Switch Mode

Chapter 670

Chapter: 670

I kicked the knight away with a solid kick and tried to act all calm, but inside, I was a mess.


Oh, that was close!

Just a little longer, and Visi would have lost her head!

I still haven’t given her what I promised! That would be a real problem!

I’d be the bad one!

It’s all because of that bumbling fool!

If they had just teleported me to a decent spot instead of this crisis point, I wouldn’t be in this mess!

When Adri asked for help, I was just about to dive into the dungeon.

I was pondering how to raid that dungeon when a sudden call for help rang out.

There wasn’t anyone around who would be suitable to send in!

And gathering everyone together? Who knows what chaos might happen in the dungeon!

Especially since we’re saving a necromancer this time; sending anyone half-hearted could lead to disaster!

In the middle of that dilemma, Phoebe grabbed my shoulder.

“Your Grace, we’ll handle this.”

I had already memorized the ins and outs of this dungeon.

They could handle it among themselves.

If the worst came to pass, they could at least manage the monster that might escape outside.

So I should just go.

“Joy will teleport you. Go and come back. We’ll finish everything before you return.”

“Hey, you guys…”

“Trust us. We’re stronger than you think.”

So, I was pretty much pushed into this situation, but who would have guessed that idiot would mess up again?

Is it really that hard to stabilize coordinates!?

Why is it throwing me so far away when I’ve never been to this place before!

They could have just sent me flying through the sky like last time!

Then I could smash my opponent while dropping down!

Aaaah! I can’t forgive this. I’m going to torment that idiot when I get back.

“Why are you stopping us, Apostle?”

I smirked at the holy knight’s utterly confused words.

“Puh♡ What a silly question!♡ Do I need a reason to mess with trash?♡”

“That one is a necromancer. An existence that should not be in this realm.”

“And you?♡ What gives a corpse the right to judge anyone?♡”

“…Huh? I’m nothing like that!”

“Embarrassed?♡ You should’ve just stayed hidden!♡ Bragging about your dead friends is disgusting!♡”

I spun my mace around and winked at Adri.

She hurriedly took Visi and stepped back.

Good thing she’s on it! If that guy’s next to me, he won’t be able to pull any divine shenanigans.

“A loser like you should at least have a friend instead of clinging to ghosts, you pitiful weirdo!♡”

Come on, using the dead isn’t that bad all the time.

It’s often described as sinister, but if you think about it, it has its positives.

Comparing it to a lunatic trying to resurrect an evil god is straight-up unfair.

“Hey, losers!♡ Can you stop staring at me?♡ I can’t even stand sharing a glance with losers who’ve thrown away their pride and are just getting stomped!♡”

Their faces twisted with rage as I continued.

“Ahh~♡ You’re addicted to losing, huh?♡ Want to lose to a cute girl this time?♡ Pffh! You smell worse than corpses!♡”

As those without a single thought rushed at me, the knight held them back.

They must have some way to control this madness since it’s not a moment you could talk sense into.

“Not going to charge at me?♡ You scared of a kid?♡ Hehe! So pathetic!♡”

“I am solely here to eliminate the necromancer. I have no intention of directing my sword at you, Apostle.”

“Hmmm~♡ But why do your eyes look so gross?♡ Are you that bothered by my belly button?♡”

“Even if you say that, I remain unshaken.”

“Of course, you would!♡ Corpses can’t get excited without a corpse!♡”

I grabbed my weapon, scattering the fairies around me.

They seemed to think this was all a game, wearing smiles of amusement.

“Did you come here because of the lunatic?♡ Want to take my corpse later?♡ Wow, that’s really gross!♡”


“Were you secretly poking at the corpse till now?♡ Does it still have its bits intact?♡ It looks like it’s rotting away to the shape of nothing!♡ Oh!♡ There wasn’t much to begin with!♡”


“It looks like it could’ve been that way! But then, if you had confidence, you wouldn’t be feeling lust towards a corpse!♡ Hmm~♡”

The knight led the charge, followed by several corpses rushing toward me.

There was no coordination whatsoever.

Not a shred of strategy to be found.

They were merely following their emotions and charging at me without a second thought.

In my eyes, they looked like nothing more than beasts itching to pounce on a girl.

I took a step to the right.

The sword sliced through the air.

Then stepped back.

The hand reaching for me went wide, and the spear that followed pierced right through it.

I stepped forward, smashing a head in with my mace, then yanked the spear backwards.

The guy holding the spear became my human shield against incoming arrows.

“Pffff! Did you want to be cute?♡”


I tossed away the human shield to deal with the archer, then took a step back.

Once more, a sword sliced through the air in front of me.

Along with the face of the corpse aiming for me nearby.

“Eh~♡ You can be so rough with your toys?♡”

The enemies’ ragged breath quickened.

The eyes all glued to me, entirely disregarding everything around them.

Their voices filled with fury.

Yet despite that, their desperate flailings were just hilarious to watch.

I had bought as much time as I wanted, yet I still ended up playing around a bit longer.

As much as I want to laugh at them more, I should keep it to a minimum. I’ve got too much to do right now.

I filled the area around me with the divine light from the footprints I left behind.

With the purification ability granted to me by that pathetic god.

The power to erase impurities from this world.

As the power of the deities descended upon the land, what shouldn’t exist scattered into dust and fell onto the ground.

The only remaining knight seemed to lose his spirit, lowering his weapon upon witnessing my power.

I knocked him out with a whack to the head and pulled out some rope from my inventory to tie him up.

My grandfather’s nagging was quite annoying, but the result is good.

I, who tied him up, didn’t even know how to untie the knots, so how would he fare?

Dragging the knight along, I carelessly tossed him in a corner and approached Visi near the mansion entrance.

I need to fulfill my promise, so I should ask her to wait a bit.

Since I promised, I need to make sure I give her the best.

With debts stacked against me, I could ask all sorts from other fools, so there’s no rush right now.

Not like Adri’s turning into a saint overnight.

“Visi, can you explain to mom a bit…?”

Moving with a light heart, I saw Visi’s mom who was trembling and caught between tears, Visi opening and shutting her mouth to spit out an apology.

Uh, uh.

What’s up with the mood here?

Shouldn’t it have been the usual “Thank you, Lady Lucy!” moment by now?

What’s the issue?

‘Weren’t we just in a life-threatening situation a moment ago? Who has the time to worry about that?’

True, but up until then, Visi was prepared to die to block them.

She must have been watching all the drama unfold.

Ugh. Damn it. I really can’t be bothered to sort out what’s right or wrong here.

I’ll just stomp it down with my authority.

With a half-hearted fix-up, I grabbed Visi’s shoulder and pulled her back.

Visi’s mom’s eyes shifted from surprise and joy to a late-blooming anxiety.

“Um, Lady Alrn. No, Apostle. Visi isn’t a bad girl!”

Good parents. Just like some useless guy flailing around with a giant sword somewhere right now.

I couldn’t help but chuckle while picturing Benedict’s face every time he saw me.

“I know.”

“She just made a mistake while wandering around and isn’t a bad girl at heart.”

“I know, lady. Do you think I’d be here if I thought this sidekick was trash?”

She seemed flabbergasted, not expecting any positives, her lips moving in a silent gasp as I turned my gaze back to Visi.

“Yeah, she’s foolish, timid, and a bit useless, but that doesn’t mean she should be punished. If I send her to that pathetic god, she’ll just get sent back with a “What’s this trash you’ve sent me?””


“I wouldn’t blame her if she looked a little cute. But we all know she looks like a country bumpkin, with no charm to her at all. Not the taste of a pathetic god.”

Visi’s mom’s eyes spun around, unsure if I was backing her or trashing her.

This is where that mesugaki skill gets annoying.

How do I get across that your daughter is a decent person?


While lost in those thoughts, an unexpected sob came from behind me.

Red-eyed Visi tried to wipe her tears, but her tiny hands couldn’t conceal the endless flow.

Unable to bear the overwhelming emotions, Visi threw herself at me and began to wail loudly.

Sure, I could’ve dodged, but then I’d be the heartless witch.

Gotta hold out for now. Well.

– Thank you.

As I saw Adri bowing her head in a sulky manner, I couldn’t help but twitch my lips.

‘Looks like this toy loves me more than you? How sad. Was it you who thought you were her only friend all along?’

– …Shut it! Visi’s best friend is ME! Visi’s mine! You go play with the pudgy nun or that dumb magician! You jerk!

That’s a bit rough, especially coming from the one who saved my life.

I mumbled while a smile broke across my face.

You know, I do feel more at ease with this vibe over being praised.

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not work with dark mode