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Chapter 669

Chapter: 669

If you ask what Lucy Alrn’s weakness is, people who know her would all say the same thing.

It’s the people around her.

Having faced all sorts of troubles for a long time, she doesn’t pay much attention to her own pain.

It’s not that she can’t feel pain, but she can easily disregard anything that’s merely annoying.

However, she can’t stand causing trouble for those around her.

Especially if it stems from her own actions.

The Pope is very well aware of this.

Since the moment Lucy wielded Ruel’s mace, he has received numerous reports about her.

From her personality to her relationships, he knows it all.

That’s why he also knows exactly where to poke.

You shouldn’t start by knocking down something major right off the bat.

If a huge shock hits without any preparation, she won’t be able to sense all the pain vividly.

First, small ripples need to be created.

Make her think about her opponent’s intentions. Imagine the worst-case scenario. Act out to try and prevent it.

Only then will she be able to accept the big shock, feeling it with her whole body, and finally crumble.

“Is that place over there?”

The holy knight following the Pope tilted his head while looking at a small mansion on the hill.

It was nothing special.

Just a so-called minor noble in a rural corner.

If a single knight were to drop by, it would be swept aside in an instant.

Is there really a powerful spirit residing in such a place?

“You’ll find out once you go. Prepare yourself mentally.”

“Understood, Your Holiness.”

The holy knight headed toward the mansion, accompanied by those who had transcended death.

The sight of about a dozen people advancing with weapons in hand completely trampled over the idyllic view of the mansion.


A while ago, Visi, who had been following Adri in the capital’s palace, was feeling the harsh reality of going outside.

The scene back then was terrible to recall even now.

After Lucy was kidnapped, the atmosphere grew gloomy, and she had to navigate through it while putting on a disguise, also participating in mediating the previous kings of Soladin and the third prince, Arthur, was quite the burden.

What was most annoying was that she had not gotten to meet the culprit behind all this suffering—Lucy Alrn.

There was a way to approach Adri! They had made a deal!

Now that it’s all over, she should inform me right away!

Why isn’t she coming to see me and is out creating chaos elsewhere!

– It seems there’s no room for that here.

Visi pouted at Adri’s words floating above her on the bed.

“Who doesn’t know that? I was just venting a little.”

– It’s not an urgent matter.

“I know. But…”

Adri understood why Visi was so anxious.

While she did want to be with Adri, it was the sight of the deceased coming back to life that she truly wanted to witness.

In the end, Visi’s wish was to revive her brother.

– We need to pray for Young Lady Alrn’s victory. If she loses, there won’t be anyone to inform us of anything.

“Is it even meaningful for us to cheer now?”

Just a few days ago, Lucy became the hero of the entire continent.

Bards are all singing about her now, and the value of the accessories depicting her that were previously released is skyrocketing, to the point where even the kids in this rural area know her name.

Thanks to that, there was a state of emergency among the noble young ladies of Soladin.

They had been tormenting Lucy for a long time.

Claiming she wasn’t aware of the curse on her, insisting that if they had known, they wouldn’t have done such things, and portraying themselves as the victims, but it didn’t change a thing.

The bullying towards Lucy had been openly happening in high society, after all.

By now, it’s likely that their parents are also panicking.

Now that Lucy is credited with suppressing various incidents in the royal palace, gaining even justification, those who displeased her will be wiped out.

They might be hoping for Lucy to fall rather than rescue the world.

Well, thinking this way, I guess I should offer a prayer too.

I don’t know how much influence a necromancer’s prayer can have, though.


“Yeah? What? I’m thinking about what prayer to offer…”

– This isn’t the time for such talk! Enemies are approaching!


– Those with the aura of the Evil God!

“W-Why are they coming here?!”

Could it be because of what happened in the kingdom last time!?

– No time to think of that! We need to get out right now!

“F-First, we need to get our parents to a safe place.”

– There’s no place safer than this mansion! You know that!

Right, the last time, Adri had bestowed various protections upon the mansion.

Brought back to her senses by Adri’s urgency, Visi grabbed her staff and dashed outside.

Her mother, who had been cooking inside, asked what was happening, but Visi didn’t answer.

The first thing she did after coming outside was to make sure no doors could be opened from inside the building.

It was clear what would happen if her parents, who couldn’t fight, accidentally stepped outside.

With trembling hands gripping her staff, she spotted the approaching enemies from afar.

Leading the charge was a knight in shining armor.

The knight, brimming with the energy that necromancers despise most, was undoubtedly a member of the Church of the Lord.

Yet those surrounding him were the complete opposite.

They were something akin to death itself.

Even after facing death, they deny it and roam the world.

Monsters not permitted in this realm.

Visi would have been deeply moved by these beings she could call her ideals, but seeing those monsters now brought no trace of emotion.

An alarm rang incessantly in her head.

They should not exist in this world.

Their mere existence disrupts the order. A nightmare that should never be accepted on the ground.

…Was I trying to turn my brother into something like that?

– Visi!

“Ah. Ahhh.”

– Get a grip! This isn’t the time!

“I… I…”

– Visi! Get hold of yourself!!!

Startled by the booming voice inside her skull, Visi realized Adri had burrowed deep into her mind.

“Ah. Adri?”

– Ugh! I can’t stand how frustrating this is! Is this really the time to be mulling over that!? It’s not just you dying that’s a problem! What about your parents inside there!?

She was right.

Getting frustrated, feeling despair, and falling into self-loathing to the point of hanging a noose from the ceiling was something that could wait.

What Visi needed to do now was fight against them.

– I’ve sent a signal to Young Lady Alrn. We just have to hold on until rescue arrives.

“…Isn’t it pointless to put the mask back on now?”

– Just act like you don’t know.

“Ha ha. That’s going to be hard. You literally shouted it into my brain.”

Sigh. Regardless, thanks to that, my tension has eased. With a light smile, Visi swung her staff, and Adri began to chime a necromantic song from behind her.

The souls hidden deep in the earth rise to the surface, screaming.

Dark clouds cast shadows over the once-clear sky, a rough and cold wind blows, and the life of the earth gradually fades away in the chill.

“Your Holiness was right.”

The holy knight, who had reached Visi now, lit up the surroundings with his divine light, raising his sword.

“Die, evil being.”

“I don’t think you’re in a position to say such things.”

– If anything, aren’t we of the same kind?

The knight lunged at Adri without a hint of hesitation.

Utilizing both aura and divine power, the knight’s speed was overwhelming.

There’s no way a lightweight like Visi could keep up.

– What an interesting sword you have.

However, for a necromancer, these things were merely solvable issues.

Those who could manipulate the dead could delegate tasks that they couldn’t accomplish themselves to others.

– Whether now or before, religious zealots always are such a pain.

– It’s quite bothersome.

– Oh ho! Are you dismissing the grace of the God!?

– Be quiet, you ugly zealot. If you’ve become a spirit, would it kill you to drop some of that arrogance?

The spirits manifesting above were no mere ghosts.

They were those who had once served as kings of Soladin and who had sacrificed their souls for their country even after death.

Fearing the miserable state of their descendants, they chose Visi as their new resting place instead of attaining paradise, hurling curses at the knight before them.

“They’re the spirits of the past.”

– Oh. That guy was the chieftain of the desert tribe! He should have died a long time ago!

“You seem to have withered away too!”

– I know that jerk! He was the trash I faced on the battlefield!

“A slaughterer. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

– Heh heh. Just little punks.

“This time, I will definitely kill you.”

As the bygone champions clashed with the past kings, the knight flew in between them, blocked by Adri.

The dozens of blades floating in the air made up for the lack of swordsmanship skills.

“I’m glad I came here! Now I can do one more deed for the great God!”

Adri, casting aside wounds, sprinted at the knight.

Even if they were at a standstill for now, it wouldn’t continue for long.

While the strengths of individual spirits were indeed remarkable, Visi’s control over them was insufficient.

Soon enough, cracks would begin to appear in her abilities.

Just wait till that cocky brat arrives!

Adri’s prediction was spot on.

A rift began to form in the supposedly tense standoff between enemies and allies.

The enemy doesn’t know about pain.

They don’t fear death.

They’ve erased the word “end” from their vocabulary.

However, it’s not the same for allies.

Those who linger in death and entrust their existence to others must rely solely on the strength of that other person.

The spirits are pushed back. One by one, parts of their souls are severed. Adri doesn’t have viable numbers to spare.

However exceptional her skills, being a necromancer comes at a cost against a capable holy knight.

Thus, the dominoes have no choice but to fall.

Starting from the front, everything crumbles, eventually bringing a knife to the throat of the one at the end.

Visi, seeing this, closed her eyes tight, unable to think of dodging.

Death is approaching.

The end reveals its fangs to her.

The conclusion of her life is upon her.


A crystal clear sound.

The sweet scent grazes Visi’s nostrils.

A warm energy spreads through her skin.


Lucy Alrn deflected the knight’s blade, furrowing her brows as she glared at her foe.

“There really are just too much garbage in this world.”

Relieved at the lack of tension in Lucy’s voice, Visi sat down on the ground.

“A pathetic pervert, calling itself a God, huh?”

The hero who would save her had finally made an appearance.

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