Switch Mode

Chapter 244

### Chapter: 244

After Treating Emperor Sirius’s Illness.

Kraush found himself resting in a room assigned to him in the royal palace.

Even though he had used teleportation, he still had quite a journey by carriage.

So, he figured he deserved at least a day’s rest.

‘Above all…’

Kraush had something he wanted to try with the egg of the White Dragon King that was residing in his body.

If he succeeded in this, Kraush would gain power like never before.

As luck would have it, he needed time, so it was perfect timing.

Knock knock—

At that moment, Kraush turned his head at the sound of knocking.

Standing at the open door was the Fourth Princess, Sigrid Ephania.

“Is the room okay?”

“If this place isn’t okay, then there’s no place in the world that could be.”

As Kraush pointed out, the room was indeed opulent.

It was furnished with the most luxurious furniture and decor since it was meant to welcome distinguished guests in the palace.

Sigrid chuckled softly, not disagreeing.

“So what brings you to my humble abode?”

Normally, she would have gone to her own room to rest, so when Kraush asked why she was there, she shrugged casually.

“I didn’t have much time to chat on the way here, did I? I thought we could have some conversation.”

“I think we’ve had enough conversation as is.”

“Isn’t it different to discuss the process than to talk about the outcome after the process is over?”

Sigrid nonchalantly closed the door, plopped down on the sofa, and sat there comfortably.

There was no such thing as shame in her game.

But Kraush had a few things he wanted to discuss as well, so he followed suit and sat in front of the sofa.

“So what are you going to do moving forward?”

“What do you mean?”

“You stole the White Stone Syndrome for a reason, didn’t you?”

Did she catch on?

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the only one trying to use that disease passed down through the royal family.”

Sigrid looked at Kraush as if it were obvious.

Of course, being a good girl about it, she didn’t scold him too much.

“Thank you for saving His Majesty.”

The main reason she came here was none other than to express her gratitude.

Although they didn’t share a deep bond with her father, to Sigrid, Sirius was still a parent.

As a dutiful child, it was natural to extend thanks.

Kraush smiled briefly.

“Sigrid, without you, I probably wouldn’t have heard such a thank you.”

All the princes and princesses who desired the throne must have been waiting impatiently for Sirius to kick the bucket.

Only when he was gone could they hope to ascend to the emperor’s seat.

But since Kraush had saved Sirius, their chances of seizing the throne dimmed considerably.

Thus, they couldn’t possibly express genuine gratitude to Kraush.

Only Sigrid, who was far from the throne, could offer such thanks.

“What do you think of our brothers?”

Sigrid lightly laughed while chastising him, yet she didn’t deny what Kraush said.

The royal family had been rotting internally for far too long.

“I’m a bit embarrassed. They’ve all been drilled from a young age that being emperor is everything. They’re so tied up in that they can’t see what really matters.”

It would have been nice if she could laugh and spend time with her brothers, but sadly, bloodline defined their fates from birth.

“In that aspect, I envy you, Kraush. Aren’t you close with your sister?”

Upon hearing that, Kraush massaged the back of his neck for a moment.

“I only just realized it a short while ago.”

He had spent a time resenting and being envious of his sister, Charlotte, without recognizing her feelings for him.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s late or early; realizing it is what matters.”

Sigrid smiled a bit more relaxed than usual.

With a head like hers, she had matured into an adult earlier than anyone around.

She understood the painful truths of the royal family.

Kraush, who was watching all this with a thoughtful expression, said,

“Why not just become the empress, then?”


“Yeah, if you became empress, you could prevent the royal family from squabbling. You could do it, right? I could help, too.”

After all, he was planning to throw Sigrid off the cliff no matter what.

Kraush wasn’t particularly fond of the first prince, either.

So if Sigrid became empress, that wouldn’t be too bad.

“Though I treated His Majesty’s illness, the others still carry the disease. Can’t we use that to threaten them into stepping down?”

Sigrid chuckled lightly.

She realized he was trying to lighten the mood with that comment.

Sigrid stared at Kraush for a while, then broke into a playful smile like usual.

“Then didn’t His Majesty also mention something earlier? About making you and my child the emperor?”

“Are you seriously saying that too? I’ll just remind you—I have a fiancée.”

“You think people scorn men who have multiple women? On the contrary, they’d be casting envious glances instead.”

Sigrid rested her elbows on the table, propping her chin on her hands.

“We’re alone in this room right now, aren’t we?”

Sigrid stared intently at Kraush.

“I assure you that whatever happens with me now wouldn’t be a problem at all, right?”

As Kraush gazed at Sigrid for a moment, he raised his hand.

Then, he slowly brought his hand to her cheek and—


He pinched her cheek hard.

“Cut it out.”

“Why are you such a pain?”

“Seriously, it’s problematic for a princess to talk like that.”

With that, Kraush pulled his hand away from the cheek he had pinched, and Sigrid rubbed her sore cheek with a disgruntled look on her face.

“Are you devoid of any lust?”

“Everyone has their level.”

“If you have it, you should use it. What good is it if you don’t?”

Why was she scolding him?

Sigrid sighed dramatically before getting up from her seat.

“I really want to see that fiancée of yours. How can you adore her so much? I need to see her face if I want to feel better.”

“She’ll be enrolling next year.”

Only a little time was left until next year.

Kraush realized he’d soon see Bianca again.

As she glanced at him, Sigrid turned to leave.

“That girl’s pretty lucky. To secure a spot ahead of others. Other kids must be envious too.”

“Let me know if anyone tries to stir trouble for her.”

Kraush pictured Bianca dealing with jealous glares.

Given her personality, it seemed unlikely she’d be affected much.

But still, he wanted to avoid putting her in that situation.

“I’ll keep it in mind.”

Sigrid cast an unhappy glance in Kraush’s direction before finally leaving.


At that moment, a flapping sound came from outside the window.

Kraush shifted his gaze and, sure enough, there was a crow.

A world-eater’s species, freely coming and going around the palace.

Well, it made sense given that royalty was originally world-eaters themselves, so I guess it’s not too shocking.

When Kraush opened the window, the crow waddled in.

Then it hopped onto the bed and sat down right there.

“Are you here to chirp at me too?”

As Kraush closed the window, he asked, but the crow simply stared at him silently.

It felt awkward seeing it keeping its beak tightly shut.

“Don’t worry; the White Stone Syndrome won’t be a problem for me at all. If it helps, then good.”

So, Kraush casually tossed a few words at it.

But still, the crow just kept gazing at Kraush.

Feeling something was off, Kraush scrutinized the bird again.

And soon, he realized this was no ordinary crow.

As Kraush’s eyes narrowed, he felt his gaze sharpening.

“…Who are you?”

Kraush asked the crow.

The creature clearly held the power of world erosion.

But it definitely wasn’t one of the crows from Crimson Garden.

Upon hearing Kraush’s question, the crow briefly ruffled its wings before opening its beak.

“You’re the one you’re most cautious of.”

A young female voice, with a touch of innocence.

As soon as Kraush heard that voice, he barely managed to maintain his composure.

He recognized who it was.


One of Arthur’s ladies.

The red witch, Abella, had revealed herself.

“I have quite a few people I’m cautious of, you know.”

Kraush forced himself to keep his expression steady.

He knew Abella would make an entrance one way or another.

Since his reincarnation, she had been an unpredictable variable.

From hiding herself to being obsessed with Arthur more than the others, she was also one who had interfered with Ixion and the fake Arthur.

And now, here she was.

Emerging when she had been hidden away for so long.

Not sharing any information on this side while trying to gather intel from the other side.

“I don’t know who you are.”

So, Kraush kept his cool.

She clearly suspected him.

Suspicion isn’t the same as certainty.

So there was a high chance that no useful information could be extracted through probing.

“I’m Abella, a person you’ve never met in this era.”


At her next words, Kraush’s expression contorted into a frown.

“Isn’t that the one you were looking for from the Igrit family?”

Kraush pretended he was seeing her for the first time.

“What’s someone like that doing using the power of world erosion?”

He threw a question in there to pry for information.

“I’m here today to give you a warning.”

But she offered no response to Kraush’s words.

He clicked his tongue.

This was the thing that drove him crazy about talking to Abella.

She would only say what she wanted to say.

“If it’s a warning…”

“About the consequences that will arise from your reckless actions.”

Kraush’s eyes narrowed.

“What do you know to be making such bold claims?”

This was genuine.

Abella had only clung to Arthur, wailing about the crumbling world.

What business did she have to lecture him now?

Kraush sincerely questioned Abella.

But once again, she didn’t answer.

“Whatever secret you have, I don’t care. But your actions are hindering me.”

The crow rose from its seat and looked down at Kraush.

She had come to warn him, as she claimed.

“If you continue to obstruct me, I will kill you.”

That was genuine.

That’s why Kraush treated Abella as a variable.

Unlike the other two who moved cautiously, this woman lived purely for herself, without any hesitation in her actions.

“I’m telling you today as a warning.”

At that moment, the crow Abella had sent began to glow red.

“Damn it!”

Just as Kraush cursed at the sight, the crow suddenly lit up brightly and exploded.

“If you don’t want to die, stay out of my way.”


The crow exploded, blowing the entire room apart.

An explosion in the royal palace threw everything into chaos.

Amidst the disturbance, black smoke billowed up from the burning room.


And then a hand reached out through the smoke, blowing it away.

Kraush stood there with his eyes glowing red.

At the moment of the explosion, he had forcibly activated the Annihilation Erosion to withstand it.

Fortunately, he didn’t seem to be seriously injured.

The wall that had been destroyed by the explosion opened up to the outside.

Kraush glared outside with a chilling gaze.

“Let’s see who dies first.”

That side had declared war.

So responding to that was only natural.

He would make sure to make them regret not finishing him off today.

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not work with dark mode