Switch Mode

Chapter 116

Chapter: 116

Kraush, who had demonstrated the ability to defeat an associate professor in the entrance exam, looked at the situation as if to say, “Could I really fall due to an explosion?” Haring seemed to have no words either.

“Unexpected situations can arise from anywhere.”

Kraush wouldn’t deny that, but he could feel Haring’s desire to help. Still, he decided not to press her further.

After all, there was no time to argue.

Kraush pulled out Thunderstrike.

Haring, a bit late to the party, drew two daggers from her waist simultaneously.

Beneath the crumbled floor was a long corridor of ruins.

The presence of erosion creatures was felt throughout that corridor all at once.

Their target was none other than the fallen Kraush and Haring.

“Let’s make it to where the erosion creatures are. What are you planning to do?”

“I’ll follow you.”

Well, there was really no other choice.

“Tell me what you can do.”

At this point, Kraush realized he didn’t know much about Haring’s abilities.

To be fair, that’s because she had left her generation in the celestial realm.

The reason she left was to kill Bianca, who was a White Ghost at that time.

Kraush didn’t particularly hate Haring.

His feelings towards Bianca back then were solely guilt.

So he felt only regret for her death.

He had no intention of seeking revenge against Haring for killing her.

Just as Bianca sought revenge against the Poison King who slaughtered her family, Haring had simply done the same.

“Stealth, poison, and sneak attacks are weak in an open confrontation.”

“Then I’ll take the front. You look for an opening to strike.”

Kraush lightly summoned the Inferno Erosion.

Suddenly, a long blade of gold erupted from Thunderstrike, with black flames rising around it.


In that moment, an erosion creature burst through the outer wall.

With steel-like spikes erupting from its body and a spherical shape, it rolled toward Kraush.

The creature rolled with a speed that could immediately butcher a human.

However, Kraush swung Thunderstrike without the slightest hesitation.


As Kraush collided with the erosion creature, smoke rose into the air.

Amidst the smoke, the creature peeked its head out, clearly flustered.

Kraush had managed to stop its roll without even taking a step back.

“Is that all you’ve got?”


As Kraush’s black flames surged, the creature stumbled in surprise, flailing about.

But it was already too late.

Haring, who had disappeared into the shadows, was wielding two daggers.


The purple aura soaked into Haring’s dagger pierced through the creature’s neck muscles, cleanly severing its throat.

The dagger slid through the thick neck without any issues.

Kraush recognized what he had just witnessed.

It was the Lagrain family’s poison technique, “Thousand Poisons Penetration.”

A skill that dealt with myriad poisons.

The one she had just used was likely the kind that dissolved flesh.

Having used this type of poison frequently back in their academy days, Kraush remembered it all too well.

‘Even now, its effectiveness is impressive.’

Poison was one of the most aggressive methods of attack, making it particularly useful against erosion creatures.

If the Lagrain family hadn’t been at the forefront of war, these techniques would have served them very well in the world of erosion.

Kraush clicked his tongue as he reminisced about the past.

‘This time, I’ve got to save all of them.’

Talents that could stop world erosion must be preserved and employed to prevent their demise.

There was no way he’d let them die easily.

Kraush glanced back at Haring, who had landed gracefully after her strike.

Thanks to his instinct, he already sensed the other erosion creature’s position.


Kraush pointed Thunderstrike towards the ground, wearing a cold smile.

“Ever tried digging a tunnel?”


Just as Haring looked at him puzzled, Kraush thrust Thunderstrike into the ground.

At that moment, black flames surged up from his sword.

“Now’s your chance if you haven’t!”

A special experience for a fellow classmate.

* * *

In the lair of the main erosion manipulator, Irma.

A mid-aged man with distinct wrinkles on his face sat in front of an altar.

In his hand was a crystal skull, emanating a peculiar glow alongside the darkness flowing from his hand.

The darkness swayed along with the glow coming from the skull on the altar.

This was none other than the power of the God of Night.

He had been capturing the God of Night’s power in the crystal all this time.

However, perhaps it was because it was divine power, the energy extracted was still pitiful compared to what the God of Night originally possessed.


Just then, it seemed an intruder had appeared.

As Irma felt his erosion creatures being attacked from a distance, a shimmering smile crept across his face.

“You foolish Yellow Tower fools, unaware of the traps laid before you.”

Irma had sensed the Yellow Tower’s request for his help in dealing with the academy.

They were likely trying to use him for cheap.

But it was a foolish thought.

‘I’ll use the individuals sent from the academy as hostages instead.’

Academy members often came from noble families.

No matter how skilled they may be, in the God of Night’s crypt, he was invincible.

Thus, Irma ambushed them as soon as they entered.

After capturing them, he would ensure the Yellow Tower or anyone else could not intervene.

During that time, he would absorb all the God of Night’s power.

Then, there would be no one left in the world capable of stopping him.

‘Damn those Yellow Tower bastards, they’ll know soon enough.’

He had been cast aside in Debram.

Born from the lowly status of a slave to poor parents.

Though he had innate magical talent, the stigma of his lowly background lingered.

The Yellow Tower folks could never acknowledge him, and his inferiority complex grew sharper by the day.

One day, he discovered a ruin.

This ruin was, in fact, the tomb of a forgotten half-god who had died challenging the deities long ago.

But even in death, such a god had left their power sealed within the tomb.

As soon as Irma realized that, his eyes glinted with excitement.

He thought, ‘I can use this power!’

Afterward, Irma persevered through constant research within the ruins.

However, magic alone was not enough to activate it.

In the end, after much contemplation, he decided upon the power of world erosion.

By chance, he learned of Wolmyeo, the world erosion manipulator.

After traversing the lawless zone, he finally met Wolmyeo, kneeling before him and wishing to become his servant.

Wolmyeo was generous.

He shared the power of world erosion with him and told him to fulfill his dreams.

Thus, in gratitude, Irma was determined to seize the God of Night’s power for himself.

He wanted to appear as the highest caste of the power structure that the Yellow Tower seemed to treasure so much.

With a face full of anticipation, he revealed his greed.


In that moment, the ceiling above the altar collapsed.

Irma, too, looked up at the ceiling in shock.

He hadn’t expected the ceiling to cave in.

At that moment, someone jumped down through the opening created in the ceiling.

Shrouded in black flames, the one landing had dark blue hair billowing in the air, brandishing a golden blade.

“Is it you? The fool trying to lay hands on my prize.”


Irma was caught off guard by the suddenness of the words that fell from his lips.

But regardless, Kraush felt the presence of the God of Night emanating from Irma’s crystal skull and smiled.

“Yup. It’s you.”

He decided he needed to deal with him before the gods made their move.

* * *

Inside the tomb of the God of Night.

Before the tomb containing his remains, Irma let out a bitter laugh as he looked at Kraush.

Given his attire, he was clearly a student from Rahelrn Academy.

And he looked like a mere child who had just reached adulthood.

‘How dare you come in here so recklessly.’

Now he understood why he hadn’t sensed Kraush until now.

It was due to the energy emanating from Kraush’s body.

‘Curse? World erosion?’

A mysterious force was seeping from his body and sword.

Currently, the ruins were filled with the erosion creatures that Irma had deployed.

Irma had sensed when someone possessing power beyond world erosion entered.

But because Kraush was giving off an energy similar to world erosion, he hadn’t detected him.

Of course, even if he had noticed, he never expected someone would come crashing through the ceiling.

“Who the hell are you?”

“I’m the one who came to punish you.”

Kraush casually said, loosening his neck as if it were no big deal.

Irma frowned at the blatant dismissal.

But regardless, the power Kraush possessed was clearly master-level.

Levels that were unfathomable for someone who had just turned an adult.

He was not someone to be underestimated.

‘The Yellow Tower seemed serious about sending someone.’

At that age, to produce such a monster…

That’s why the nobility prized bloodlines so highly.

This kid was definitely from a prominent family.

‘This works in my favor.’

With bloodlines of that status, he would undoubtedly be cherished within his family.

He was the perfect candidate to use as a hostage.

“I have a proposition.”

The first to speak was none other than Irma.

Kraush stood there, ignoring Irma’s words while resting Thunderstrike at his side.

“If you attack me, your friends above will die at the hands of the erosion creatures. This ruin is filled with creatures you aren’t aware of.”

Among them were some exceptionally dangerous ones.

They were beings that even Irma could barely reign.

They were the ones he had hoarded in preparation for an all-out war against the Yellow Tower.

“If you surrender peacefully, I’ll let them live.”

Irma was well aware of how tight the bonds of friendship were among students at that age, having forged strong connections in the academy.

Such bonds meant nothing.

At that moment, Kraush’s eyebrows furrowed for the first time.


The only thing that sparked annoyance within his whole demeanor was the mention of friendship.

Seeing Kraush’s reaction, Irma’s smile warped into something sinister.

“Yes, your friends. You can’t just brush that off, can you?”

“You bastard, don’t bring that guy into this and keep yammering about friends!”

In response came nothing but harsh insults.

Irma felt dazed, astonished that he would receive such language for simply mentioning the concept of friendship.

Isn’t his language too foul for a noble?

“You should receive some punishment.”

In that moment, Kraush slammed his foot into the ground.

As heat radiated from his body, a faint smoke billowed from his mouth, causing Irma’s eyes to widen in shock.

The power surging toward him from Kraush suddenly multiplied several times.

“This bastard!”

Realizing he had been hiding his true power, Irma quickly stretched out his hand.


In an instant, the very space vibrated along with his motion.

Kraush continued racing toward Irma, who, soon enough, discovered that he had entered his custom battle zone.

He would have to pay for entering such a place without any caution.

“Swallow it!”

With that command, a massive worm-like erosion creature broke through the ceiling.

The enormous creature filled visibility, opening its mouth wide toward Kraush.

The creature’s inner throat was filled with serrated teeth, an utterly gruesome sight.

Right before the creature reached him, Kraush silently exhaled.

At that moment, when his focus peaked, a ripple exploded outward.

Kraush’s eyes sparkled as Thunderstrike was drawn forth.

Inferno Erosion
First Form
Inferno Slash!

Thunderstrike drew forth fire and, with a swing, arced toward the worm-like erosion creature.

The attack severed the creature in half, and the blade rapidly aimed at Irma’s neck.



Irma’s scream mixed with the explosion that accompanied Kraush’s attack.

As black flames spread in every direction, setting the tomb ablaze, Irma raised his arms defensively in front of himself.

Using the power of the God of Night stored within the crystal skull, he successfully activated a protective spell.

“What is, what is the power of that attack…”

The problem was, with just one swing of Kraush’s Inferno Slash, Irma’s defensive magic circle shattered.

He had survived with his life, but the sheer force left him in disbelief.

This was dangerous.

As Irma realized this, he hastily reached for his crystal skull.


At that moment, Kraush’s sword pierced Irma’s right arm swiftly.

As Irma’s arm was severed, the crystal skull he held crashed to the ground.

“I told you.”

With Irma’s eyes wide open, Kraush’s fist was already aimed at Irma’s chin.

“You deserve to be punished.”


Kraush’s punch struck Irma’s jaw, knocking him senseless.


Simultaneously, a successive strike sent Irma soaring into the air once more.


After the brain-rattling impacts, Irma rolled on the ground below, his eyes rolled back into his head, completely knocked out.

As Kraush took a breath, Haring appeared as she retrieved her daggers, emerging from the shadows after finishing the deed.

Thanks to her, they easily got rid of an opponent with scant information.

“Is that a fatal poison?”

“Not that harsh. Just enough to incapacitate them for a while, even with treatment.”

That’s quite formidable.

Kraush thought about learning some poison techniques in that case.

He pondered briefly, realizing that poison and curses might share a lot in common.

‘I might create something truly interesting.’

Perhaps it would allow him to harness a new type of curse.

“Haring, what’s your minor?”

“Special Arts.”

“That’s perfect. Later…”

Just as Kraush was about to continue, his eyes widened suddenly.

Because behind Haring, Irma’s right arm was slowly rising once again.


Kraush immediately infused Thunderstrike with black flames.

“Jump this way!”

As he spoke, black darkness began to spread around the enchanted crystal skull.

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not work with dark mode