Switch Mode

Chapter 663

Chapter: 663

When I mentioned the concept for this video, the key point I stressed was mystery.

Throw away all rational persuasion!

Just make them think there’s something there at a glance, and they’ll misunderstand on their own!

Especially since the fantasy folks are completely unprepared for this kind of video!

The luxurious chapel of the holy ground.

The divine aura held by Phoebe and me.

On top of that, with the blessing of the goddess, I felt satisfied seeing my reflection flowing out from the crystal ball and nodded to myself.

This should be good enough. Even if I upload this to a modern video site, my looks alone should create a buzz.

Sure, as long as I keep my mouth shut, it should be fine. The issue is I can’t seem to keep my mouth shut!

“This isn’t it!”

I glared at the perverted Apostle, who was mumbling like a madman while staring blankly at the shattered glass orbs.

Normally, he’d have reacted to my glare, but today he was too busy clutching his head and flitting about crazily.

“This won’t do. It doesn’t capture the beauty held by Young Lady at all! Damn it. I was indulging in self-praise without even thinking about the limits of recording techniques. I want to hang myself!”

Uh, I thought it was fine at least?

I mean, I don’t think it’s worth throwing a fit over breaking an orb…

“Prete. I believe breaking the recorded video of Young Lady has gone too far.”

Phoebe, who had a serious expression, probed with earnestness. Finally, the perverted Apostle stopped his rambling.

Though it didn’t mean he agreed with her.

The madness leaking from his eyes was still intense.

“It’s lax! Lax! Saintess! You cannot create the best work with such an attitude!”


“Saintess! This video isn’t just for the followers of the God! It’s a chance to show Young Lady Alrn’s true worth to countless people across the continent! Are you really trying to embarrass Young Lady with such a lazy mindset?!”

No, I’m perfectly fine with it!

I said I was satisfied with this!

Who would say anything bad about this video in the first place? No one but you would be throwing a tantrum after watching it, you brat!

“Maybe it… was lax.”

Phoebe? Why are you falling for this lunatic’s words?

What even makes his madness so plausible?

I really can’t wrap my head around it!?

“So what should we do then?”

“If it’s possible to modify the recording magic, that would be ideal.”

“Should we ask Lord Erginius?”

Why is the Fairy Queen joining in this conversation too?

You should be the one stopping this!

As the elder, my role is to soothe these madmen and make them stop acting insane!

“Is that possible?”

“He enjoys this kind of research. Oh! I just had an interesting thought.”

“Could you elaborate?”

“Now, let’s keep it a secret for the time being. But I can guarantee one thing: the best results will come out of this.”

You guys!

What about my opinion!

Where did the opinion of the person involved go!?

It’s so frustrating!?

Should I flip the table!?

Can someone make me aware of my situation!?

‘But the person involved is being ignored right now!?’

Having heard my grandfather’s explanation, I decided to let this rudeness slide this time.

It seemed too entertaining to get angry and flip the table over this story.


The next morning. Joy and Nevara arrived at the holy ground.

“Among the mages I know, you two and your master are the most outstanding. Please cooperate with the modification of the recording magic?”

Clearly, there are people who specialize in recording magic, but the intent of calling just those two is too obvious.

They probably want to stir up drama on purpose to produce fantastic results.

Even I realized how blatant that action was, and Joy and Nevara showed signs of discomfort, but their master was not present.

“The Mage God can just be sent back. He better bring the best results within a day.”

Erginius, who rose from Joy’s shadow, grumbled, annoyed at being regarded as equivalent to that old fart.

Then, a bird appeared next to Nevara and pointed at Erginius with its wing.

“Stop rambling! How dare a relic of the past buried underground for hundreds of years think to catch up with the civilization of recording magic! Allow me to handle this! Fairy Queen, why not go and have a date with that guy? That’s all he’s good for!”

“Oh. You think my head is hard?”

“Of course. And you’re quite arrogant too, thinking you can grasp the history that’s spanned centuries in just a few months.”

“Hahaha! That’s not arrogance, that’s confidence stemming from your incompetence.”

While the two divine beings battled for pride like elementary school kids, Joy and Nevara silently apologized for their master’s disgrace.

It was a pathetic sight where the roles of master and disciple seemed reversed, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

No one even asked to extend the deadline, knowing they’d be laughed at the moment they did, so they’d have to come up with something plausible by any means necessary.

“Chicken Queen. Is it alright to toy with that loser who’s stupidly fawning over you like that?”

“Of course. After all, Erginius will win.”

“And if he loses?”

“Well, I don’t think that will happen, but if it does, it would be nice to comfort the miserable Erginius afterwards.”

The Fairy Queen said such unfortunate things should never happen, yet her face betrayed excitement.

How did this symbol of purity end up like this?

As I looked at the Fairy Queen in disdain, the perverted Apostle returned to the guild.

Chanting that he would create the best work possible, there was an aura of an artist’s madness around him.

It wouldn’t be surprising if he ended up chopping off an ear or something in the process.

The situation with Phoebe wasn’t any different.

Having felt acutely that her mindset was lacking, she declared she would start a blessing ceremony with several priests to shoot the perfect video tomorrow.

Isn’t it a bit excessive to command the lower folks just to shoot a video as if fighting some evil?

But given the number of volunteers, maybe it wasn’t so unreasonable after all.

“Grandfather, wouldn’t it be better if this entire world just went to ruin?”

<…I really don’t know what to answer in moments like this.>


A few days after a meeting of Apostles from various religions, Zarakus, the apostle of authority, folded his arms as he stared at the two crystals on the table.

“Was this really what I was instructed to persuade the followers?”

“If you try using the crystals, you’ll see. Anyone who looks will surely feel awe.”

Kyle, the Apostle of the mines and protector of the mining city, smirked as he watched Zarakus fidgeting with his arms crossed.

“What’s bothering you so much?”

“It irks me that we have to resort to such tricks to make them believe in His Excellency’s nobility.”

Lucy doesn’t know, but Zarakus had seen her before.

When he went to the arena to see the Apostle of Destruction, he witnessed Lucy rising up and brandishing her weapon despite spitting up blood.

It was a situation where even the thought of winning was impossible, yet she stood fiercely, and he engraved that memory in his mind.

Thus, when he later heard that Lucy was the Apostle of the God, Zarakus had no doubts.

Someone with such tenacity who knows no despair could surely cause miracles.

“You also engaged in some nonsense to make them believe in His Excellency.”

“…I told you to forget that.”

Back then, the atmosphere among the apostles was far from pleasant.

They had all experienced clashes at least once, and many had fought countless battles over the long years.

In such a scenario, discussing the world’s crises would hardly foster harmony among the apostles.

Especially with Lucy Alrn, who carried a lot of bad rumors.

Zarakus believed persuading them would lead to futility, so he rose deliberately to provoke a fight.

He hoped to establish her authority by overpowering her.

Looking back, it was ridiculous. The Apostle of the God didn’t need such help at all.

“The Saintess prevented you from becoming a castrated man. How could you forget?”

“Do you want me to knock out a few of your teeth?”

“Hahaha. Sorry, but I’ll at least take a look. It’s bound to evoke admiration.”

Zarakus, unable to resist Kyle’s playful laughter, picked up one of the crystals.

“Oh, and later, they’ll ask which crystal was better between the two.”

“Is that really necessary?”

“Considering how earnestly the Fairy Queen requested it, there must be some significance.”

“Hmm. I see.”

As Zarakus slowly nodded and infused the crystal with magic, the scene of the dull cabin transformed into that of a sacred church.

Startled by the sudden change, Zarakus jumped up as a little girl appeared in the center of the church, kneeling and praying.

The sight of the small girl, praying towards the statue, left him incredulous that such a small shoulder could bear the weight of the world’s fate.

– Oh, Divine One.

The moment the voice flowed from the crystal, light began to pour down from the statue.

Amid petals of divinity scattered throughout the church, the girl rose to her feet.

With hair that fluttered in the gentle breeze like fire and eyes that stood out against her white attire.

Her fair but vibrant skin and tightly sealed lips made the girl before the statue look too ethereal and beautiful.

Even someone like Zarakus, who had faced off against Lucy Alrn, felt mesmerized.

“This is crazy. Anyone seeing this would surely be captivated.”

As he laughed in astonishment, Kyle shook his head.

“Not yet.”


“This is just the beginning.”


For some time after, Zarakus enjoyed watching the footage, only to let out a laugh as he returned to the scene of the cabin.

“Does the Apostle of the God wish for the whole continent to praise her?”

“That may be possible.”

Kyle didn’t deny it.

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not work with dark mode