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Chapter 345

### Chapter 345

Kraush wasn’t much of a reader when it came to novels.

He often got too wrapped up in the wild fantasies they painted, making it hard for him to connect emotionally.

But there was one dream that Kraush held dear.

To save the world, that was it.

Maybe that’s why he often put down novels, feeling indifferent as he flipped through the pages.

“Interesting,” he thought to himself.

But that changed when he read Seirang’s new work and found it fun.

The plot was straightforward.

A cursed girl from the North and a blessed boy from the South, who lost everything because of that blessing.

When they first met as betrothed partners, they weren’t too fond of each other.

But as time went by, they helped each other overcome their shortcomings and became each other’s saviors.

And eventually, they fell in love.

Kraush found it echoed Bianca’s story quite well.

It was a simple narrative, but Seirang’s writing was undeniably exceptional.

“Must be thanks to astrology,” he mused.

Seirang seemed to have a completely different perspective on the world.

Kraush found that viewpoint just as fascinating as any love story.

However, here came the problem—the sensual part.

“I’ve definitely seen something like this before.”

It was Kraush who cleaned up Seirang’s room after Sephira’s fall.

So, he vaguely remembered skimming through her sensual novels back then.

At that moment, he thought it might’ve been some important reference.

“Hardcore, huh?”

Even back then, Seirang’s writing was intensely rich and stimulating.

Kraush was curious about how someone with her face could write such things.

“No wonder she tries to keep her identity a secret.”

If people found out Seirang wrote such novels, chaos would ensue.

Seeing her skill and sensuality combined led to this kind of creation.

“The problem is, this is about me.”

Having used her sensual writing style made him think quite a lot.

He really hoped Bianca wouldn’t end up reading it.

But in the end, the conclusion was that it was fun.

Seirang definitely had talent.

Kraush even started to miss Bianca.

Yet, he was unaware of a key point.

When someone who usually doesn’t read novels finds it interesting, the person who writes it meticulously pays attention to many details.

“Hik, heeeng, hwiiing.”

Kraush turned his gaze to the voice coming from the side.

There was Ebelasque, reading the novel and crying buckets of tears.

As soon as she heard about Seirang’s new work, she got excited and now, she was a complete mess after reading it.

The ending was just that heartbreaking.

And she was diligently wiping her tears, fearing they might splash on the new manuscript, a sign of real distress.

“Does it bring you to tears that much?”

“Are you seriously not crying after seeing this?!”

“Sorry, my tear ducts burned out during training.”

“What? Are you serious?”

“Nah, just kidding.”

Kraush dodged Ebelasque’s swinging fist.

Seeing her huff and puff, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Looking at you, Seirang must be thrilled.”

If an author can evoke such an emotional response, that must be the happiest thing ever.

Ebelasque sniffled at Kraush’s remark.

“Of course!”

Kraush lightly tapped Ebelasque’s head and stood up from his spot.

“Where are you going?”

“Just taking a breather. You keep reading and write that review.”

He’d much prefer Ebelasque’s impressions over his own, after all.

Having said that, Kraush stepped outside, leaving Ebelasque behind.

After walking through the corridor where the night air seeped in for a while, Kraush felt a presence and looked up.

A man with earrings caught the moonlight and glimmered momentarily.

Kraush knew well who he was.

The man was Blavi, a guard of Princess Sephira and an old-timer from the ancient era that Kraush called ‘Nogora.’

Their eyes met, and he opened his mouth.

“You’ve had quite the time keeping Seirang company.”

“Quite the time? Nah, I feel like I just received a ton from her.”

He practically got the skill Sable for free.

That’s a debt to repay to Seirang in the future.

“Seirang has no peers aside from the Holy Maiden. I just thought it wouldn’t hurt to have at least one more around.”

Blavi had been watching over Seirang since the day she was born.

Her parents were rarely home since they were busy with Sephira, so it must have been Blavi who raised Seirang.

‘A fatherly instinct, maybe?’

Kraush realized why Blavi was so enraged when Seirang was murdered by the World Erosion.

What parent wouldn’t be furious if their child was killed?

“I just wanted to tell you something about the Bloodlust.”

“The Bloodlust?” Kraush raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

The Bloodlust was something Kraush had accepted from Blavi.

What he knew was that it heightened his physical abilities while stirring up the desire for violence.

Additionally, it increased the curse’s potency.

That much was enough for Kraush to handle the Bloodlust without trouble so far.

He thought it couldn’t get any more complex than this.

“The Bloodlust serves as a foundation for constructing a divinized physique when ascending to demigod status.”

This meant that if one were to reach demigod status, the Bloodlust would be the best material for constructing their body.

That was a revelation Kraush had never expected, and his eyes widened in surprise.

“I haven’t reached demigod status yet myself.”

Blavi regained his youth through Half-Return, instead of reaching demigod status.

Even for him, aspiring to demigod status wasn’t an easy feat.

“If I were to ascend to demigod, the Bloodlust would have devoured me.”

“So, you’re saying the Bloodlust takes over when reaching demigod status?”

“Yeah, the Bloodlust is always lurking, ready to consume the human it inhabits.”

Until Sephira suppressed his Bloodlust, Blavi had been keeping it in check all these years.

That’s why he was so aware of how dangerous it was.

“You’ll likely reach demigod status soon.”

Kraush’s growth was surprisingly rapid, even shocking Blavi.

He didn’t seem to realize it yet, but just recently, he had made his mark as one of the Ten Great Lords across the world.

The Dragon King, Kraush Balheim.

He went from being known as the Sword Dragon to becoming the Dragon King in no time flat.

This was quite a remarkable feat globally.

Such a sudden rise had stirred the world.

At just 17, he was the youngest to become one of the Ten Great Lords, which was astonishing.

Moreover, since most of the other Ten Great Lords endorsed him, Kraush’s power earned him recognition by the Ten Great Lords themselves.

“One day, perhaps the Swordmaster.”

Or even beyond that.

If that day comes, today’s advice will surely help.

Kraush smiled, realizing Blavi was envisioning a far-off future for him.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”


That was a realm Kraush hadn’t dreamt of yet. But someday he might reach it.

“No, more like it’s a stage I must reach.”

With that thought in mind, Kraush gazed at the distant mountains.

There was still a long way to go.

* * *

Kraush and Seirang met again a day later.

Seirang had knocked herself out sleeping right after finishing her writing.

So, it was only the next day that Kraush could meet her.

“Here’s the review.”

Seirang accepted the review paper from Kraush.

Most of it was written by Ebelasque.

Kraush had jotted down a few words below, but it was nowhere near Ebelasque’s level.

Seirang sat down and read the review carefully.

After she finished, her face lit up, wrapping the review with a smile.

“I’m surprised. I didn’t expect someone to take a girl’s novel so seriously.”

There was genuine joy in Seirang’s expression.

She had hidden her identity as an author from others.

Naturally, that made it hard to find detailed critiques for her works.

But here came Kraush, with genuine thoughts on her not-yet-released new work.

She couldn’t help but be delighted.

“I found it fun to read, so naturally, it would be for a fan.”

Kraush smiled, acknowledging her writing talent.

“Please make sure to thank her for me.”

“Sure, she’ll be thrilled.”

Even now, the corpse rat was busy wiggling in Kraush’s pocket.

What a true fan this little fellow was.

Just as Kraush was about to take his leave, Seirang spoke up.

“Have you made gains with Sable?”

Now that she mentioned it, he hadn’t shared that yet.

Kraush grinned at her words.

“I didn’t just achieve success; I hit the jackpot!”

Even Kraush’s patience was getting antsy at the thought of using that power.

It was a remarkably significant achievement.

“I’m glad to hear that.”

She raised her hand, revealing a crystal ball she was now holding.

“Kraush, you’re following shadows, right?”

Kraush paused.

That shadow undoubtedly pointed to Zodiac Cloria.

Could she have figured it out through astrology?

“I can’t see much about you, but I can somehow manage to glimpse the people around you,” she replied proudly.

Of course, Kraush still couldn’t fully trust that she couldn’t see anything about him.

Seirang started to fumble with the crystal ball.

Her eyebrows twitched slightly.

“Kraush, I think the shadows are with a rabbit.”

A rabbit.

The moment that was mentioned, one name popped into Kraush’s mind.

The World Erosion, Molyaw.

In the past, he had sought the power of the God of Night.

‘Could it be that Molyaw partnered up with Ixion?’

Damn, these World Erosion creatures can’t sit still, can they?

[ Hmmm, truly the astrology befitting a princess of Sephira. ]

Crimson Garden commented with admiration for the astrology.

“Seirang, does that rabbit relate to Ixion in any way?”

As Kraush hurriedly asked, she fiddled with the ball again.

A shower of stardust spilled forth as her hands moved.

After the radiant dust enveloped the area, Seirang slowly shook her head.

“No, it’s different. It’s not related to Ixion at all.”

Kraush looked puzzled at her response.

So, the rabbit has no connection to Ixion?

‘So, Molyaw didn’t team up with Ixion? Could it be a rogue action instead?’

Astrology is often vague, not revealing everything definitively.

Perhaps that’s why Seirang couldn’t provide a more detailed answer.

“I’m sorry. That’s all I have.”

She extinguished the astrology and took a light breath.

“No need to apologize. It was helpful.”

Whatever it is, it looks like Zodiac is being chased by someone other than Ixion.

He could directly approach Zodiac to clarify.

“The shadow’s location is here.”

Seirang deftly handed a paper with the location inscribed on it.

She had pinpointed Zodiac, whom even Crimson Garden and Ebelasque had yet to find.

Just that alone made her a big help.

“Thanks to you, I can find it quickly.”

Kraush thanked her while carefully tucking the paper away.

“Then I’ll see you again.”

Zodiac was in a dangerous spot.

He couldn’t spend too much time here.

So, Kraush bid farewell to Seirang and set out.

With Sable, he now grasped some understanding of the Creation Weapons.

It was practically time to face Ixion.

‘After I handle the Zodiac predicament, I’ll go meet the Sword King.’

Kraush stepped forth with a resolute determination.

It was time to save the world.

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