Switch Mode

Chapter 311

### Chapter: 311

Right after Haring impulsively hugged Kraush.

“Kraush, what do you mean I’m dying?”

Kraush awkwardly expressed surprise just as he felt a cold gaze on him.

Following that gaze upwards, he saw the stark white hair of Bianca.

Kraush’s eyes began to fill with joy.

But soon, apart from that, he faced the chilliness reflected in Bianca’s eyes.


As Kraush called her name, Bianca approached.

She had firmly grasped his collar, reminiscent of a little chick trying to snuggle into someone’s arms.

“Quick, hug me too!”

Kraush quickly figured out why Bianca was reacting this way.

‘Is it jealousy?’

He felt a mix of cuteness and guilt, particularly since he hadn’t looked for her first upon his return.

Kraush lifted his hand and ruffled Bianca’s hair.

This caused the stiff look on Bianca’s face to start to soften a bit.

It seemed she was trying hard to maintain an angry expression, but it was slipping away.

“Have you been well?”


Still a bit sulky, Bianca replied somewhat curtly.

At least her angry vibe had lessened quite a bit.

When Kraush looked up, he also spotted Dalia.

As soon as Dalia’s eyes met Kraush’s, she smiled with relief.

Her gaze seemed to carry a reminder that he should take care of his fiancé.

Kraush couldn’t argue with that look.

He was aware that he had neglected Bianca during his time away.

“Bianca, I bought some snacks on the way back, so let’s eat them together later.”

“Sounds good.”

Hearing Kraush’s words, the frown on Bianca’s face finally faded.

Just the thought of him thinking of her during his training was enough for Bianca.

Having soothed Bianca, now it was Haring’s turn.

“Haring, calm down.”

“But Kraush, you have Inner Pills forming inside you!”

Haring sniffled and looked up at Kraush with concern.

“Having Inner Pills means you’ve reached the end of your lifespan!”

“End of my lifespan…?”

At that, Bianca’s face also stiffened.

She had been focusing only on the fact that Haring was hugging Kraush.

But now that she understood the reason, her mind felt like it was spiraling.

Because they knew better than anyone the trouble Kraush had caused until now.

Kraush had hardly taken care of himself in pursuit of his goals.

Not only did he bear all sorts of risks on his body, he had also leapt without hesitation into dangerous places; it had surely accumulated a price on his body.

In other words, it wouldn’t be odd if Kraush already had a ticking time bomb on his hands.

Immediately after this mission, Kraush had returned to the Special Class Hall.

It didn’t take long for the thought to connect with his lifespan.

“Is this true, Kraush?”

Bianca’s eyes started to flutter.

If Kraush was to die, she wouldn’t be able to see a way forward.

Her world was entirely centered around Kraush.

The hand that held Kraush’s collar trembled.

Bianca was falling into contemplation.

“Such a catfight we’ve got here.”

Only Darling, who understood the situation, watched with amusement.

“Both of you, calm down. It’s not like that.”

Kraush felt a headache coming on and realized he needed to explain the situation quickly.

So he brought both of them inside and sat them down, starting the explanation immediately.

After handing each of them green tea and cocoa, they finally began to calm down.

Bianca and Haring listened intently as Kraush explained everything.

Soon, both of them wore the same expression of concern.

“That’s still dangerous.”

“Equally dangerous.”

It was undeniable.

“And that’s why I came here to resolve it.”

The Special Class Hall was filled with countless geniuses.

Kraush was confident that this place would have a better solution.

Bianca looked over at Haring.

In this matter, Bianca couldn’t assist Kraush directly.

While she had learned summoning techniques, Inner Pills were a topic she was utterly clueless about.

Thus, she firmly grasped Haring’s hand.

“Haring, please help. Help Kraush!”

Looking at the hand holding her own, Haring nodded vigorously.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he’s fine.”

Both were willing to do whatever it takes to help Kraush.

Seeing that, Kraush felt as if he were watching a couple of sisters.

Though he was awkwardly caught in between, he could see that they didn’t seem to be on bad terms.

“Then let’s start with a few tests and gradually think of a solution.”

Meanwhile, Darling casually summarized the situation.

Since this wasn’t an issue that could be resolved immediately, Kraush calmly went along with the tests.

Some of the tests seemed a bit oddly specific, but since Darling said they were necessary, he chose to trust her.

After completing all the tests, Kraush returned with Bianca.

During this time, he learned about the current Academy situation through Bianca.

“The Lion’s Order has grown significantly.”

After Sigrid’s departure, the White Ghosts were formally disbanded.

The White Ghosts had heavily centered around Sigrid, and without her, nobody was eager to stick together.

As a result, those scattered members of the White Ghosts sought new student groups.

Among them, the Lion’s Order had absorbed quite a few White Ghost members.

Initially, it would have been hard for most of the Imperial faction to welcome the White Ghost under Charlotte’s leadership.

However, the Lion’s Order had the Fourth Princess of the Ephania Empire, Sigrid Ephania.

“Sigrid used her influence to allow White Ghost members to join the Lion’s Order.”

Thanks to that, countless White Ghost members funneled into the Lion’s Order.

‘Perhaps Arsoldar coming into the Lion’s Order first too had some effect.’

The child of Freya, Arsoldar Freya, was indeed one of the representative figures of the White Ghosts, so he likely had quite an influence.

Those who hadn’t joined the Lion’s Order ended up in the Demon Order, where the Demon Lord’s son was stationed, or surprisingly, ended up with the Sea Knights, which included Felray.

Felray had been loved for his diligent appearances among many people.

That only meant that plenty admired him among the White Ghosts too.

‘I haven’t seen that guy’s face in forever.’

Rumor had it, Felray was also repeating intense training day in and day out.

Other commoners seemed inspired by his actions, pushing them to train even harder.

‘Now that’s what influence does.’

Kraush genuinely hoped that those working with Felray would support him well.

So that one day, even if Felray denied being the hero of the commoners, they would stand by him and encourage him.

“How was Arthur, Bianca?”

Right after finishing his chat with Arthur, Kraush had embarked on a journey with Durandal to acquire Aura.

There, he had encountered another timeline’s Arthur.

That shocking truth of being her lover also made Kraush see Arthur in a new light.

This current Arthur was unstable, bearing the weight of several timelines.

Naturally, when Kraush inquired about her well-being, Bianca addressed him.

“She has left Rahern Academy.”

Kraush paused.

After their conversation that day, Arthur had also left Rahern Academy.

‘What could she be doing now?’

Since Bianca didn’t know where she went, Kraush decided not to pry further.

He merely thought of the other timeline’s Arthur.

Regardless of whatever state this Arthur was in, she certainly wouldn’t in any way hinder the three women striving to prevent the calamity.

After all, she was one of those who fought the hardest against the impending doom.

‘It should be fine.’

Someday, he would have another chance to meet her face to face.

Kraush’s gaze drifted to the outside hallway.

The once-absent Rahern Academy was now bustling with students again.

Seeing those kids pouring all their effort into becoming stronger, Kraush glanced over at Bianca walking beside him.

At 15, Bianca had grown so much since he first laid eyes on her.

Now, as she stood tall enough to be considered an adult, she smiled softly when their eyes met.

She was the one he had first felt desire for after returning.

Perhaps that’s why, in Kraush’s eyes, Bianca, smiling, appeared dazzlingly beautiful.

He also noticed the ring he had gifted her hanging on her hand.

Suddenly, he recalled the words Sigrid said about giving up the position of first wife.

It wasn’t a modest thought.

But at least concerning Bianca, he assumed she would want that first position more than anything.

After all, she was the one who rushed over with jealousy after seeing Haring.

Pretending otherwise, she might actually have felt some anxiety upon seeing other women crowding around Kraush.


Kraush halted and took her hand.

Bianca looked up at him, noticing their joined hands.

“Let’s have our wedding.”

After a year of postponements, Kraush finally voiced the words he had been holding back.

Bianca’s eyes widened gradually as she absorbed his words.

Then, the frozen Bianca in place quickly grasped Kraush’s hands tightly.

With her little white hands that were much smaller than his, they twitched about.

It was evident that she was embarrassed.


Bianca’s acceptance fell.

While they had planned for this, Kraush couldn’t suppress the overwhelming emotion he felt.

To accept an offer of lifetime companionship was no easy feat for anyone involved.

Kraush reached out and embraced Bianca.

In return, Bianca snuggled against him like a new bride.

With her arms wrapped around Kraush’s waist, she wore an expression of pure happiness.

Seeing that face, Kraush resolved.

Protecting this world from destruction also included preserving Bianca’s smile.

“It’s going to be quite the ruckus when we have our wedding.”

A wedding comes with many things to deal with, even before the agreement of two individuals.

Since both Kraush and Bianca possessed titles, they needed to inform their families, as well as reach out to the Royal Family of Starlon.

After all, it was a meal representing the nobles of Starlon.

The problem was that what used to proceed without a hitch now had the empire awkwardly wedged in between.

Given the empire had pushed for Kraush and Sigrid’s engagement, they certainly wouldn’t remain idle.

This process was bound to be quite the headache.

“I’m sorry. It’s my fault.”

Kraush lamented, knowing that all the mischief he had caused led to this predicament.

Upon hearing that, Bianca rose on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against Kraush’s cheek.

When he glanced down at her warm touch, Bianca was grinning widely.

“It’s okay. You prioritized me first.”

Amid countless issues at hand, Kraush worried if she might feel anxious, so he mentioned the wedding first.

Bianca understood better than anyone the thoughtfulness he had shown her.

“Sigrid’s matters can wait. I know how to read the situation.

The people around you are those who will support you in moving ahead.”

With that, Bianca knew Kraush wasn’t drifting about and always kept her in mind.

“And, I know that other people really like you too.”

As she said that, Bianca smirked like a sly fox.

“Of course, I love you the most.”

Her little boastfulness was always adorable.

“Well, what I mean is…”

Bianca hesitated for a moment but seemed to have steeled her resolve.

“If they, or anyone else, wants to marry you, that’s fine with me.”

“… Bianca, that’s…”

Kraush noticed that Bianca had put quite a bit of thought into it.

The women surrounding Kraush were all exceptional in their own rights.

Bianca knew well that it would be better to move forward together than to sever ties with them.

What’s more, she sensed that the currents of the world were far from normal.

This shift in the world would inevitably bring various dangers upon Kraush.

After all, he was someone who proceeded forward for the sake of this world.

Bianca recalled what happened just today.

‘Just thinking of it now…’

If only she had been the only one beside Kraush, he might have faced tremendous woes ahead.

There was no guarantee such incidents wouldn’t occur in the future.

Kraush, who willingly walked through trials and tribulations, would need more hands supporting him.

Given this, Bianca wanted to assist him and would allow such things if necessary.

“Still, I’m the first one.”

Looking at Bianca’s cherubic smile, Kraush felt a pang of guilt.

He regretted not being able to recognize how much she had agonized over this for so long.

“I’ll find the best solution.”

That is, of course, the best for everyone involved.

When Kraush said he would resolve it, Bianca pulled him into a tight embrace.

“Yes, that sounds good.”

Kraush wrapped his arms around her as well.

In that moment, he vowed again to protect the world from destruction, ensuring this brilliant smile of Bianca would remain intact.

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not work with dark mode