Switch Mode

Chapter 650

Chapter: 650

It makes sense that I’m only seeing people like those apostates from the Art Guild.

In truth, being an apostle of the gods isn’t something you can just run into.

They’re set higher in rank than the heads of any average religious organization.

Except for a select few who have permission, you can never meet them.

The same goes for the Apostle of Magic.

Aside from her oddly high-maintenance appearance that doesn’t quite fit her stature and her bizarrely brief appearance time—no more than ten minutes—she’s someone you can’t meet through ordinary means.

You either need to request an official meeting, crash through the entrance like a wrecking ball, sneak in, or end up gawking at a cold corpse.

For reference, I had secretly planned to kidnap her when the situation turned chaotic and leap into a dungeon.

She’d likely be front and center, so I’d ambush her from behind, scoop her up, and dive straight into the dungeon.

Even now, that core plan hasn’t changed. But with Carl and Erin around, I’ve got a chance to throw a word or two at the Apostle of Magic.

After all, in the end, it’s still going to be a kidnapping, but at least I can prepare myself mentally for it.

“Nia. I’m counting on you.”

– Got it! Leave it to me!

Upon Carl’s request, the fairy took to the skies, flitting around the square and drawing in attention.

At first, people were a bit taken aback, but when the fairy approached a few kids, offering them her playful antics with a smile, they quickly realized she was straight out of a fairytale.

As the growing interest seemed to please her, the fairy flitted around for a while before she reluctantly returned when Carl called her.

– I wanted to play a bit longer, though.

“Haha, we’ve just begun!”

– Is that so?

As Carl grinned and pulled out a wooden sword, the fairy perched herself on top of his head with a big smile.

Erin utilized the aesthetic sense she picked up from the crow to manifest a graceful sword dance, with the fairy bouncing around, adding her own flair.

The enchanting scene crafted by one knight and one fairy showered the plaza, which had only human-made structures, with the fragrance of flowers.

[There they are.]

While watching their dance along with other spectators, I slipped quietly into the crowd at Grandpa’s words.

And then, between a bunch of mages, I snatched the wrist of a woman whose eyes gleamed with excitement.

She flinched, shaking her lavender hair as she turned her head away.

“Hey kid. I—”

As soon as her gaze met mine, she slightly lifted her hood to reveal my face.

“…You’re that girl from the Art Guild?”

Sharp-eyed, I see. Noticing me right away is quite impressive. My looks are so unique there’s no way to confuse me, huh?

“Hello there, loser’s minion.”


“Don’t you see what’s happening right at your feet? You look like a floating log—what’s clouding your vision?”

I chuckled, mocking her as I glanced at her chest and backside, making the Apostle of Magic raise her head and reach out.

Slow response, huh? Sitting in a chair and simply studying—this is what happens.

Why did that Magic God have to choose this lazy woman instead of our Joy?

Easily dodging the Apostle’s hand, I stuck my tongue out at her and hid myself away in the crowd.


The Apostle of Magic, revered next only to the Emperor in the Mage Empire, Nebera, gritted her teeth as she recalled the girl she met over lunch just hours ago.

She recognized who that child was.

The beautiful girl constantly depicted in the Art Guild’s accessories.

She was so enchanting that it became accepted belief that the Apostle had drawn her after the goddess.

Though Nebera initially wondered if she had been bewitched, the girl’s one sentence shattered the entire mystery.

“Hello there, loser’s minion.”


Nebera quickly realized the meaning behind this word.

Even though she once held the status of the God of Magic in the age of myth, it was a derogatory term aimed at her—one that mocked her defeat by the great mage Erginius.

There was no way she could not know.

Since the moment the Fairy Forest was restored and that past existence, Erginius, became the God of Darkness, it had been said that the time had come for the God of Magic to exact revenge.

As a mage and a devout believer of the God of Magic, Nebera wished to restore her god’s authority.

She didn’t want anyone saying she was lesser than Erginius again.

Nebera, who considered herself a faithful worshiper, would have gone to Erginius herself and announced, “I will repay the humiliation of the past,” even if the God of Magic did not desire revenge.

For that very reason, she couldn’t forget the word “loser,” which had rolled off the girl’s lips like a melody from a music box.

Yet, separate from the raging fury in her head, Nebera felt a sense of disquiet regarding the recent event.

What was that little brat doing coming to insult her?

Based on the situation, there seemed to be a knight handling the fairy and a woman favored by the goddess—a team that seemed to be assembled. But did they simply call her out to throw a petty insult?

That’s just too inefficient.

‘Why don’t you know what’s going on at your feet?’

It must have meant this city.

Was she really questioning whether she didn’t know what was happening here?

Nebera, who normally wouldn’t have thought so, shook her head and rose from her seat.

“Secretary! Gather everyone at the church and bring them here immediately. I need to confirm something!”

Despite her overbearing command, her secretary merely bowed his head without another word.

“Oh, wait a moment. Before I leave, let me ask you one thing.”

“What is it?”

“…Do I really look like a floating log?”

After a moment’s hesitation, the secretary struggled to answer, opening and closing his mouth without a sound.

“Er… Apostle?”

“No, that was nonsense. Just hurry and gather everyone else. Forget I asked that!”

“Apostle, you are more than attractive.”

“Shut up and move quickly! Now!”

Nebera ordered the personnel of the church to scout the city for any strange occurrences, telling them to report back if they found anything amiss.

Though those knowledgeable about various protective magics in the city wondered what Nebera was worried about, she stifled all those opinions with her authority.

After a short while, the other mages realized Nebera’s concerns had been correct.

A dangerous aura lurked beneath the city.

The mages, startled by the presence of a power that hadn’t existed mere days ago, analyzed it while simultaneously praising Nebera’s foresight, but the expression on Nebera’s face crumpled.

How did that brat notice something that even someone like me didn’t, who was deeply involved in the city’s affairs?

…Looking back, there was a rumor about that girl depicted in the guild’s artwork.

She was drawn on the Art Guild’s accessories, yet she was not a goddess but a holy knight who served a great god.

What was her name again… Lucy Alrn, wasn’t it?

Daughter of Benedict Alrn.

A troublemaker who had generated countless horrifying rumors.

They said she’d recently improved after being inspired by the Saintess.

If that girl deliberately sent me a message, could it be considered the will of the great god conveyed through the Saintess?

Tch. Ugh, much as I hate to admit it, I should be thankful. If it weren’t for that girl, we would have been caught completely unprepared by the owner of that aura.

Of course, separate from this, I will make her pay for calling the God of Magic a loser.

If I don’t set things right, my god would experience humiliation again.

“The dungeon is about to appear. Given the total amount of energy, the dungeon’s difficulty is…”

“At least A-class. It seems we won’t be able to manage on our own.”

“Request support from the Imperial Knights. And the nearby nobles, too. They like to dawdle, so we need to withstand the situation with the local forces for the next two days. And how about contacting the church?”

“Support seems difficult. I’ve heard that the current church situation is in chaos.”

“It’s rumored that the Pope has succumbed to the temptations of the Evil God Agra.”

“Indeed. It’s hard to believe.”

“That may be the case for others, but if the Saintess said it, it must be true. She wouldn’t lie to harm another.”

If seeking help from the church is difficult, I’d have to reach out elsewhere.

First and foremost, I need to hold out against the monsters within the dungeon until the Imperial Knights arrive.

No matter what, I must prevent any rampage from breaking out.

Once the monsters begin to spill out across the city…

Nebera clenched her fists, recalling distant memories of a town engulfed by monsters from the past.

Oh, benevolent God of Magic, grant me courage and wisdom.

The day after spending a night anticipating calamity, the square that had been dancing under a fairy’s flight faded away, revealing a massive gaping hole that seemed to stretch endlessly.

“How long do you think it’ll be until the dungeon reveals itself?”

“Based on previous experience, half a day should suffice.”

“Half a day? That’s much too fast.”

“We’ll need to organize the personnel entering the dungeon right away. We should start by gathering those for exploration.”

Nebera momentarily bit her tongue and tried to maintain a calm demeanor.

“Looks like they’re heading to meet their end.”

“It should be a glorious death.”

Nebera swallowed her words of wanting to lead from the front as she pondered what to promise those assigned for exploration.


It was at that moment. The laughter of a girl rang out from next to the hole.

Turning at the chirping voice, Nebera spotted a girl with red hair, who had removed her hood and was stepping forward as if following the love of the earth.


Instinctively bolting towards her, Nebera grabbed the girl’s hand and prepared to use magic to lift them both.

But the magic didn’t activate.

Something was blocking her power—something she didn’t know.

“I’ve got you.”

Amidst the shouts of several people from behind, Nebera met the mischievous grin of the girl.

“…Who are you?”

“I’m a cute girl who really really loves that pathetic God!”

To her surprise, she felt a warm divinity emanating beyond the girl’s laughter.

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not work with dark mode