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Chapter 43

Chapter: 43

The actor who played the role of Bae Seong-hak, Min Seo-ho, dropped out quicker than you could say “What a scandal!”

At this point, there hadn’t even been a major issue yet, but it seemed like Jo Do-yul and the production team were already on the hunt for a replacement.

“It looks like too many people are entangled in this,”

“Just one person getting all hot-headed…”

I could bet discussions were heated where I wasn’t.

Less than a month remained until the play’s start.

If they were to decide, now was the only time.

“Generally, theater preparation takes about a month and a half to three months.”

In other words, we’re looking at 6 to 12 weeks as the basic time frame.

If you prep longer, you’re dragging it out too much, and if it’s shorter, well, good luck!

So, dropping an actor before rehearsals even start isn’t too difficult.

Of course, assuming there’s a new actor waiting in the wings.

“…Shim Cheong-seok.”

And just like that, Jo Do-yul found the perfect actor for the role of Bae Seong-hak.

Shim Cheong-seok.

A man already starring in multiple major plays in Jongno.

“Wow, is Cheong-seok really joining us?”

“Isn’t this his first time in a romance role? I’m really looking forward to it.”

When he first showed up at the gathering of actors, the staff screamed in excitement.

Joo Seoyeon gazed at him intently, tilting her head slightly.

“He’s definitely handsome.”

But I wasn’t sure if he’d fit well in this ‘Eyes Closed’ play.

The previous Bae Seong-hak, Min Seo-ho, was what you’d call a refreshing pretty boy.

Honestly, he didn’t give off the vibe of someone who could juggle multiple roles.

In terms of looks, he was the personification of a pure young man.

“So that’s why the ‘Swordmaster’ didn’t catch on.”

Even if he did, he might have thought it was a misunderstanding.

Didn’t someone once say?

“Longing is the feeling farthest from understanding…”

“Alright, everyone, let’s take a moment to greet each other before practice starts tomorrow, okay?”

That was the cue from the stage director, Lee Hyeong-hak.

With a friendly smile on his face, he gestured toward the gathered actors.

There were fifteen of them in total.

Three lead roles and two multi-talented actors—this was quite a roster.

‘This kid…’

Wasn’t that the one from The Sun Hidden by the Moon years ago?

The spotlight was undoubtedly on Seoyeon, especially with her 10-year gap since her sudden disappearance as a child actor.

No one expected her to show up at an event like this, after all.

The two actresses playing Hong Jeong-hee were probably feeling the pressure.

Having seen the audition tapes, they knew they could be easily compared to her.

‘Wait, is that her?’

To play Hong Jeong-hee, she seemed almost excessively beautiful, didn’t she?

Though those two actresses had their own confidence in their looks, Seoyeon was on another level.

And her presence!

Even among all the actors in Jongno, her aura was undeniable.

She won an award for best adolescent actor at a young age.

It’s not a stretch to say she had the qualities of a top-tier actor.

‘Why is such a talented kid here?’

Aside from the pressure, Joo Seoyeon raised a curious question in my mind.

Why did she, of all times, decide to audition for this play?

Even after years away, there were surely better options if she wanted to return.

With such thoughts swirling, attention turned back to Seoyeon.


Someone cleared their throat.

“Hello, I did well in the auditions. I’m Park Hee-jun, playing the role of Bae Seong-hak. Looking forward to working with you all on Hong Jeong-hee.”

The first to introduce himself was Park Hee-jun, one of the actors for Bae Seong-hak.

He was the eldest in the group and a seasoned actor in Jongno.

“Should I call you senior then? Considering the year you debuted, Seoyeon…”

“Just call me however you’re comfortable.”

“Is that okay? Alright, I’ll do that then.”

No one here had a longer career than Seoyeon.

Though drama and theater were different, staying in one lane isn’t a guarantee for success.

It’s safer to leave a positive impression on rising stars.

Cheong-seok, you should introduce yourself too. We’ll be performing in the same part.”

Hee-jun cheekily nudged Shim Cheong-seok to say a word.

As Cheong-seok slowly nodded in response, Seoyeon couldn’t help but think, “Isn’t he a bit too young?”

“Please take care of me.”

That was it.

His words were few, almost as rigid as his demeanor.

That’s how Seoyeon interpreted Shim Cheong-seok‘s first impression.


Rehearsals were set for three hours a day.

Naturally, I had to skip some of my afternoon classes.

“I got permission from the teacher.”

As I formed a peace sign, Lee Ji-yeon gave me a disbelieving look.

“Wait, you dragged it out like that before?”

“But they actually seemed to appreciate it!”

“I can’t believe how important a hit project actually is.”

Ji-yeon muttered in frustration.

Yet even as she complained, Ji-yeon was the pride of Yeonhwa High School.

Having a celebrity presence like her was a massive asset for a private school, and with her recent appearances in cable dramas, she was one of the most critical figures in the school.

‘Truth be told, I only got quick permission because of Ji-yeon’s influence.’

After Ji-yeon‘s impact boosted our visibility, the school was eager to support my pursuits in the entertainment industry.

But I decided not to say a word about that.

Bragging would only inflate her ego even more.

“By the way…”

Suddenly, Ji-yeon pulled out her smartphone, seemingly struck by a thought.

“What’s up?”

“Isn’t this you?”

I peered at the screen, unsure what she was talking about.

“Whoa, whoa? Did you see that? That guy almost flew away!”

(Sudden noise)

“Oh, is it because she’s a high school girl? The 1st Class 3 High School Girl thing?”

It looked like a clip from a YouTube streamer.

The video wasn’t long, around a minute at most.

The issue was with two figures appearing in it.

The quality wasn’t great, but there was a long-haired high school girl.

Then there was a woman, almost dragged along by the girl.

“Wow, did the club guard approach threateningly and scare her? Look at her fly!”

“Oh, they’re looking this way. I’m gonna stick out a bit.”

Scrolling through the comments, people were all over the place.

Some claimed it was staged.

Others questioned why anyone would bother to fabricate something like this.

After all, creating fake scenarios would definitely raise the ire of the club staff.

“I’m a personal trainer. Judging by size, that high school girl seems about 50kg, which is impossible. The weight difference is ridiculous.”

“Even a regular person can tell that.”

“I’m a high school student and we’re stronger than that nowadays.”

“Correct -> Gotcha.”

After a bunch of comments, the general consensus was disbelief.

The YouTuber defended himself, but not many were on his side.

“This is you, isn’t it?”


“Stop avoiding eye contact, Joo Seoyeon. This is that situation you mentioned before.”

Ji-yeon put her phone away, clicking her tongue.

“You were camouflaged pretty well while filming this. Looks like your YouTube comeback happened way sooner than expected. You know that guy has over 500,000 subscribers and decent recognition, right?”

“I didn’t know.”

I felt a bit unjust at her comment.

I had no idea someone would be filming in that situation.

I thought I was well hidden in the alley!

I didn’t feel any suspicious eyes on me; what are the odds I’d get caught by a YouTuber?

But from the looks of the video, it seemed relatively few people recognized me.

If Min Seo-ho found out about such ruckus, he would have reacted too.


Ji-yeon drilled a scrutinizing gaze into me.

It felt like she was wondering what kind of chaos I got into behind her back.

“Just to be safe, that woman you met afterward; you haven’t seen her since, right?”


“Good. It’s not good to get entangled with dangerous people, so be careful.”

If you just listen to that phrase, it sounds like something a mother would say.

Thinking along those lines made me feel a bit uneasy.

It reminded me of my own mother.

‘What if she sees this too?’

Seoyeon‘s mom, Min Sua, was an avid YouTuber fan.

So, if it became a hot topic, she might just come across it.

If she did watch it, I can’t even imagine how many hours of lecturing would follow.

Just the thought sent shivers down my spine.

Joo Seoyeon,”


“About that promise you mentioned before.”

The “promise” she spoke of?

I racked my brain and finally recalled.

“Oh, coming to my house?”

“Yep. Since once you start with the play, it’s going to be difficult for a while, is this week okay?”


Even though the rehearsals started today, this week should be fine.

My parents were also planning to go shopping with my sibling that day.

‘That day… I better prepare!’

I took a quick glance at Ji-yeon.

It was great things were looking up, but I secretly hoped she would lend me a helping hand.


“Alright, everyone! From today on, we’re going to kick things into gear, so let’s all put in our best effort!”

The rehearsals for the play began precisely from when the afternoon classes wrapped up.

So I managed to rush over in time for practice and didn’t arrive late.

Of course, once we enter performance mode, I will have to skip some of the classes, but that was a problem for another day.

Joo Seoyeon.’

Typically, the acting guidance for the play is handled by the assistant director.

Kim Cheong-woon narrowed his eyes at Seoyeon, who arrived late.

‘Will she be okay? She seems highly talented, after all.’

Still, he felt a twinge of anxiety.

The audition had been impressive.

Having seen Seoyeon there, he fully understood why she landed the role of Hong Jeong-hee.

‘But ability and character are two different beasts.’

A talented child actor who’s still a teenager.

Considering she still was in her teens, there were bound to be elements of concern.

Puberty may have passed, but strong emotions still lingered.

“First, let’s check the performances for Bae Seong-hak, then afterward, we’ll work on coordinating between Cheong-seok and Seoyeon. Is that alright?”


Short replies bounced back.

Shim Cheong-seok and Joo Seoyeon had minimal emotional expression and rarely changed their facial expressions.

‘Oh boy, this is going to be interesting.’

I thought about how many of the actors in this part seemed unusually stoic.

Was this really going to work?

At that moment, Seoyeon didn’t seem to think much of it.

She figured there was no point in talking a lot, which was actually easier.

And right now, her mind was occupied.

‘If it’s Shim Cheong-seok…’

Seoyeon narrowed her eyes, studying Cheong-seok as he warmed up.

From the first moment she laid eyes on him, there was a déjà vu feeling about him.

But upon closer inspection, he was indeed someone she recognized.

‘Definitely… someone who gained popularity from that OTT drama later on.’

He had remarkable acting skills.

Plus, his good looks made him rise to stardom quickly.

But the reason Seoyeon remembered him was for a different reason.

He was the fated actor who passed away just before the final episode while shooting that drama.

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