

“I don’t just say stuff to anyone, you know?”


After her remark, Jung-woo paused, pondering.

What was her intention in telling him this, then? Does she consider him a friend, or what?

What did that mean?

“…Anyway, this is just a rumor, not about a specific actress. Just some gossip.”

Taking a moment to settle his muddled thoughts, Jung-woo continued.

“I know of an actress who’s generally very well-received among her peers, yet there are rumors of her verbally abusing juniors and her manager.”

“Verbal abuse?!”

“Just so you know, it’s a rumor. There are no witnesses, and it’s unclear whether it’s truly only verbal.”

Abuse of power.

Jung-woo refrained from using that term.

It was surprisingly common among suddenly famous stars.

‘I’ve been close to that line myself.’

Having never known a life without fame, Jung-woo had risen to success at a young age, making arrogance a risk for him.

Those who behaved arrogantly tend to look down on others.

His father had that tendency.

And he had worked hard to avoid falling victim to that mind.

“And from what I understand, she’s a very ambitious person.”


“Not that it’s a bad thing. It’s just that when one’s desire for advancement is too strong, it can get dangerous.”

Seoyeon listened intently to Jung-woo’s words.

She thought she might understand a bit about why Hwang Min-hwa had frequently changed agencies.

Kang Chan-yul, the head of Nova Entertainment, didn’t seem like the type to neglect his stars.

He probably treated Hwang Min-hwa like the star she was.

Yet, she simply wasn’t satisfied being the flagship star of Nova Entertainment.

“Just so we are clear, this is, after all, a rumor. Don’t say it out loud.”

“Got it.”

Seoyeon nodded obediently, though there was something about her demeanor that felt unreliable.

Considering she had just participated in a cable variety show, it seemed she was someone who liked to do whatever she wanted, which made me uneasy.

‘That’s concerning.’

Watching Seoyeon’s inscrutable expression, Jung-woo cautiously asked.

“Just to be sure, has she done anything to you?”


“Is she picky about status…?”

“Just told me to watch my words.”

At Seoyeon’s response, Jung-woo let out a laugh.

He then gestured for his waiting manager to start heading out.

“Anyway, I’ll give you a ride. Just be sure to contact me next time.”

“I told you, I’m contacting you!”

Seoyeon snapped back at Jung-woo’s remark.


‘Verbal abuse, huh.’

Of course, just as Jung-woo had said, Seoyeon had no intention of rebuking Hwang Min-hwa over this.


‘Her next project will definitely…’

It would overlap with the release date of the movie Seoyeon was about to shoot, The Chaser.

In my previous life, Hwang Min-hwa’s starring film, Utopia, trampled The Chaser, raking in eight million viewers and achieving tremendous success.

Utopia was Hwang Min-hwa’s last work under Nova Entertainment.

‘…I can’t let that happen.’

Seoyeon made that vow.

She always had a strong competitive spirit.

However, this time, she felt an unusual reluctance to lose.

And so it was that, three days later, the first filming day for The Chaser would soon arrive.

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