Switch Mode

Chapter 661

Chapter: 661

As I felt the shocked and perplexed gazes upon me, memories from the past flooded my mind.

When I first entered the Academy, those kinds of stares would leave me flustered and unsure of what to do.

Now, though, seeing those bewildered expressions brings a slight joy bubbling up inside me.

Maybe there’s truly no turning back now.

But who cares? As long as I’m having fun, that’s what matters!

I headed to the central seat under those unwavering gazes directed at me.

Sitting on the central chair, a man who’d probably lost half his manhood from my kick entered the room, healed by Phoebe.

As soon as he saw me, he shouted, “Damn brat!” but, with a scornful look from me, he returned to his seat without a word.

Ughh… I want to mess with him.

I want to make him cry like a kid who dropped their candy because I stomped on their pride.

But that wouldn’t do. There’s no justification for it now.

While I regretted that thought, my grandfather spoke up.

“So how do you plan to fix this mess?”

“Do I really need to fix it?”
“Are you serious?”
“Anyway, I have to prove that I’m an Apostle of the God.”

In the end, what I must do is show the other Apostles that I am indeed an Apostle of the God.

Only then will everyone come to terms with the crisis in this world and cooperate with me.

Once everyone acknowledges that I am an Apostle of the God, I’ll naturally be in a position to lead them.

However, I can’t be anxious about each little problem like this one every time something happens.

So it’s better to stir things up first and then establish the hierarchy.

If I can make them think, “Ah, she’s just a crazy girl,” there’s no need to feel awkward, right?

“That makes sense.”

Even though I had just made that excuse up, it felt quite convincing.

Ahaha! I’ve found a justification to cause chaos at will!

“Wow ♡ All those gazes are so filthy ♡ Do you really want to see my inner self that badly? ♡”

As I fluttered my cloak, Phoebe, who had rushed to my side, urgently clasped my hand.

“Y-Young Lady! I don’t think that’s a good idea!”
“Why not? ♡ Do you want to monopolize me? ♡ The sloppy Saintess is surprisingly lewd, huh? ♡”
“…What!? I-I’m just worried about you, Young Lady!”

“Let’s stop the chit-chat.”

Before Phoebe could flail her fingers around anymore, the man sitting on my right interrupted.

I remembered this man’s face. He was the Apostle related to commerce or something.

Carrying the talisman he created increased the money drop rate, and it was useful during my labor!

“Our gods have spoken of you, but we still do not trust you. There has never been an Apostle of the God throughout history.”

“Why are you so angry? ♡ Is it because I overshadowed your accessory? ♡ Haha, how petty! ♡ I can’t believe a grown man would sulk over something like that! ♡”

Just for reference, the amulet that merchants carry was pilfered by an accessory made by the Art Guild.

They said its effects were better, but it probably wasn’t that big of a gap.

I guess it’s just that people prefer the cute girl depicted rather than something made by a smelly old man.

“I’m not upset over that…”
“You’re not at fault! ♡ What can you do with that look? ♡ Just look at that sly grin ♡ You look totally like a scammer ♡”

As laughter erupted from somewhere at the table, the merchant’s Apostle raised an eyebrow, turning his head away. Seeing shoulders shaking amid the coughs resonating throughout felt satisfying.

“Anyway, that jealous, pathetic man wants to confirm that I’m the Apostle of the Pathetic God, right?”


There are many ways to prove that I am indeed an Apostle, but the most intuitive is to perform deeds only the God can do.

Winking confidently, I began to weave the divine light above my palm.

Ever since that miracle was granted, a reward window hadn’t appeared, but aside from the blue window not showing up, my divinity has been steadily increasing.

As I took step after step to face the Evil God Agra, my growth came naturally.

Thanks to that, I could now perform miraculous feats that would’ve been hard to believe even as divine power.

I gathered the divine light spreading from my fingertips to create a magic circle.

I’m not well-versed in magic, but I can draw this without much difficulty.

This was the miracle we had showcased together when facing the Fire Evil God with my grandfather.

I stacked the divinity atop my tiny finger.

Dots formed into surfaces, surfaces into shapes, transforming warm light into the sun.

As I placed the completed sun in midair, miracles filled the room with warmth.

Those who just moments before had looked at me with subtle glances now shone with wonder in their eyes.

One person reaching for the warm light dropped their belongings, creating a commotion.

Another covered their mouth with their hand, alternating between glancing at me and the sun.

And yet another was so startled that they stumbled backward and fell!

Besides these people, others were no different.

Everyone gathered in this place looked at the sun and felt the blessings of the God.

As I felt that this was sufficient, I retracted the sun, and sighs echoed from all around.

You could tell just by this.

There wouldn’t be anyone here who would doubt me.

“Okay ♡ To the petty man ♡ If you have something to say, speak up ♡ I’ll be here, just to laugh at you while you blubber with that filthy voice ♡”

“I sincerely apologize for doubting you, Apostle.”

That reaction was troublesome. I had hoped he would deny reality and flail around more.

How boring.

I clicked my tongue and turned my gaze elsewhere, but none of them seemed to dislike my arrogant demeanor.

I had expected someone to pop out and say, “What have you done?”


While I pondered how to continue, the Perverted Apostle suddenly stood up.

“As I mentioned earlier, this person has been fighting alone against the Evil God so far.”

Had he prepped that line?

Wait a second. Does that mean the one who initially charged at me heard everything and still dared to come at me!?

That means he was just a perverted fool desperate for a beating!?

As I shivered from the revelation of this shocking truth, the Perverted Apostle continued speaking.

“However, now we need your help. The calamity lurking across the continent cannot be handled by one person.”

And at the end of his statement, Phoebe chimed in.

“First and foremost, on behalf of the many misdeeds committed by our church, we apologize. And we make a vow: that our church shall always stand on the frontline until this crisis has passed.”

Phoebe shouted defiantly and took a deep breath, looking around at everyone.

“So everyone, let’s forget the past animosities just this once and join hands together. Not for us, but for the future we will live on. To boldly announce to the horde of Evil Gods screaming that the world is filled with evil that they are wrong.”

Her words came out in a tearful voice, and the Apostles exchanged glances.

In that glance, hostility toward one another flickered.

Just as Erginius stated, the divide caused by emotions between religions ran too deep.

It was unimaginably hard to think it could change overnight.

“I’m tired of watching, so I’ll add my thoughts.”

From a corner, Ganshu, who had been resting his chin on his hand, slowly spoke.

“None of the discussions held here are false.”

Under the commanding presence of someone with the name of a God, everyone’s gaze naturally converged.

“How do you believe that? Don’t believe it. It doesn’t matter if you don’t. Just don’t regret it when everything collapses. Documenting your lament may turn your stomach.”
– Scholars.

Finally, the Fairy Queen, standing at the center of the table, let her presence be known.

With her hands clasped in prayer, she looked as grand as the legendary figures guiding heroes.

– Your names shall be etched into history. Just like the dignified warrior. Just like the noble knight. Just like the sublime holy knight. Just like the brilliant mage. Even if your bodies fade, your names will last forever.

At that moment, a faint thrill emerged from the Apostles, and from her that queenly presence, flowers blossomed, and beyond that, her true self descended.


Having drawn everyone’s attention, she clenched her fist and shouted.

“Write your epic tales!”

A passionate exhale filled the space.

“Make it so that no one forgets you!”

The fervent gazes turned toward us.

“Let all speak of your stories!”

The hopeful hearts for a radiant future surged.

“Scholars! Save this world!”

From everyone arose cheers. Amidst the heightened voices, the Fairy Queen winked at me.

Her lips moved as if she wanted to convey something.

‘Am I a clumsy fox?’

‘I wish I could, but…’

The moment I spouted compliments, I wouldn’t know how they’d get twisted by the Mesugaki skill.

Shrugging my shoulders, I shot a playful smile at the queen, and she slightly raised her eyebrows before breaking into a smile.

Is this enough? You’re really an easy woman to please?

As those idle thoughts crossed my mind, I stretched and leaned against Phoebe, closing my eyes.

The persuasion of the Apostles was finished, and I just needed to give them a reason to be convinced on the church’s side.

“Lady Alrn! An incredible idea struck me after seeing the miracle you just performed!”

I felt chills from the ecstatic, gasping look of the Perverted Apostle, but I forced myself to act nonchalant and nodded.

“A video! Yes, a video! We’ll record your holy appearance in Kerta’s Crystal and spread it around! Anyone who sees it will have no choice but to praise you!”
“Oh my. That sounds like an awesome idea! Lady Frete!”
“Exactly, Saintess! It pains me that I haven’t thought of this until now!”

A video, huh.

Wait, this actually seems like it could be used in a fairly normal way than expected, huh?

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not work with dark mode