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Chapter 654

Chapter: 654

From the moment the Age of Myth came to an end, there has been one unsolvable dilemma among wizards.

Starting from nameless magicians sitting on the street to the great wizards seated in their magical towers, everyone fiercely debates this heated topic.

“Who’s greater—the God of Magic or the Great Mage Erginius?”

The crux of the discussion begins with mentions of the time during the Mythological Age when Great Mage Erginius uncovered secrets even the God of Magic didn’t know.

Since various individuals, including Holy Knight Ruel, documented these facts in books, the possibility of this claim being false is virtually nonexistent.

Thus, most wizards supporting Erginius proclaim that the arrogance of the gods crumbled before humanity, asserting his superiority.

Conversely, those who argue in favor of the God of Magic emphasize the hundreds of years that have passed since that time.

It’s true that the God of Magic was impressed by Erginius’s wisdom, but that was merely a long time ago.

The God of Magic has since confirmed the extent of His powers and has reached an even higher realm, making it undeniable that He is the more formidable mage.

While there are various nuances in the opinions of those supporting the God of Magic, their main argument typically revolves around this point.

And the one who is as close to being their representative is none other than Nebera—the Apostle of Magic and the Great Mage of the Empire.

“If you’ve fought against the God of Darkness, you’d understand. The very concept of a god is selected. The God of Magic earned the right to embody magic through that very concept. How could a superior mage exist in this world who could outshine him?”

Upon hearing Frey’s question, Nebera’s veins popped as she spent dozens of minutes arguing that the God of Magic is indeed greater.

How many times had she been attacked concerning Erginius that made her flare up so much at the very mention of his name?

Nebera’s fierce voice sounded as if she would kill anyone who dared to contradict her, so we remained silent and obediently listened to her demands.


Frey, are you seriously napping right now? If you start something, you need to see it through! Why drop a bomb and just sneak out?

“Do you understand!?”

“Yes, Nebera! No one would dare to deny the wise and merciful God of Magic!”

As Phoebe gently chimed in from the front, Nebera cracked a slight smile and cleared her throat.

“In truth, there’s no point in discussing this any further. Soon, everything will become clear. Hehe. Who would’ve thought Erginius would reappear? Lucky us.”

Her attitude, which displayed no hint of doubt regarding defeat and seemed to assume victory as a given, was downright infuriating, but I forced myself to keep quiet.

If I touched that, I’d have to endure another boring monologue for several more minutes. It’s much better to endure a little of her blabber than to listen to her rant endlessly…

“Do you think you can defeat Erginius!?”

…Joy? Why bring that up now after holding your tongue this whole time!?

Doesn’t that just add Nebera’s nonsense to the mix? We were finally seeing signs of the end!

“I don’t believe I can beat him with sheer strength. It’s just a different caliber of being. However, in terms of magical knowledge, it’s different. Having learned directly from the God of Magic, I could certainly repay the humiliation.”

“Isn’t that a fine gem of a teacher who’s just been biding time to get his revenge while the world’s gone mad? Truly admirable.”

“Ha. And who is your master, then? Surely someone extraordinary to challenge the God of Magic.”

“Yes, indeed. To my glorious surprise, I’m blessed to serve the one and only Erginius.”


“Oh my, you were unaware of that? I see you’ve been too absorbed in your research to pay attention to the outside world.”

Joy, pulling out a fan and opening it with flair, looked down at Nebera with glinting eyes.

“I guess otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to act so pompously in this ridiculous getup.”

Villainess alert! A perfect display of villainy!

How long has it been since I’ve seen this side of Joy!?

I’ve been such a dimwit for so long that I can hardly remember!

“The Young Lady of the Partran family. Looks like you’re quite the rising star in high society.”

…Huh? Why the sudden praise? It feels like a backhanded compliment, but what does it mean?

[Calling someone promising usually implies they don’t know much because they’re young. Mentioning high society is a jab to get a glimpse of the outside world.]

A nasty noble-like argument! That’s something I could never pull off!

“I’m delighted to receive compliments from one who has long committed to magic.”

[It’s laughable that a woman who’s still single at her age has so buried herself in magic.]

“It’s a long and winding road in the world of magic. Even now, I see no end in sight.”

[Look at this clueless child with no idea how foolish she is.]

“Hoho. Coming from an Apostle of Magic, those words carry weight.”

[Are you bragging about all that time wasted?]

Both of them shot pointed remarks at each other as their veins throbbed.

Whoa! Ladies’ catfights are scary! Phoebe! Get in between these two before it escalates to knife fights!

Noticing my desperate gaze, Phoebe intervened with a gentle smile.


“…My apologies, Saintess.”

“I’m sorry, Phoebe. This is all tied to my master.”

Phoebe, who halted the noisy bickering in one line, told both of them to wait before coming over to me.

“Looks like the sermons might drag on. Would you like to step outside for a bit?”

“Sure. That boring talk can get tedious.”


Just as I was about to escape before the sermon began, Phoebe grabbed me.

“What? What’s this? I haven’t done anything to deserve a lecture!”

“Lady Kent stays.”


“Pretending to be asleep won’t help.”

“I don’t wanna. The Saintess is no fun.”

“Lady Kent.”

The moment I saw Phoebe’s smile stiffen, I forcefully peeled Frey off and bolted out of the room.

A moment of chaos erupted among those planning to break out from within, but that passed just as quickly.

I stared blankly at the silent door, wondering what sin I had committed, then turned away.

I’m sorry, Arthur! Isn’t it more important that I survive!?

The fact that my friends gathered here means Karía and others must be close too.

I need to meet Karía and see how things are progressing; I have to prepare for the incoming storm.

Once I stepped outside the church, I looked up in shock at the early darkness.

It wasn’t night yet. Just a giant person blocking out the sun.

“Hey, Papa. What’s going on?”

I called out to Benedict, who lingered nervously at the door, causing him to shuffle back.

Weird? Normally, he’d be hugging me with both arms and weeping like a mess.

“My daughter, are you hurt anywhere?”

“It was a fabulous reception, just almost threw up thanks to some pedal jerk, but other than that, I’m fine.”

“…I’m sorry.”

Oh great. Is that the same old song again?

I told you last time; I’m fine on my own.

This time was no different; the Pope’s interference was something no one expected.

I never thought he’d recklessly unleash the powers of the evil god right before us.

Everyone’s frozen because of an unexpected incident.

And despite being in the worst possible situation, it was me who stayed calm and followed my opponent.

That was my choice. There’s no reason for you to feel guilty.


Benedict stammered, and I hit him with some force on the gut.

I expected him to respond without a word, but he gasped and stepped back.


“Stop talking nonsense. If you’re going to act like a fool, just go away. I don’t need a pathetic loser like you.”

“I… I was just…”

“Are you seriously going to keep acting like a loser?”

I shouted with a furrowed brow, causing Benedict to awkwardly smile before he cautiously hugged me.

“I’ll strive to be a splendid father next time.”

“Pfft. You admit you’ve been terrible until now?”

“We have to face what was, what choice do I have?”

Swallowing his words, as he moved back, I noticed Karia’s proud smile and a goofy fox trying to break free from its leash to reach me.

“Let me go! Being treated like a pet by a lady like you is worse than death!”

“This damn girl… Ahem. Long time no see, employer! You seem to be doing well.”

The longing in the fox’s eyes was poignant, but I ignored it.

Being treated like a pet by someone I don’t even like is the ultimate humiliation, right?

Ah, that’s the sweetest thing!

Maybe next time, I should suggest taking a walk with Karl.

“Lucy! Don’t abandon me!”

“While the employer’s away, I’ve gathered all I could to prepare for any movement.”

“Well done. Why can’t you apply such logic to dating? Why are you still unmarried? Ah! I forgot! You haven’t dated, right?! Sorry!”

“It’s not that I can’t; it’s that I choose not to.”

“Really? There’s a guy who likes a weirdo like you? Who is this insane fellow?”

“…Why is everything you say so genuine?”

Oh no. I’ve been seen through.

As I stuck my tongue out at Karia, she clenched her fists in agitation.

If I poke her further, she might explode for real, so that’s where I stop.


Startled by the booming noise from above, I looked up to see part of a building wall flying away.

“Alright, kid! Let me teach you about boundaries!”

“Considering your age, are you really okay getting heated like this, lady?”

Phoebe’s mediation… failed?!

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