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Chapter 659

Chapter: 659

“Was all this really necessary?”

When Erginius asked that and I turned my head, there was Neveira, completely out of it, or rather, the god of magic occupying her body.

I had only unlocked half of the black history provided by Ganshu, and yet she looked like that. If I recited even the real detailed ones, we might as well both drop dead.

Should I give it a try? As a playful grin appeared, Ganshu quickly covered my mouth.

“Knock it off. What if that guy loses his mind if you keep babbling?”


“From the start! I didn’t provide information for you to fulfill your personal desires! If you bear a mission, it should be appropriate… Gah!?”

I smacked Ganshu in the gut to pull his hand away, and then I immediately used purification magic on my mouth and took out a cloth to wipe it.

“Is that my problem? You all need to deal with it. You’re just a bunch of useless beings with lofty titles. Someone has to clean up your mess, right?”

After all, he couldn’t touch me, and if he was going to take it out on someone, it’d be Ganshu, making it none of my concern.

This is what they call irresponsible pleasure.

Hehehe. Thinking like this just makes me want to do it more.

Let’s see. This is definitely the stuff the god of magic did after being defeated by Erginius.

“Do you have some personal grudge against that old coot?”

As I was chuckling while flipping through my notebook, Erginius looked annoyed and asked me.

“No? That idiot and I haven’t even met before?”

“Then why go this far?”

“That’s a weird way of phrasing it. If you say it like that, I sound like a bad person.”

Narrowing my eyes, I pressed the issue, but of course, Erginius and everyone else around avoided my gaze.

Hmm. Was that too ugly to look at?

It’s true that the story of trying to become popular among gods by creating cosmetic magic, only to fail miserably due to poor art skills, was a bit harsh.

“This is why those ignorant ones are pathetic.”

Shaking my head, I crossed my arms and raised my voice with confidence.

“There’s always a reason. You fools.”

Summoning the representative gods and making them submit one by one isn’t all that hard.

With the black histories Ganshu shared plus my Mesugaki skill for some cheeky poking, gods are no match for me.

That said, it isn’t easy to crush them under godly authority either because I’m a proxy of the main god.

What are they going to do to me, who bears the role of saving the world from the evil god?

If they’re annoyed, they should take it up with that pathetic god who granted me this authority.

But getting to each and every one for a talk will take too much time.

Simply put, it’s a hassle.

So, what’s this incredible thought I came up with after some contemplation!

I’ll make them do what I want!

While playing and tormenting the more dignified gods among the representatives… Ahem! Persuading them, won’t there be others watching and naturally coming to bow down too?

If they see even greater gods being humiliated, how can they keep their pride intact?

They’ll have to cave in if they don’t want to experience the same humiliation.

So, to put it bluntly, the reason I just teased the perverted crow and am now teasing the god of magic is entirely due to my strategy!

There are no personal feelings involved!

“If you’re going to say that, maybe fix that grinning face of yours. Do you really think you’re fooling anyone?”
“I swear, it’s not my will! It’s the curse’s fault!”

“You’ve been free from expressions for ages, haven’t you?”

Tch! This is why those quick-witted old folks!

Anyway, I have justification!

And I’ve been granted the power to act according to that justification!

Now, no one can stop me!

Now! Come quietly and be my plaything! You useless gods!

For now, I feel like the god of magic might explode if I poke him further, so let’s stop here.

The next closest god should be…

Oh, right. The martial arts god was approaching Frey, wasn’t he?

I walked over to Frey, who was dozing off in a corner, and grabbed her cheeks, instantly waking her up as she lunged at my nose with her forehead.

Startled by the sudden ambush, I stepped back, and Frey blinked in surprise, looking around.

“…Huh? Wasn’t I just fighting?”

“You can’t even distinguish between dreams and reality? Your intelligence must be at beast level. Foolish swordsman.”

“It was a dream? Darn it. I was having a fierce battle with Lucy.”

What do you think I am to be trying to take you down even in your dreams?

Just looking at you with those eyes won’t get you a spar! I genuinely feel like my life would be at risk if I fought you!

I’ll be a proud idiot who wins in the end regardless of how filthy it may get! To change the subject, I asked Frey if she had a good talk with the martial arts god, but she tilted her head.

“You mean that strange blue one?”

“Is there anything else?”

“Hm. I just ignored it since they kept saying weird stuff.”

Her remark on me blurting out about swords when she didn’t know anything made me intuitively sympathize with the martial arts god.

A god of martial arts, esteemed anywhere in this world, and yet a great god like that is being disrespected by this brat. It’s not entirely sympathy, though—it’s a self-inflicted disaster.

Anyway, it seems impossible to summon the martial arts god through Frey.

So what do I do now? While I was pondering, I approached Ganshu and asked him to relay some words to the martial arts god.

I don’t know if it’ll work, but there’s no harm in trying.

“The response has come back. If you do as mentioned, he is willing not only to cooperate with your plan but will also do his utmost to persuade others.”

Really? He’d come around just for something like this?

I guess Frey must’ve been really disrespectful towards him.

Suppressing the bittersweet emotions that kept swelling, I approached Frey and crossed my arms.

“Hey. Foolish swordsman. Isn’t it just you being so dumb you didn’t understand? Sounds plausible to me.”


“Why do you keep trying to think needlessly? Nothing sensible could come from that thick skull of yours.”

Frey frowned, but instead of outright denying it, she raised her sword.

That’s a sign she thinks things could be a lot worse, but I’d know if I just watched.

Frey’s stance shifts.

It’s much lower and more stable than what she usually uses.

It seemed oddly out of place for someone like Frey, but as she swung her sword forward, my thought changed.

The sound of the sword slicing through the air follows.

The shockwave made my head sway.

“Oh. It’s real. As expected of Lucy. Impressive.”

If she’s calling that impressive, I can’t help but wonder if the martial arts god is clutching the back of his neck and should be falling over!

– Ding!

Look, a response comes immediately!

[The martial arts god is moved by your actions.]
[Acquired skill [Reflex Enhancement]!]
[The martial arts god promises you active cooperation!]

…Huh? Oh. Um.

Is the martial arts god a massive sucker or what?


As the Pope watched the shattered fragments of the devastated island, even though he had grabbed the pieces of the evil god that he longed for, he couldn’t smile brightly.

It was long ago, but the might of those beings still remained vivid.

In a place filled with despair, they could still grasp onto hope, embodying what it truly meant to be a hero.

If it hadn’t been for them, even the main god would have struggled to achieve victory while shouldering the burdens of the vermins.

Remembering that miracle I saw back then, I felt something strange in this current situation.

It was clear that they weren’t going all out. I couldn’t see the miracles bursting forth from the harshness today.

Why? Were they worried that this island would be erased from the world? Or had they simply lost their will over the long passage of time?

No. That can’t be it.

Heroes are the ones who wouldn’t bend even if they were erased from this world.

They are those who would willingly face sacrifices for something they must achieve.

The reason such heroes would retreat easily could only be one.

“The main god has allowed me to take this.”

He wouldn’t cheer for me taking this action, so this must be the great main god’s confidence.

Whether he believes I can achieve nothing by taking this or thinks his proxy can surely stop me.

“I thought I worked hard, but it seems I still fall short.”

Dusting himself off, the Pope stood up, preparing to use his powers to return to the mansion.

However, at that moment, he felt a sense of unease.

Normally, as he misused the powers of the evil god, the powers of the gods should have been mighty, making it gradually difficult to handle, yet curiously enough, he found no difficulty in maneuvering his powers.

What in the world is happening?

Furrowing his brows, and as he embraced the powers of Agra, the Pope realized for some reason the holy gods were scattering their powers everywhere.

He had thought they would either welcome the advent of the age of mythology or flee in fear, but why were they scattering their presence?

Who endowed them with such bravery?

Ah. What a foolish concern this was.

In this land, there is only one being with the nobility of the main god.

Offering a light laugh and gathering his hands, the Pope prayed towards the great main god and that god’s proxy.

And then he reaffirmed his resolve.

He would become the greatest and worst trial, wagering everything he has built up.


Listening to the voices of people coming from beyond the door, I broke into a cold sweat.

I thought it would be fine to subjugate the gods and force them to follow my opinions.

But after that, it’s up to you guys to handle it!

Why do I have to be their representative!

A group of Mesugakis with faces! Just imagining it is horrifying!

Should I bail now? Just dump everything on Phoebe and go do my own thing?

“Alright, Young Lady. Let’s go.”

Seeing Phoebe’s bright smile, I returned her awkward grin.

At the very least, my translator!

No. I mean, even if it’s a grumpy, unmarried lady with a dirty personality, at least stick by my side! Please!

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not work with dark mode